/* * "$Id: p3ChatService.cc,v 1.24 2007-05-05 16:10:06 rmf24 Exp $" * * Other Bits for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2006 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/radix64.h" #include "util/rsaes.h" #include "util/rsrandom.h" #include "util/rsstring.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" #include "retroshare/rspeers.h" #include "retroshare/rsstatus.h" #include "pqi/pqibin.h" #include "pqi/pqistore.h" #include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h" #include "pqi/p3historymgr.h" #include "rsserver/p3face.h" #include "services/p3idservice.h" #include "chat/p3chatservice.h" #include "serialiser/rsconfigitems.h" /**** * #define CHAT_DEBUG 1 ****/ static const uint32_t MAX_MESSAGE_SECURITY_SIZE = 6000 ; // Max message size to forward other friends static const uint32_t MAX_AVATAR_JPEG_SIZE = 32767; // Maximum size in bytes for an avatar. Too large packets // don't transfer correctly and can kill the system. // Images are 96x96, which makes approx. 27000 bytes uncompressed. p3ChatService::p3ChatService(p3ServiceControl *sc,p3IdService *pids, p3LinkMgr *lm, p3HistoryMgr *historyMgr) : DistributedChatService(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,sc,historyMgr,pids), mChatMtx("p3ChatService"),mServiceCtrl(sc), mLinkMgr(lm) , mHistoryMgr(historyMgr) { _serializer = new RsChatSerialiser() ; _own_avatar = NULL ; _custom_status_string = "" ; addSerialType(_serializer) ; } const std::string CHAT_APP_NAME = "chat"; const uint16_t CHAT_APP_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t CHAT_APP_MINOR_VERSION = 0; const uint16_t CHAT_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t CHAT_MIN_MINOR_VERSION = 0; RsServiceInfo p3ChatService::getServiceInfo() { return RsServiceInfo(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_CHAT, CHAT_APP_NAME, CHAT_APP_MAJOR_VERSION, CHAT_APP_MINOR_VERSION, CHAT_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION, CHAT_MIN_MINOR_VERSION); } int p3ChatService::tick() { if(receivedItems()) receiveChatQueue(); DistributedChatService::flush() ; //DistantChatService::flush() ; return 0; } /***************** Chat Stuff **********************/ void p3ChatService::sendPublicChat(const std::string &msg) { /* go through all the peers */ std::set ids; std::set::iterator it; mServiceCtrl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType, ids); /* add in own id -> so get reflection */ RsPeerId ownId = mServiceCtrl->getOwnId(); ids.insert(ownId); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChat()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif for(it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { RsChatMsgItem *ci = new RsChatMsgItem(); ci->PeerId(*it); ci->chatFlags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_PUBLIC; ci->sendTime = time(NULL); ci->recvTime = ci->sendTime; ci->message = msg; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChat() Item:"; std::cerr << std::endl; ci->print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (*it == ownId) { //mHistoryMgr->addMessage(false, RsPeerId(), ownId, ci); ChatMessage message; initChatMessage(ci, message); message.incoming = false; message.online = true; RsServer::notify()->notifyChatMessage(message); mHistoryMgr->addMessage(message); } else checkSizeAndSendMessage(ci); } } class p3ChatService::AvatarInfo { public: AvatarInfo() { _image_size = 0 ; _image_data = NULL ; _peer_is_new = false ; // true when the peer has a new avatar _own_is_new = false ; // true when I myself a new avatar to send to this peer. } ~AvatarInfo() { delete[] _image_data ; _image_data = NULL ; _image_size = 0 ; } AvatarInfo(const AvatarInfo& ai) { init(ai._image_data,ai._image_size) ; } void init(const unsigned char *jpeg_data,int size) { _image_size = size ; _image_data = new unsigned char[size] ; memcpy(_image_data,jpeg_data,size) ; } AvatarInfo(const unsigned char *jpeg_data,int size) { init(jpeg_data,size) ; } void toUnsignedChar(unsigned char *& data,uint32_t& size) const { data = new unsigned char[_image_size] ; size = _image_size ; memcpy(data,_image_data,size*sizeof(unsigned char)) ; } uint32_t _image_size ; unsigned char *_image_data ; int _peer_is_new ; // true when the peer has a new avatar int _own_is_new ; // true when I myself a new avatar to send to this peer. }; void p3ChatService::sendGroupChatStatusString(const std::string& status_string) { std::set ids; mServiceCtrl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType, ids); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChat(): sending group chat status string: " << status_string << std::endl ; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif for(std::set::iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { RsChatStatusItem *cs = new RsChatStatusItem ; cs->status_string = status_string ; cs->flags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_PUBLIC ; cs->PeerId(*it); sendItem(cs); } } void p3ChatService::sendStatusString(const ChatId& id , const std::string& status_string) { if(id.isLobbyId()) sendLobbyStatusString(id.toLobbyId(),status_string) ; else if(id.isBroadcast()) sendGroupChatStatusString(status_string); else if(id.isPeerId() || id.isDistantChatId()) { RsChatStatusItem *cs = new RsChatStatusItem ; cs->status_string = status_string ; cs->flags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE ; RsPeerId vpid; if(id.isDistantChatId()) vpid = RsPeerId(id.toDistantChatId()); else vpid = id.toPeerId(); cs->PeerId(vpid); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "sending chat status packet:" << std::endl ; cs->print(std::cerr) ; #endif sendChatItem(cs); } else { std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendStatusString() Error: chat id of this type is not handled, is it empty?" << std::endl; return; } } void p3ChatService::clearChatLobby(const ChatId& id) { RsServer::notify()->notifyChatCleared(id); } void p3ChatService::sendChatItem(RsChatItem *item) { if(DistantChatService::handleOutgoingItem(item)) return ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChatItem(): sending to " << item->PeerId() << ": interpreted as friend peer id." << std::endl; #endif sendItem(item) ; } void p3ChatService::checkSizeAndSendMessage(RsChatMsgItem *msg) { // We check the message item, and possibly split it into multiple messages, if the message is too big. static const uint32_t MAX_STRING_SIZE = 15000 ; while(msg->message.size() > MAX_STRING_SIZE) { // chop off the first 15000 wchars RsChatMsgItem *item = new RsChatMsgItem(*msg) ; item->message = item->message.substr(0,MAX_STRING_SIZE) ; msg->message = msg->message.substr(MAX_STRING_SIZE,msg->message.size()-MAX_STRING_SIZE) ; // Clear out any one time flags that should not be copied into multiple objects. This is // a precaution, in case the receivign peer does not yet handle split messages transparently. // item->chatFlags &= (RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE | RS_CHAT_FLAG_PUBLIC | RS_CHAT_FLAG_LOBBY) ; // Indicate that the message is to be continued. // item->chatFlags |= RS_CHAT_FLAG_PARTIAL_MESSAGE ; sendChatItem(item) ; } sendChatItem(msg) ; } bool p3ChatService::isOnline(const RsPeerId& pid) { // check if the id is a tunnel id or a peer id. DistantChatPeerInfo dcpinfo; if(getDistantChatStatus(DistantChatPeerId(pid),dcpinfo)) return dcpinfo.status == RS_DISTANT_CHAT_STATUS_CAN_TALK ; else return mServiceCtrl->isPeerConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType, pid); } bool p3ChatService::sendChat(ChatId destination, std::string msg) { if(destination.isLobbyId()) return DistributedChatService::sendLobbyChat(destination.toLobbyId(), msg); else if(destination.isBroadcast()) { sendPublicChat(msg); return true; } else if(destination.isPeerId()==false && destination.isDistantChatId()==false) { std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChat() Error: chat id type not handled. Is it empty?" << std::endl; return false; } // destination is peer or distant #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChat()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsPeerId vpid; if(destination.isDistantChatId()) vpid = RsPeerId(destination.toDistantChatId()); // convert to virtual peer id else vpid = destination.toPeerId(); RsChatMsgItem *ci = new RsChatMsgItem(); ci->PeerId(vpid); ci->chatFlags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE; ci->sendTime = time(NULL); ci->recvTime = ci->sendTime; ci->message = msg; ChatMessage message; initChatMessage(ci, message); message.incoming = false; message.online = true; if(!isOnline(vpid)) { /* peer is offline, add to outgoing list */ { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ privateOutgoingList.push_back(ci); } message.online = false; RsServer::notify()->notifyChatMessage(message); // use the history to load pending messages to the gui // this is not very nice, because the user may think the message was send, while it is still in the queue mHistoryMgr->addMessage(message); IndicateConfigChanged(); return false; } { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::iterator it = _avatars.find(vpid) ; if(it == _avatars.end()) { _avatars[vpid] = new AvatarInfo ; it = _avatars.find(vpid) ; } if(it->second->_own_is_new) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChat: new avatar never sent to peer " << id << ". Setting flag to packet." << std::endl; #endif ci->chatFlags |= RS_CHAT_FLAG_AVATAR_AVAILABLE ; it->second->_own_is_new = false ; } } #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Sending msg to (maybe virtual) peer " << id << ", flags = " << ci->chatFlags << std::endl ; std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sendChat() Item:"; std::cerr << std::endl; ci->print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsServer::notify()->notifyChatMessage(message); // cyril: history is temporarily diabled for distant chat, since we need to store the full tunnel ID, but then // at loading time, the ID is not known so that chat window shows 00000000 as a peer. if(!message.chat_id.isDistantChatId()) mHistoryMgr->addMessage(message); checkSizeAndSendMessage(ci); // Check if custom state string has changed, in which case it should be sent to the peer. bool should_send_state_string = false ; { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::iterator it = _state_strings.find(vpid) ; if(it == _state_strings.end()) { _state_strings[vpid] = StateStringInfo() ; it = _state_strings.find(vpid) ; it->second._own_is_new = true ; } if(it->second._own_is_new) { should_send_state_string = true ; it->second._own_is_new = false ; } } if(should_send_state_string) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "own status string is new for peer " << id << ": sending it." << std::endl ; #endif RsChatStatusItem *cs = makeOwnCustomStateStringItem() ; cs->PeerId(vpid) ; sendChatItem(cs) ; } return true; } // This method might take control over the memory, or modify it, possibly adding missing parts. // This function looks weird because it cannot duplicate the message since it does not know // what type of object it is and the duplicate method of lobby messages is reserved for // ChatLobby bouncing objects. // // Returns false if the item shouldn't be used (and replaced to NULL) bool p3ChatService::locked_checkAndRebuildPartialMessage(RsChatMsgItem *& ci) { // Check is the item is ending an incomplete item. // std::map::iterator it = _pendingPartialMessages.find(ci->PeerId()) ; bool ci_is_incomplete = ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_PARTIAL_MESSAGE ; if(it != _pendingPartialMessages.end()) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Pending message found. Appending it." << std::endl; #endif // Yes, there is. Append the item to ci. ci->message = it->second->message + ci->message ; ci->chatFlags |= it->second->chatFlags ; // always remove existing partial. The compound message is in ci now. delete it->second ; _pendingPartialMessages.erase(it) ; } // now decide what to do: if ci is incomplete, store it and replace the pointer with NULL // if complete, return it. if(ci_is_incomplete) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Message is partial, storing for later." << std::endl; #endif // The item is a partial message. Push it, and wait for the rest. // _pendingPartialMessages[ci->PeerId()] = ci ; // cannot use duplicate() here ci = NULL ; // takes memory ownership over ci return false ; } else { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Message is complete, using it now." << std::endl; #endif return true ; } } void p3ChatService::receiveChatQueue() { RsItem *item ; while(NULL != (item=recvItem())) handleIncomingItem(item) ; } class MsgCounter { public: MsgCounter() {} void clean(time_t max_time) { while(!recv_times.empty() && recv_times.front() < max_time) recv_times.pop_front() ; } std::list recv_times ; }; void p3ChatService::handleIncomingItem(RsItem *item) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::receiveChatQueue() Item:" << (void*)item << std::endl ; #endif // RsChatMsgItems needs dynamic_cast, since they have derived siblings. // RsChatMsgItem *ci = dynamic_cast(item) ; if(ci != NULL) { handleRecvChatMsgItem(ci); if(ci) delete ci ; return ; // don't delete! It's handled by handleRecvChatMsgItem in some specific cases only. } // if(DistantChatService::handleRecvItem(dynamic_cast(item))) // { // delete item ; // return ; // } if(DistributedChatService::handleRecvItem(dynamic_cast(item))) { delete item ; return ; } switch(item->PacketSubType()) { case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_CHAT_STATUS: handleRecvChatStatusItem(dynamic_cast(item)) ; break ; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_CHAT_AVATAR: handleRecvChatAvatarItem(dynamic_cast(item)) ; break ; default: { static int already = false ; if(!already) { std::cerr << "Unhandled item subtype " << (int)item->PacketSubType() << " in p3ChatService: " << std::endl; already = true ; } } } delete item ; } void p3ChatService::handleRecvChatAvatarItem(RsChatAvatarItem *ca) { receiveAvatarJpegData(ca) ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Received avatar data for peer " << ca->PeerId() << ". Notifying." << std::endl ; #endif RsServer::notify()->notifyPeerHasNewAvatar(ca->PeerId().toStdString()) ; } uint32_t p3ChatService::getMaxMessageSecuritySize(int type) { switch (type) { case RS_CHAT_TYPE_LOBBY: return MAX_MESSAGE_SECURITY_SIZE; case RS_CHAT_TYPE_PUBLIC: case RS_CHAT_TYPE_PRIVATE: case RS_CHAT_TYPE_DISTANT: return 0; // unlimited } std::cerr << "p3ChatService::getMaxMessageSecuritySize: Unknown chat type " << type << std::endl; return MAX_MESSAGE_SECURITY_SIZE; } bool p3ChatService::checkForMessageSecurity(RsChatMsgItem *ci) { // Remove too big messages if (ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_LOBBY) { uint32_t maxMessageSize = getMaxMessageSecuritySize(RS_CHAT_TYPE_LOBBY); if (maxMessageSize > 0 && ci->message.length() > maxMessageSize) { std::ostringstream os; os << getMaxMessageSecuritySize(RS_CHAT_TYPE_LOBBY); ci->message = "**** Security warning: Message bigger than "; ci->message += os.str(); ci->message += " characters, forwarded to you by "; ci->message += rsPeers->getPeerName(ci->PeerId()); ci->message += ", dropped. ****"; return false; } } // The following code has been suggested, but is kept suspended since it is a bit too much restrictive. #ifdef SUSPENDED // Transform message to lowercase std::wstring mes(ci->message); std::transform( mes.begin(), mes.end(), mes.begin(), std::towlower); // Quick fix for svg attack and other nuisances (inline pictures) if (mes.find(L"message = L"**** Security warning: Message contains an . ****"; return false; } // Remove messages with too many line breaks size_t pos = 0; int count_line_breaks = 0; while ((pos = mes.find(L" 50) { ci->message = L"**** More than 50 line breaks, dropped. ****"; return false; } #endif // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billion_laughs // This should be done for all incoming HTML messages (also in forums // etc.) so this should be a function in some other file. if (ci->message.find("message << std::endl; std::cout << "**********" << std::endl; std::cout << "********** entity attack by " << ci->PeerId().toStdString().c_str() << std::endl; std::cout << "**********" << std::endl; ci->message = "**** This message (from peer id " + rsPeers->getPeerName(ci->PeerId()) + ") has been removed because it contains the string \" … // Also check flags. Lobby msgs should have proper flags, but they can be // corrupted by a friend before sending them that can result in e.g. lobby // messages ending up in the broadcast channel, etc. uint32_t fl = ci->chatFlags & (RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE | RS_CHAT_FLAG_PUBLIC | RS_CHAT_FLAG_LOBBY) ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Checking msg flags: " << std::hex << fl << std::endl; #endif if(dynamic_cast(ci) != NULL) { if(fl != (RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE | RS_CHAT_FLAG_LOBBY)) std::cerr << "Warning: received chat lobby message with iconsistent flags " << std::hex << fl << std::dec << " from friend peer " << ci->PeerId() << std::endl; ci->chatFlags &= ~RS_CHAT_FLAG_PUBLIC ; } else if(fl!=0 && !(fl == RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE || fl == RS_CHAT_FLAG_PUBLIC)) // The !=0 is normally not needed, but we keep it for { // a while, for backward compatibility. It's not harmful. std::cerr << "Warning: received chat lobby message with iconsistent flags " << std::hex << fl << std::dec << " from friend peer " << ci->PeerId() << std::endl; std::cerr << "This message will be dropped."<< std::endl; return false ; } return true ; } bool p3ChatService::handleRecvChatMsgItem(RsChatMsgItem *& ci) { time_t now = time(NULL); std::string name; uint32_t popupChatFlag = RS_POPUP_CHAT; { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ if(!locked_checkAndRebuildPartialMessage(ci)) // we make sure this call does not take control over the memory return true ; // message is a subpart of an existing message. So everything ok, but we need to return. } // Check for security. This avoids bombing messages, and so on. if(!checkForMessageSecurity(ci)) return false ; // If it's a lobby item, we need to bounce it and possibly check for timings etc. if(!DistributedChatService::handleRecvChatLobbyMsgItem(ci)) return false ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::receiveChatQueue() Item:"; std::cerr << std::endl; ci->print(std::cerr); std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Got msg. Flags = " << ci->chatFlags << std::endl ; #endif // Now treat normal chat stuff such as avatar requests, except for chat lobbies. if( !(ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_LOBBY)) { if(ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_REQUESTS_AVATAR) // no msg here. Just an avatar request. { sendAvatarJpegData(ci->PeerId()) ; return false ; } // normal msg. Return it normally. // Check if new avatar is available at peer's. If so, send a request to get the avatar. if((ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_AVATAR_AVAILABLE) && !(ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_LOBBY)) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "New avatar is available for peer " << ci->PeerId() << ", sending request" << std::endl ; #endif sendAvatarRequest(ci->PeerId()) ; ci->chatFlags &= ~RS_CHAT_FLAG_AVATAR_AVAILABLE ; } std::map::const_iterator it = _avatars.find(ci->PeerId()) ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice:: avatar requested from above. " << std::endl ; #endif // has avatar. Return it strait away. // if(it!=_avatars.end() && it->second->_peer_is_new) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Avatar is new for peer. ending info above" << std::endl ; #endif ci->chatFlags |= RS_CHAT_FLAG_AVATAR_AVAILABLE ; } } std::string message = ci->message; if(!(ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_LOBBY)) { if(ci->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE) RsServer::notify()->AddPopupMessage(popupChatFlag, ci->PeerId().toStdString(), name, message); /* notify private chat message */ else { /* notify public chat message */ RsServer::notify()->AddPopupMessage(RS_POPUP_GROUPCHAT, ci->PeerId().toStdString(), "", message); RsServer::notify()->AddFeedItem(RS_FEED_ITEM_CHAT_NEW, ci->PeerId().toStdString(), message, ""); } } ci->recvTime = now; ChatMessage cm; initChatMessage(ci, cm); cm.incoming = true; cm.online = true; RsServer::notify()->notifyChatMessage(cm); // cyril: history is temporarily diabled for distant chat, since we need to store the full tunnel ID, but then // at loading time, the ID is not known so that chat window shows 00000000 as a peer. if(!cm.chat_id.isDistantChatId()) mHistoryMgr->addMessage(cm); return true ; } void p3ChatService::locked_storeIncomingMsg(RsChatMsgItem */*item*/) { #ifdef REMOVE privateIncomingList.push_back(item) ; #endif } void p3ChatService::handleRecvChatStatusItem(RsChatStatusItem *cs) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Received status string \"" << cs->status_string << "\"" << std::endl ; #endif DistantChatPeerInfo dcpinfo; if(cs->flags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_REQUEST_CUSTOM_STATE) // no state here just a request. sendCustomState(cs->PeerId()) ; else if(cs->flags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_CUSTOM_STATE) // Check if new custom string is available at peer's. { // If so, send a request to get the custom string. receiveStateString(cs->PeerId(),cs->status_string) ; // store it RsServer::notify()->notifyCustomState(cs->PeerId().toStdString(), cs->status_string) ; } else if(cs->flags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_CUSTOM_STATE_AVAILABLE) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "New custom state is available for peer " << cs->PeerId() << ", sending request" << std::endl ; #endif sendCustomStateRequest(cs->PeerId()) ; } else if(DistantChatService::getDistantChatStatus(DistantChatPeerId(cs->PeerId()), dcpinfo)) { RsServer::notify()->notifyChatStatus(ChatId(DistantChatPeerId(cs->PeerId())), cs->status_string) ; } else if(cs->flags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE) { RsServer::notify()->notifyChatStatus(ChatId(cs->PeerId()),cs->status_string) ; } else if(cs->flags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_PUBLIC) { ChatId id = ChatId::makeBroadcastId(); id.broadcast_status_peer_id = cs->PeerId(); RsServer::notify()->notifyChatStatus(id, cs->status_string) ; } DistantChatService::handleRecvChatStatusItem(cs) ; } void p3ChatService::initChatMessage(RsChatMsgItem *c, ChatMessage &m) { m.chat_id = ChatId(c->PeerId()); m.chatflags = 0; m.sendTime = c->sendTime; m.recvTime = c->recvTime; m.msg = c->message; RsChatLobbyMsgItem *lobbyItem = dynamic_cast(c) ; if(lobbyItem != NULL) { m.lobby_peer_gxs_id = lobbyItem->signature.keyId ; m.chat_id = ChatId(lobbyItem->lobby_id); return; } DistantChatPeerInfo dcpinfo; if(DistantChatService::getDistantChatStatus(DistantChatPeerId(c->PeerId()), dcpinfo)) m.chat_id = ChatId(DistantChatPeerId(c->PeerId())); if (c -> chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE) m.chatflags |= RS_CHAT_PRIVATE; else { m.chat_id = ChatId::makeBroadcastId(); m.broadcast_peer_id = c->PeerId(); m.chatflags |= RS_CHAT_PUBLIC; } } void p3ChatService::setOwnCustomStateString(const std::string& s) { std::set onlineList; { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice: Setting own state string to new value : " << s << std::endl ; #endif _custom_status_string = s ; for(std::map::iterator it(_state_strings.begin());it!=_state_strings.end();++it) it->second._own_is_new = true ; mServiceCtrl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType, onlineList); } RsServer::notify()->notifyOwnStatusMessageChanged() ; // alert your online peers to your newly set status std::set::iterator it(onlineList.begin()); for(; it != onlineList.end(); ++it){ RsChatStatusItem *cs = new RsChatStatusItem(); cs->flags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_CUSTOM_STATE_AVAILABLE; cs->status_string = ""; cs->PeerId(*it); sendItem(cs); } IndicateConfigChanged(); } void p3ChatService::setOwnAvatarJpegData(const unsigned char *data,int size) { { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice: Setting own avatar to new image." << std::endl ; #endif if((uint32_t)size > MAX_AVATAR_JPEG_SIZE) { std::cerr << "Supplied avatar image is too big. Maximum size is " << MAX_AVATAR_JPEG_SIZE << ", supplied image has size " << size << std::endl; return ; } if(_own_avatar != NULL) delete _own_avatar ; _own_avatar = new AvatarInfo(data,size) ; // set the info that our avatar is new, for all peers for(std::map::iterator it(_avatars.begin());it!=_avatars.end();++it) it->second->_own_is_new = true ; } IndicateConfigChanged(); RsServer::notify()->notifyOwnAvatarChanged() ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice:setOwnAvatarJpegData() done." << std::endl ; #endif } void p3ChatService::receiveStateString(const RsPeerId& id,const std::string& s) { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice: received custom state string for peer " << id << ". Storing it." << std::endl ; #endif bool new_peer = (_state_strings.find(id) == _state_strings.end()) ; _state_strings[id]._custom_status_string = s ; _state_strings[id]._peer_is_new = true ; _state_strings[id]._own_is_new = new_peer ; } void p3ChatService::receiveAvatarJpegData(RsChatAvatarItem *ci) { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice: received avatar jpeg data for peer " << ci->PeerId() << ". Storing it." << std::endl ; #endif if(ci->image_size > MAX_AVATAR_JPEG_SIZE) { std::cerr << "Peer " << ci->PeerId()<< " is sending a jpeg image for avatar that exceeds the admitted size (size=" << ci->image_size << ", max=" << MAX_AVATAR_JPEG_SIZE << ")"<< std::endl; return ; } bool new_peer = (_avatars.find(ci->PeerId()) == _avatars.end()) ; if (new_peer == false && _avatars[ci->PeerId()]) { delete _avatars[ci->PeerId()]; } _avatars[ci->PeerId()] = new AvatarInfo(ci->image_data,ci->image_size) ; _avatars[ci->PeerId()]->_peer_is_new = true ; _avatars[ci->PeerId()]->_own_is_new = new_peer ; } std::string p3ChatService::getOwnCustomStateString() { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ return _custom_status_string ; } void p3ChatService::getOwnAvatarJpegData(unsigned char *& data,int& size) { // should be a Mutex here. RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ uint32_t s = 0 ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice:: own avatar requested from above. " << std::endl ; #endif // has avatar. Return it strait away. // if(_own_avatar != NULL) { _own_avatar->toUnsignedChar(data,s) ; size = s ; } else { data=NULL ; size=0 ; } } std::string p3ChatService::getCustomStateString(const RsPeerId& peer_id) { { // should be a Mutex here. RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::iterator it = _state_strings.find(peer_id) ; // has it. Return it strait away. // if(it!=_state_strings.end()) { it->second._peer_is_new = false ; return it->second._custom_status_string ; } } sendCustomStateRequest(peer_id); return std::string() ; } void p3ChatService::getAvatarJpegData(const RsPeerId& peer_id,unsigned char *& data,int& size) { { // should be a Mutex here. RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ std::map::const_iterator it = _avatars.find(peer_id) ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice:: avatar for peer " << peer_id << " requested from above. " << std::endl ; #endif // has avatar. Return it straight away. // if(it!=_avatars.end()) { uint32_t s=0 ; it->second->toUnsignedChar(data,s) ; size = s ; it->second->_peer_is_new = false ; #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Already has avatar. Returning it" << std::endl ; #endif return ; } else { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "No avatar for this peer. Requesting it by sending request packet." << std::endl ; #endif } } sendAvatarRequest(peer_id); } void p3ChatService::sendAvatarRequest(const RsPeerId& peer_id) { if(!isOnline(peer_id)) return ; // Doesn't have avatar. Request it. // RsChatMsgItem *ci = new RsChatMsgItem(); ci->PeerId(peer_id); ci->chatFlags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE | RS_CHAT_FLAG_REQUESTS_AVATAR ; ci->sendTime = time(NULL); ci->message.erase(); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sending request for avatar, to peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif sendChatItem(ci); } void p3ChatService::sendCustomStateRequest(const RsPeerId& peer_id){ if(!isOnline(peer_id)) return ; RsChatStatusItem* cs = new RsChatStatusItem; cs->PeerId(peer_id); cs->flags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE | RS_CHAT_FLAG_REQUEST_CUSTOM_STATE ; cs->status_string.erase(); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sending request for status, to peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif sendChatItem(cs); } RsChatStatusItem *p3ChatService::makeOwnCustomStateStringItem() { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ RsChatStatusItem *ci = new RsChatStatusItem(); ci->flags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_CUSTOM_STATE ; ci->status_string = _custom_status_string ; return ci ; } RsChatAvatarItem *p3ChatService::makeOwnAvatarItem() { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ RsChatAvatarItem *ci = new RsChatAvatarItem(); _own_avatar->toUnsignedChar(ci->image_data,ci->image_size) ; return ci ; } void p3ChatService::sendAvatarJpegData(const RsPeerId& peer_id) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice: sending requested for peer " << peer_id << ", data=" << (void*)_own_avatar << std::endl ; #endif if(_own_avatar != NULL) { RsChatAvatarItem *ci = makeOwnAvatarItem(); ci->PeerId(peer_id); // take avatar, and embed it into a std::string. // #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3ChatService::sending avatar image to peer" << peer_id << ", image size = " << ci->image_size << std::endl ; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif sendChatItem(ci) ; } else { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "We have no avatar yet: Doing nothing" << std::endl ; #endif } } void p3ChatService::sendCustomState(const RsPeerId& peer_id){ #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3chatservice: sending requested status string for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; #endif RsChatStatusItem *cs = makeOwnCustomStateStringItem(); cs->PeerId(peer_id); sendChatItem(cs); } bool p3ChatService::loadList(std::list& load) { std::list ssl_peers; mLinkMgr->getFriendList(ssl_peers); for(std::list::const_iterator it(load.begin());it!=load.end();++it) { RsChatAvatarItem *ai = NULL ; if(NULL != (ai = dynamic_cast(*it))) { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ if(ai->image_size <= MAX_AVATAR_JPEG_SIZE) _own_avatar = new AvatarInfo(ai->image_data,ai->image_size) ; else std::cerr << "Dropping avatar image, because its size is " << ai->image_size << ", and the maximum allowed size is " << MAX_AVATAR_JPEG_SIZE << std::endl; delete *it; continue; } RsChatStatusItem *mitem = NULL ; if(NULL != (mitem = dynamic_cast(*it))) { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ _custom_status_string = mitem->status_string ; delete *it; continue; } RsPrivateChatMsgConfigItem *citem = NULL ; if(NULL != (citem = dynamic_cast(*it))) { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ if (citem->chatFlags & RS_CHAT_FLAG_PRIVATE) { if (std::find(ssl_peers.begin(), ssl_peers.end(), citem->configPeerId) != ssl_peers.end()) { RsChatMsgItem *ci = new RsChatMsgItem(); citem->get(ci); if (citem->configFlags & RS_CHATMSG_CONFIGFLAG_INCOMING) { locked_storeIncomingMsg(ci); } else { privateOutgoingList.push_back(ci); } } else { // no friends } } else { // ignore all other items } delete *it; continue; } DistributedChatService::processLoadListItem(*it) ; DistantChatService::processLoadListItem(*it) ; // delete unknown items delete *it; } load.clear() ; return true; } bool p3ChatService::saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list& list) { cleanup = true; /* now we create a pqistore, and stream all the msgs into it */ if(_own_avatar != NULL) { RsChatAvatarItem *ci = makeOwnAvatarItem() ; ci->PeerId(mServiceCtrl->getOwnId()); list.push_back(ci) ; } mChatMtx.lock(); /****** MUTEX LOCKED *******/ RsChatStatusItem *di = new RsChatStatusItem ; di->status_string = _custom_status_string ; di->flags = RS_CHAT_FLAG_CUSTOM_STATE ; list.push_back(di) ; /* save outgoing private chat messages */ std::list::iterator it; for (it = privateOutgoingList.begin(); it != privateOutgoingList.end(); it++) { RsPrivateChatMsgConfigItem *ci = new RsPrivateChatMsgConfigItem; ci->set(*it, (*it)->PeerId(), 0); list.push_back(ci); } DistributedChatService::addToSaveList(list) ; DistantChatService::addToSaveList(list) ; return true; } void p3ChatService::saveDone() { /* unlock mutex */ mChatMtx.unlock(); /****** MUTEX UNLOCKED *******/ } RsSerialiser *p3ChatService::setupSerialiser() { RsSerialiser *rss = new RsSerialiser ; rss->addSerialType(new RsChatSerialiser) ; rss->addSerialType(new RsGeneralConfigSerialiser()); return rss ; } /*************** pqiMonitor callback ***********************/ void p3ChatService::statusChange(const std::list &plist) { std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = plist.begin(); it != plist.end(); ++it) { if (it->actions & RS_SERVICE_PEER_CONNECTED) { /* send the saved outgoing messages */ bool changed = false; std::vector to_send ; if (privateOutgoingList.size()) { RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/ RsPeerId ownId = mServiceCtrl->getOwnId(); std::list::iterator cit = privateOutgoingList.begin(); while (cit != privateOutgoingList.end()) { RsChatMsgItem *c = *cit; if (c->PeerId() == it->id) { //mHistoryMgr->addMessage(false, c->PeerId(), ownId, c); to_send.push_back(c) ; changed = true; cit = privateOutgoingList.erase(cit); continue; } ++cit; } } /* UNLOCKED */ for(uint32_t i=0;inotifyChatMessage(message); checkSizeAndSendMessage(to_send[i]); // delete item } if (changed) { RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_OUTGOING_CHAT, NOTIFY_TYPE_DEL); IndicateConfigChanged(); } } else if (it->actions & RS_SERVICE_PEER_REMOVED) { /* now handle remove */ mHistoryMgr->clear(ChatId(it->id)); std::list::iterator cit = privateOutgoingList.begin(); while (cit != privateOutgoingList.end()) { RsChatMsgItem *c = *cit; if (c->PeerId() == it->id) { cit = privateOutgoingList.erase(cit); continue; } ++cit; } IndicateConfigChanged(); } } }