@echo off setlocal :: Initialize environment call "%~dp0..\env.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto error_env call "%EnvPath%\env.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto error_env :: Initialize environment call "%~dp0env.bat" %* if errorlevel 2 exit /B 2 if errorlevel 1 goto error_env :: Check external libraries if not exist "%BuildLibsPath%\libs" %cecho% error "Please build external libraries first." & exit /B 1 :: Check gcc version of external libraries if not exist "%BuildLibsPath%\libs\gcc-version" %cecho% error "Cannot get gcc version of external libraries." & exit /B 1 set /P LibsGCCVersion=<"%BuildLibsPath%\libs\gcc-version" if "%LibsGCCVersion%" NEQ "%GCCVersion%" %cecho% error "Please use correct version of external libraries. (gcc %GCCVersion% ^<^> libs %LibsGCCVersion%)." & exit /B 1 :: Check git executable set GitPath= call "%ToolsPath%\find-in-path.bat" GitPath git.exe if "%GitPath%" NEQ "" goto found_git choice /M "Git not found in PATH. Version information cannot be calculated. Do you want to proceed?" if %errorlevel%==2 exit /B 1 :found_git echo. echo === Version echo. title Build - %SourceName%%RsType%-%RsBuildConfig% [Version] pushd "%SourcePath%\retroshare-gui\src\gui\images" :: Touch resource file copy /b retroshare_win.rc +,, popd if not exist "%RsBuildPath%" mkdir "%RsBuildPath%" pushd "%RsBuildPath%" echo. echo === qmake echo. title Build - %SourceName%%RsType%-%RsBuildConfig% [qmake] set RS_QMAKE_CONFIG=%RsBuildConfig% version_detail_bash_script rs_autologin retroshare_plugins if "%RsRetroTor%"=="1" set RS_QMAKE_CONFIG=%RS_QMAKE_CONFIG% retrotor qmake "%SourcePath%\RetroShare.pro" -r "CONFIG+=%RS_QMAKE_CONFIG%" "EXTERNAL_LIB_DIR=%BuildLibsPath%\libs" if errorlevel 1 goto error echo. echo === make echo. title Build - %SourceName%%RsType%-%RsBuildConfig% [make] if exist "%EnvJomExe%" ( "%EnvJomExe%" ) else ( mingw32-make ) :error popd title %COMSPEC% if errorlevel 1 echo.& echo Build failed& echo. exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% :error_env echo Failed to initialize environment. endlocal exit /B 1