#ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "ftchunkmap.h" #include static const uint32_t SOURCE_CHUNK_MAP_UPDATE_PERIOD = 60 ; //! TTL for chunkmap info static const uint32_t INACTIVE_CHUNK_TIME_LAPSE = 60 ; //! TTL for an inactive chunk std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,const ftChunk& c) { return o << "\tChunk [" << c.offset << "] size: " << c.size << " ChunkId: " << c.id << " Age: " << time(NULL) - c.ts ; } // Chunk: very bold implementation for now. We should compress the bits to have // 32 of them per uint32_t value, of course! // Chunk::Chunk(uint64_t start,uint32_t size) : _start(start),_offset(start),_end( (uint64_t)size + start ) { } void Chunk::getSlice(uint32_t size_hint,ftChunk& chunk) { // Take the current offset chunk.offset = _offset ; chunk.size = std::min(size_hint,(uint32_t)(_end-_offset)) ; chunk.id = _offset ; chunk.ts = time(NULL) ; // push the slice marker into currently handled slices. _offset += chunk.size ; } ChunkMap::ChunkMap(uint64_t s) : _file_size(s), _chunk_size(CHUNKMAP_FIXED_CHUNK_SIZE) // 1MB chunks { uint64_t n = s/(uint64_t)_chunk_size ; if(s% (uint64_t)_chunk_size != 0) ++n ; _map.resize(n,FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_OUTSTANDING) ; _strategy = FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_STRATEGY_STREAMING ; _total_downloaded = 0 ; _file_is_complete = false ; #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "*** ChunkMap::ChunkMap: starting new chunkmap:" << std::endl ; std::cerr << " File size: " << s << std::endl ; std::cerr << " Strategy: " << _strategy << std::endl ; std::cerr << " ChunkSize: " << _chunk_size << std::endl ; std::cerr << " Number of Chunks: " << n << std::endl ; #endif } void ChunkMap::setAvailabilityMap(const CompressedChunkMap& map) { _file_is_complete = true ; _total_downloaded = 0 ; for(uint32_t i=0;i<_map.size();++i) if(map[i] > 0) { _map[i] = FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_DONE ; _total_downloaded += sizeOfChunk(i) ; } else { _map[i] = FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_OUTSTANDING ; _file_is_complete = false ; } } void ChunkMap::dataReceived(const ftChunk::ChunkId& cid) { // 1 - find which chunk contains the received data. // // trick: cid is the chunk offset. So we use it to get the chunk number. int n = (uint64_t)cid/_chunk_size ; std::map::iterator itc(_slices_to_download.find(n)) ; if(itc == _slices_to_download.end()) { std::cerr << "!!! ChunkMap::dataReceived: error: ChunkId " << cid << " corresponds to chunk number " << n << ", which is not being downloaded!" << std::endl ; #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK assert(false) ; #endif return ; } std::map::iterator it(itc->second._slices.find(cid)) ; if(it == itc->second._slices.end()) { std::cerr << "!!! ChunkMap::dataReceived: chunk " << cid << " is not found in slice lst of chunk number " << n << std::endl ; #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK assert(false) ; #endif return ; } _total_downloaded += it->second ; itc->second._remains -= it->second ; itc->second._slices.erase(it) ; itc->second._last_data_received = time(NULL) ; // update time stamp #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "*** ChunkMap::dataReceived: received data chunk " << cid << " for chunk number " << n << ", local remains=" << itc->second._remains << ", total downloaded=" << _total_downloaded << ", remains=" << _file_size - _total_downloaded << std::endl ; #endif if(itc->second._remains == 0) // the chunk was completely downloaded { #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "*** ChunkMap::dataReceived: Chunk is complete. Removing it." << std::endl ; #endif _map[n] = FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_DONE ; _slices_to_download.erase(itc) ; // We also check whether the file is complete or not. _file_is_complete = true ; for(uint32_t i=0;i<_map.size();++i) if(_map[i] != FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_DONE) { _file_is_complete = false ; break ; } } } // Warning: a chunk may be empty, but still being downloaded, so asking new slices from it // will produce slices of size 0. This happens at the end of each chunk. // --> I need to get slices from the next chunk, in such a case. // --> solution: // - have too chunks maps: // 1 indexed by peer id to feed the getChunk method // - chunks pushed when new chunks are needed // - chunks removed when empty // 1 indexed by chunk id to account for chunks being downloaded // - chunks pushed when new chunks are needed // - chunks removed when completely downloaded // bool ChunkMap::getDataChunk(const std::string& peer_id,uint32_t size_hint,ftChunk& chunk,bool& source_chunk_map_needed) { #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "*** ChunkMap::getDataChunk: size_hint = " << size_hint << std::endl ; #endif // 1 - find if this peer already has an active chunk. // std::map::iterator it = _active_chunks_feed.find(peer_id) ; if(it == _active_chunks_feed.end()) { // 1 - select an available chunk id for this peer. // uint32_t c ; switch(_strategy) { case FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_STRATEGY_STREAMING: c = getAvailableChunk(0,peer_id,source_chunk_map_needed) ; // very bold!! break ; case FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_STRATEGY_RANDOM: c = getAvailableChunk(rand()%_map.size(),peer_id,source_chunk_map_needed) ; break ; default: std::cerr << "!!! ChunkMap::getDataChunk: error!: unknown strategy" << std::endl ; return false ; } if(c >= _map.size()) return false ; // 2 - add the chunk in the list of active chunks, and mark it as being downloaded // uint32_t soc = sizeOfChunk(c) ; _active_chunks_feed[peer_id] = Chunk( c*(uint64_t)_chunk_size, soc ) ; _map[c] = FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_ACTIVE ; _slices_to_download[c]._remains = soc ; // init the list of slices to download #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cout << "*** ChunkMap::getDataChunk: Allocating new chunk " << c << " for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK else std::cout << "*** ChunkMap::getDataChunk: Re-using chunk " << it->second._start/_chunk_size << " for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; #endif // Get the first slice of the chunk, that is at most of length size // _active_chunks_feed[peer_id].getSlice(size_hint,chunk) ; _slices_to_download[chunk.offset/_chunk_size]._slices[chunk.id] = chunk.size ; _slices_to_download[chunk.offset/_chunk_size]._last_data_received = time(NULL) ; if(_active_chunks_feed[peer_id].empty()) _active_chunks_feed.erase(_active_chunks_feed.find(peer_id)) ; #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cout << "*** ChunkMap::getDataChunk: returning slice " << chunk << " for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; #endif return true ; } void ChunkMap::removeInactiveChunks(std::vector& to_remove) { to_remove.clear() ; time_t now = time(NULL) ; for(std::map::iterator it(_slices_to_download.begin());it!=_slices_to_download.end();) if(now - it->second._last_data_received > (int)INACTIVE_CHUNK_TIME_LAPSE) { #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "ChunkMap::removeInactiveChunks(): removing inactive chunk " << it->first << ", time lapse=" << now - it->second._last_data_received << std::endl ; #endif // First, remove all slices from this chunk // std::map::iterator tmp(it) ; for(std::map::const_iterator it2(it->second._slices.begin());it2!=it->second._slices.end();++it2) to_remove.push_back(it2->first) ; _map[it->first] = FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_OUTSTANDING ; // reset the chunk _total_downloaded -= (sizeOfChunk(it->first) - it->second._remains) ; // restore completion. // Also remove the chunk from the chunk feed, to free the associated peer. // for(std::map::iterator it3=_active_chunks_feed.begin();it3!=_active_chunks_feed.end();) if(it3->second._start == _chunk_size*uint64_t(it->first)) { std::map::iterator tmp3 = it3 ; ++it3 ; _active_chunks_feed.erase(tmp3) ; } else ++it3 ; ++it ; _slices_to_download.erase(tmp) ; } else ++it ; } bool ChunkMap::isChunkAvailable(uint64_t offset, uint32_t chunk_size) const { uint32_t chunk_number_start = offset/(uint64_t)_chunk_size ; uint32_t chunk_number_end = (offset+(uint64_t)chunk_size)/(uint64_t)_chunk_size ; if((offset+(uint64_t)chunk_size) % (uint64_t)_chunk_size == 0) --chunk_number_end ; // It's possible that chunk_number_start==chunk_number_end+1, but for this we need to have // chunk_size=0, and offset%_chunk_size=0, so the response "true" is still valid. // for(uint32_t i=chunk_number_start;i!=chunk_number_end;++i) if(_map[i] != FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_DONE) return false ; return true ; } void ChunkMap::setPeerAvailabilityMap(const std::string& peer_id,const CompressedChunkMap& cmap) { #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cout << "ChunkMap::Receiving new availability map for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; #endif if(cmap._map.size() != _map.size()/32+(_map.size()%32 != 0)) { std::cerr << "ChunkMap::setPeerAvailabilityMap: chunk size / number of chunks is not correct. Dropping the info. cmap.size()=" << cmap._map.size() << ", _map/32+0/1 = " << _map.size()/32+(_map.size()%32 != 0) << std::endl ; return ; } // sets the map. // SourceChunksInfo& mi(_peers_chunks_availability[peer_id]) ; mi.cmap = cmap ; mi.TS = time(NULL) ; mi.is_full = true ; // Checks wether the map is full of not. // for(uint32_t i=0;i<_map.size();++i) if(!cmap[i]) { mi.is_full = false ; break ; } #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "ChunkMap::setPeerAvailabilityMap: Setting chunk availability info for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; #endif } uint32_t ChunkMap::sizeOfChunk(uint32_t cid) const { if(cid == _map.size()-1) return _file_size - (_map.size()-1)*_chunk_size ; else return _chunk_size ; } uint32_t ChunkMap::getAvailableChunk(uint32_t start_location,const std::string& peer_id,bool& map_is_too_old) { // Quite simple strategy: Check for 1st availabe chunk for this peer starting from the given start location. // std::map::iterator it(_peers_chunks_availability.find(peer_id)) ; SourceChunksInfo *peer_chunks = NULL; // Do we have a chunk map for this file source ? // - if yes, we use it // - if no, // - if availability is assumed, let's build a plain chunkmap for it // - otherwise, refuse the transfer, but still ask for the chunkmap // // We first test whether the source has a record of not. If not, we fill a new record. // For availability sources we fill it plain, otherwise, we fill it blank. // if(it == _peers_chunks_availability.end()) { SourceChunksInfo& pchunks(_peers_chunks_availability[peer_id]) ; bool assume_availability = !rsTurtle->isTurtlePeer(peer_id) ; // Ok, we don't have the info, so two cases: // - peer_id is a not a turtle peer, so he is considered having the full file source, so we init with a plain chunkmap // - otherwise, a source map needs to be obtained, so we init with a blank chunkmap // if(assume_availability) { pchunks.cmap._map.resize( CompressedChunkMap::getCompressedSize(_map.size()),~(uint32_t)0 ) ; pchunks.TS = 0 ; pchunks.is_full = true ; } else { pchunks.cmap._map.resize( CompressedChunkMap::getCompressedSize(_map.size()),0 ) ; pchunks.TS = 0 ; pchunks.is_full = false ; } it = _peers_chunks_availability.find(peer_id) ; } peer_chunks = &(it->second) ; // If the info is too old, we ask for a new one. When the map is full, we ask 10 times less, as it's probably not // useful to get a new map that will also be full, but because we need to be careful not to mislead information, // we still keep asking. // time_t now = time(NULL) ; if((!peer_chunks->is_full) && ((int)now - (int)peer_chunks->TS > (int)SOURCE_CHUNK_MAP_UPDATE_PERIOD)) { map_is_too_old = true ;// We will re-ask but not before some seconds. peer_chunks->TS = now ; } else map_is_too_old = false ;// the map is not too old for(unsigned int i=0;i<_map.size();++i) { uint32_t j = (start_location+i)%(int)_map.size() ; // index of the chunk if(_map[j] == FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_OUTSTANDING && (peer_chunks->is_full || peer_chunks->cmap[j])) { #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "ChunkMap::getAvailableChunk: returning chunk " << j << " for peer " << peer_id << std::endl; #endif return j ; } } #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cout << "!!! ChunkMap::getAvailableChunk: No available chunk from peer " << peer_id << ": returning false" << std::endl ; #endif return _map.size() ; } void ChunkMap::getChunksInfo(FileChunksInfo& info) const { info.file_size = _file_size ; info.chunk_size = _chunk_size ; info.chunks = _map ; info.strategy = _strategy ; info.active_chunks.clear() ; for(std::map::const_iterator it(_slices_to_download.begin());it!=_slices_to_download.end();++it) info.active_chunks.push_back(std::pair(it->first,it->second._remains)) ; info.compressed_peer_availability_maps.clear() ; for(std::map::const_iterator it(_peers_chunks_availability.begin());it!=_peers_chunks_availability.end();++it) info.compressed_peer_availability_maps[it->first] = it->second.cmap ; } void ChunkMap::removeFileSource(const std::string& peer_id) { std::map::iterator it(_peers_chunks_availability.find(peer_id)) ; if(it == _peers_chunks_availability.end()) return ; _peers_chunks_availability.erase(it) ; } void ChunkMap::getAvailabilityMap(CompressedChunkMap& compressed_map) const { compressed_map = CompressedChunkMap(_map) ; #ifdef DEBUG_FTCHUNK std::cerr << "ChunkMap:: retrieved availability map of size " << _map.size() << ", chunk_size=" << _chunk_size << std::endl ; #endif } uint32_t ChunkMap::getNumberOfChunks(uint64_t size) { uint64_t n = size/(uint64_t)CHUNKMAP_FIXED_CHUNK_SIZE ; if(size % (uint64_t)CHUNKMAP_FIXED_CHUNK_SIZE != 0) ++n ; uint32_t value = n & 0xffffffffull ; if((uint64_t)value != n) { std::cerr << "ERROR: number of chunks is a totally absurd value. File size is " << size << ", chunks are " << n << "!!" << std::endl ; return 0 ; } return value ; } void ChunkMap::buildPlainMap(uint64_t size, CompressedChunkMap& map) { uint32_t n = getNumberOfChunks(size) ; map = CompressedChunkMap(n,~uint32_t(0)) ; }