/******************************************************************************* * retroshare-gui/src/gui/gxschannels/GxsChannelDialog.cpp * * * * Copyright 2013 by Robert Fernie * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "GxsChannelDialog.h" #include "GxsChannelGroupDialog.h" #include "GxsChannelPostsWidget.h" #include "CreateGxsChannelMsg.h" #include "GxsChannelUserNotify.h" #include "gui/gxs/GxsGroupShareKey.h" #include "gui/feeds/GxsChannelPostItem.h" #include "gui/settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "gui/notifyqt.h" #include "gui/common/GroupTreeWidget.h" #include "util/qtthreadsutils.h" class GxsChannelGroupInfoData : public RsUserdata { public: GxsChannelGroupInfoData() : RsUserdata() {} public: QMap mIcon; QMap mDescription; }; /** Constructor */ GxsChannelDialog::GxsChannelDialog(QWidget *parent) : GxsGroupFrameDialog(rsGxsChannels, parent,true) { } GxsChannelDialog::~GxsChannelDialog() { } QString GxsChannelDialog::getHelpString() const { QString hlp_str = tr("



Channels allow you to post data (e.g. movies, music) that will spread in the network


You can see the channels your friends are subscribed to, and you automatically forward subscribed channels to \ your friends. This promotes good channels in the network.


Only the channel's creator can post on that channel. Other peers \ in the network can only read from it, unless the channel is private. You can however share \ the posting rights or the reading rights with friend Retroshare nodes.


Channels can be made anonymous, or attached to a Retroshare identity so that readers can contact you if needed.\ Enable \"Allow Comments\" if you want to let users comment on your posts.


Channel posts are kept for %1 days, and sync-ed over the last %2 days, unless you change this.

\ ").arg(QString::number(rsGxsChannels->getDefaultStoragePeriod()/86400)).arg(QString::number(rsGxsChannels->getDefaultSyncPeriod()/86400)); return hlp_str ; } UserNotify *GxsChannelDialog::getUserNotify(QObject *parent) { return new GxsChannelUserNotify(rsGxsChannels, parent); } void GxsChannelDialog::shareOnChannel(const RsGxsGroupId& channel_id,const QList& file_links) { std::cerr << "Sharing file link on channel " << channel_id << ": Not yet implemented!" << std::endl; CreateGxsChannelMsg *msgDialog = new CreateGxsChannelMsg(channel_id) ; QString txt ; for(QList::const_iterator it(file_links.begin());it!=file_links.end();++it) txt += (*it).toHtml() + "\n" ; if(!file_links.empty()) { QString subject = (*file_links.begin()).name() ; msgDialog->addSubject(subject); } msgDialog->addHtmlText(txt); msgDialog->show(); } QString GxsChannelDialog::text(TextType type) { switch (type) { case TEXT_NAME: return tr("Channels"); case TEXT_NEW: return tr("Create Channel"); case TEXT_TODO: return "Open points:
    " "
  • Restore channel keys" "
"; case TEXT_YOUR_GROUP: return tr("My Channels"); case TEXT_SUBSCRIBED_GROUP: return tr("Subscribed Channels"); case TEXT_POPULAR_GROUP: return tr("Popular Channels"); case TEXT_OTHER_GROUP: return tr("Other Channels"); } return ""; } QString GxsChannelDialog::icon(IconType type) { switch (type) { case ICON_NAME: return ":/icons/png/channels.png"; case ICON_NEW: return ":/icons/png/add.png"; case ICON_YOUR_GROUP: return ":/icons/png/channel.png"; case ICON_SUBSCRIBED_GROUP: return ":/icons/png/channel-subscribed.png"; case ICON_POPULAR_GROUP: return ":/icons/png/channel-popular.png"; case ICON_OTHER_GROUP: return ":/icons/png/channel-other.png"; case ICON_SEARCH: return ":/images/find.png"; case ICON_DEFAULT: return ":/images/channels.png"; } return ""; } GxsGroupDialog *GxsChannelDialog::createNewGroupDialog(TokenQueue *tokenQueue) { return new GxsChannelGroupDialog(tokenQueue, this); } GxsGroupDialog *GxsChannelDialog::createGroupDialog(TokenQueue *tokenQueue, RsTokenService *tokenService, GxsGroupDialog::Mode mode, RsGxsGroupId groupId) { return new GxsChannelGroupDialog(tokenQueue, tokenService, mode, groupId, this); } int GxsChannelDialog::shareKeyType() { return CHANNEL_KEY_SHARE; } GxsMessageFrameWidget *GxsChannelDialog::createMessageFrameWidget(const RsGxsGroupId &groupId) { return new GxsChannelPostsWidget(groupId); } void GxsChannelDialog::setDefaultDirectory() { RsGxsGroupId grpId = groupId() ; if (grpId.isNull()) return ; rsGxsChannels->setChannelDownloadDirectory(grpId,"") ; } void GxsChannelDialog::specifyDownloadDirectory() { RsGxsGroupId grpId = groupId() ; if (grpId.isNull()) return ; QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(NULL,tr("Select channel download directory")) ; if(dir.isNull()) return ; rsGxsChannels->setChannelDownloadDirectory(grpId,std::string(dir.toUtf8())) ; } void GxsChannelDialog::setDownloadDirectory() { RsGxsGroupId grpId = groupId() ; if (grpId.isNull()) return ; QAction *action = qobject_cast(sender()) ; if(!action) return ; QString directory = action->data().toString() ; rsGxsChannels->setChannelDownloadDirectory(grpId,std::string(directory.toUtf8())) ; } void GxsChannelDialog::groupTreeCustomActions(RsGxsGroupId grpId, int subscribeFlags, QList &actions) { bool isSubscribed = IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags); bool autoDownload ; rsGxsChannels->getChannelAutoDownload(grpId,autoDownload); if (isSubscribed) { QAction *action = autoDownload ? (new QAction(QIcon(":/images/redled.png"), tr("Disable Auto-Download"), this)) : (new QAction(QIcon(":/images/start.png"),tr("Enable Auto-Download"), this)); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggleAutoDownload())); actions.append(action); std::string dl_directory; rsGxsChannels->getChannelDownloadDirectory(grpId,dl_directory) ; QMenu *mnu = new QMenu(tr("Set download directory")) ; if(dl_directory.empty()) mnu->addAction(QIcon(":/images/start.png"),tr("[Default directory]"), this, SLOT(setDefaultDirectory())) ; else mnu->addAction(tr("[Default directory]"), this, SLOT(setDefaultDirectory())) ; std::list lst ; rsFiles->getSharedDirectories(lst) ; bool found = false ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(lst.begin());it!=lst.end();++it) { QAction *action = NULL; if(dl_directory == it->filename) { action = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/start.png"),QString::fromUtf8(it->filename.c_str()),NULL) ; found = true ; } else action = new QAction(QString::fromUtf8(it->filename.c_str()),NULL) ; connect(action,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(setDownloadDirectory())) ; action->setData(QString::fromUtf8(it->filename.c_str())) ; mnu->addAction(action) ; } if(!found && !dl_directory.empty()) { QAction *action = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/start.png"),QString::fromUtf8(dl_directory.c_str()),NULL) ; connect(action,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(setDownloadDirectory())) ; action->setData(QString::fromUtf8(dl_directory.c_str())) ; mnu->addAction(action) ; } mnu->addAction(tr("Specify..."), this, SLOT(specifyDownloadDirectory())) ; actions.push_back( mnu->menuAction()) ; } } RsGxsCommentService *GxsChannelDialog::getCommentService() { return rsGxsChannels; } QWidget *GxsChannelDialog::createCommentHeaderWidget(const RsGxsGroupId &grpId, const RsGxsMessageId &msgId) { return new GxsChannelPostItem(NULL, 0, grpId, msgId, true, true); } void GxsChannelDialog::toggleAutoDownload() { RsGxsGroupId grpId = groupId(); if (grpId.isNull()) return; bool autoDownload; if(!rsGxsChannels->getChannelAutoDownload(grpId, autoDownload)) { std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " failed to get autodownload value " << "for channel: " << grpId.toStdString() << std::endl; return; } RsThread::async([this, grpId, autoDownload]() { if(!rsGxsChannels->setChannelAutoDownload(grpId, !autoDownload)) { std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " failed to set autodownload " << "for channel: " << grpId << std::endl; return; } RsQThreadUtils::postToObject( [=]() { /* Here it goes any code you want to be executed on the Qt Gui * thread, for example to update the data model with new information * after a blocking call to RetroShare API complete, note that * Qt::QueuedConnection is important! */ std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Has been executed on GUI " << "thread but was scheduled by async thread" << std::endl; }, this ); }); } void GxsChannelDialog::loadGroupSummaryToken(const uint32_t &token, std::list &groupInfo, RsUserdata *&userdata) { std::vector groups; rsGxsChannels->getGroupData(token, groups); /* Save groups to fill icons and description */ GxsChannelGroupInfoData *channelData = new GxsChannelGroupInfoData; userdata = channelData; std::vector::iterator groupIt; for (groupIt = groups.begin(); groupIt != groups.end(); ++groupIt) { RsGxsChannelGroup &group = *groupIt; groupInfo.push_back(group.mMeta); if (group.mImage.mData != NULL) { QPixmap image; GxsIdDetails::loadPixmapFromData(group.mImage.mData, group.mImage.mSize, image); channelData->mIcon[group.mMeta.mGroupId] = image; } if (!group.mDescription.empty()) { channelData->mDescription[group.mMeta.mGroupId] = QString::fromUtf8(group.mDescription.c_str()); } } } void GxsChannelDialog::groupInfoToGroupItemInfo(const RsGroupMetaData &groupInfo, GroupItemInfo &groupItemInfo, const RsUserdata *userdata) { GxsGroupFrameDialog::groupInfoToGroupItemInfo(groupInfo, groupItemInfo, userdata); const GxsChannelGroupInfoData *channelData = dynamic_cast(userdata); if (!channelData) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelDialog::groupInfoToGroupItemInfo() Failed to cast data to GxsChannelGroupInfoData"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } QMap::const_iterator descriptionIt = channelData->mDescription.find(groupInfo.mGroupId); if (descriptionIt != channelData->mDescription.end()) { groupItemInfo.description = descriptionIt.value(); } QMap::const_iterator iconIt = channelData->mIcon.find(groupInfo.mGroupId); if (iconIt != channelData->mIcon.end()) { groupItemInfo.icon = iconIt.value(); } } TurtleRequestId GxsChannelDialog::distantSearch(const QString& search_string) { return rsGxsChannels->turtleSearchRequest(search_string.toStdString()) ; } bool GxsChannelDialog::getDistantSearchResults(TurtleRequestId id, std::map& group_infos) { return rsGxsChannels->retrieveDistantSearchResults(id,group_infos); } void GxsChannelDialog::checkRequestGroup(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId) { RsGxsChannelGroup distant_group; if( rsGxsChannels->retrieveDistantGroup(grpId,distant_group)) // normally we should also check that the group meta is not already here. { std::cerr << "GxsChannelDialog::checkRequestGroup() sending turtle request for group data for group " << grpId << std::endl; rsGxsChannels->turtleGroupRequest(grpId); } }