/******************************************************************************* * libretroshare/src/rsserver: p3msgs.cc * * * * libretroshare: retroshare core library * * * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Robert Fernie * * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Gioacchino Mazzurco * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/rsdebug.h" //const int p3facemsgzone = 11453; #include #include "util/rstime.h" #include "retroshare/rstypes.h" #include "rsserver/p3msgs.h" #include "services/p3msgservice.h" #include "chat/p3chatservice.h" #include "pqi/authgpg.h" using namespace Rs::Msgs; /*extern*/ RsMsgs* rsMsgs = nullptr; /****************************************/ /****************************************/ ChatId::ChatId(): type(TYPE_NOT_SET), lobby_id(0) { } ChatId::ChatId(RsPeerId id): lobby_id(0) { type = TYPE_PRIVATE; peer_id = id; } ChatId::ChatId(DistantChatPeerId id): lobby_id(0) { type = TYPE_PRIVATE_DISTANT; distant_chat_id = id; } ChatId::ChatId(ChatLobbyId id): lobby_id(0) { type = TYPE_LOBBY; lobby_id = id; } ChatId::ChatId(std::string str) : lobby_id(0) { type = TYPE_NOT_SET; if(str.empty()) return; if(str[0] == 'P') { type = TYPE_PRIVATE; peer_id = RsPeerId(str.substr(1)); } else if(str[0] == 'D') { type = TYPE_PRIVATE_DISTANT; distant_chat_id = DistantChatPeerId(str.substr(1)); } else if(str[0] == 'L') { if(sizeof(ChatLobbyId) != 8) { std::cerr << "ChatId::ChatId(std::string) Error: sizeof(ChatLobbyId) != 8. please report this" << std::endl; return; } str = str.substr(1); if(str.size() != 16) return; ChatLobbyId id = 0; for(int i = 0; i<16; i++) { uint8_t c = str[i]; if(c <= '9') c -= '0'; else c -= 'A' - 10; id = id << 4; id |= c; } type = TYPE_LOBBY; lobby_id = id; } else if(str[0] == 'B') { type = TYPE_BROADCAST; } } ChatId ChatId::makeBroadcastId() { ChatId id; id.type = TYPE_BROADCAST; return id; } std::string ChatId::toStdString() const { std::string str; if(type == TYPE_PRIVATE) { str += "P"; str += peer_id.toStdString(); } else if(type == TYPE_PRIVATE_DISTANT) { str += "D"; str += distant_chat_id.toStdString(); } else if(type == TYPE_LOBBY) { if(sizeof(ChatLobbyId) != 8) { std::cerr << "ChatId::toStdString() Error: sizeof(ChatLobbyId) != 8. please report this" << std::endl; return ""; } str += "L"; ChatLobbyId id = lobby_id; for(int i = 0; i<16; i++) { uint8_t c = id >>(64-4); if(c > 9) c += 'A' - 10; else c += '0'; str += c; id = id << 4; } } else if(type == TYPE_BROADCAST) { str += "B"; } return str; } bool ChatId::operator <(const ChatId& other) const { if(type != other.type) return type < other.type; else { switch(type) { case TYPE_NOT_SET: return false; case TYPE_PRIVATE: return peer_id < other.peer_id; case TYPE_PRIVATE_DISTANT: return distant_chat_id < other.distant_chat_id; case TYPE_LOBBY: return lobby_id < other.lobby_id; case TYPE_BROADCAST: return false; default: return false; } } } bool ChatId::isSameEndpoint(const ChatId &other) const { if(type != other.type) return false; else { switch(type) { case TYPE_NOT_SET: return false; case TYPE_PRIVATE: return peer_id == other.peer_id; case TYPE_PRIVATE_DISTANT: return distant_chat_id == other.distant_chat_id; case TYPE_LOBBY: return lobby_id == other.lobby_id; case TYPE_BROADCAST: return true; default: return false; } } } bool ChatId::isNotSet() const { return type == TYPE_NOT_SET; } bool ChatId::isPeerId() const { return type == TYPE_PRIVATE; } bool ChatId::isDistantChatId() const { return type == TYPE_PRIVATE_DISTANT; } bool ChatId::isLobbyId() const { return type == TYPE_LOBBY; } bool ChatId::isBroadcast() const { return type == TYPE_BROADCAST; } RsPeerId ChatId::toPeerId() const { if(type == TYPE_PRIVATE) return peer_id; else { std::cerr << "ChatId Warning: conversation to RsPeerId requested, but type is different. Current value=\"" << toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; return RsPeerId(); } } DistantChatPeerId ChatId::toDistantChatId() const { if(type == TYPE_PRIVATE_DISTANT) return distant_chat_id; else { std::cerr << "ChatId Warning: conversation to DistantChatPeerId requested, but type is different. Current value=\"" << toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; return DistantChatPeerId(); } } ChatLobbyId ChatId::toLobbyId() const { if(type == TYPE_LOBBY) return lobby_id; else { std::cerr << "ChatId Warning: conversation to ChatLobbyId requested, but type is different. Current value=\"" << toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; return 0; } } bool p3Msgs::getMessageSummaries(std::list &msgList) { return mMsgSrv->getMessageSummaries(msgList); } uint32_t p3Msgs::getDistantMessagingPermissionFlags() { return mMsgSrv->getDistantMessagingPermissionFlags(); } void p3Msgs::setDistantMessagingPermissionFlags(uint32_t flags) { return mMsgSrv->setDistantMessagingPermissionFlags(flags); } bool p3Msgs::getMessage(const std::string &mid, MessageInfo &msg) { return mMsgSrv->getMessage(mid, msg); } void p3Msgs::getMessageCount(uint32_t &nInbox, uint32_t &nInboxNew, uint32_t &nOutbox, uint32_t &nDraftbox, uint32_t &nSentbox, uint32_t &nTrashbox) { mMsgSrv->getMessageCount(nInbox, nInboxNew, nOutbox, nDraftbox, nSentbox, nTrashbox); } /****************************************/ /****************************************/ /* Message Items */ bool p3Msgs::MessageSend(MessageInfo &info) { return mMsgSrv->MessageSend(info); } uint32_t p3Msgs::sendMail( const RsGxsId from, const std::string& subject, const std::string& body, const std::set& to, const std::set& cc, const std::set& bcc, const std::vector& attachments, std::set& trackingIds, std::string& errorMsg ) { return mMsgSrv->sendMail( from, subject, body, to, cc, bcc, attachments, trackingIds, errorMsg ); } bool p3Msgs::SystemMessage(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, uint32_t systemFlag) { return mMsgSrv->SystemMessage(title, message, systemFlag); } bool p3Msgs::MessageToDraft(MessageInfo &info, const std::string &msgParentId) { return mMsgSrv->MessageToDraft(info, msgParentId); } bool p3Msgs::MessageToTrash(const std::string &mid, bool bTrash) { return mMsgSrv->MessageToTrash(mid, bTrash); } bool p3Msgs::getMsgParentId(const std::string &msgId, std::string &msgParentId) { return mMsgSrv->getMsgParentId(msgId, msgParentId); } /****************************************/ /****************************************/ bool p3Msgs::MessageDelete(const std::string &mid) { //std::cerr << "p3Msgs::MessageDelete() "; //std::cerr << "mid: " << mid << std::endl; return mMsgSrv -> removeMsgId(mid); } bool p3Msgs::MessageRead(const std::string &mid, bool unreadByUser) { //std::cerr << "p3Msgs::MessageRead() "; //std::cerr << "mid: " << mid << std::endl; return mMsgSrv -> markMsgIdRead(mid, unreadByUser); } bool p3Msgs::MessageReplied(const std::string &mid, bool replied) { return mMsgSrv->setMsgFlag(mid, replied ? RS_MSG_FLAGS_REPLIED : 0, RS_MSG_FLAGS_REPLIED); } bool p3Msgs::MessageForwarded(const std::string &mid, bool forwarded) { return mMsgSrv->setMsgFlag(mid, forwarded ? RS_MSG_FLAGS_FORWARDED : 0, RS_MSG_FLAGS_FORWARDED); } bool p3Msgs::MessageLoadEmbeddedImages(const std::string &mid, bool load) { return mMsgSrv->setMsgFlag(mid, load ? RS_MSG_FLAGS_LOAD_EMBEDDED_IMAGES : 0, RS_MSG_FLAGS_LOAD_EMBEDDED_IMAGES); } bool p3Msgs::getMessageTagTypes(MsgTagType& tags) { return mMsgSrv->getMessageTagTypes(tags); } bool p3Msgs::MessageStar(const std::string &mid, bool star) { return mMsgSrv->setMsgFlag(mid, star ? RS_MSG_FLAGS_STAR : 0, RS_MSG_FLAGS_STAR); } bool p3Msgs::MessageJunk(const std::string &mid, bool junk) { return mMsgSrv->setMsgFlag(mid, junk ? RS_MSG_FLAGS_SPAM : 0, RS_MSG_FLAGS_SPAM); } bool p3Msgs::setMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId, std::string& text, uint32_t rgb_color) { return mMsgSrv->setMessageTagType(tagId, text, rgb_color); } bool p3Msgs::removeMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId) { return mMsgSrv->removeMessageTagType(tagId); } bool p3Msgs::getMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, MsgTagInfo& info) { return mMsgSrv->getMessageTag(msgId, info); } bool p3Msgs::setMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, uint32_t tagId, bool set) { return mMsgSrv->setMessageTag(msgId, tagId, set); } bool p3Msgs::resetMessageStandardTagTypes(MsgTagType& tags) { return mMsgSrv->resetMessageStandardTagTypes(tags); } /****************************************/ /****************************************/ bool p3Msgs::sendChat(ChatId destination, std::string msg) { return mChatSrv->sendChat(destination, msg); } uint32_t p3Msgs::getMaxMessageSecuritySize(int type) { return mChatSrv->getMaxMessageSecuritySize(type); } void p3Msgs::sendStatusString(const ChatId& id, const std::string& status_string) { mChatSrv->sendStatusString(id, status_string); } void p3Msgs::clearChatLobby(const ChatId &id) { mChatSrv->clearChatLobby(id); } void p3Msgs::getOwnAvatarData(unsigned char *& data,int& size) { mChatSrv->getOwnAvatarJpegData(data,size) ; } void p3Msgs::setOwnAvatarData(const unsigned char *data,int size) { mChatSrv->setOwnAvatarJpegData(data,size) ; } void p3Msgs::getAvatarData(const RsPeerId& pid,unsigned char *& data,int& size) { mChatSrv->getAvatarJpegData(pid,data,size) ; } std::string p3Msgs::getCustomStateString(const RsPeerId& peer_id) { return mChatSrv->getCustomStateString(peer_id) ; } std::string p3Msgs::getCustomStateString() { return mChatSrv->getOwnCustomStateString() ; } void p3Msgs::setCustomStateString(const std::string& state_string) { mChatSrv->setOwnCustomStateString(state_string) ; } bool p3Msgs::getChatLobbyInfo(const ChatLobbyId& id,ChatLobbyInfo& linfo) { return mChatSrv->getChatLobbyInfo(id,linfo) ; } void p3Msgs::getChatLobbyList(std::list& lids) { mChatSrv->getChatLobbyList(lids) ; } void p3Msgs::invitePeerToLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id, const RsPeerId& peer_id) { mChatSrv->invitePeerToLobby(lobby_id,peer_id) ; } void p3Msgs::sendLobbyStatusPeerLeaving(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) { mChatSrv->sendLobbyStatusPeerLeaving(lobby_id) ; } void p3Msgs::unsubscribeChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) { mChatSrv->unsubscribeChatLobby(lobby_id) ; } bool p3Msgs::setDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(const RsGxsId& nick) { return mChatSrv->setDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(nick) ; } void p3Msgs::getDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(RsGxsId& nick_name) { mChatSrv->getDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(nick_name) ; } bool p3Msgs::setIdentityForChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id,const RsGxsId& nick) { return mChatSrv->setIdentityForChatLobby(lobby_id,nick) ; } bool p3Msgs::getIdentityForChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id,RsGxsId& nick_name) { return mChatSrv->getIdentityForChatLobby(lobby_id,nick_name) ; } bool p3Msgs::joinVisibleChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id,const RsGxsId& own_id) { return mChatSrv->joinVisibleChatLobby(lobby_id,own_id) ; } void p3Msgs::getListOfNearbyChatLobbies(std::vector& public_lobbies) { mChatSrv->getListOfNearbyChatLobbies(public_lobbies) ; } ChatLobbyId p3Msgs::createChatLobby(const std::string& lobby_name,const RsGxsId& lobby_identity,const std::string& lobby_topic,const std::set& invited_friends,ChatLobbyFlags privacy_type) { return mChatSrv->createChatLobby(lobby_name,lobby_identity,lobby_topic,invited_friends,privacy_type) ; } void p3Msgs::setLobbyAutoSubscribe(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id, const bool autoSubscribe) { mChatSrv->setLobbyAutoSubscribe(lobby_id, autoSubscribe); } bool p3Msgs::getLobbyAutoSubscribe(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) { return mChatSrv->getLobbyAutoSubscribe(lobby_id); } bool p3Msgs::acceptLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& id,const RsGxsId& gxs_id) { return mChatSrv->acceptLobbyInvite(id,gxs_id) ; } bool p3Msgs::denyLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& id) { return mChatSrv->denyLobbyInvite(id) ; } void p3Msgs::getPendingChatLobbyInvites(std::list& invites) { mChatSrv->getPendingChatLobbyInvites(invites) ; } bool p3Msgs::initiateDistantChatConnexion( const RsGxsId& to_gxs_id, const RsGxsId& from_gxs_id, DistantChatPeerId& pid, uint32_t& error_code, bool notify ) { return mChatSrv->initiateDistantChatConnexion( to_gxs_id, from_gxs_id, pid, error_code, notify ); } bool p3Msgs::getDistantChatStatus(const DistantChatPeerId& pid,DistantChatPeerInfo& info) { return mChatSrv->getDistantChatStatus(pid,info) ; } bool p3Msgs::closeDistantChatConnexion(const DistantChatPeerId &pid) { return mChatSrv->closeDistantChatConnexion(pid) ; } bool p3Msgs::setDistantChatPermissionFlags(uint32_t flags) { return mChatSrv->setDistantChatPermissionFlags(flags) ; } uint32_t p3Msgs::getDistantChatPermissionFlags() { return mChatSrv->getDistantChatPermissionFlags() ; } RsMsgs::~RsMsgs() = default; Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo::~MessageInfo() = default; MsgInfoSummary::~MsgInfoSummary() = default; VisibleChatLobbyRecord::~VisibleChatLobbyRecord() = default; void RsMailIdRecipientIdPair::serial_process( RsGenericSerializer::SerializeJob j, RsGenericSerializer::SerializeContext& ctx ) { RS_SERIAL_PROCESS(mMailId); RS_SERIAL_PROCESS(mRecipientId); } bool RsMailIdRecipientIdPair::operator<(const RsMailIdRecipientIdPair& o) const { return std::tie( mMailId, mRecipientId) < std::tie(o.mMailId, o.mRecipientId); } bool RsMailIdRecipientIdPair::operator==(const RsMailIdRecipientIdPair& o) const { return std::tie( mMailId, mRecipientId) == std::tie(o.mMailId, o.mRecipientId); }