FriendsDialog 0 0 764 428 Qt::Horizontal 6 0 QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 2 :/images/user/friends24.png 10 75 true Friends Qt::Horizontal 123 13 30 0 Qt::NoFocus Display :/images/looknfeel.png:/images/looknfeel.png 32 16 QToolButton::InstantPopup true Qt::NoFocus Add :/images/edit_add24.png:/images/edit_add24.png 32 16 QToolButton::InstantPopup true 0 0 150 0 1 0 70 16777215 70 QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 1 1 61 61 61 61 0 32 16777215 42 16 Nickname (Location) Qt::Horizontal 221 76 Qt::Horizontal 277 20 0 0 Edit Personal message true 0 true Group Chat 16777215 38 QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 6 0 0 24 24 24 24 Qt::NoFocus :/images/emoticons/kopete/kopete020.png:/images/emoticons/kopete/kopete020.png 24 24 true 0 0 24 24 24 24 Qt::NoFocus Bold :/images/edit-bold.png:/images/edit-bold.png true true 0 0 24 24 24 24 Qt::NoFocus Underline :/images/edit-underline.png:/images/edit-underline.png true true 0 0 24 24 24 24 Qt::NoFocus Italic :/images/edit-italic.png:/images/edit-italic.png true true 0 0 24 24 24 24 Qt::NoFocus Font :/images/fonts.png:/images/fonts.png true 0 0 24 24 24 24 Qt::NoFocus Text Color true 0 0 24 24 24 24 Qt::NoFocus :/images/configure.png:/images/configure.png 22 22 QToolButton::InstantPopup true 0 0 26 26 26 26 Qt::NoFocus Attach File :/images/add-share24.png:/images/add-share24.png 24 24 true Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 321 20 Send Qt::Vertical 5 false 0 0 0 60 Qt::CustomContextMenu true 0 0 30 Qt::CustomContextMenu Messages entered here are sent to all connected friends 0 0 true :/images/edit-clear-history.png:/images/edit-clear-history.png Clear Chat History :/images/user/add_user16.png:/images/user/add_user16.png Add Friend :/images/contact_new.png:/images/contact_new.png Create new Profile :/images/new_forum16.png:/images/new_forum16.png Create new Forum Create new Forum F :/images/add_channel24.png:/images/add_channel24.png Create new Channel Create new Channel C :/images/add_image24.png:/images/add_image24.png Add your Avatar Picture A :/images/message-news.png:/images/message-news.png Set your Personal Message Edit your status Message Browse Message History Browse History Save Chat History Save Chat History :/images/user/add_group22.png:/images/user/add_group22.png Add a new Group Add a new Group :/images/edit-clear-history.png:/images/edit-clear-history.png Delete Chat History Deletes all stored and displayed chat history :/images/user/agt_forum24.png:/images/user/agt_forum24.png Create new Chat lobby Create new Chat lobby :/images/user/invite24.png:/images/user/invite24.png Friend Recommendations Choose Font Reset font to default AvatarWidget QLabel
LinkTextBrowser QTextBrowser
FriendList QWidget
HashBox QScrollArea
ChatTabWidget QTabWidget