/* * libretroshare/src/services: p3channels.cc * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "services/p3channels.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ChannelInfo &info) { std::string name(info.channelName.begin(), info.channelName.end()); std::string desc(info.channelDesc.begin(), info.channelDesc.end()); out << "ChannelInfo:"; out << std::endl; out << "ChannelId: " << info.channelId << std::endl; out << "ChannelName: " << name << std::endl; out << "ChannelDesc: " << desc << std::endl; out << "ChannelFlags: " << info.channelFlags << std::endl; out << "Pop: " << info.pop << std::endl; out << "LastPost: " << info.lastPost << std::endl; return out; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ChannelMsgSummary &info) { out << "ChannelMsgSummary: ChannelId: " << info.channelId << std::endl; return out; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ChannelMsgInfo &info) { out << "ChannelMsgInfo: ChannelId: " << info.channelId << std::endl; return out; } RsChannels *rsChannels = NULL; /* remember 2^16 = 64K max units in store period. * PUBPERIOD * 2^16 = max STORE PERIOD */ #define CHANNEL_STOREPERIOD (30*24*3600) /* 30 * 24 * 3600 - secs in a 30 day month */ #define CHANNEL_PUBPERIOD 120 /* 2 minutes ... (max = 455 days) */ #define MAX_AUTO_DL 1E9 /* auto download of attachment limit; 1 GIG */ p3Channels::p3Channels(uint16_t type, CacheStrapper *cs, CacheTransfer *cft, RsFiles *files, std::string srcdir, std::string storedir, std::string chanDir) :p3GroupDistrib(type, cs, cft, srcdir, storedir, chanDir, CONFIG_TYPE_CHANNELS, CHANNEL_STOREPERIOD, CHANNEL_PUBPERIOD), mRsFiles(files), mChannelsDir(chanDir) { /* create chanDir */ if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(mChannelsDir)) { std::cerr << "p3Channels() Failed to create Channels Directory: " << mChannelsDir << std::endl; } return; } p3Channels::~p3Channels() { return; } /****************************************/ bool p3Channels::channelsChanged(std::list &chanIds) { return groupsChanged(chanIds); } bool p3Channels::getChannelInfo(const std::string &cId, ChannelInfo &ci) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /***** STACK LOCKED MUTEX *****/ /* extract details */ GroupInfo *gi = locked_getGroupInfo(cId); if (!gi) return false; ci.channelId = gi->grpId; ci.channelName = gi->grpName; ci.channelDesc = gi->grpDesc; ci.channelFlags = gi->flags; ci.pop = gi->sources.size(); ci.lastPost = gi->lastPost; ci.pngChanImage = gi->grpIcon.pngImageData; if(ci.pngChanImage != NULL) ci.pngImageLen = gi->grpIcon.imageSize; else ci.pngImageLen = 0; return true; } bool p3Channels::getChannelList(std::list &channelList) { std::list grpIds; std::list::iterator it; getAllGroupList(grpIds); for(it = grpIds.begin(); it != grpIds.end(); it++) { ChannelInfo ci; if (getChannelInfo(*it, ci)) { channelList.push_back(ci); } } return true; } bool p3Channels::getChannelMsgList(const std::string &cId, std::list &msgs) { std::list msgIds; std::list::iterator it; getAllMsgList(cId, msgIds); RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /***** STACK LOCKED MUTEX *****/ for(it = msgIds.begin(); it != msgIds.end(); it++) { /* get details */ RsDistribMsg *msg = locked_getGroupMsg(cId, *it); RsChannelMsg *cmsg = dynamic_cast(msg); if (!cmsg) continue; ChannelMsgSummary tis; tis.channelId = msg->grpId; tis.msgId = msg->msgId; tis.ts = msg->timestamp; /* the rest must be gotten from the derived Msg */ tis.subject = cmsg->subject; tis.msg = cmsg->message; tis.count = cmsg->attachment.items.size(); msgs.push_back(tis); } return true; } bool p3Channels::getChannelMessage(const std::string &cId, const std::string &mId, ChannelMsgInfo &info) { std::list msgIds; std::list::iterator it; processCacheOptReq(cId); RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /***** STACK LOCKED MUTEX *****/ RsDistribMsg *msg = locked_getGroupMsg(cId, mId); RsChannelMsg *cmsg = dynamic_cast(msg); if (!cmsg) return false; info.channelId = msg->grpId; info.msgId = msg->msgId; info.ts = msg->timestamp; /* the rest must be gotten from the derived Msg */ info.subject = cmsg->subject; info.msg = cmsg->message; info.count = 0; info.size = 0; std::list::iterator fit; for(fit = cmsg->attachment.items.begin(); fit != cmsg->attachment.items.end(); fit++) { FileInfo fi; fi.fname = RsDirUtil::getTopDir(fit->name); fi.size = fit->filesize; fi.hash = fit->hash; fi.path = fit->path; info.files.push_back(fi); info.count++; info.size += fi.size; } if((cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_data != NULL) && (cmsg->thumbnail.image_type == RSTLV_IMAGE_TYPE_PNG)) { info.thumbnail.image_thumbnail = (unsigned char*) cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_data; info.thumbnail.im_thumbnail_size = cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_len; } return true; } bool p3Channels::channelRestoreKeys(const std::string &chId){ return p3GroupDistrib::restoreGrpKeys(chId); } bool p3Channels::ChannelMessageSend(ChannelMsgInfo &info) { RsChannelMsg *cmsg = new RsChannelMsg(); cmsg->grpId = info.channelId; cmsg->subject = info.subject; cmsg->message = info.msg; cmsg->timestamp = time(NULL); std::list::iterator it; for(it = info.files.begin(); it != info.files.end(); it++) { RsTlvFileItem mfi; mfi.hash = it -> hash; mfi.name = it -> fname; mfi.filesize = it -> size; cmsg -> attachment.items.push_back(mfi); } // explicit member wise copy for grp image if((info.thumbnail.image_thumbnail != NULL) && (info.thumbnail.im_thumbnail_size > 0)){ cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_data = new unsigned char[info.thumbnail.im_thumbnail_size]; memcpy(cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_data, info.thumbnail.image_thumbnail, info.thumbnail.im_thumbnail_size*sizeof(unsigned char)); cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_len = info.thumbnail.im_thumbnail_size; cmsg->thumbnail.image_type = RSTLV_IMAGE_TYPE_PNG; }else{ cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_data = NULL; cmsg->thumbnail.binData.bin_len = 0; cmsg->thumbnail.image_type = 0; } bool toSign = false; // Channels are not personally signed yet... (certainly not by default!). // This functionality can easily be added once its available in the gui + API. // should check the GroupFlags for default. std::string msgId = publishMsg(cmsg, toSign); if (msgId.empty()) { return false; } return setMessageStatus(info.channelId, msgId, CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_READ, CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_MASK); } bool p3Channels::setMessageStatus(const std::string& cId,const std::string& mId,const uint32_t status, const uint32_t statusMask) { bool changed = false; uint32_t newStatus = 0; { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /***** STACK LOCKED MUTEX *****/ std::list::iterator lit = mReadStatus.begin(); for(; lit != mReadStatus.end(); lit++) { if((*lit)->channelId == cId) { RsChannelReadStatus* rsi = *lit; uint32_t oldStatus = rsi->msgReadStatus[mId]; rsi->msgReadStatus[mId] &= ~statusMask; rsi->msgReadStatus[mId] |= (status & statusMask); newStatus = rsi->msgReadStatus[mId]; if (oldStatus != newStatus) { changed = true; } break; } } // if channel id does not exist create one if(lit == mReadStatus.end()) { RsChannelReadStatus* rsi = new RsChannelReadStatus(); rsi->channelId = cId; rsi->msgReadStatus[mId] = status & statusMask; mReadStatus.push_back(rsi); saveList.push_back(rsi); newStatus = rsi->msgReadStatus[mId]; changed = true; } if (changed) { IndicateConfigChanged(); } } /******* UNLOCKED ********/ if (changed) { rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST_LOCKED, NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD); rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyChannelMsgReadSatusChanged(cId, mId, newStatus); } return true; } bool p3Channels::getMessageStatus(const std::string& cId, const std::string& mId, uint32_t& status) { status = 0; RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); std::list::iterator lit = mReadStatus.begin(); for(; lit != mReadStatus.end(); lit++) { if((*lit)->channelId == cId) { break; } } if(lit == mReadStatus.end()) { return false; } std::map::iterator mit = (*lit)->msgReadStatus.find(mId); if(mit != (*lit)->msgReadStatus.end()) { status = mit->second; return true; } return false; } bool p3Channels::getMessageCount(const std::string &cId, unsigned int &newCount, unsigned int &unreadCount) { newCount = 0; unreadCount = 0; std::list grpIds; if (cId.empty()) { // count all messages of all subscribed channels getAllGroupList(grpIds); } else { // count all messages of one channels grpIds.push_back(cId); } std::list::iterator git; for (git = grpIds.begin(); git != grpIds.end(); git++) { std::string cId = *git; uint32_t grpFlags; { // only flag is needed RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /***** STACK LOCKED MUTEX *****/ GroupInfo *gi = locked_getGroupInfo(cId); if (gi == NULL) { return false; } grpFlags = gi->flags; } /******* UNLOCKED ********/ if (grpFlags & (RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN | RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED)) { std::list msgIds; if (getAllMsgList(cId, msgIds)) { std::list::iterator mit; RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /***** STACK LOCKED MUTEX *****/ std::list::iterator lit; for(lit = mReadStatus.begin(); lit != mReadStatus.end(); lit++) { if ((*lit)->channelId == cId) { break; } } if (lit == mReadStatus.end()) { // no status available -> all messages are new newCount += msgIds.size(); unreadCount += msgIds.size(); continue; } for (mit = msgIds.begin(); mit != msgIds.end(); mit++) { std::map::iterator rit = (*lit)->msgReadStatus.find(*mit); if (rit == (*lit)->msgReadStatus.end()) { // no status available -> message is new newCount++; unreadCount++; continue; } if (rit->second & CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_READ) { // message is not new if (rit->second & CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER) { // message is unread unreadCount++; } } else { newCount++; unreadCount++; } } } /******* UNLOCKED ********/ } } return true; } bool p3Channels::channelExtraFileHash(const std::string &path, const std::string & /*chId*/, FileInfo& fInfo){ // get file name std::string fname, fnameBuff; std::string::const_reverse_iterator rit; for(rit = path.rbegin(); *rit != '/' ; rit++){ fnameBuff.push_back(*rit); } // reverse string buff for correct file name fname.append(fnameBuff.rbegin(), fnameBuff.rend()); uint32_t flags = RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE; // then hash file and get file info too if(!mRsFiles->ExtraFileHash(path, CHANNEL_STOREPERIOD, flags)) return false; fInfo.path = path; fInfo.fname = fname; return true; } bool p3Channels::channelExtraFileRemove(const std::string &hash, const std::string &chId){ uint32_t flags = RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE | RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA; /* remove copy from channels directory */ FileInfo fInfo; mRsFiles->FileDetails(hash, flags, fInfo); std::string chPath = mChannelsDir + "/" + chId + "/" + fInfo.fname; if(remove(chPath.c_str()) == 0){ std::cerr << "p3Channel::channelExtraFileRemove() Removed file :" << chPath.c_str() << std::endl; }else{ std::cerr << "p3Channel::channelExtraFileRemove() Failed to remove file :" << chPath.c_str() << std::endl; } return mRsFiles->ExtraFileRemove(hash, flags); } std::string p3Channels::createChannel(std::wstring channelName, std::wstring channelDesc, uint32_t channelFlags, unsigned char* pngImageData, uint32_t imageSize) { std::string grpId = createGroup(channelName, channelDesc, channelFlags, pngImageData, imageSize); // create channel directory std::string channelDir = mChannelsDir + "/" + grpId; if(RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(channelDir)) std::cerr << "p3Channels::createChannel(): Failed to create channel directory " << channelDir << std::endl; return grpId; } RsSerialType *p3Channels::createSerialiser() { return new RsChannelSerialiser(); } bool p3Channels::locked_checkDistribMsg(RsDistribMsg */*msg*/) { return true; } bool p3Channels::channelSubscribe(const std::string &cId, bool subscribe, bool autoDl) { #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::channelSubscribe() " << cId << std::endl; #endif { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); if(subscribe) mChannelStatus[cId] |= autoDl ? (RS_CHAN_STATUS_AUTO_DL & RS_CHAN_STATUS_MASK) : ~RS_CHAN_STATUS_MASK; } bool ok = subscribeToGroup(cId, subscribe); // if subscribing set channel status bit field on whether // or not to auto download { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); if(!ok || !subscribe){ mChannelStatus.erase(cId); removeChannelReadStatusEntry(cId); } else{ addChannelReadStatusEntry(cId); } IndicateConfigChanged(); } return ok; } void p3Channels::addChannelReadStatusEntry(const std::string& cId) { std::list::iterator lit = mReadStatus.begin(); RsChannelReadStatus* rds = NULL; // check to ensure an entry does not exist for(; lit != mReadStatus.end(); lit++){ if((*lit)->channelId == cId) { break; } } if(lit == mReadStatus.end()){ rds = new RsChannelReadStatus(); rds->channelId = cId; mReadStatus.push_back(rds); saveList.push_back(rds); } return; } //TODO: delete unsubscribed channels from entry void p3Channels::removeChannelReadStatusEntry(const std::string& cId) { std::list::iterator lit = mReadStatus.begin(); statMap::iterator mit; // check to ensure an entry does not exist for(; lit != mReadStatus.end(); lit++){ if((*lit)->channelId == cId) { if((mit = (*lit)->msgReadStatus.find(cId)) != (*lit)->msgReadStatus.end()){ (*lit)->msgReadStatus.erase(mit); break; } } } } bool p3Channels::channelShareKeys(const std::string &chId, std::list& peers){ #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::channelShareKeys() " << chId << std::endl; #endif return sharePubKey(chId, peers); } bool p3Channels::channelEditInfo(const std::string &chId, ChannelInfo& info){ #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::channelUdateInfo() " << chId << std::endl; #endif GroupInfo gi; RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); gi.grpName = info.channelName; gi.grpDesc = info.channelDesc; if((info.pngChanImage != NULL) && (info.pngImageLen != 0)){ gi.grpIcon.imageSize = info.pngImageLen; gi.grpIcon.pngImageData = info.pngChanImage; } else{ gi.grpIcon.imageSize = 0; gi.grpIcon.pngImageData = NULL; } return locked_editGroup(chId, gi); } void p3Channels::getPubKeysAvailableGrpIds(std::list& grpIds) { getGrpListPubKeyAvailable(grpIds); return; } bool p3Channels::channelSetAutoDl(const std::string& chId, bool autoDl) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); statMap::iterator it = mChannelStatus.find(chId); bool changed = false; if(it != mChannelStatus.end()){ if(autoDl) it->second |= RS_CHAN_STATUS_AUTO_DL; else it->second &= ~(RS_CHAN_STATUS_AUTO_DL & RS_CHAN_STATUS_MASK); changed = true; } else { #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::channelSetAutoDl(): " << "Channel does not exist" << std::endl; #endif return false; } // save configuration if(changed) IndicateConfigChanged(); return true; } bool p3Channels::channelGetAutoDl(const std::string& chId, bool& autoDl) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); statMap::iterator it = mChannelStatus.find(chId); if(it != mChannelStatus.end()) { autoDl = it->second & RS_CHAN_STATUS_AUTO_DL; return true; } return false; } /***************************************************************************************/ /****************** Event Feedback (Overloaded form p3distrib) *************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /* only download in the first week of channel * older stuff can be manually downloaded. */ const uint32_t DOWNLOAD_PERIOD = 7 * 24 * 3600; /* This is called when we receive a msg, and also recalled * on a subscription to a channel.. */ bool p3Channels::locked_eventDuplicateMsg(GroupInfo *grp, RsDistribMsg *msg, const std::string& id, bool /*historical*/) { std::string grpId = msg->grpId; std::string msgId = msg->msgId; std::string nullId; RsChannelMsg *chanMsg = dynamic_cast(msg); if (!chanMsg) { return true; } // return if msg has d download already statMap MsgMap; statMap::iterator mit1, mit2; std::list::iterator lit = mReadStatus.begin(); for(;lit != mReadStatus.end();lit++){ if((*lit)->channelId == grpId) break; } mit2 = mChannelStatus.find(grpId); if(mit2 != mChannelStatus.end()) { if(!(mit2->second & RS_CHAN_STATUS_AUTO_DL)){ if(lit != mReadStatus.end()){ if(( mit1=(*lit)->msgReadStatus.find(msgId)) != (*lit)->msgReadStatus.end()) (*lit)->msgReadStatus[msgId] |= (CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_MASK & CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_DOWLOADED); } return false; } } if(lit != mReadStatus.end()){ if(( mit1=(*lit)->msgReadStatus.find(msgId)) != (*lit)->msgReadStatus.end()){ if(mit1->second & CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_DOWLOADED) return false; }else{ // create an entry for msg id (*lit)->msgReadStatus[msgId] = ~CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_MASK; } } /* request the files * NB: This will result in duplicates. * it is upto ftserver/ftcontroller/ftextralist to handle this! * */ bool download = (grp->flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED); if (id == mOwnId) { download = false; #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_eventDuplicateMsg() msg from self - not downloading"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } /* check subscribed */ if (!download) { return true; } /* check age */ time_t age = time(NULL) - msg->timestamp; if (age > (time_t)DOWNLOAD_PERIOD ) { return true; } // get channel info to determine if channel is private or not ChannelInfo cInfo; bool chanPrivate = false; // tho if empty don't bother if(!chanMsg->attachment.items.empty()){ if(grp->flags & RS_DISTRIB_PRIVATE) chanPrivate = true; } /* Iterate through files */ std::list::iterator fit; for(fit = chanMsg->attachment.items.begin(); fit != chanMsg->attachment.items.end(); fit++) { std::string fname = fit->name; std::string hash = fit->hash; uint64_t size = fit->filesize; std::string channelname = grpId; std::string localpath; uint32_t flags; // send to download directory if file is private // We also add explicit sources only if the channel is private. Otherwise we DL in network wide mode // using anonymous tunnels. // std::list srcIds; if(chanPrivate) { localpath = mChannelsDir; flags = RS_FILE_HINTS_BACKGROUND | RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA; srcIds.push_back(id); } else { localpath = ""; // forces dl to default directory flags = RS_FILE_HINTS_BACKGROUND | RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE; } /* download it ... and flag for ExtraList * don't do pre-search check as FileRequest does it better * * FileRequest will ignore request if file is already indexed. */ #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_eventDuplicateMsg() " << " Downloading: " << fname; std::cerr << " to: " << localpath << " from: " << id << std::endl; #endif if(size < MAX_AUTO_DL) mRsFiles->FileRequest(fname, hash, size, localpath, flags, srcIds); } if(lit != mReadStatus.end()){ (*lit)->msgReadStatus[msgId] |= (CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_MASK & CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_DOWLOADED); } IndicateConfigChanged(); return true; } #include "pqi/pqinotify.h" bool p3Channels::locked_eventNewMsg(GroupInfo *grp, RsDistribMsg *msg, const std::string& id, bool historical) { std::string grpId = msg->grpId; std::string msgId = msg->msgId; std::string nullId; if (!historical) { getPqiNotify()->AddFeedItem(RS_FEED_ITEM_CHAN_MSG, grpId, msgId, nullId); } /* request the files * NB: This could result in duplicates. * which must be handled by ft side. * * this is exactly what DuplicateMsg does. * */ return locked_eventDuplicateMsg(grp, msg, id, historical); } void p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged(GroupInfo &grp, uint32_t flags, bool historical) { std::string grpId = grp.grpId; std::string msgId; std::string nullId; switch(flags) { case GRP_NEW_UPDATE: #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() NEW UPDATE" << std::endl; #endif if (!historical) { getPqiNotify()->AddFeedItem(RS_FEED_ITEM_CHAN_NEW, grpId, msgId, nullId); } rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST_LOCKED, NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD); break; case GRP_UPDATE: #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() UPDATE" << std::endl; #endif if (!historical) { getPqiNotify()->AddFeedItem(RS_FEED_ITEM_CHAN_UPDATE, grpId, msgId, nullId); } rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST_LOCKED, NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD); break; case GRP_LOAD_KEY: #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() LOAD_KEY" << std::endl; #endif break; case GRP_NEW_MSG: #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() NEW MSG" << std::endl; #endif rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST_LOCKED, NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD); break; case GRP_SUBSCRIBED: #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() SUBSCRIBED" << std::endl; #endif { std::string channeldir = mChannelsDir + "/" + grpId; #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() creating directory: " << channeldir << std::endl; #endif /* create chanDir */ if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(channeldir)) { std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() Failed to create Channels Directory: " << channeldir << std::endl; } /* check if downloads need to be started? */ } rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST_LOCKED, NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD); break; case GRP_UNSUBSCRIBED: #ifdef CHANNEL_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() UNSUBSCRIBED" << std::endl; #endif rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST_LOCKED, NOTIFY_TYPE_DEL); /* won't stop downloads... */ break; default: std::cerr << "p3Channels::locked_notifyGroupChanged() Unknown DEFAULT" << std::endl; break; } return p3GroupDistrib::locked_notifyGroupChanged(grp, flags, historical); } //TODO: if you want to config saving and loading for channel distrib service implement this method further bool p3Channels::childLoadList(std::list& configSaves) { RsChannelReadStatus* drs = NULL; std::list::iterator it; for(it = configSaves.begin(); it != configSaves.end(); it++) { if(NULL != (drs = dynamic_cast(*it))) { processChanReadStatus(drs); } else { std::cerr << "p3Channels::childLoadList(): Configs items loaded were incorrect!" << std::endl; if(*it != NULL) delete *it; } } return true; } void p3Channels::processChanReadStatus(RsChannelReadStatus* drs) { mReadStatus.push_back(drs); std::string chId = drs->channelId; statMap::iterator sit = drs->msgReadStatus.find(chId); if(sit != drs->msgReadStatus.end()){ mChannelStatus[chId] = sit->second; mChanReadStatus.insert(std::make_pair (chId, drs)); } // first pull out the channel id status mMsgReadStatus[drs->channelId] = drs->msgReadStatus; mReadStatus.push_back(drs); saveList.push_back(drs); } std::list p3Channels::childSaveList() { std::list::iterator lit = mReadStatus.begin(); statMap::iterator sit, mit; // update or add current channel id status for(; lit != mReadStatus.end(); lit++) { if((sit = mChannelStatus.find((*lit)->channelId)) != mChannelStatus.end()) { mit = (*lit)->msgReadStatus.find((*lit)->channelId); if(mit != (*lit)->msgReadStatus.end()) { mit->second = sit->second; } else { (*lit)->msgReadStatus[(*lit)->channelId] = sit->second; } } } return saveList; } /****************************************/