/**************************************************************** * RetroShare GUI is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Thunder * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #ifndef RETROSHARE_FEEDREADER_GUI_INTERFACE_H #define RETROSHARE_FEEDREADER_GUI_INTERFACE_H #include #include #include #include class RsFeedReader; class RsGxsForums; class RsPosted; class RsGxsForumGroup; class RsPostedGroup; extern RsFeedReader *rsFeedReader; enum RsFeedReaderErrorState { RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_OK = 0, /* download */ RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_DOWNLOAD_INTERNAL_ERROR = 1, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR = 2, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE = 3, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_DOWNLOAD_NOT_FOUND = 4, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_DOWNLOAD_UNKOWN_RESPONSE_CODE = 5, /* process */ RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_INTERNAL_ERROR = 50, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_UNKNOWN_FORMAT = 51, // RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_FORUM_CREATE = 100, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_FORUM_NOT_FOUND = 101, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_FORUM_NO_ADMIN = 102, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_FORUM_NO_AUTHOR = 103, // RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_POSTED_CREATE = 104, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_POSTED_NOT_FOUND = 105, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_POSTED_NO_ADMIN = 106, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_POSTED_NO_AUTHOR = 107, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_HTML_ERROR = 150, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_XPATH_INTERNAL_ERROR = 151, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_XPATH_WRONG_EXPRESSION = 152, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_XPATH_NO_RESULT = 153, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_XSLT_FORMAT_ERROR = 154, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_XSLT_TRANSFORM_ERROR = 155, RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_PROCESS_XSLT_NO_RESULT = 156 }; enum RsFeedResult { RS_FEED_RESULT_SUCCESS, RS_FEED_RESULT_FEED_NOT_FOUND, RS_FEED_RESULT_PARENT_NOT_FOUND, RS_FEED_RESULT_PARENT_IS_NO_FOLDER, RS_FEED_RESULT_FEED_IS_FOLDER, RS_FEED_RESULT_FEED_IS_NO_FOLDER }; enum RsFeedTransformationType { RS_FEED_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_NONE = 0, RS_FEED_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_XPATH = 1, RS_FEED_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_XSLT = 2 }; class FeedInfo { public: enum WorkState { WAITING, WAITING_TO_DOWNLOAD, DOWNLOADING, WAITING_TO_PROCESS, PROCESSING }; public: FeedInfo() { proxyPort = 0; updateInterval = 0; lastUpdate = 0; storageTime = 0; errorState = RS_FEED_ERRORSTATE_OK; flag.folder = false; flag.infoFromFeed = false; flag.standardStorageTime = false; flag.standardUpdateInterval = false; flag.standardProxy = false; flag.authentication = false; flag.deactivated = false; flag.forum = false; flag.updateForumInfo = false; flag.posted = false; flag.updatePostedInfo = false; flag.embedImages = false; flag.saveCompletePage = false; flag.preview = false; transformationType = RS_FEED_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_NONE; } uint32_t feedId; uint32_t parentId; std::string url; std::string name; std::string description; std::string icon; std::string user; std::string password; std::string proxyAddress; uint16_t proxyPort; uint32_t updateInterval; time_t lastUpdate; uint32_t storageTime; std::string forumId; std::string postedId; WorkState workstate; RsFeedReaderErrorState errorState; std::string errorString; RsFeedTransformationType transformationType; std::list xpathsToUse; std::list xpathsToRemove; std::string xslt; struct { bool folder : 1; bool infoFromFeed : 1; bool standardStorageTime : 1; bool standardUpdateInterval : 1; bool standardProxy : 1; bool authentication : 1; bool deactivated : 1; bool forum : 1; bool updateForumInfo : 1; bool posted : 1; bool updatePostedInfo : 1; bool postedFirstImage : 1; bool postedOnlyImage : 1; bool embedImages : 1; bool saveCompletePage : 1; bool preview : 1; } flag; }; class FeedMsgInfo { public: FeedMsgInfo() { pubDate = 0; flag.isnew = false; flag.read = false; flag.deleted = false; } std::string msgId; uint32_t feedId; std::string title; std::string link; std::string author; std::string description; std::string descriptionTransformed; time_t pubDate; struct { bool isnew : 1; bool read : 1; bool deleted : 1; } flag; }; class RsFeedReaderNotify { public: RsFeedReaderNotify() {} virtual void notifyFeedChanged(uint32_t /*feedId*/, int /*type*/) {} virtual void notifyMsgChanged(uint32_t /*feedId*/, const std::string &/*msgId*/, int /*type*/) {} }; class RsFeedReader { public: RsFeedReader() {} virtual ~RsFeedReader() {} virtual void stop() = 0; virtual void setNotify(RsFeedReaderNotify *notify) = 0; virtual uint32_t getStandardStorageTime() = 0; virtual void setStandardStorageTime(uint32_t storageTime) = 0; virtual uint32_t getStandardUpdateInterval() = 0; virtual void setStandardUpdateInterval(uint32_t updateInterval) = 0; virtual bool getStandardProxy(std::string &proxyAddress, uint16_t &proxyPort) = 0; virtual void setStandardProxy(bool useProxy, const std::string &proxyAddress, uint16_t proxyPort) = 0; virtual bool getSaveInBackground() = 0; virtual void setSaveInBackground(bool saveInBackground) = 0; virtual RsFeedResult addFolder(uint32_t parentId, const std::string &name, uint32_t &feedId) = 0; virtual RsFeedResult setFolder(uint32_t feedId, const std::string &name) = 0; virtual RsFeedResult addFeed(const FeedInfo &feedInfo, uint32_t &feedId) = 0; virtual RsFeedResult setFeed(uint32_t feedId, const FeedInfo &feedInfo) = 0; virtual RsFeedResult setParent(uint32_t feedId, uint32_t parentId) = 0; virtual bool removeFeed(uint32_t feedId) = 0; virtual bool addPreviewFeed(const FeedInfo &feedInfo, uint32_t &feedId) = 0; virtual void getFeedList(uint32_t parentId, std::list &feedInfos) = 0; virtual bool getFeedInfo(uint32_t feedId, FeedInfo &feedInfo) = 0; virtual bool getMsgInfo(uint32_t feedId, const std::string &msgId, FeedMsgInfo &msgInfo) = 0; virtual bool removeMsg(uint32_t feedId, const std::string &msgId) = 0; virtual bool removeMsgs(uint32_t feedId, const std::list &msgIds) = 0; virtual bool getMessageCount(uint32_t feedId, uint32_t *msgCount, uint32_t *newCount, uint32_t *unreadCount) = 0; virtual bool getFeedMsgList(uint32_t feedId, std::list &msgInfos) = 0; virtual bool getFeedMsgIdList(uint32_t feedId, std::list &msgIds) = 0; virtual bool processFeed(uint32_t feedId) = 0; virtual bool setMessageRead(uint32_t feedId, const std::string &msgId, bool read) = 0; virtual bool retransformMsg(uint32_t feedId, const std::string &msgId) = 0; virtual bool clearMessageCache(uint32_t feedId) = 0; virtual RsGxsForums* forums() = 0; virtual RsPosted* posted() = 0; virtual bool getForumGroups(std::vector &groups, bool onlyOwn) = 0; virtual bool getPostedGroups(std::vector &groups, bool onlyOwn) = 0; virtual RsFeedReaderErrorState processXPath(const std::list &xpathsToUse, const std::list &xpathsToRemove, std::string &description, std::string &errorString) = 0; virtual RsFeedReaderErrorState processXslt(const std::string &xslt, std::string &description, std::string &errorString) = 0; }; #endif