/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2009 * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RetroShareLink.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "ForumsDialog.h" #include "ChannelFeed.h" #include "SearchDialog.h" #include "msgs/MessageComposer.h" #include "util/misc.h" #include "common/PeerDefs.h" #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_RSLINK 1 #define HOST_FILE "file" #define HOST_PERSON "person" #define HOST_FORUM "forum" #define HOST_CHANNEL "channel" #define HOST_MESSAGE "message" #define HOST_REGEXP "file|person|forum|channel|search|message" #define FILE_NAME "name" #define FILE_SIZE "size" #define FILE_HASH "hash" #define PERSON_NAME "name" #define PERSON_HASH "hash" #define FORUM_NAME "name" #define FORUM_ID "id" #define FORUM_MSGID "msgid" #define CHANNEL_NAME "name" #define CHANNEL_ID "id" #define CHANNEL_MSGID "msgid" #define MESSAGE_ID "id" #define MESSAGE_SUBJECT "subject" #define HOST_SEARCH "search" #define SEARCH_KEYWORDS "keywords" RetroShareLink::RetroShareLink(const QUrl& url) { fromUrl(url); } RetroShareLink::RetroShareLink(const QString& url) { fromString(url); } void RetroShareLink::fromString(const QString& url) { clear(); // parse #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << "got new RS link \"" << url.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl ; #endif if ((url.startsWith(QString(RSLINK_SCHEME) + "://" + QString(HOST_FILE)) && url.count("|") == 3) || (url.startsWith(QString(RSLINK_SCHEME) + "://" + QString(HOST_PERSON)) && url.count("|") == 2)) { /* Old link, we try it */ QStringList list = url.split ("|"); if (list.size() >= 1) { if (list.size() == 4 && list[0] == QString(RSLINK_SCHEME) + "://" + QString(HOST_FILE)) { bool ok ; _type = TYPE_FILE; _name = list[1] ; _size = list[2].toULongLong(&ok) ; _hash = list[3].left(40) ; // normally not necessary, but it's a security. if (ok) { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << "New RetroShareLink forged:" << std::endl ; std::cerr << " name = \"" << _name.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl ; std::cerr << " hash = \"" << _hash.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl ; std::cerr << " size = " << _size << std::endl ; #endif check(); return; } } else if (list.size() == 3 && list[0] == QString(RSLINK_SCHEME) + "://" + QString(HOST_PERSON)) { _type = TYPE_PERSON; _name = list[1] ; _hash = list[2].left(40) ; // normally not necessary, but it's a security. _size = 0; check(); return; } // bad link } } /* Now try QUrl */ fromUrl(QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toAscii())); } void RetroShareLink::fromUrl(const QUrl& url) { clear(); // parse #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << "got new RS link \"" << url.toString().toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl ; #endif if (url.scheme() != RSLINK_SCHEME) { /* No RetroShare-Link */ return; } if (url.host() == HOST_FILE) { bool ok ; _type = TYPE_FILE; _name = url.queryItemValue(FILE_NAME); _size = url.queryItemValue(FILE_SIZE).toULongLong(&ok); _hash = url.queryItemValue(FILE_HASH).left(40); // normally not necessary, but it's a security. if (ok) { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << "New RetroShareLink forged:" << std::endl ; std::cerr << " name = \"" << _name.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl ; std::cerr << " hash = \"" << _hash.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl ; std::cerr << " size = " << _size << std::endl ; #endif check(); return; } } if (url.host() == HOST_PERSON) { _type = TYPE_PERSON; _name = url.queryItemValue(PERSON_NAME); _hash = url.queryItemValue(PERSON_HASH).left(40); // normally not necessary, but it's a security. check(); return; } if (url.host() == HOST_FORUM) { _type = TYPE_FORUM; _name = url.queryItemValue(FORUM_NAME); _hash = url.queryItemValue(FORUM_ID); _msgId = url.queryItemValue(FORUM_MSGID); check(); return; } if (url.host() == HOST_CHANNEL) { _type = TYPE_CHANNEL; _name = url.queryItemValue(CHANNEL_NAME); _hash = url.queryItemValue(CHANNEL_ID); _msgId = url.queryItemValue(CHANNEL_MSGID); check(); return; } if (url.host() == HOST_SEARCH) { _type = TYPE_SEARCH; _name = url.queryItemValue(SEARCH_KEYWORDS); check(); return; } if (url.host() == HOST_MESSAGE) { _type = TYPE_MESSAGE; std::string id = url.queryItemValue(MESSAGE_ID).toStdString(); createMessage(id, url.queryItemValue(MESSAGE_SUBJECT)); return; } // bad link #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << "Wrongly formed RS link. Can't process." << std::endl ; #endif clear(); } RetroShareLink::RetroShareLink() { clear(); } bool RetroShareLink::createFile(const QString& name, uint64_t size, const QString& hash) { clear(); _name = name; _size = size; _hash = hash; _type = TYPE_FILE; check(); return valid(); } bool RetroShareLink::createPerson(const QString& name, const QString& hash) { clear(); _name = name; _hash = hash; _type = TYPE_PERSON; check(); return valid(); } bool RetroShareLink::createForum(const QString& name, const QString& id, const QString& msgId) { clear(); _name = name; _hash = id; _msgId = msgId; _type = TYPE_FORUM; check(); return valid(); } bool RetroShareLink::createChannel(const QString& name, const QString& id, const QString& msgId) { clear(); _name = name; _size = 0; _hash = id; _msgId = msgId; _type = TYPE_CHANNEL; check(); return valid(); } bool RetroShareLink::createSearch(const QString& keywords) { clear(); _name = keywords; _type = TYPE_SEARCH; check(); return valid(); } bool RetroShareLink::createMessage(const std::string& peerId, const QString& subject) { clear(); _hash = QString::fromStdString(peerId); PeerDefs::rsidFromId(peerId, &_name); _subject = subject; _type = TYPE_MESSAGE; check(); return valid(); } void RetroShareLink::clear() { _valid = false; _type = TYPE_UNKNOWN; _hash = "" ; _size = 0 ; _name = "" ; } void RetroShareLink::check() { _valid = true; switch (_type) { case TYPE_UNKNOWN: _valid = false; break; case TYPE_FILE: if(_size > (((uint64_t)1)<<40)) // 1TB. Who has such large files? _valid = false; if(!checkName(_name)) _valid = false; if(!checkHash(_hash)) _valid = false; break; case TYPE_PERSON: if(_size != 0) _valid = false; if(_name.isEmpty()) _valid = false; if(_hash.isEmpty()) _valid = false; break; case TYPE_FORUM: if(_size != 0) _valid = false; if(_name.isEmpty()) _valid = false; if(_hash.isEmpty()) _valid = false; break; case TYPE_CHANNEL: if(_size != 0) _valid = false; if(_name.isEmpty()) _valid = false; if(_hash.isEmpty()) _valid = false; break; case TYPE_SEARCH: if(_size != 0) _valid = false; if(_name.isEmpty()) _valid = false; if(!_hash.isEmpty()) _valid = false; break; case TYPE_MESSAGE: if(_size != 0) _valid = false; if(_hash.isEmpty()) _valid = false; break; } if (!_valid) { clear(); } } QString RetroShareLink::title() const { if (!valid()) { return ""; } switch (_type) { case TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; case TYPE_FILE: return QString("%1 (%2)").arg(hash()).arg(misc::friendlyUnit(size())); case TYPE_PERSON: case TYPE_FORUM: case TYPE_CHANNEL: case TYPE_SEARCH: break; case TYPE_MESSAGE: return PeerDefs::rsidFromId(hash().toStdString()); } return ""; } QString RetroShareLink::toString(bool encoded /*= true*/) const { switch (_type) { case TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; case TYPE_FILE: { QUrl url; url.setScheme(RSLINK_SCHEME); url.setHost(HOST_FILE); url.addQueryItem(FILE_NAME, _name); url.addQueryItem(FILE_SIZE, QString::number(_size)); url.addQueryItem(FILE_HASH, _hash); if (encoded) { return url.toEncoded(); } return url.toString(); } case TYPE_PERSON: { QUrl url; url.setScheme(RSLINK_SCHEME); url.setHost(HOST_PERSON); url.addQueryItem(PERSON_NAME, _name); url.addQueryItem(PERSON_HASH, _hash); if (encoded) { return url.toEncoded(); } return url.toString(); } case TYPE_FORUM: { QUrl url; url.setScheme(RSLINK_SCHEME); url.setHost(HOST_FORUM); url.addQueryItem(FORUM_NAME, _name); url.addQueryItem(FORUM_ID, _hash); if (!_msgId.isEmpty()) { url.addQueryItem(FORUM_MSGID, _msgId); } if (encoded) { return url.toEncoded(); } return url.toString(); } case TYPE_CHANNEL: { QUrl url; url.setScheme(RSLINK_SCHEME); url.setHost(HOST_CHANNEL); url.addQueryItem(CHANNEL_NAME, _name); url.addQueryItem(CHANNEL_ID, _hash); if (!_msgId.isEmpty()) { url.addQueryItem(CHANNEL_MSGID, _msgId); } if (encoded) { return url.toEncoded(); } return url.toString(); } case TYPE_SEARCH: { QUrl url; url.setScheme(RSLINK_SCHEME); url.setHost(HOST_SEARCH); url.addQueryItem(SEARCH_KEYWORDS, _name); if (encoded) { return url.toEncoded(); } return url.toString(); } case TYPE_MESSAGE: { QUrl url; url.setScheme(RSLINK_SCHEME); url.setHost(HOST_MESSAGE); url.addQueryItem(MESSAGE_ID, _hash); if (_subject.isEmpty() == false) { url.addQueryItem(MESSAGE_SUBJECT, _subject); } if (encoded) { return url.toEncoded(); } return url.toString(); } } return ""; } QString RetroShareLink::niceName() const { if (type() == TYPE_PERSON) { return PeerDefs::rsid(name().toStdString(), hash().toStdString()); } return name(); } QString RetroShareLink::toHtml() const { QString html = "" ; return html; } QString RetroShareLink::toHtmlFull() const { return QString("" + toString(false) + "" ; } QString RetroShareLink::toHtmlSize() const { return QString("" + name() +"" + " " + "" + "(" + misc::friendlyUnit(_size) + ")" +""; } bool RetroShareLink::checkName(const QString& name) { if(name == "") return false ; for(int i=0;i47 && b<58) || (b>96 && b<103))) return false ; } return true ; } bool RetroShareLink::process(int flag) { if (valid() == false) { std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process invalid request" << std::endl; return false; } switch (type()) { case TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; case TYPE_FILE: { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process FileRequest : fileName : " << name().toUtf8().constData() << ". fileHash : " << hash().toStdString() << ". fileSize : " << size() << std::endl; #endif // Get a list of available direct sources, in case the file is browsable only. std::list srcIds; FileInfo finfo ; rsFiles->FileDetails(hash().toStdString(), RS_FILE_HINTS_REMOTE,finfo) ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(finfo.peers.begin());it!=finfo.peers.end();++it) { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << " adding peerid " << (*it).peerId << std::endl ; #endif srcIds.push_back((*it).peerId) ; } if (rsFiles->FileRequest(name().toUtf8().constData(), hash().toStdString(), size(), "", RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE, srcIds)) { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_SUCCESS) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("File Request Confirmation"), QObject::tr("The file has been added to your download list."),QMessageBox::Information,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return true; } if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("File Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The file has not been added to your download list, because you already have it."),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } case TYPE_PERSON: { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process FriendRequest : name : " << name().toStdString() << ". id : " << hash().toStdString() << std::endl; #endif RsPeerDetails detail; if (rsPeers->getPeerDetails(hash().toStdString(), detail)) { if (detail.gpg_id == rsPeers->getGPGOwnId()) { // it's me, do nothing return true; } if (detail.accept_connection) { // peer connection is already accepted if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_SUCCESS) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Friend Request Confirmation"), QObject::tr("The friend is already in your list."),QMessageBox::Information,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return true; } if (rsPeers->setAcceptToConnectGPGCertificate(hash().toStdString(), true)) { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_SUCCESS) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Friend Request Confirmation"), QObject::tr("The friend has been added to your list."),QMessageBox::Information,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return true; } if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Friend Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The friend could not be added to your list."),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Friend Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The friend could not be found."),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } case TYPE_FORUM: { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process ForumRequest : name : " << name().toStdString() << ". id : " << hash().toStdString() << ". msgId : " << msgId().toStdString() << std::endl; #endif ForumInfo fi; if (!rsForums->getForumInfo(id().toStdString(), fi)) { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Forum Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The forum \"%1\" could not be found.").arg(name()),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } ForumMsgInfo msg; if (!msgId().isEmpty()) { if (!rsForums->getForumMessage(fi.forumId, msgId().toStdString(), msg)) { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Forum Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The forum message in forum \"%1\" could not be found.").arg(name()),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } } MainWindow::showWindow(MainWindow::Forums); ForumsDialog *forumsDialog = dynamic_cast(MainWindow::getPage(MainWindow::Forums)); if (!forumsDialog) { return false; } return forumsDialog->navigate(fi.forumId, msg.msgId); } case TYPE_CHANNEL: { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process ChannelRequest : name : " << name().toStdString() << ". id : " << hash().toStdString() << ". msgId : " << msgId().toStdString() << std::endl; #endif ChannelInfo ci; if (!rsChannels->getChannelInfo(id().toStdString(), ci)) { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Channel Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The channel \"%1\" could not be found.").arg(name()),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } ChannelMsgInfo msg; if (!msgId().isEmpty()) { if (!rsChannels->getChannelMessage(ci.channelId, msgId().toStdString(), msg)) { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Channel Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The channel message in channel \"%1\" could not be found.").arg(name()),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } } MainWindow::showWindow(MainWindow::Channels); ChannelFeed *channelFeed = dynamic_cast(MainWindow::getPage(MainWindow::Channels)); if (!channelFeed) { return false; } return channelFeed->navigate(ci.channelId, msg.msgId); } case TYPE_SEARCH: { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process SearchRequest : string : " << name().toStdString() << std::endl; #endif MainWindow::showWindow(MainWindow::Search); SearchDialog *searchDialog = dynamic_cast(MainWindow::getPage(MainWindow::Search)); if (!searchDialog) { return false; } searchDialog->searchKeywords(name()); return true; } case TYPE_MESSAGE: { #ifdef DEBUG_RSLINK std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process MessageRequest : id : " << _hash.toStdString() << ", subject : " << name().toStdString() << std::endl; #endif RsPeerDetails detail; if (rsPeers->getPeerDetails(hash().toStdString(), detail)) { if (detail.accept_connection || detail.id == rsPeers->getOwnId()) { MessageComposer *msg = MessageComposer::newMsg(); msg->addRecipient(MessageComposer::TO, detail.id, false); if (subject().isEmpty() == false) { msg->insertTitleText(subject()); } msg->show(); return true; } else { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Message Request canceled"), QObject::tr("Cannot send a message to a not accepted receipient \"%1\".").arg(hash()), QMessageBox::Critical, QMessageBox::Ok, 0, 0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } } } else { if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Message Request canceled"), QObject::tr("The receipient of the message is unknown."), QMessageBox::Critical, QMessageBox::Ok, 0, 0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } } return false; } } std::cerr << " RetroShareLink::process unknown type: " << type() << std::endl; if (flag & RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("File Request Error"), QObject::tr("The file link is malformed."),QMessageBox::Critical,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); mb.exec(); } return false; } void RSLinkClipboard::copyLinks(const std::vector& links) { QString res ; for(uint32_t i=0;isetText(res) ; } void RSLinkClipboard::pasteLinks(std::vector &links) { return parseClipboard(links); } void RSLinkClipboard::parseClipboard(std::vector &links) { // parse clipboard for links. // links.clear(); QString text = QApplication::clipboard()->text() ; std::cerr << "Parsing clipboard:" << text.toStdString() << std::endl ; QRegExp rx(QString("retroshare://(%1)[^\r\n]+").arg(HOST_REGEXP)); int pos = 0; while((pos = rx.indexIn(text, pos)) != -1) { QString url(text.mid(pos, rx.matchedLength())); RetroShareLink link(url); if(link.valid()) { // check that the link is not already in the list: bool already = false ; for(uint32_t i=0;i links; parseClipboard(links); QString res ; for(uint32_t i=0;i links; parseClipboard(links); QString res ; for(uint32_t i=0;i" ; return res ; } QString RSLinkClipboard::toHtmlFull() { std::vector links; parseClipboard(links); QString res ; for(uint32_t i=0;i" ; return res ; } bool RSLinkClipboard::empty(RetroShareLink::enumType type /*= RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN*/) { std::vector links; parseClipboard(links); if (type == RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN) { return links.empty(); } for (std::vector::iterator link = links.begin(); link != links.end(); link++) { if (link->type() == type) { return false; } } return true; } /*static*/ int RSLinkClipboard::process(RetroShareLink::enumType type /*= RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN*/, int flag /*= RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ALL*/) { std::vector links; pasteLinks(links); int count = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) { if (links[i].valid() && (type == RetroShareLink::TYPE_UNKNOWN || links[i].type() == type)) { if (links[i].process(flag)) { count++; } } } return count; }