/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2009 The RetroShare Team, Oleksiy Bilyanskyy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include "FileAssociationsPage.h" #include "AddFileAssociationDialog.h" //#include "rshare.h" // for Rshare::dataDirectory() method #include "rsharesettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //============================================================================ FileAssociationsPage::FileAssociationsPage(QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : ConfigPage(parent, flags) //:QFrame() { QVBoxLayout* pageLay = new QVBoxLayout(this); toolBar = new QToolBar("actions", this); newAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/add_24x24.png"), tr("&New"), this); //newAction->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+N")); newAction->setStatusTip(tr("Add new Association")); connect(newAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addnew())); toolBar->addAction(newAction); editAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/kcmsystem24.png"), tr("&Edit"), this); editAction->setStatusTip(tr("Edit this Association")); connect(editAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(edit())); toolBar->addAction(editAction); removeAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/edit_remove24.png"), tr("&Remove"), this); removeAction->setStatusTip(tr("Remove this Association")); connect(removeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(remove())); toolBar->addAction( removeAction ); pageLay->addWidget( toolBar ); table = new QTableWidget(5,2,this);//default 5 rows, 2 columns table->setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, new QTableWidgetItem(tr("File type") ) ); table->setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, new QTableWidgetItem("Command") ); connect( table, SIGNAL( cellActivated(int, int)), this, SLOT( tableCellActivated(int, int)) ); connect( table, SIGNAL( cellClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT( tableCellActivated(int, int)) ); // connect( table, SIGNAL( cellChanged(int, int)), // this, SLOT( tableCellActivated(int, int)) ); // // connect( table, SIGNAL( cellDoubleClicked(int, int)), // this, SLOT( tableCellActivated(int, int)) ); // // connect( table, SIGNAL( cellEntered(int, int)), // this, SLOT( tableCellActivated(int, int)) ); // // connect( table, SIGNAL( cellPressed(int, int)), // this, SLOT( tableCellActivated(int, int)) ); // connect( table, SIGNAL( itemClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)), // this, SLOT( tableItemActivated(QTableWidgetItem*)) ); pageLay->addWidget(table); // addNewAssotiationButton = new QPushButton; // addNewAssotiationButton->setText(tr("Add..")); // QHBoxLayout* anbLay = new QHBoxLayout; // anbLay->addStretch(); // anbLay->addWidget(addNewAssotiationButton); // pageLay->addLayout(anbLay); // connect( addNewAssotiationButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), // this, SLOT( testButtonClicked() ) ); // RshareSettings settings; //new QSettings( qApp->applicationDirPath()+"/sett.ini", // QSettings::IniFormat); // settings.beginGroup("FileAssociations"); } //============================================================================ FileAssociationsPage::~FileAssociationsPage() { } //============================================================================ bool FileAssociationsPage::save (QString &/*errmsg*/) { // RshareSettings settings; // settings.beginGroup("FileAssotiations"); // settings.setValue(".s01", "s01 test"); // settings.setValue(".s02", "s02 test"); // settings.setValue(".s03", "s03 test"); // settings.setValue(".s04", "s04 test"); // QMap::const_iterator ati = ations.constBegin(); // while (ati != ations.constEnd()) // { // settings.setValue( ati.key(), ati.value() ); // qDebug() << " - " << ati.key() << ati.value() << "\n" ; // ati++; // } // // settings.endGroup(); // settings.sync(); // delete settings; /* */ return true; } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::load() { // Settings->beginGroup("FileAssotiations"); QStringList keys = Settings->allKeys(); table->setRowCount( keys.count() ); int rowi = 0; QStringList::const_iterator ki; for(ki=keys.constBegin(); ki!=keys.constEnd(); ki++) { QString val = (Settings->value(*ki, "")).toString(); addNewItemToTable( rowi, 0, *ki ); addNewItemToTable( rowi, 1, val ); rowi++; } if (keys.count()==0) { removeAction->setEnabled(false); editAction->setEnabled(false); } table->selectRow(0); } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::remove() { int currentRow = table->currentRow() ; QTableWidgetItem const * titem = table->item( currentRow,0); QString key = (titem->data(QTableWidgetItem::Type)).toString(); Settings->remove(key); table->removeRow( currentRow ); if ( table->rowCount()==0 ) { removeAction->setEnabled(false); editAction->setEnabled(false); } } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::addnew() { AddFileAssociationDialog afad(false, this);//'add file assotiations' dialog QTableWidgetItem* titem; int ti = afad.exec(); if (ti==QDialog::Accepted) { QString currType = afad.resultFileType() ; QString currCmd = afad.resultCommand() ; if ( !Settings->contains(currType) )//new item should be added only if { // it wasn't entered before. int nridx = table->rowCount();//new row index table->setRowCount(nridx+1); addNewItemToTable(nridx,0, currType) ; addNewItemToTable(nridx,1, currCmd); } else { for(int rowi=0; rowirowCount(); rowi++) { titem = table->item( rowi, 0); if (titem->data(QTableWidgetItem::Type).toString()==currType) { titem = table->item( rowi, 1); titem->setData(QTableWidgetItem::Type, currCmd); break; } } } Settings->setValue(currType, currCmd); removeAction->setEnabled(true); editAction->setEnabled(true); } } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::edit() { AddFileAssociationDialog afad(true, this);//'add file assotiations' dialog int currentRow = table->currentRow() ; QTableWidgetItem* titem; titem = table->item( currentRow,0); QString currType = (titem->data(QTableWidgetItem::Type)).toString(); titem = table->item( currentRow,1); QString currCmd = (titem->data(QTableWidgetItem::Type)).toString(); afad.setCommand(currCmd); afad.setFileType(currType); int ti = afad.exec(); if (ti==QDialog::Accepted) { currCmd = afad.resultCommand() ; titem = table->item( currentRow,1); titem->setData(QTableWidgetItem::Type, currCmd); Settings->setValue(currType, currCmd); } } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::tableCellActivated ( int row, int /*column*/ ) { table->selectRow(row); } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::tableItemActivated ( QTableWidgetItem * item ) { qDebug() << "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy\n"; QMessageBox::information(this, tr(" Friend Help"), tr("You this")); table->selectRow(table->row(item)); } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::addNewItemToTable(int row, int column, QString itemText) { QTableWidgetItem* tmpitem ; tmpitem = new QTableWidgetItem(itemText) ; tmpitem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); // | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); table->setItem(row, column, tmpitem ); } //============================================================================ void FileAssociationsPage::testButtonClicked() { AddFileAssociationDialog afad(this);// = new AddFileAssotiationDialog(); // commented code below is a test for // AddFileAssotiationDialog::loadSystemDefaultCommand(QString ft) method // QString tmps; // tmps = "/home/folder/file"; // qDebug() << " for " << tmps <<" is " << afad.cleanFileType(tmps); // tmps = "/home/folder/file.avi"; // qDebug() << " for " << tmps <<" is " << afad.cleanFileType(tmps); // tmps = "file.avi"; // qDebug() << " for " << tmps <<" is " << afad.cleanFileType(tmps); // tmps = ".file"; // qDebug() << " for " << tmps <<" is " << afad.cleanFileType(tmps); // tmps = "c:\\home\\folder\\file"; // qDebug() << " for " << tmps <<" is " << afad.cleanFileType(tmps); // tmps = "/home/folder/.file"; // qDebug() << " for " << tmps <<" is " << afad.cleanFileType(tmps); // tmps = "D:\\folder\\file.asd.avi"; // qDebug() << " for " << tmps <<" is " << afad.cleanFileType(tmps); int ti = afad.exec(); if (ti==QDialog::Accepted) { qDebug() << " dialog was accepted"; QProcess::execute(afad.resultCommand());//, //QStringList("D:\\prog\\eclipse_workspace\\tapp-fa\\tt.txt") ); qDebug() << " process finished?"; } else if (ti == QDialog::Rejected) qDebug() << " dialog rejected" ; else qDebug() << "dialog returned something else" ; } //============================================================================