#ifndef RSDATASERVICE_H #define RSDATASERVICE_H /* * libretroshare/src/gxs: rsdataservice.h * * General Data service, interface for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2011-2012 by Evi-Parker Christopher * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "gxs/rsgds.h" #include "util/retrodb.h" class MsgUpdate { public: //MsgUpdate(){} //MsgUpdate(const MsgUpdate& ){}//hier müsste ein echter constructor sein RsGxsMessageId msgId; ContentValue cv; }; class RsDataService : public RsGeneralDataService { public: RsDataService(const std::string& serviceDir, const std::string& dbName, uint16_t serviceType, RsGxsSearchModule* mod = NULL, const std::string& key = ""); virtual ~RsDataService(); /*! * Retrieves all msgs * @param reqIds requested msg ids (grpId,msgId), leave msg list empty to get all msgs for the grp * @param msg result of msg retrieval * @param cache whether to store results of this retrieval in memory for faster later retrieval * @return error code */ int retrieveNxsMsgs(const GxsMsgReq& reqIds, GxsMsgResult& msg, bool cache, bool withMeta = false); /*! * Retrieves groups, if empty, retrieves all grps, if map is not empty * only retrieve entries, if entry cannot be found, it is removed from map * @param grp retrieved groups * @param withMeta this initialise the metaData member of the nxsgroups retrieved * @param cache whether to store retrieval in mem for faster later retrieval * @return error code */ int retrieveNxsGrps(std::map& grp, bool withMeta, bool cache); /*! * Retrieves meta data of all groups stored (most current versions only) * @param cache whether to store retrieval in mem for faster later retrieval * @return error code */ int retrieveGxsGrpMetaData(std::map& grp); /*! * Retrieves meta data of all groups stored (most current versions only) * @param grpIds grpIds for which to retrieve meta data * @param msgMeta meta data result as map of grpIds to array of metadata for that grpId * @param cache whether to store retrieval in mem for faster later retrieval * @return error code */ int retrieveGxsMsgMetaData(const GxsMsgReq& reqIds, GxsMsgMetaResult& msgMeta); /*! * remove msgs in data store * @param grpId group Id of message to be removed * @param msgIds ids of messages to be removed * @return error code */ int removeMsgs(const GxsMsgReq& msgIds); /*! * remove groups in data store listed in grpIds param * @param grpIds ids of groups to be removed * @return error code */ int removeGroups(const std::vector& grpIds); /*! * Retrieves all group ids in store * @param grpIds all grpids in store is inserted into this vector * @return error code */ int retrieveGroupIds(std::vector &grpIds); /*! * Retrives all msg ids in store * @param grpId groupId of message ids to retrieve * @param msgId msgsids retrieved * @return error code */ int retrieveMsgIds(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, RsGxsMessageId::std_vector& msgId); /*! * @return the cache size set for this RsGeneralDataService in bytes */ uint32_t cacheSize() const; /*! * @param size size of cache to set in bytes */ int setCacheSize(uint32_t size); /*! * Stores a list of signed messages into data store * @param msg map of message and decoded meta data information * @return error code */ int storeMessage(std::map& msg); /*! * Stores a list of groups in data store * @param grp map of group and decoded meta data * @return error code */ int storeGroup(std::map& grp); /*! * Updates group entries in Db * @param grp map of group and decoded meta data * @return error code */ int updateGroup(std::map& grsp); /*! * @param metaData The meta data item to update * @return error code */ int updateMessageMetaData(MsgLocMetaData& metaData); /*! * @param metaData The meta data item to update * @return error code */ int updateGroupMetaData(GrpLocMetaData& meta); /*! * Completely clear out data stored in * and returns this to a state * as it was when first constructed * @return error code */ int resetDataStore(); bool validSize(RsNxsMsg* msg) const; bool validSize(RsNxsGrp* grp) const; /*! * Convenience function used to only update group keys. This is used when sending * publish keys between peers. * @return SQL error code */ int updateGroupKeys(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId,const RsTlvSecurityKeySet& keys, uint32_t subscribe_flags) ; private: /*! * Retrieves all the msg results from a cursor * @param c cursor to result set * @param msgs messages retrieved from cursor are stored here */ void locked_retrieveMessages(RetroCursor* c, std::vector& msgs, int metaOffset); /*! * Retrieves all the grp results from a cursor * @param c cursor to result set * @param grps groups retrieved from cursor are stored here * @param withMeta this initialise the metaData member of the nxsgroups retrieved */ void locked_retrieveGroups(RetroCursor* c, std::vector& grps, int metaOffset); /*! * Retrieves all the msg meta results from a cursor * @param c cursor to result set * @param metaSet message metadata retrieved from cursor are stored here */ void locked_retrieveMsgMeta(RetroCursor* c, std::vector& msgMeta); /*! * extracts a msg meta item from a cursor at its * current position */ RsGxsMsgMetaData* locked_getMsgMeta(RetroCursor& c, int colOffset); /*! * extracts a grp meta item from a cursor at its * current position */ RsGxsGrpMetaData* locked_getGrpMeta(RetroCursor& c, int colOffset); /*! * extracts a msg item from a cursor at its * current position */ RsNxsMsg* locked_getMessage(RetroCursor& c); /*! * extracts a grp item from a cursor at its * current position */ RsNxsGrp* locked_getGroup(RetroCursor& c); /*! * Creates an sql database and its associated file * also creates the message and groups table * @param isNewDatabase is new database */ void initialise(bool isNewDatabase); /*! * Remove entries for data base * @param msgIds */ bool locked_removeMessageEntries(const GxsMsgReq& msgIds); bool locked_removeGroupEntries(const std::vector& grpIds); private: /*! * Start release update * @param release * @return true/false */ bool startReleaseUpdate(int release); /*! * Finish release update * @param release * @param result * @return true/false */ bool finishReleaseUpdate(int release, bool result); private: RsMutex mDbMutex; std::list mMsgColumns; std::list mMsgMetaColumns; std::list mMsgColumnsWithMeta; std::list mMsgIdColumn; std::list mGrpColumns; std::list mGrpMetaColumns; std::list mGrpColumnsWithMeta; std::list mGrpIdColumn; // Message meta column int mColMsgMeta_GrpId; int mColMsgMeta_TimeStamp; int mColMsgMeta_NxsFlags; int mColMsgMeta_SignSet; int mColMsgMeta_NxsIdentity; int mColMsgMeta_NxsHash; int mColMsgMeta_MsgId; int mColMsgMeta_OrigMsgId; int mColMsgMeta_MsgStatus; int mColMsgMeta_ChildTs; int mColMsgMeta_MsgParentId; int mColMsgMeta_MsgThreadId; int mColMsgMeta_Name; int mColMsgMeta_NxsServString; int mColMsgMeta_RecvTs; int mColMsgMeta_NxsDataLen; // Message columns int mColMsg_GrpId; int mColMsg_NxsData; int mColMsg_MetaData; int mColMsg_MsgId; // Message columns with meta int mColMsg_WithMetaOffset; // Group meta columns int mColGrpMeta_GrpId; int mColGrpMeta_TimeStamp; int mColGrpMeta_NxsFlags; // int mColGrpMeta_SignSet; int mColGrpMeta_NxsIdentity; int mColGrpMeta_NxsHash; int mColGrpMeta_KeySet; int mColGrpMeta_SubscrFlag; int mColGrpMeta_Pop; int mColGrpMeta_MsgCount; int mColGrpMeta_Status; int mColGrpMeta_Name; int mColGrpMeta_LastPost; int mColGrpMeta_OrigGrpId; int mColGrpMeta_ServString; int mColGrpMeta_SignFlags; int mColGrpMeta_CircleId; int mColGrpMeta_CircleType; int mColGrpMeta_InternCircle; int mColGrpMeta_Originator; int mColGrpMeta_AuthenFlags; int mColGrpMeta_ParentGrpId; int mColGrpMeta_RecvTs; int mColGrpMeta_RepCutoff; int mColGrpMeta_NxsDataLen; // Group columns int mColGrp_GrpId; int mColGrp_NxsData; int mColGrp_MetaData; // Group columns with meta int mColGrp_WithMetaOffset; // Group id columns int mColGrpId_GrpId; // Msg id columns int mColMsgId_MsgId; std::string mServiceDir; std::string mDbName; std::string mDbPath; uint16_t mServType; RetroDb* mDb; // used to store metadata instead of reading it from the database. // The boolean variable below is also used to force re-reading when // the entre list of grp metadata is requested (which happens quite often) void locked_clearGrpMetaCache(const RsGxsGroupId& gid); std::map mGrpMetaDataCache ; bool mGrpMetaDataCache_ContainsAllDatabase ; }; #endif // RSDATASERVICE_H