/* * "$Id: tou.cc,v 1.7 2007-02-18 21:46:50 rmf24 Exp $" * * TCP-on-UDP (tou) network interface for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2006 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "tou.h" static const int kInitStreamTable = 5; #include #include #include #include "udp/udpstack.h" #include "pqi/pqinetwork.h" #include "tcpstream.h" #include #include #include #define DEBUG_TOU_INTERFACE 1 #define EUSERS 87 struct TcpOnUdp_t { int tou_fd; int lasterrno; TcpStream *tcp; UdpSubReceiver *udpsr; int udptype; bool idle; }; typedef struct TcpOnUdp_t TcpOnUdp; static RsMutex touMutex("touMutex"); // Mutex is used to control addition / removals from tou_streams. // Lookup should be okay - as long as you stick to your allocated ID! static std::vector tou_streams; static int tou_inited = 0; #include "tcponudp/udppeer.h" #include "tcponudp/udprelay.h" static UdpSubReceiver *udpSR[MAX_TOU_RECEIVERS] = {NULL}; static uint32_t udpType[MAX_TOU_RECEIVERS] = { 0 }; static uint32_t noUdpSR = 0; /* tou_init * * Modified to accept a number of UdpSubRecievers! * these can be linked to arbitary UdpStacks. * (removed all UdpStack references here!) * * Unfortunately, the UdpSubReceivers have different initialisation for starting a connection. * So the TOU interface has to accomodate this. * */ /* tou_init - opens the udp port (universal bind) */ int tou_init(void **in_udpsubrecvs, int *type, int number) { RsStackMutex stack(touMutex); /***** LOCKED ******/ UdpSubReceiver **usrArray = (UdpSubReceiver **) in_udpsubrecvs; if (number > MAX_TOU_RECEIVERS) { std::cerr << "tou_init() Invalid number of receivers"; std::cerr << std::endl; return 0; } if (tou_inited) { return 1; } noUdpSR = number; uint32_t i; for(i = 0; i < noUdpSR; i++) { udpSR[i] = usrArray[i]; udpType[i] = type[i]; } tou_streams.resize(kInitStreamTable); tou_inited = 1; return 1; } /* open - allocates a sockfd, and checks that the type is okay */ int tou_socket(uint32_t recvIdx, uint32_t type, int /*protocol*/) { RsStackMutex stack(touMutex); /***** LOCKED ******/ if (!tou_inited) { return -1; } if (recvIdx >= noUdpSR) { std::cerr << "tou_socket() ERROR recvIdx greater than #receivers"; std::cerr << std::endl; return -1; } /* check that the index matches the type */ UdpSubReceiver *recver = udpSR[recvIdx]; uint32_t recverType = udpType[recvIdx]; if (recverType != type) { std::cerr << "tou_socket() ERROR type doesn't match expected type"; std::cerr << std::endl; return -1; } for(unsigned int i = 1; i < tou_streams.size(); i++) { if (tou_streams[i] == NULL) { tou_streams[i] = new TcpOnUdp(); tou_streams[i] -> tou_fd = i; tou_streams[i] -> tcp = NULL; tou_streams[i] -> udpsr = recver; tou_streams[i] -> udptype = recverType; return i; } } TcpOnUdp *tou = new TcpOnUdp(); tou_streams.push_back(tou); if (tou == tou_streams[tou_streams.size() -1]) { tou -> tou_fd = tou_streams.size() -1; tou -> tcp = NULL; tou -> udpsr = recver; tou -> udptype = recverType; return tou->tou_fd; } tou -> lasterrno = EUSERS; return -1; } bool tou_stream_check(int sockfd) { if (sockfd < 0) { std::cerr << "tou_stream_check() ERROR sockfd < 0"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } if (tou_streams[sockfd] == NULL) { std::cerr << "tou_stream_check() ERROR tou_streams[sockfd] == NULL"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } return true; } /* bind - opens the udp port */ int tou_bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr * /* my_addr */, socklen_t /* addrlen */ ) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; /* this now always returns an error! */ tous -> lasterrno = EADDRINUSE; return -1; } /* records peers address, and sends syn pkt * the timeout is very slow initially - to give * the peer a chance to startup * * - like a tcp/ip connection, the connect * will return -1 EAGAIN, until connection complete. * - always non blocking. */ int tou_connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, socklen_t addrlen, uint32_t conn_period) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; if (addrlen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR invalid size of sockaddr"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } // only IPv4 for the moment. const struct sockaddr_storage *ss_addr = (struct sockaddr_storage *) serv_addr; if (ss_addr->ss_family != AF_INET) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR not ipv4"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } /* enforce that the udptype is correct */ if (tous -> udptype != TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPPEER) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR connect method invalid for udptype"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } #ifdef TOU_DYNAMIC_CAST_CHECK /* extra checking -> for testing purposes (dynamic cast) */ UdpPeerReceiver *upr = dynamic_cast(tous->udpsr); if (!upr) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR cannot convert type to UdpPeerReceiver"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } #else UdpPeerReceiver *upr = (UdpPeerReceiver *) (tous->udpsr); #endif /* create a TCP stream to connect with. */ if (!tous->tcp) { tous->tcp = new TcpStream(tous->udpsr); upr->addUdpPeer(tous->tcp, *((const struct sockaddr_in *) serv_addr)); } tous->tcp->connect(*(const struct sockaddr_in *) serv_addr, conn_period); tous->tcp->tick(); if (tous->tcp->isConnected()) { return 0; } tous -> lasterrno = EINPROGRESS; return -1; } /* is this ever used? should it be depreciated? */ int tou_listenfor(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr, socklen_t addrlen) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; if (addrlen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) { std::cerr << "tou_listenfor() ERROR invalid size of sockaddr"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } // only IPv4 for the moment. const struct sockaddr_storage *ss_addr = (struct sockaddr_storage *) serv_addr; if (ss_addr->ss_family != AF_INET) { std::cerr << "tou_listenfor() ERROR not ipv4"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } /* enforce that the udptype is correct */ if (tous -> udptype != TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPPEER) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR connect method invalid for udptype"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } #ifdef TOU_DYNAMIC_CAST_CHECK /* extra checking -> for testing purposes (dynamic cast) */ UdpPeerReceiver *upr = dynamic_cast(tous->udpsr); if (!upr) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR cannot convert type to UdpPeerReceiver"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } #else UdpPeerReceiver *upr = (UdpPeerReceiver *) (tous->udpsr); #endif /* create a TCP stream to connect with. */ if (!tous->tcp) { tous->tcp = new TcpStream(tous->udpsr); upr->addUdpPeer(tous->tcp, *((const struct sockaddr_in *) serv_addr)); } tous->tcp->listenfor(*((struct sockaddr_in *) serv_addr)); tous->tcp->tick(); return 0; } int tou_listen(int /* sockfd */ , int /* backlog */ ) { return 1; } /* * This is the alternative RELAY connection. * * User needs to provide 3 ip addresses. * These addresses should have been provided by the RELAY negogiation * a) own ip:port * b) proxy ip:port * c) dest ip:port * * The reset of the startup is similar to other TOU connections. * As this is likely to be run over an established UDP connection, * there is little need for a big connection period. * * - like a tcp/ip connection, the connect * will return -1 EAGAIN, until connection complete. * - always non blocking. */ #define DEFAULT_RELAY_CONN_PERIOD 1 int tou_connect_via_relay(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr_in *own_addr, const struct sockaddr_in *proxy_addr, const struct sockaddr_in *dest_addr) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; /* enforce that the udptype is correct */ if (tous -> udptype != TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPRELAY) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR connect method invalid for udptype"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } #ifdef TOU_DYNAMIC_CAST_CHECK /* extra checking -> for testing purposes (dynamic cast) */ UdpRelayReceiver *urr = dynamic_cast(tous->udpsr); if (!urr) { std::cerr << "tou_connect() ERROR cannot convert type to UdpRelayReceiver"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } #else UdpRelayReceiver *urr = (UdpRelayReceiver *) (tous->udpsr); #endif /* create a TCP stream to connect with. */ if (!tous->tcp) { tous->tcp = new TcpStream(tous->udpsr); UdpRelayAddrSet addrSet(own_addr, dest_addr); urr->addUdpPeer(tous->tcp, &addrSet, proxy_addr); } /* We Point it at the Destination Address. * The UdpRelayReceiver wraps and re-directs the packets to the proxy */ tous->tcp->connect(*dest_addr, DEFAULT_RELAY_CONN_PERIOD); tous->tcp->tick(); if (tous->tcp->isConnected()) { return 0; } tous -> lasterrno = EINPROGRESS; return -1; } /* slightly different - returns sockfd on connection */ int tou_accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; if (*addrlen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) { std::cerr << "tou_accept() ERROR invalid size of sockaddr"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } // only IPv4 for the moment. const struct sockaddr_storage *ss_addr = (struct sockaddr_storage *) addr; if (ss_addr->ss_family != AF_INET) { std::cerr << "tou_accept() ERROR not ipv4"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; return -1; } //tous->tcp->connect(); tous->tcp->tick(); if (tous->tcp->isConnected()) { // should get remote address tous->tcp->getRemoteAddress(*((struct sockaddr_in *) addr)); return sockfd; } tous -> lasterrno = EAGAIN; return -1; } int tou_connected(int sockfd) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; tous->tcp->tick(); return (tous->tcp->TcpState() == 4); } /* standard stream read/write non-blocking of course */ ssize_t tou_read(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t count) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; tous->tcp->tick(); int err = tous->tcp->read((char *) buf, count); if (err < 0) { tous->lasterrno = tous->tcp->TcpErrorState(); return -1; } return err; } ssize_t tou_write(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t count) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; int err = tous->tcp->write((char *) buf, count); if (err < 0) { tous->lasterrno = tous->tcp->TcpErrorState(); tous->tcp->tick(); return -1; } tous->tcp->tick(); return err; } /* check stream */ int tou_maxread(int sockfd) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; tous->tcp->tick(); int ret = tous->tcp->read_pending(); if (ret < 0) { tous->lasterrno = tous->tcp->TcpErrorState(); return 0; // error detected next time. } return ret; } int tou_maxwrite(int sockfd) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; tous->tcp->tick(); int ret = tous->tcp->write_allowed(); if (ret < 0) { tous->lasterrno = tous->tcp->TcpErrorState(); return 0; // error detected next time? } return ret; } /* close down the tcp over udp connection */ int tou_close(int sockfd) { TcpOnUdp *tous = NULL; { RsStackMutex stack(touMutex); /***** LOCKED ******/ if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; tou_streams[sockfd] = NULL; } if (tous->tcp) { tous->tcp->tick(); /* shut it down */ tous->tcp->close(); /* now we need to work out which type of receiver we have */ #ifdef TOU_DYNAMIC_CAST_CHECK /* extra checking -> for testing purposes (dynamic cast) */ UdpRelayReceiver *urr = dynamic_cast(tous->udpsr); UdpPeerReceiver *upr = dynamic_cast(tous->udpsr); if (urr) { urr->removeUdpPeer(tous->tcp); } else if (upr) { upr->removeUdpPeer(tous->tcp); } else { /* error */ std::cerr << "tou_close() ERROR unknown udptype"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; } #else if (tous -> udptype == TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPRELAY) { UdpRelayReceiver *urr = (UdpRelayReceiver *) (tous->udpsr); urr->removeUdpPeer(tous->tcp); } else if (tous -> udptype == TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPPEER) { UdpPeerReceiver *upr = (UdpPeerReceiver *) (tous->udpsr); upr->removeUdpPeer(tous->tcp); } else { /* error */ std::cerr << "tou_close() ERROR unknown udptype"; std::cerr << std::endl; tous -> lasterrno = EINVAL; } #endif delete tous->tcp; tous->tcp = NULL ; // prevents calling } delete tous; return 1; } /* get an error number */ int tou_errno(int sockfd) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return ENOTSOCK; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; return tous->lasterrno; } int tou_clear_error(int sockfd) { if (!tou_stream_check(sockfd)) { return -1; } TcpOnUdp *tous = tou_streams[sockfd]; tous->lasterrno = 0; return 0; }