/******************************************************************************* * gui/connect/ConnectProgressDialog.cpp * * * * Copyright 2012-2013 by Robert Fernie * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include "gui/connect/ConnectProgressDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/common/StatusDefs.h" /* maintain one static dialog per SSL ID */ static std::map instances; int calcProgress(time_t now, time_t start, int period50, int period75, int period100); ConnectProgressDialog *ConnectProgressDialog::instance(const RsPeerId& peer_id) { std::map::iterator it; it = instances.find(peer_id); if (it != instances.end()) { return it->second; } ConnectProgressDialog *d = new ConnectProgressDialog(peer_id); instances[peer_id] = d; return d; } ConnectProgressDialog::ConnectProgressDialog(const RsPeerId& id, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) :QDialog(parent, flags), mId(id), ui(new Ui::ConnectProgressDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); ui->headerFrame->setHeaderImage(QPixmap(":/images/user/identityinfo64.png")); ui->headerFrame->setHeaderText(tr("Connection Assistant")); connect(ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(stopAndClose())); mAmIHiddenNode = rsPeers->isHiddenNode(rsPeers->getOwnId()) ; mIsPeerHiddenNode = rsPeers->isHiddenNode(id) ; } ConnectProgressDialog::~ConnectProgressDialog() { std::map::iterator it; it = instances.find(mId); if (it != instances.end()) { instances.erase(it); } } void ConnectProgressDialog::showProgress(const RsPeerId& peer_id) { ConnectProgressDialog *d = instance(peer_id); d->initDialog(); d->show(); d->raise(); d->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } const uint32_t CONNECT_STATE_INIT = 0; const uint32_t CONNECT_STATE_PROGRESS = 1; const uint32_t CONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED = 2; const uint32_t CONNECT_STATE_DENIED = 3; const uint32_t CONNECT_STATE_CLOSED = 4; const uint32_t CONNECT_STATE_FAILED = 5; const uint32_t CONNECT_DHT_INIT = 0; const uint32_t CONNECT_DHT_OKAY = 2; const uint32_t CONNECT_DHT_FAIL = 3; const uint32_t CONNECT_DHT_DISABLED = 4; const uint32_t CONNECT_LOOKUP_INIT = 0; const uint32_t CONNECT_LOOKUP_SEARCH = 1; const uint32_t CONNECT_LOOKUP_OFFLINE = 2; const uint32_t CONNECT_LOOKUP_UNREACHABLE = 3; const uint32_t CONNECT_LOOKUP_ONLINE = 4; const uint32_t CONNECT_LOOKUP_NODHTCONFIG = 5; const uint32_t CONNECT_LOOKUP_FAIL = 6; const uint32_t CONNECT_UDP_INIT = 0; const uint32_t CONNECT_UDP_PROGRESS = 1; const uint32_t CONNECT_UDP_FAIL = 2; const uint32_t CONNECT_CONTACT_NONE = 0; const uint32_t CONNECT_CONTACT_CONNECTED = 1; /* at a minimum allow 30 secs for TCP connections */ const int MINIMUM_CONNECT_PERIOD = 30; /* overall timeout */ const int CONNECT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD = 1800; /* assume it will take 5 minute to complete DHT load (should take 30 secs, and 2-3 minutes from cold start) */ const int CONNECT_DHT_TYPICAL = 30; const int CONNECT_DHT_SLOW = 120; const int CONNECT_DHT_PERIOD = 300; /* need to shorten this time (DHT work) */ const int CONNECT_LOOKUP_TYPICAL = 200; const int CONNECT_LOOKUP_SLOW = 300; const int CONNECT_LOOKUP_PERIOD = 600; /* Udp can take ages ... */ const int CONNECT_UDP_TYPICAL = 150; const int CONNECT_UDP_SLOW = 300; const int CONNECT_UDP_PERIOD = 600; /* connection must stay up for 5 seconds to be considered okay */ const int REQUIRED_CONTACT_PERIOD = 5; void ConnectProgressDialog::initDialog() { mTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatus())); mTimer->start(250); mState = CONNECT_STATE_PROGRESS; mInitTS = time(NULL); mDhtStatus = CONNECT_DHT_INIT; mLookupTS = 0; mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_INIT; mContactTS = 0; mContactState = CONNECT_CONTACT_NONE; mUdpTS = 0; mUdpStatus = CONNECT_UDP_INIT; ui->progressFrame->setEnabled(true); /* initialise GUI data */ ui->NetResult->setText(tr("N/A")); ui->ContactResult->setText(tr("N/A")); #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT if(!mIsPeerHiddenNode && !mAmIHiddenNode) { ui->DhtResult->setText(tr("DHT Startup")); ui->DhtProgressBar->setValue(0); } #else if(mIsPeerHiddenNode || mAmIHiddenNode) { ui->DhtResult->hide(); ui->DhtLabel->hide(); ui->DhtProgressBar->hide(); } #endif if(mIsPeerHiddenNode || mAmIHiddenNode) { ui->UdpResult->hide(); ui->UdpProgressBar->hide(); ui->UdpLabel->hide(); ui->DhtLabel->hide(); ui->DhtProgressBar->hide(); ui->DhtResult->hide(); ui->LookupLabel->hide(); ui->LookupProgressBar->hide(); ui->LookupResult->hide(); } else { ui->UdpResult->setText(tr("N/A")); ui->UdpProgressBar->setValue(0); } ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("N/A")); ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(0); sayInProgress(); if (rsPeers->isFriend(mId)) { /* okay */ std::string name = rsPeers->getPeerName(mId); QString connectName = QString::fromUtf8(name.c_str()); connectName += " ("; connectName += QString::fromStdString(mId.toStdString()).left(10); connectName += "...)"; ui->connectId->setText(connectName); } else { ui->connectId->setText(tr("Invalid Peer ID")); /* list Error */ mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; sayInvalidPeer(); return; } if (rsPeers->isOnline(mId)) { mState = CONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED; sayConnected(); return; } } void ConnectProgressDialog::updateStatus() { if (time(NULL) > mInitTS + CONNECT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD) { sayConnectTimeout(); mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; } switch(mState) { case CONNECT_STATE_PROGRESS: updateNetworkStatus(); updateContactStatus(); #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT updateDhtStatus(); #endif updateLookupStatus(); updateUdpStatus(); return; break; default: case CONNECT_STATE_CLOSED: case CONNECT_STATE_FAILED: case CONNECT_STATE_DENIED: case CONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED: break; } /* shutdown actions */ ui->progressFrame->setEnabled(false); mTimer->stop(); } void ConnectProgressDialog::stopAndClose() { mState = CONNECT_STATE_CLOSED; if (mTimer) { mTimer->stop(); } close(); } void ConnectProgressDialog::updateNetworkStatus() { uint32_t netState = rsConfig->getNetState(); QLabel *label = ui->NetResult; switch(netState) { case RSNET_NETSTATE_BAD_UNKNOWN: label->setText(tr("Unknown State")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_BAD_OFFLINE: label->setText(tr("Offline")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_BAD_NATSYM: label->setText(tr("Behind Symmetric NAT")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_BAD_NODHT_NAT: label->setText(tr("Behind NAT & No DHT")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_WARNING_RESTART: label->setText(tr("NET Restart")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_WARNING_NATTED: label->setText(tr("Behind NAT")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_WARNING_NODHT: label->setText(tr("No DHT")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_GOOD: label->setText(tr("NET STATE GOOD!")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_ADV_FORWARD: label->setText(tr("UNVERIFIABLE FORWARD!")); break; case RSNET_NETSTATE_ADV_DARK_FORWARD: label->setText(tr("UNVERIFIABLE FORWARD & NO DHT")); break; } } void ConnectProgressDialog::updateContactStatus() { /* lookup peer details - and try those addresses */ RsPeerDetails details; if (!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(mId, details)) return; QString status = StatusDefs::connectStateString(details); ui->ContactResult->setText(status); time_t now = time(NULL); /* now if it says connected - Alter overall state, after REQUIRED CONTACT PERIOD */ if (rsPeers->isOnline(mId)) { switch(mContactState) { default: case CONNECT_CONTACT_NONE: { mContactTS = now; mContactState = CONNECT_CONTACT_CONNECTED; } break; case CONNECT_CONTACT_CONNECTED: if (now > mContactTS + REQUIRED_CONTACT_PERIOD) { /* still connected, flag as SUCCESS */ mState = CONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED; sayConnected(); } break; } } else if (details.wasDeniedConnection) { if (details.deniedTS > mInitTS) { /* connection dropped, flag as DENIED */ mState = CONNECT_STATE_DENIED; sayDenied(); } } } void ConnectProgressDialog::updateDhtStatus() { /* if DHT is disabled -> mark bad */ /* if DHT is red -> mark bad, probable cause missing bdboot.txt */ /* if DHT is starting, run progress bar */ time_t now = time(NULL); switch(mDhtStatus) { case CONNECT_DHT_OKAY: case CONNECT_DHT_FAIL: return; break; case CONNECT_DHT_DISABLED: /* Ensure minimum time for direct TCP connections */ if (now > mInitTS + MINIMUM_CONNECT_PERIOD) { mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; sayDHTOffline(); } return; break; default: /* still in progress */ case CONNECT_DHT_INIT: if (now > mInitTS + CONNECT_DHT_PERIOD) { ui->DhtProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->DhtResult->setText(tr("DHT Failed")); mDhtStatus = CONNECT_DHT_FAIL; mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; sayDHTFailed(); return; } break; } RsConfigNetStatus status; rsConfig->getConfigNetStatus(status); if (!status.DHTActive) { mDhtStatus = CONNECT_DHT_DISABLED; /* ERROR message */ ui->DhtProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->DhtResult->setText(tr("DHT Disabled")); return; } if (status.netDhtOk && (status.netDhtNetSize > 100)) { if (status.netDhtRsNetSize > 10) { ui->DhtProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->DhtResult->setText(tr("DHT Okay")); mDhtStatus = CONNECT_DHT_OKAY; return; } ui->DhtResult->setText(tr("Finding RS Peers")); } ui->DhtProgressBar->setValue(calcProgress(now, mInitTS, CONNECT_DHT_TYPICAL, CONNECT_DHT_SLOW, CONNECT_DHT_PERIOD)); return; } void ConnectProgressDialog::updateLookupStatus() { switch(mLookupStatus) { case CONNECT_LOOKUP_OFFLINE: case CONNECT_LOOKUP_NODHTCONFIG: /* Ensure minimum time for direct TCP connections */ if (time(NULL) > mInitTS + MINIMUM_CONNECT_PERIOD) { mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; if (mLookupStatus == CONNECT_LOOKUP_NODHTCONFIG) { sayPeerNoDhtConfig(); } else { sayPeerOffline(); } } case CONNECT_LOOKUP_FAIL: case CONNECT_LOOKUP_ONLINE: case CONNECT_LOOKUP_UNREACHABLE: return; break; default: break; } #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT time_t now = time(NULL); switch(mDhtStatus) { case CONNECT_DHT_DISABLED: case CONNECT_DHT_FAIL: mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_FAIL; ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(0); ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Lookup requires DHT")); case CONNECT_DHT_INIT: return; break; case CONNECT_DHT_OKAY: if (mLookupStatus == CONNECT_LOOKUP_INIT) { mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_SEARCH; ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Searching DHT")); mLookupTS = now; } } if (now > mLookupTS + CONNECT_LOOKUP_PERIOD) { ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Lookup Timeout")); mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_FAIL; mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; sayLookupTimeout(); return; } ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(calcProgress(now, mLookupTS, CONNECT_LOOKUP_TYPICAL, CONNECT_LOOKUP_SLOW, CONNECT_LOOKUP_PERIOD)); /* now actually look at the DHT Details */ RsDhtNetPeer status; rsDht->getNetPeerStatus(mId, status); switch(status.mDhtState) { default: case RSDHT_PEERDHT_NOT_ACTIVE: ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(0); ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Peer DHT NOT ACTIVE")); mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_NODHTCONFIG; break; case RSDHT_PEERDHT_SEARCHING: ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Searching")); break; case RSDHT_PEERDHT_FAILURE: ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(0); ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Lookup Failure")); mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_FAIL; break; case RSDHT_PEERDHT_OFFLINE: ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Peer Offline")); mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_OFFLINE; break; case RSDHT_PEERDHT_UNREACHABLE: ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Peer Firewalled")); mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_UNREACHABLE; break; case RSDHT_PEERDHT_ONLINE: ui->LookupProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->LookupResult->setText(tr("Peer Online")); mLookupStatus = CONNECT_LOOKUP_ONLINE; break; } #endif } void ConnectProgressDialog::updateUdpStatus() { switch(mLookupStatus) { default: case CONNECT_LOOKUP_OFFLINE: case CONNECT_LOOKUP_NODHTCONFIG: case CONNECT_LOOKUP_FAIL: return; break; case CONNECT_LOOKUP_ONLINE: case CONNECT_LOOKUP_UNREACHABLE: break; } switch(mUdpStatus) { case CONNECT_UDP_FAIL: return; break; case CONNECT_UDP_INIT: mUdpTS = time(NULL); mUdpStatus = CONNECT_UDP_PROGRESS; ui->UdpResult->setText(tr("UDP Setup")); break; default: case CONNECT_UDP_PROGRESS: break; } time_t now = time(NULL); if (now > mUdpTS + CONNECT_UDP_PERIOD) { ui->UdpProgressBar->setValue(100); ui->UdpResult->setText(tr("UDP Connect Timeout")); mUdpStatus = CONNECT_UDP_FAIL; mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; sayUdpTimeout(); return; } ui->UdpProgressBar->setValue(calcProgress(now, mUdpTS, CONNECT_UDP_TYPICAL, CONNECT_UDP_SLOW, CONNECT_UDP_PERIOD)); #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT /* now lookup details from Dht */ RsDhtNetPeer status; rsDht->getNetPeerStatus(mId, status); QString fullString = QString::fromStdString(status.mConnectState); QString connectString = fullString.section(':',0,0); ui->UdpResult->setText(connectString); if (connectString == "Failed Wait") { /* Ensure minimum time for direct TCP connections */ if (now > mInitTS + MINIMUM_CONNECT_PERIOD) { if (status.mCbPeerMsg == "ERROR : END:AUTH_DENIED") { /* disaster - connection not allowed */ mState = CONNECT_STATE_DENIED; sayUdpDenied(); } else { /* disaster - udp failed */ mState = CONNECT_STATE_FAILED; sayUdpFailed(); } } } #endif } int calcProgress(time_t now, time_t start, int period50, int period75, int period100) { int dt = now - start; if (dt < 0) return 0; if (dt > period100) return 100; if (dt < period50) { return 50 * (dt / (float) period50); } if (dt < period75) { return 50 + 25 * ((dt - period50) / (float) (period75 - period50)); } return 75 + 25 * ((dt - period75) / (float) (period100 - period75)); } /*********** Status ***********/ const uint32_t MESSAGE_STATUS_INPROGRESS = 1; const uint32_t MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS = 2; const uint32_t MESSAGE_STATUS_CONFIG_ERROR = 3; const uint32_t MESSAGE_STATUS_PEER_ERROR = 4; const uint32_t MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 5; void ConnectProgressDialog::sayInProgress() { QString title = tr("Connection In Progress"); QString message = tr("Initial connections can take a while, please be patient"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("If an error is detected it will be displayed here"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("You can close this dialog at any time"); message += "\n"; message += tr("Retroshare will continue connecting in the background"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_INPROGRESS, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayConnectTimeout() { QString title = tr("Connection Timeout"); QString message = tr("Connection Attempt has taken too long"); message += "\n"; message += tr("But no error has been detected"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Try again shortly, Retroshare will continue connecting in the background"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("If you continue to get this message, please contact developers"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayLookupTimeout() { QString title = tr("DHT Lookup Timeout"); QString message = tr("DHT Lookup has taken too long"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Try again shortly, Retroshare will continue connecting in the background"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("If you continue to get this message, please contact developers"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayUdpTimeout() { QString title = tr("UDP Connection Timeout"); QString message = tr("UDP Connection has taken too long"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Try again shortly, Retroshare will continue connecting in the background"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("If you continue to get this message, please contact developers"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayUdpFailed() { QString title = tr("UDP Connection Failed"); QString message = tr("We are continually working to improve connectivity."); message += "\n"; message += tr("In this case the UDP connection attempt has failed."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Improve connectivity by opening a Port in your Firewall."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Retroshare will continue connecting in the background"); message += "\n"; message += tr("If you continue to get this message, please contact developers"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayConnected() { QString title = tr("Connected"); QString message = tr("Congratulations, you are connected"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayDHTFailed() { QString title = tr("DHT startup Failed"); QString message = tr("Your DHT has not started properly"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Common causes of this problem are:"); message += "\n"; message += tr(" - You are not connected to the Internet"); message += "\n"; message += tr(" - You have a missing or out-of-date DHT bootstrap file (bdboot.txt)"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONFIG_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayDHTOffline() { QString title = tr("DHT is Disabled"); QString message = tr("The DHT is OFF, so Retroshare cannot find your Friends."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Retroshare has tried All Known Addresses, with no success"); message += "\n"; message += tr("The DHT is needed if your friends have Dynamic IP Addresses."); message += "\n"; message += tr("Only Advanced Retroshare users should switch off the DHT."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Go to Settings->Server and change config to \"Public: DHT and Discovery\""); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONFIG_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayDenied() { QString title = tr("Peer Denied Connection"); QString message = tr("We successfully reached your Friend."); message += "\n"; message += tr("but they have not added you as a Friend."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Please contact them to add your Certificate"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Your Retroshare Node is configured Okay"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_PEER_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayUdpDenied() { QString title = tr("Peer Denied Connection"); QString message = tr("We successfully reached your Friend via UDP."); message += "\n"; message += tr("but they have not added you as a Friend."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Please contact them to add your Full Certificate"); message += "\n"; message += tr("They need a Certificate + Node for UDP connections to succeed"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Your Retroshare Node is configured Okay"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_PEER_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayPeerOffline() { QString title = tr("Peer Offline"); QString message = tr("We Cannot find your Friend."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("They are either offline or their DHT is Off"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Your Retroshare Node is configured Okay"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_PEER_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayPeerNoDhtConfig() { QString title = tr("Peer DHT is Disabled"); QString message = tr("Your Friend has configured Retroshare with DHT Disabled."); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("You have previously connected to this Friend"); message += "\n"; message += tr("Retroshare has determined that they have DHT switched off"); message += "\n"; message += tr("Without the DHT it is hard for Retroshare to locate your friend"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Try importing a fresh Certificate to get up-to-date connection information"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("If you continue to get this message, please contact developers"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_PEER_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::sayInvalidPeer() { QString title = tr("Incomplete Friend Details"); QString message = tr("You have imported an incomplete Certificate"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Retroshare cannot connect without this information"); message += "\n\n"; message += tr("Please retry importing the full Certificate"); setStatusMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONFIG_ERROR, title, message); } void ConnectProgressDialog::setStatusMessage(uint32_t status, const QString &title, const QString &message) { switch(status) { case MESSAGE_STATUS_INPROGRESS: { QPixmap pm(":/images/graph-blue.png"); ui->statusIcon->setPixmap(pm.scaledToWidth(40)); } break; case MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS: { QPixmap pm(":/images/graph-downloaded.png"); ui->statusIcon->setPixmap(pm.scaledToWidth(40)); } break; case MESSAGE_STATUS_CONFIG_ERROR: { QPixmap pm(":/images/graph-downloading.png"); ui->statusIcon->setPixmap(pm.scaledToWidth(40)); } break; case MESSAGE_STATUS_PEER_ERROR: { QPixmap pm(":/images/graph-checking.png"); ui->statusIcon->setPixmap(pm.scaledToWidth(40)); } break; case MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR: { QPixmap pm(":/images/graph-checking.png"); ui->statusIcon->setPixmap(pm.scaledToWidth(40)); } break; } ui->statusTitle->setText(title); ui->textBrowser->setText(message); }