#ifndef RS_FILES_GUI_INTERFACE_H #define RS_FILES_GUI_INTERFACE_H /* * libretroshare/src/rsiface: rsfiles.h * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include #include "rstypes.h" class RsFiles; extern RsFiles *rsFiles; namespace RsRegularExpression { class Expression; } /* These are used mainly by ftController at the moment */ const uint32_t RS_FILE_CTRL_PAUSE = 0x00000100; const uint32_t RS_FILE_CTRL_START = 0x00000200; const uint32_t RS_FILE_CTRL_FORCE_CHECK = 0x00000400; const uint32_t RS_FILE_CTRL_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_STRICT = 0x00000001 ; const uint32_t RS_FILE_CTRL_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_PERMISSIVE = 0x00000002 ; const uint32_t RS_FILE_RATE_TRICKLE = 0x00000001; const uint32_t RS_FILE_RATE_SLOW = 0x00000002; const uint32_t RS_FILE_RATE_STANDARD = 0x00000003; const uint32_t RS_FILE_RATE_FAST = 0x00000004; const uint32_t RS_FILE_RATE_STREAM_AUDIO = 0x00000005; const uint32_t RS_FILE_RATE_STREAM_VIDEO = 0x00000006; const uint32_t RS_FILE_PEER_ONLINE = 0x00001000; const uint32_t RS_FILE_PEER_OFFLINE = 0x00002000; /************************************ * Used To indicate where to search. * * The Order of these is very important, * it specifies the search order too. * */ // Flags used when requesting info about transfers, mostly to filter out the result. // const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_CACHE_deprecated ( 0x00000001 ); const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA ( 0x00000002 ); const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL ( 0x00000004 ); const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_REMOTE ( 0x00000008 ); const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD ( 0x00000010 ); const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_UPLOAD ( 0x00000020 ); const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_SPEC_ONLY ( 0x01000000 ); const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE ( 0x00000080 );// can be downloaded anonymously const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE ( 0x00000100 );// browsable by friends const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_SEARCHABLE ( 0x00000200 );// can be searched anonymously const FileSearchFlags RS_FILE_HINTS_PERMISSION_MASK ( 0x00000380 );// OR of the last tree flags. Used to filter out. // Flags used when requesting a transfer // const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_ANONYMOUS_ROUTING ( 0x00000040 ); // Use to ask turtle router to download the file. const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_ENCRYPTED ( 0x00000080 ); // Asks for end-to-end encryption of file at the level of ftServer const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_UNENCRYPTED ( 0x00000100 ); // Asks for no end-to-end encryption of file at the level of ftServer const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_ASSUME_AVAILABILITY ( 0x00000200 ); // Assume full source availability. Used for cache files. const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_CACHE_deprecated ( 0x00000400 ); // Old stuff used for cache files. Not used anymore. const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_EXTRA ( 0x00000800 ); const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_MEDIA ( 0x00001000 ); const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_BACKGROUND ( 0x00002000 ); // To download slowly. const TransferRequestFlags RS_FILE_REQ_NO_SEARCH ( 0x02000000 ); // disable searching for potential direct sources. // const uint32_t RS_FILE_HINTS_SHARE_FLAGS_MASK = RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE_OTHERS | RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE_OTHERS // | RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE_GROUPS | RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE_GROUPS ; /* Callback Codes */ const uint32_t RS_FILE_EXTRA_DELETE = 0x0010; struct SharedDirInfo { std::string filename ; std::string virtualname ; FileStorageFlags shareflags ; // combnation of DIR_FLAGS_ANONYMOUS_DOWNLOAD | DIR_FLAGS_BROWSABLE | ... std::list parent_groups ; }; struct SharedDirStats { uint32_t total_number_of_files ; uint64_t total_shared_size ; }; class RsFiles { public: RsFiles() { return; } virtual ~RsFiles() { return; } /** * Provides file data for the gui: media streaming or rpc clients. * It may return unverified chunks. This allows streaming without having to wait for hashes or completion of the file. * This function returns an unspecified amount of bytes. Either as much data as available or a sensible maximum. Expect a block size of around 1MiB. * To get more data, call this function repeatedly with different offsets. * Returns false in case * - the files is not available on the local node * - not downloading * - the requested data was not downloaded yet * - end of file was reached * @param hash hash of a file. The file has to be available on this node or it has to be in downloading state. * @param offset where the desired block starts * @param requested_size size of pre-allocated data. Will be updated by the function. * @param data pre-allocated memory chunk of size 'requested_size' by the client */ virtual bool getFileData(const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t offset, uint32_t& requested_size,uint8_t *data)=0; /*** * Control of Downloads. ***/ virtual bool alreadyHaveFile(const RsFileHash& hash, FileInfo &info) = 0; /// Returns false is we already have the file. Otherwise, initiates the dl and returns true. virtual bool FileRequest(const std::string& fname, const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t size, const std::string& dest, TransferRequestFlags flags, const std::list& srcIds) = 0; virtual bool FileCancel(const RsFileHash& hash) = 0; virtual bool setDestinationDirectory(const RsFileHash& hash,const std::string& new_path) = 0; virtual bool setDestinationName(const RsFileHash& hash,const std::string& new_name) = 0; virtual bool setChunkStrategy(const RsFileHash& hash,FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy) = 0; virtual void setDefaultChunkStrategy(FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy) = 0; virtual FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy defaultChunkStrategy() = 0; virtual uint32_t freeDiskSpaceLimit() const =0; virtual void setFreeDiskSpaceLimit(uint32_t size_in_mb) =0; virtual bool FileControl(const RsFileHash& hash, uint32_t flags) = 0; virtual bool FileClearCompleted() = 0; virtual void setDefaultEncryptionPolicy(uint32_t policy)=0 ; // RS_FILE_CTRL_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_STRICT/PERMISSIVE virtual uint32_t defaultEncryptionPolicy()=0 ; /*** * Control of Downloads Priority. ***/ virtual uint32_t getQueueSize() = 0 ; virtual void setQueueSize(uint32_t s) = 0 ; virtual bool changeQueuePosition(const RsFileHash& hash, QueueMove mv) = 0; virtual bool changeDownloadSpeed(const RsFileHash& hash, int speed) = 0; virtual bool getDownloadSpeed(const RsFileHash& hash, int & speed) = 0; virtual bool clearDownload(const RsFileHash& hash) = 0; // virtual void getDwlDetails(std::list & details) = 0; /*** * Download / Upload Details. ***/ virtual void FileDownloads(std::list &hashs) = 0; virtual bool FileUploads(std::list &hashs) = 0; virtual bool FileDetails(const RsFileHash &hash, FileSearchFlags hintflags, FileInfo &info) = 0; virtual bool isEncryptedSource(const RsPeerId& virtual_peer_id) =0; /// Gives chunk details about the downloaded file with given hash. virtual bool FileDownloadChunksDetails(const RsFileHash& hash,FileChunksInfo& info) = 0 ; /// details about the upload with given hash virtual bool FileUploadChunksDetails(const RsFileHash& hash,const RsPeerId& peer_id,CompressedChunkMap& map) = 0 ; /*** * Extra List Access ***/ //virtual bool ExtraFileAdd(std::string fname, std::string hash, uint64_t size, uint32_t period, TransferRequestFlags flags) = 0; virtual bool ExtraFileRemove(const RsFileHash& hash, TransferRequestFlags flags) = 0; virtual bool ExtraFileHash(std::string localpath, uint32_t period, TransferRequestFlags flags) = 0; virtual bool ExtraFileStatus(std::string localpath, FileInfo &info) = 0; virtual bool ExtraFileMove(std::string fname, const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t size, std::string destpath) = 0; /*** * Directory Listing / Search Interface */ virtual int RequestDirDetails(const RsPeerId& uid, const std::string& path, DirDetails &details) = 0; virtual int RequestDirDetails(void *ref, DirDetails &details, FileSearchFlags flags) = 0; virtual bool findChildPointer(void *ref, int row, void *& result, FileSearchFlags flags) =0; virtual uint32_t getType(void *ref,FileSearchFlags flags) = 0; virtual int SearchKeywords(std::list keywords, std::list &results,FileSearchFlags flags) = 0; virtual int SearchKeywords(std::list keywords, std::list &results,FileSearchFlags flags,const RsPeerId& peer_id) = 0; virtual int SearchBoolExp(RsRegularExpression::Expression * exp, std::list &results,FileSearchFlags flags) = 0; virtual int SearchBoolExp(RsRegularExpression::Expression * exp, std::list &results,FileSearchFlags flags,const RsPeerId& peer_id) = 0; virtual int getSharedDirStatistics(const RsPeerId& pid, SharedDirStats& stats) =0; /*** * Utility Functions. ***/ virtual bool ConvertSharedFilePath(std::string path, std::string &fullpath) = 0; virtual void ForceDirectoryCheck() = 0; virtual void updateSinceGroupPermissionsChanged() = 0; virtual bool InDirectoryCheck() = 0; virtual bool copyFile(const std::string& source,const std::string& dest) = 0; /*** * Directory Control ***/ virtual void requestDirUpdate(void *ref) =0 ; // triggers the update of the given reference. Used when browsing. virtual void setDownloadDirectory(std::string path) = 0; virtual void setPartialsDirectory(std::string path) = 0; virtual std::string getDownloadDirectory() = 0; virtual std::string getPartialsDirectory() = 0; virtual bool getSharedDirectories(std::list& dirs) = 0; virtual bool setSharedDirectories(const std::list& dirs) = 0; virtual bool addSharedDirectory(const SharedDirInfo& dir) = 0; virtual bool updateShareFlags(const SharedDirInfo& dir) = 0; // updates the flags. The directory should already exist ! virtual bool removeSharedDirectory(std::string dir) = 0; virtual void setWatchPeriod(int minutes) =0; virtual void setWatchEnabled(bool b) =0; virtual int watchPeriod() const =0; virtual bool watchEnabled() =0; virtual bool getShareDownloadDirectory() = 0; virtual bool shareDownloadDirectory(bool share) = 0; }; #endif