/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Ricardo Villalba <rvm@escomposlinux.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "subtracks.h" #include "mediasettings.h" #include <QRegExp> SubTracks::SubTracks() { index = 0; } SubTracks::~SubTracks() { } void SubTracks::clear() { subs.clear(); } void SubTracks::add( SubData::Type t, int ID ) { SubData d; d.setType(t); d.setID(ID); subs.append(d); } void SubTracks::list() { for (unsigned int n=0; n < subs.count(); n++) { qDebug("SubTracks::list: item %d: type: %d ID: %d lang: '%s' name: '%s' filename: '%s'", n, subs[n].type(), subs[n].ID(), subs[n].lang().toUtf8().data(), subs[n].name().toUtf8().data(), subs[n].filename().toUtf8().data() ); } } void SubTracks::listNames() { for (unsigned int n=0; n < subs.count(); n++) { qDebug("SubTracks::list: item %d: '%s'", n, subs[n].displayName().toUtf8().data() ); } } int SubTracks::numItems() { return subs.count(); } bool SubTracks::existsItemAt(int n) { return ((n > 0) && (n < numItems())); } int SubTracks::findLang(QString expr) { qDebug( "SubTracks::findLang: '%s'", expr.toUtf8().data()); QRegExp rx( expr ); int res_id = -1; for (int n=0; n < numItems(); n++) { qDebug("SubTracks::findLang: lang #%d '%s'", n, subs[n].lang().toUtf8().data()); if (rx.indexIn( subs[n].lang() ) > -1) { qDebug("SubTracks::findLang: found preferred lang!"); res_id = n; break; } } return res_id; } // Return first subtitle or the user preferred (if found) // or none if there's no subtitles int SubTracks::selectOne(QString preferred_lang, int default_sub) { int sub = MediaSettings::SubNone; if (numItems() > 0) { sub = 0; // First subtitle if (existsItemAt(default_sub)) { sub = default_sub; } // Check if one of the subtitles is the user preferred. if (!preferred_lang.isEmpty()) { int res = findLang( preferred_lang ); if (res != -1) sub = res; } } return sub; } int SubTracks::find( SubData::Type t, int ID ) { for (unsigned int n=0; n < subs.count(); n++) { if ( ( subs[n].type() == t ) && ( subs[n].ID() == ID ) ) { return n; } } qDebug("SubTracks::find: item type: %d, ID: %d doesn't exist", t, ID); return -1; } SubData SubTracks::findItem( SubData::Type t, int ID ) { SubData sub; int n = find(t,ID); if ( n != -1 ) return subs[n]; else return sub; } SubData SubTracks::itemAt( int n ) { if (n >= 0 && n < subs.count()) { return subs[n]; } else { qWarning("SubTracks::itemAt: %d out of range!", n); qWarning("SubTracks::itemAt: returning an empty sub to avoid a crash"); qWarning("SubTracks::itemAt: this shouldn't happen, report a bug if you see this"); SubData empty_sub; return empty_sub; } } bool SubTracks::changeLang( SubData::Type t, int ID, QString lang ) { int f = find(t,ID); if (f == -1) return false; subs[f].setLang(lang); return true; } bool SubTracks::changeName( SubData::Type t, int ID, QString name ) { int f = find(t,ID); if (f == -1) return false; subs[f].setName(name); return true; } bool SubTracks::changeFilename( SubData::Type t, int ID, QString filename ) { int f = find(t,ID); if (f == -1) return false; subs[f].setFilename(filename); return true; } int SubTracks::parse(QString text) { qDebug("SubTracks::parse: '%s'", text.toUtf8().data()); ParseResult result = SubtitleUnchanged; QRegExp rx_subtitle("^ID_(SUBTITLE|FILE_SUB|VOBSUB)_ID=(\\d+)"); QRegExp rx_sid("^ID_(SID|VSID)_(\\d+)_(LANG|NAME)=(.*)"); QRegExp rx_subtitle_file("^ID_FILE_SUB_FILENAME=(.*)"); if (rx_subtitle.indexIn(text) > -1) { int ID = rx_subtitle.cap(2).toInt(); QString type = rx_subtitle.cap(1); SubData::Type t; if (type == "FILE_SUB") t = SubData::File; else if (type == "VOBSUB") t = SubData::Vob; else t = SubData::Sub; if (find(t, ID) > -1) { qWarning("SubTracks::parse: subtitle type: %d, ID: %d already exists!", t, ID); } else { add(t,ID); result = SubtitleAdded; } } else if (rx_sid.indexIn(text) > -1) { int ID = rx_sid.cap(2).toInt(); QString value = rx_sid.cap(4); QString attr = rx_sid.cap(3); QString type = rx_sid.cap(1); SubData::Type t = SubData::Sub; if (type == "VSID") t = SubData::Vob; if (find(t, ID) == -1) { qWarning("SubTracks::parse: subtitle type: %d, ID: %d doesn't exist!", t, ID); } else { if (attr=="NAME") changeName(t,ID, value); else changeLang(t,ID, value); result = SubtitleChanged; } } else if (rx_subtitle_file.indexIn(text) > -1) { QString file = rx_subtitle_file.cap(1); if ( subs.count() > 0 ) { int last = subs.count() -1; if (subs[last].type() == SubData::File) { subs[last].setFilename( file ); result = SubtitleChanged; } } } return result; } /* void SubTracks::test() { process("ID_SUBTITLE_ID=0"); process("ID_SID_0_NAME=Arabic"); process("ID_SID_0_LANG=ara"); process("ID_SUBTITLE_ID=1"); process("ID_SID_1_NAME=Catalan"); process("ID_SID_1_LANG=cat"); process("ID_VOBSUB_ID=0"); process("ID_VSID_0_LANG=en"); process("ID_VOBSUB_ID=1"); process("ID_VSID_1_LANG=fr"); process("ID_FILE_SUB_ID=1"); process("ID_FILE_SUB_FILENAME=./lost313_es.sub"); list(); listNames(); } */