CryptoPage 0 0 650 566 1 Node information QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 16 16 :/images/info16.png 11 75 true Public Information 0 0 100 0 Name: 0 0 75 true TextLabel 0 0 100 0 Location: 0 0 75 true TextLabel 0 0 100 0 Location ID: 0 0 75 true TextLabel 0 0 100 0 PGP Id : 0 0 75 true TextLabel 75 true TextLabel PGP fingerprint: QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 0 0 100 0 Friend nodes: 0 0 75 true TextLabel 0 0 100 0 Software Version: 0 0 100 0 Online since: 0 0 75 true TextLabel Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse 0 0 75 true TextLabel 16 16 :/images/info16.png 11 75 true Other Information Qt::Vertical 20 205 Certificate Courier New true QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap true Qt::TextSelectableByKeyboard|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse Include signatures Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Copy certificate to clipboard Save Key into a file Save certificate to file Create new location... Qt::Horizontal 40 20