/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Robert Fernie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ForumsDialog.h" #include "forums/CreateForum.h" #include "forums/CreateForumMsg.h" #include "forums/ForumDetails.h" #include "forums/EditForumDetails.h" #include "msgs/MessageComposer.h" #include "settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "common/Emoticons.h" #include "common/RSItemDelegate.h" #include "common/PopularityDefs.h" #include "RetroShareLink.h" #include "channels/ShareKey.h" #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_FORUMS /* Images for context menu icons */ #define IMAGE_MESSAGE ":/images/folder-draft.png" #define IMAGE_MESSAGEREPLY ":/images/mail_reply.png" #define IMAGE_MESSAGEREMOVE ":/images/mail_delete.png" #define IMAGE_DOWNLOAD ":/images/start.png" #define IMAGE_DOWNLOADALL ":/images/startall.png" /* Images for TreeWidget */ #define IMAGE_FOLDER ":/images/folder16.png" #define IMAGE_FOLDERGREEN ":/images/folder_green.png" #define IMAGE_FOLDERRED ":/images/folder_red.png" #define IMAGE_FOLDERYELLOW ":/images/folder_yellow.png" #define IMAGE_FORUM ":/images/konversation16.png" #define IMAGE_SUBSCRIBE ":/images/edit_add24.png" #define IMAGE_UNSUBSCRIBE ":/images/cancel.png" #define IMAGE_INFO ":/images/info16.png" #define IMAGE_NEWFORUM ":/images/new_forum16.png" #define IMAGE_FORUMAUTHD ":/images/konv_message2.png" #define IMAGE_COPYLINK ":/images/copyrslink.png" #define VIEW_LAST_POST 0 #define VIEW_THREADED 1 #define VIEW_FLAT 2 /* Thread constants */ #define COLUMN_THREAD_COUNT 6 #define COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE 0 #define COLUMN_THREAD_READ 1 #define COLUMN_THREAD_DATE 2 #define COLUMN_THREAD_AUTHOR 3 #define COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED 4 #define COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT 5 #define COLUMN_THREAD_DATA 0 // column for storing the userdata like msgid and parentid #define ROLE_THREAD_MSGID Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_THREAD_STATUS Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_THREAD_MISSING Qt::UserRole + 2 // no need to copy, don't count in ROLE_THREAD_COUNT #define ROLE_THREAD_READCHILDREN Qt::UserRole + 3 #define ROLE_THREAD_UNREADCHILDREN Qt::UserRole + 4 #define ROLE_THREAD_COUNT 3 #define IS_UNREAD(status) ((status & FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ) == 0 || (status & FORUM_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER)) #define IS_FORUM_ADMIN(subscribeFlags) (subscribeFlags & RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN) #define IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags) (subscribeFlags & (RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN | RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED)) static int FilterColumnFromComboBox(int nIndex) { switch (nIndex) { case 0: return COLUMN_THREAD_DATE; case 1: return COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE; case 2: return COLUMN_THREAD_AUTHOR; case 3: return COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT; } return COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE; } static int FilterColumnToComboBox(int nIndex) { switch (nIndex) { case COLUMN_THREAD_DATE: return 0; case COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE: return 1; case COLUMN_THREAD_AUTHOR: return 2; case COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT: return 3; } return FilterColumnToComboBox(COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE); } /** Constructor */ ForumsDialog::ForumsDialog(QWidget *parent) : RsAutoUpdatePage(1000,parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); m_bProcessSettings = false; subscribeFlags = 0; connect( ui.forumTreeWidget, SIGNAL( treeCustomContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( forumListCustomPopupMenu( QPoint ) ) ); connect( ui.threadTreeWidget, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( threadListCustomPopupMenu( QPoint ) ) ); connect(ui.newForumButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newforum())); connect(ui.newmessageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createmessage())); connect(ui.newthreadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createthread())); connect( ui.forumTreeWidget, SIGNAL( treeCurrentItemChanged(QString) ), this, SLOT( changedForum(QString) ) ); connect( ui.threadTreeWidget, SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( changedThread () ) ); connect( ui.threadTreeWidget, SIGNAL( itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT( clickedThread (QTreeWidgetItem*,int) ) ); connect( ui.viewBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( changedViewBox () ) ); connect(ui.expandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(togglethreadview())); connect(ui.previousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(previousMessage())); connect(ui.nextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextMessage())); connect(ui.nextUnreadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(nextUnreadMessage())); connect(ui.downloadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(downloadAllFiles())); connect(ui.clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearFilter())); connect(ui.filterPatternLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(filterRegExpChanged())); connect(ui.filterColumnComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(filterColumnChanged())); /* Set initial size the splitter */ QList sizes; sizes << 300 << width(); // Qt calculates the right sizes //ui.splitter->setSizes(sizes); /* Set own item delegate */ RSItemDelegate *itemDelegate = new RSItemDelegate(this); itemDelegate->setSpacing(QSize(0, 2)); ui.threadTreeWidget->setItemDelegate(itemDelegate); /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */ QHeaderView * ttheader = ui.threadTreeWidget->header () ; ttheader->setResizeMode (COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE, QHeaderView::Interactive); ttheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_THREAD_DATE, 140); ttheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE, 290); ui.threadTreeWidget->sortItems( COLUMN_THREAD_DATE, Qt::DescendingOrder ); /* Set text of column "Read" to empty - without this the column has a number as header text */ QTreeWidgetItem *headerItem = ui.threadTreeWidget->headerItem(); headerItem->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_READ, ""); m_ForumNameFont = QFont("Times", 12, QFont::Bold); ui.forumName->setFont(m_ForumNameFont); ui.threadTitle->setFont(m_ForumNameFont); /* Initialize group tree */ ui.forumTreeWidget->initDisplayMenu(ui.displayButton); /* create forum tree */ yourForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Your Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDER), true); subscribedForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Subscribed Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERRED), true); popularForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Popular Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERGREEN), false); otherForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Other Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERYELLOW), false); lastViewType = -1; ui.clearButton->hide(); // load settings processSettings(true); /* Set header sizes for the fixed columns and resize modes, must be set after processSettings */ ttheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_THREAD_READ, 24); ttheader->setResizeMode (COLUMN_THREAD_READ, QHeaderView::Fixed); ttheader->hideSection (COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT); ui.progressBar->setTextVisible(true); ui.progressBar->hide(); ui.progLayOutTxt->hide(); ui.progressBarLayOut->setEnabled(false); fillThread = NULL; insertThreads(); ui.threadTreeWidget->installEventFilter(this); /* Hide platform specific features */ #ifdef Q_WS_WIN #endif } ForumsDialog::~ForumsDialog() { if (fillThread) { fillThread->stop(); delete(fillThread); fillThread = NULL; } // save settings processSettings(false); } void ForumsDialog::processSettings(bool bLoad) { m_bProcessSettings = true; QHeaderView *pHeader = ui.threadTreeWidget->header () ; Settings->beginGroup(QString("ForumsDialog")); if (bLoad) { // load settings // expandFiles bool bValue = Settings->value("expandButton", true).toBool(); ui.expandButton->setChecked(bValue); togglethreadview_internal(); // filterColumn int nValue = FilterColumnToComboBox(Settings->value("filterColumn", true).toInt()); ui.filterColumnComboBox->setCurrentIndex(nValue); // index of viewBox ui.viewBox->setCurrentIndex(Settings->value("viewBox", VIEW_THREADED).toInt()); // state of thread tree pHeader->restoreState(Settings->value("ThreadTree").toByteArray()); // state of splitter ui.splitter->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter").toByteArray()); ui.threadSplitter->restoreState(Settings->value("threadSplitter").toByteArray()); } else { // save settings // state of thread tree Settings->setValue("ThreadTree", pHeader->saveState()); // state of splitter Settings->setValue("Splitter", ui.splitter->saveState()); Settings->setValue("threadSplitter", ui.threadSplitter->saveState()); } ui.forumTreeWidget->processSettings(Settings, bLoad); Settings->endGroup(); m_bProcessSettings = false; } void ForumsDialog::forumListCustomPopupMenu( QPoint /*point*/ ) { QMenu contextMnu( this ); QAction *action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_SUBSCRIBE), tr("Subscribe to Forum"), this, SLOT(subscribeToForum())); action->setDisabled (mCurrForumId.empty() || IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_UNSUBSCRIBE), tr("Unsubscribe to Forum"), this, SLOT(unsubscribeToForum())); action->setEnabled (!mCurrForumId.empty() && IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_NEWFORUM), tr("New Forum"), this, SLOT(newforum())); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_INFO), tr("Show Forum Details"), this, SLOT(showForumDetails())); action->setEnabled (!mCurrForumId.empty ()); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/settings16.png"), tr("Edit Forum Details"), this, SLOT(editForumDetails())); action->setEnabled (!mCurrForumId.empty () && IS_FORUM_ADMIN(subscribeFlags)); QAction *shareKeyAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/gpgp_key_generate.png"), tr("Share Forum"), &contextMnu); connect( shareKeyAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( shareKey() ) ); shareKeyAct->setEnabled(!mCurrForumId.empty() && IS_FORUM_ADMIN(subscribeFlags)); contextMnu.addAction( shareKeyAct); QAction *restoreKeysAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/settings16.png"), tr("Restore Publish Rights for Forum" ), &contextMnu); connect( restoreKeysAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( restoreForumKeys() ) ); restoreKeysAct->setEnabled(!mCurrForumId.empty() && !IS_FORUM_ADMIN(subscribeFlags)); contextMnu.addAction( restoreKeysAct); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_COPYLINK), tr("Copy RetroShare Link"), this, SLOT(copyForumLink())); action->setEnabled(!mCurrForumId.empty()); contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"), tr("Mark all as read"), this, SLOT(markMsgAsReadAll())); action->setEnabled (!mCurrForumId.empty () && IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png"), tr("Mark all as unread"), this, SLOT(markMsgAsUnreadAll())); action->setEnabled (!mCurrForumId.empty () && IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction("Generate mass data", this, SLOT(generateMassData())); action->setEnabled (!mCurrForumId.empty() && IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); #endif contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void ForumsDialog::threadListCustomPopupMenu( QPoint /*point*/ ) { if (fillThread) { return; } QMenu contextMnu( this ); QAction *replyAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGEREPLY), tr( "Reply" ), &contextMnu ); connect( replyAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( createmessage() ) ); QAction *newthreadAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_DOWNLOADALL), tr( "Start New Thread" ), &contextMnu ); newthreadAct->setEnabled (IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); connect( newthreadAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( createthread() ) ); QAction *replyauthorAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGEREPLY), tr( "Reply to Author" ), &contextMnu ); connect( replyauthorAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( replytomessage() ) ); QAction* expandAll = new QAction(tr( "Expand all" ), &contextMnu ); connect( expandAll , SIGNAL( triggered() ), ui.threadTreeWidget, SLOT (expandAll()) ); QAction* collapseAll = new QAction(tr( "Collapse all" ), &contextMnu ); connect( collapseAll , SIGNAL( triggered() ), ui.threadTreeWidget, SLOT(collapseAll()) ); QAction *markMsgAsRead = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"), tr("Mark as read"), &contextMnu); connect(markMsgAsRead , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(markMsgAsRead())); QAction *markMsgAsReadChildren = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"), tr("Mark as read") + " (" + tr ("with children") + ")", &contextMnu); connect(markMsgAsReadChildren, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(markMsgAsReadChildren())); QAction *markMsgAsUnread = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png"), tr("Mark as unread"), &contextMnu); connect(markMsgAsUnread , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(markMsgAsUnread())); QAction *markMsgAsUnreadChildren = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png"), tr("Mark as unread") + " (" + tr ("with children") + ")", &contextMnu); connect(markMsgAsUnreadChildren , SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(markMsgAsUnreadChildren())); if (IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)) { QList Rows; QList RowsRead; QList RowsUnread; int nCount = getSelectedMsgCount (&Rows, &RowsRead, &RowsUnread); if (RowsUnread.size() == 0) { markMsgAsRead->setDisabled(true); } if (RowsRead.size() == 0) { markMsgAsUnread->setDisabled(true); } bool bHasUnreadChildren = false; bool bHasReadChildren = false; int nRowCount = Rows.count(); for (int i = 0; i < nRowCount; i++) { if (bHasUnreadChildren || Rows[i]->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_UNREADCHILDREN).toBool()) { bHasUnreadChildren = true; } if (bHasReadChildren || Rows[i]->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_READCHILDREN).toBool()) { bHasReadChildren = true; } } markMsgAsReadChildren->setEnabled(bHasUnreadChildren); markMsgAsUnreadChildren->setEnabled(bHasReadChildren); if (nCount == 1) { replyAct->setEnabled (true); replyauthorAct->setEnabled (true); } else { replyAct->setDisabled (true); replyauthorAct->setDisabled (true); } } else { markMsgAsRead->setDisabled(true); markMsgAsReadChildren->setDisabled(true); markMsgAsUnread->setDisabled(true); markMsgAsUnreadChildren->setDisabled(true); replyAct->setDisabled (true); replyauthorAct->setDisabled (true); } contextMnu.addAction( replyAct); contextMnu.addAction( newthreadAct); contextMnu.addAction( replyauthorAct); QAction* action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_COPYLINK), tr( "Copy RetroShare Link"), this, SLOT(copyMessageLink())); action->setEnabled(!mCurrForumId.empty() && !mCurrThreadId.empty()); contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction(markMsgAsRead); contextMnu.addAction(markMsgAsReadChildren); contextMnu.addAction(markMsgAsUnread); contextMnu.addAction(markMsgAsUnreadChildren); contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction( expandAll); contextMnu.addAction( collapseAll); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } bool ForumsDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (obj == ui.threadTreeWidget) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if (keyEvent && keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { // Space pressed QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui.threadTreeWidget->currentItem (); clickedThread (item, COLUMN_THREAD_READ); return true; // eat event } } } // pass the event on to the parent class return RsAutoUpdatePage::eventFilter(obj, event); } void ForumsDialog::restoreForumKeys(void) { rsForums->forumRestoreKeys(mCurrForumId); } void ForumsDialog::togglethreadview() { // save state of button Settings->setValueToGroup("ForumsDialog", "expandButton", ui.expandButton->isChecked()); togglethreadview_internal(); } void ForumsDialog::togglethreadview_internal() { if (ui.expandButton->isChecked()) { ui.postText->setVisible(true); ui.expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_remove24.png"))); ui.expandButton->setToolTip(tr("Hide")); } else { ui.postText->setVisible(false); ui.expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_add24.png"))); ui.expandButton->setToolTip(tr("Expand")); } } void ForumsDialog::updateDisplay() { std::list forumIds; std::list::iterator it; if (!rsForums) return; if (rsForums->forumsChanged(forumIds)) { /* update Forums List */ insertForums(); it = std::find(forumIds.begin(), forumIds.end(), mCurrForumId); if (it != forumIds.end()) { /* update threads as well */ insertThreads(); } } } static void CleanupItems (QList &Items) { QList::iterator Item; for (Item = Items.begin (); Item != Items.end (); Item++) { if (*Item) { delete (*Item); } } Items.clear(); } void ForumsDialog::forumInfoToGroupItemInfo(const ForumInfo &forumInfo, GroupItemInfo &groupItemInfo) { groupItemInfo.id = QString::fromStdString(forumInfo.forumId); groupItemInfo.name = QString::fromStdWString(forumInfo.forumName); groupItemInfo.description = QString::fromStdWString(forumInfo.forumDesc); groupItemInfo.popularity = forumInfo.pop; groupItemInfo.lastpost = QDateTime::fromTime_t(forumInfo.lastPost); if (forumInfo.forumFlags & RS_DISTRIB_AUTHEN_REQ) { groupItemInfo.name += " (" + tr("AUTHD") + ")"; groupItemInfo.icon = QIcon(IMAGE_FORUMAUTHD); } else { groupItemInfo.icon = QIcon(IMAGE_FORUM); } } void ForumsDialog::insertForums() { std::list forumList; std::list::iterator it; if (!rsForums) { return; } rsForums->getForumList(forumList); QList adminList; QList subList; QList popList; QList otherList; std::multimap popMap; for (it = forumList.begin(); it != forumList.end(); it++) { /* sort it into Publish (Own), Subscribed, Popular and Other */ uint32_t flags = it->subscribeFlags; GroupItemInfo groupItemInfo; forumInfoToGroupItemInfo(*it, groupItemInfo); if (flags & RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN) { adminList.push_back(groupItemInfo); } else if (flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) { /* subscribed forum */ subList.push_back(groupItemInfo); } else { /* rate the others by popularity */ popMap.insert(std::make_pair(it->pop, groupItemInfo)); } } /* iterate backwards through popMap - take the top 5 or 10% of list */ uint32_t popCount = 5; if (popCount < popMap.size() / 10) { popCount = popMap.size() / 10; } uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t popLimit = 0; std::multimap::reverse_iterator rit; for(rit = popMap.rbegin(); ((rit != popMap.rend()) && (i < popCount)); rit++, i++) ; if (rit != popMap.rend()) { popLimit = rit->first; } for (rit = popMap.rbegin(); rit != popMap.rend(); rit++) { if (rit->second.popularity < (int) popLimit) { otherList.append(rit->second); } else { popList.append(rit->second); } } /* now we can add them in as a tree! */ ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(yourForums, adminList); ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(subscribedForums, subList); ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(popularForums, popList); ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(otherForums, otherList); updateMessageSummaryList(""); } void ForumsDialog::changedForum(const QString &id) { mCurrForumId = id.toStdString(); insertThreads(); } void ForumsDialog::changedThread () { if (fillThread) { return; } /* just grab the ids of the current item */ QTreeWidgetItem *curr = ui.threadTreeWidget->currentItem(); if ((!curr) || (!curr->isSelected())) { mCurrThreadId = ""; } else { mCurrThreadId = curr->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); } insertPost(); } void ForumsDialog::clickedThread (QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { if (mCurrForumId.empty() || !IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)) { return; } if (item == NULL) { return; } if (column == COLUMN_THREAD_READ) { QList Rows; Rows.append(item); uint32_t status = item->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); setMsgAsReadUnread(Rows, IS_UNREAD(status)); return; } } void ForumsDialog::CalculateIconsAndFonts(QTreeWidgetItem *pItem, bool &bHasReadChilddren, bool &bHasUnreadChilddren) { uint32_t status = pItem->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); bool bUnread = IS_UNREAD(status); bool missing = pItem->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MISSING).toBool(); // set icon if (missing) { pItem->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_READ, QIcon()); pItem->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE, QIcon()); } else { if (bUnread) { pItem->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_READ, QIcon(":/images/message-state-unread.png")); } else { pItem->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_READ, QIcon(":/images/message-state-read.png")); } if (status & FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ) { pItem->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE, QIcon()); } else { pItem->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE, QIcon(":/images/message-state-new.png")); } } int nItem; int nItemCount = pItem->childCount(); bool bMyReadChilddren = false; bool bMyUnreadChilddren = false; for (nItem = 0; nItem < nItemCount; nItem++) { CalculateIconsAndFonts(pItem->child(nItem), bMyReadChilddren, bMyUnreadChilddren); } // set font for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { QFont qf = pItem->font(i); if (!IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)) { qf.setBold(false); pItem->setTextColor(i, Qt::black); } else if (bUnread) { qf.setBold(true); pItem->setTextColor(i, Qt::black); } else if (bMyUnreadChilddren) { qf.setBold(true); pItem->setTextColor(i, Qt::gray); } else { qf.setBold(false); pItem->setTextColor(i, Qt::gray); } if (missing) { /* Missing message */ pItem->setTextColor(i, Qt::darkRed); } pItem->setFont(i, qf); } pItem->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_READCHILDREN, bHasReadChilddren || bMyReadChilddren); pItem->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_UNREADCHILDREN, bHasUnreadChilddren || bMyUnreadChilddren); bHasReadChilddren = bHasReadChilddren || bMyReadChilddren || !bUnread; bHasUnreadChilddren = bHasUnreadChilddren || bMyUnreadChilddren || bUnread; } void ForumsDialog::CalculateIconsAndFonts(QTreeWidgetItem *pItem /* = NULL*/) { bool bDummy1 = false; bool bDummy2 = false; if (pItem) { CalculateIconsAndFonts(pItem, bDummy1, bDummy2); return; } int nItem; int nItemCount = ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); for (nItem = 0; nItem < nItemCount; nItem++) { bDummy1 = false; bDummy2 = false; CalculateIconsAndFonts(ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem(nItem), bDummy1, bDummy2); } } void ForumsDialog::fillThreadFinished() { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::fillThreadFinished" << std::endl; #endif // thread has finished ForumsFillThread *thread = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (thread) { if (thread == fillThread) { // current thread has finished, hide progressbar and release thread ui.progressBar->hide(); ui.progLayOutTxt->hide(); ui.progressBarLayOut->setEnabled(false); fillThread = NULL; } if (thread->wasStopped()) { // thread was stopped #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::fillThreadFinished Thread was stopped" << std::endl; #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::fillThreadFinished Add messages" << std::endl; #endif ui.threadTreeWidget->setSortingEnabled(false); /* add all messages in! */ if (lastViewType != thread->viewType || lastForumID != mCurrForumId) { ui.threadTreeWidget->clear(); lastViewType = thread->viewType; lastForumID = mCurrForumId; ui.threadTreeWidget->insertTopLevelItems(0, thread->items); // clear list thread->items.clear(); } else { FillThreads (thread->items, thread->expandNewMessages, thread->itemToExpand); // cleanup list CleanupItems (thread->items); } ui.threadTreeWidget->setSortingEnabled(true); if (thread->focusMsgId.empty() == false) { /* Search exisiting item */ QTreeWidgetItemIterator itemIterator(ui.threadTreeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item = NULL; while ((item = *itemIterator) != NULL) { itemIterator++; if (item->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID).toString().toStdString() == thread->focusMsgId) { ui.threadTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(item); ui.threadTreeWidget->setFocus(); break; } } } QList::iterator Item; for (Item = thread->itemToExpand.begin(); Item != thread->itemToExpand.end(); Item++) { if ((*Item)->isHidden() == false) { (*Item)->setExpanded(true); } } thread->itemToExpand.clear(); if (ui.filterPatternLineEdit->text().isEmpty() == false) { FilterItems(); } insertPost (); CalculateIconsAndFonts(); ui.newthreadButton->setEnabled (IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); } #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::fillThreadFinished Delete thread" << std::endl; #endif thread->deleteLater(); thread = NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::fillThreadFinished done" << std::endl; #endif } void ForumsDialog::fillThreadProgress(int current, int count) { // show fill progress if (count) { ui.progressBar->setValue(current * ui.progressBar->maximum() / count); } } void ForumsDialog::insertThreads() { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS /* get the current Forum */ std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::insertThreads()" << std::endl; #endif if (fillThread) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::insertThreads() stop current fill thread" << std::endl; #endif // stop and disconnect current fill thread ForumsFillThread *thread = fillThread; fillThread = NULL; // disconnect only the signal "progress", the signal "finished" is needed to delete the thread thread->disconnect(this, SIGNAL(progress(int,int))); thread->stop(); ui.progressBar->hide(); } subscribeFlags = 0; ui.newmessageButton->setEnabled (false); ui.newthreadButton->setEnabled (false); ui.postText->clear(); ui.threadTitle->clear(); if (mCurrForumId.empty()) { /* not an actual forum - clear */ ui.threadTreeWidget->clear(); /* when no Thread selected - clear */ ui.forumName->clear(); /* clear last stored forumID */ mCurrForumId.erase(); lastForumID.erase(); #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::insertThreads() Current Thread Invalid" << std::endl; #endif return; } ForumInfo fi; if (!rsForums->getForumInfo(mCurrForumId, fi)) { return; } subscribeFlags = fi.subscribeFlags; ui.forumName->setText(QString::fromStdWString(fi.forumName)); ui.progressBarLayOut->setEnabled(true); ui.progLayOutTxt->show(); ui.progressBar->show(); // create fill thread fillThread = new ForumsFillThread(this); // set data fillThread->forumId = mCurrForumId; fillThread->filterColumn = FilterColumnFromComboBox(ui.filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex()); fillThread->subscribeFlags = subscribeFlags; fillThread->viewType = ui.viewBox->currentIndex(); if (lastViewType != fillThread->viewType || lastForumID != mCurrForumId) { fillThread->fillComplete = true; } if (fillThread->viewType == VIEW_FLAT) { ui.threadTreeWidget->setRootIsDecorated(false); } else { ui.threadTreeWidget->setRootIsDecorated(true); } // connect thread connect(fillThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(fillThreadFinished()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); connect(fillThread, SIGNAL(progress(int,int)), this, SLOT(fillThreadProgress(int,int))); #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::insertThreads() Start fill thread" << std::endl; #endif // start thread fillThread->start(); } void ForumsDialog::FillThreads(QList &ThreadList, bool expandNewMessages, QList &itemToExpand) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::FillThreads()" << std::endl; #endif int Index = 0; QTreeWidgetItem *Thread; QList::iterator NewThread; // delete not existing while (Index < ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount ()) { Thread = ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem (Index); // search existing new thread int Found = -1; for (NewThread = ThreadList.begin (); NewThread != ThreadList.end (); NewThread++) { if (Thread->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID) == (*NewThread)->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID)) { // found it Found = Index; break; } } if (Found >= 0) { Index++; } else { delete (ui.threadTreeWidget->takeTopLevelItem (Index)); } } // iterate all new threads for (NewThread = ThreadList.begin (); NewThread != ThreadList.end (); NewThread++) { // search existing thread int Found = -1; int Count = ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount (); for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Thread = ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem (Index); if (Thread->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID) == (*NewThread)->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID)) { // found it Found = Index; break; } } if (Found >= 0) { // set child data int i; for (i = 0; i < COLUMN_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { Thread->setText (i, (*NewThread)->text (i)); } for (i = 0; i < ROLE_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { Thread->setData (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, Qt::UserRole + i, (*NewThread)->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, Qt::UserRole + i)); } // fill recursive FillChildren (Thread, *NewThread, expandNewMessages, itemToExpand); } else { // add new thread ui.threadTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem (*NewThread); Thread = *NewThread; *NewThread = NULL; } uint32_t status = Thread->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); if (expandNewMessages && IS_UNREAD(status)) { QTreeWidgetItem *pParent = Thread; while ((pParent = pParent->parent()) != NULL) { if (std::find(itemToExpand.begin(), itemToExpand.end(), pParent) == itemToExpand.end()) { itemToExpand.push_back(pParent); } } } } #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::FillThreads() done" << std::endl; #endif } void ForumsDialog::FillChildren(QTreeWidgetItem *Parent, QTreeWidgetItem *NewParent, bool expandNewMessages, QList &itemToExpand) { int Index = 0; int NewIndex; int NewCount = NewParent->childCount(); QTreeWidgetItem *Child; QTreeWidgetItem *NewChild; // delete not existing while (Index < Parent->childCount ()) { Child = Parent->child (Index); // search existing new child int Found = -1; int Count = NewParent->childCount(); for (NewIndex = 0; NewIndex < Count; NewIndex++) { NewChild = NewParent->child (NewIndex); if (NewChild->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID) == Child->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID)) { // found it Found = Index; break; } } if (Found >= 0) { Index++; } else { delete (Parent->takeChild (Index)); } } // iterate all new children for (NewIndex = 0; NewIndex < NewCount; NewIndex++) { NewChild = NewParent->child (NewIndex); // search existing child int Found = -1; int Count = Parent->childCount(); for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { Child = Parent->child (Index); if (Child->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID) == NewChild->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID)) { // found it Found = Index; break; } } if (Found >= 0) { // set child data int i; for (i = 0; i < COLUMN_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { Child->setText (i, NewChild->text (i)); } for (i = 0; i < ROLE_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { Child->setData (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, Qt::UserRole + i, NewChild->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, Qt::UserRole + i)); } // fill recursive FillChildren (Child, NewChild, expandNewMessages, itemToExpand); } else { // add new child Child = NewParent->takeChild(NewIndex); Parent->addChild (Child); NewIndex--; NewCount--; } uint32_t status = Child->data (COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); if (expandNewMessages && IS_UNREAD(status)) { QTreeWidgetItem *pParent = Child; while ((pParent = pParent->parent()) != NULL) { if (std::find(itemToExpand.begin(), itemToExpand.end(), pParent) == itemToExpand.end()) { itemToExpand.push_back(pParent); } } } } } void ForumsDialog::insertPost() { if ((mCurrForumId == "") || (mCurrThreadId == "")) { ui.postText->setText(""); ui.threadTitle->setText(""); ui.previousButton->setEnabled(false); ui.nextButton->setEnabled(false); ui.newmessageButton->setEnabled (false); return; } QTreeWidgetItem *curr = ui.threadTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (curr) { QTreeWidgetItem *Parent = curr->parent (); int Index = Parent ? Parent->indexOfChild (curr) : ui.threadTreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem (curr); int Count = Parent ? Parent->childCount () : ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount (); ui.previousButton->setEnabled (Index > 0); ui.nextButton->setEnabled (Index < Count - 1); } else { // there is something wrong ui.previousButton->setEnabled(false); ui.nextButton->setEnabled(false); return; } ui.newmessageButton->setEnabled (IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags) && mCurrThreadId.empty() == false); /* get the Post */ ForumMsgInfo msg; if (!rsForums->getForumMessage(mCurrForumId, mCurrThreadId, msg)) { ui.postText->setText(""); return; } bool bSetToReadOnActive = Settings->getForumMsgSetToReadOnActivate(); uint32_t status = curr->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); QList Row; Row.append(curr); if (status & FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ) { if (bSetToReadOnActive && (status & FORUM_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER)) { /* set to read */ setMsgAsReadUnread(Row, true); } } else { /* set to read */ if (bSetToReadOnActive) { setMsgAsReadUnread(Row, true); } else { /* set to unread by user */ setMsgAsReadUnread(Row, false); } } QString extraTxt = RsHtml::formatText(QString::fromStdWString(msg.msg), RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_SMILEYS | RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_LINKS); ui.postText->setHtml(extraTxt); ui.threadTitle->setText(QString::fromStdWString(msg.title)); } void ForumsDialog::previousMessage () { QTreeWidgetItem *Item = ui.threadTreeWidget->currentItem (); if (Item == NULL) { return; } QTreeWidgetItem *Parent = Item->parent (); int Index = Parent ? Parent->indexOfChild (Item) : ui.threadTreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem (Item); if (Index > 0) { QTreeWidgetItem *Previous = Parent ? Parent->child (Index - 1) : ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem (Index - 1); if (Previous) { ui.threadTreeWidget->setCurrentItem (Previous); } } } void ForumsDialog::nextMessage () { QTreeWidgetItem *Item = ui.threadTreeWidget->currentItem (); if (Item == NULL) { return; } QTreeWidgetItem *Parent = Item->parent (); int Index = Parent ? Parent->indexOfChild (Item) : ui.threadTreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem (Item); int Count = Parent ? Parent->childCount () : ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount (); if (Index < Count - 1) { QTreeWidgetItem *Next = Parent ? Parent->child (Index + 1) : ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem (Index + 1); if (Next) { ui.threadTreeWidget->setCurrentItem (Next); } } } void ForumsDialog::downloadAllFiles() { QStringList urls; if (RsHtml::findAnchors(ui.postText->toHtml(), urls) == false) { return; } if (urls.count() == 0) { return; } RetroShareLink::process(urls, RetroShareLink::TYPE_FILE/*, true*/); } void ForumsDialog::nextUnreadMessage() { QTreeWidgetItem* currentItem = ui.threadTreeWidget->currentItem(); if( !currentItem ) { currentItem = ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem(0); if( !currentItem ) return; } do { uint32_t status = currentItem->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); if( IS_UNREAD(status) ) { ui.threadTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(currentItem); return; } } while( (currentItem = ui.threadTreeWidget->itemBelow(currentItem)) != NULL ); } // TODO #if 0 void ForumsDialog::removemessage() { //std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::removemessage()" << std::endl; std::string cid, mid; if (!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid)) { //std::cerr << "ForumsDialog::removemessage()"; //std::cerr << " No Message selected" << std::endl; return; } rsMsgs -> MessageDelete(mid); } #endif /* get selected messages the messages tree is single selected, but who knows ... */ int ForumsDialog::getSelectedMsgCount(QList *pRows, QList *pRowsRead, QList *pRowsUnread) { if (pRowsRead) pRowsRead->clear(); if (pRowsUnread) pRowsUnread->clear(); QList selectedItems = ui.threadTreeWidget->selectedItems(); for(QList::iterator it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); it++) { if (pRows) pRows->append(*it); if (pRowsRead || pRowsUnread) { uint32_t status = (*it)->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); if (IS_UNREAD(status)) { if (pRowsUnread) pRowsUnread->append(*it); } else { if (pRowsRead) pRowsRead->append(*it); } } } return selectedItems.size(); } void ForumsDialog::setMsgAsReadUnread(QList &Rows, bool bRead) { QList::iterator Row; std::list changedItems; for (Row = Rows.begin(); Row != Rows.end(); Row++) { if ((*Row)->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MISSING).toBool()) { /* Missing message */ continue; } uint32_t status = (*Row)->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); /* set always as read ... */ uint32_t statusNew = status | FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ; if (bRead) { /* ... and as read by user */ statusNew &= ~FORUM_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER; } else { /* ... and as unread by user */ statusNew |= FORUM_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER; } if (status != statusNew) { std::string msgId = (*Row)->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); rsForums->setMessageStatus(mCurrForumId, msgId, statusNew, FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ | FORUM_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER); (*Row)->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS, statusNew); QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem = *Row; while (parentItem->parent()) { parentItem = parentItem->parent(); } if (std::find(changedItems.begin(), changedItems.end(), parentItem) == changedItems.end()) { changedItems.push_back(parentItem); } } } if (changedItems.size()) { for (std::list::iterator it = changedItems.begin(); it != changedItems.end(); it++) { CalculateIconsAndFonts(*it); } updateMessageSummaryList(mCurrForumId); } } void ForumsDialog::markMsgAsReadUnread (bool bRead, bool bChildren, bool bForum) { if (mCurrForumId.empty() || !IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)) { return; } /* get selected messages */ QList Rows; if (bForum) { int itemCount = ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); for (int item = 0; item < itemCount; item++) { Rows.push_back(ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem(item)); } } else { getSelectedMsgCount (&Rows, NULL, NULL); } if (bChildren) { /* add children */ QList AllRows; while (Rows.isEmpty() == false) { QTreeWidgetItem *pRow = Rows.takeFirst(); /* add only items with the right state or with not FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ */ uint32_t status = pRow->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS).toUInt(); if (IS_UNREAD(status) == bRead || (status & FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ) == 0) { AllRows.append(pRow); } for (int i = 0; i < pRow->childCount(); i++) { /* add child to main list and let the main loop do the work */ Rows.append(pRow->child(i)); } } if (AllRows.isEmpty()) { /* nothing to do */ return; } setMsgAsReadUnread (AllRows, bRead); return; } setMsgAsReadUnread (Rows, bRead); } void ForumsDialog::markMsgAsRead() { markMsgAsReadUnread(true, false, false); } void ForumsDialog::markMsgAsReadChildren() { markMsgAsReadUnread(true, true, false); } void ForumsDialog::markMsgAsReadAll() { markMsgAsReadUnread(true, true, true); } void ForumsDialog::markMsgAsUnread() { markMsgAsReadUnread(false, false, false); } void ForumsDialog::markMsgAsUnreadChildren() { markMsgAsReadUnread(false, true, false); } void ForumsDialog::markMsgAsUnreadAll() { markMsgAsReadUnread(false, true, true); } void ForumsDialog::copyForumLink() { if (mCurrForumId.empty()) { return; } ForumInfo fi; if (rsForums->getForumInfo(mCurrForumId, fi)) { RetroShareLink link; if (link.createForum(fi.forumId, "")) { QList urls; urls.push_back(link); RSLinkClipboard::copyLinks(urls); } } } void ForumsDialog::copyMessageLink() { if (mCurrForumId.empty() || mCurrThreadId.empty()) { return; } ForumInfo fi; if (rsForums->getForumInfo(mCurrForumId, fi)) { RetroShareLink link; if (link.createForum(mCurrForumId, mCurrThreadId)) { QList urls; urls.push_back(link); RSLinkClipboard::copyLinks(urls); } } } void ForumsDialog::newforum() { CreateForum cf (this); cf.exec (); } void ForumsDialog::createmessage() { if (mCurrForumId.empty () || !IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)) { return; } CreateForumMsg *cfm = new CreateForumMsg(mCurrForumId, mCurrThreadId); cfm->show(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void ForumsDialog::createthread() { if (mCurrForumId.empty ()) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("RetroShare"), tr("No Forum Selected!")); return; } CreateForumMsg *cfm = new CreateForumMsg(mCurrForumId, ""); cfm->setWindowTitle(tr("Start New Thread")); cfm->show(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void ForumsDialog::subscribeToForum() { forumSubscribe(true); } void ForumsDialog::unsubscribeToForum() { forumSubscribe(false); } void ForumsDialog::forumSubscribe(bool subscribe) { if (mCurrForumId.empty()) { return; } rsForums->forumSubscribe(mCurrForumId, subscribe); } void ForumsDialog::showForumDetails() { if (mCurrForumId.empty()) { return; } ForumDetails fui; fui.showDetails (mCurrForumId); fui.exec (); } void ForumsDialog::editForumDetails() { if (mCurrForumId.empty()) { return; } EditForumDetails editUi(mCurrForumId, this); editUi.exec(); } void ForumsDialog::replytomessage() { if (mCurrForumId.empty()) { return; } std::string fId = mCurrForumId; std::string pId = mCurrThreadId; ForumMsgInfo msgInfo ; rsForums->getForumMessage(fId,pId,msgInfo) ; if (rsPeers->getPeerName(msgInfo.srcId) !="") { MessageComposer *nMsgDialog = MessageComposer::newMsg(); nMsgDialog->insertTitleText(QString::fromStdWString(msgInfo.title), MessageComposer::REPLY); QTextDocument doc ; doc.setHtml(QString::fromStdWString(msgInfo.msg)) ; nMsgDialog->insertPastedText(doc.toPlainText()); nMsgDialog->addRecipient(MessageComposer::TO, msgInfo.srcId, false); nMsgDialog->show(); nMsgDialog->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } else { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("RetroShare"),tr("You cant reply a Anonymous Author")); } } void ForumsDialog::filterRegExpChanged() { // QRegExp regExp(ui.filterPatternLineEdit->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive , QRegExp::FixedString); // proxyModel->setFilterRegExp(regExp); QString text = ui.filterPatternLineEdit->text(); if (text.isEmpty()) { ui.clearButton->hide(); } else { ui.clearButton->show(); } FilterItems(); } /* clear Filter */ void ForumsDialog::clearFilter() { ui.filterPatternLineEdit->clear(); ui.filterPatternLineEdit->setFocus(); } void ForumsDialog::changedViewBox() { if (m_bProcessSettings) { return; } // save index Settings->setValueToGroup("ForumsDialog", "viewBox", ui.viewBox->currentIndex()); insertThreads(); } void ForumsDialog::filterColumnChanged() { if (m_bProcessSettings) { return; } int filterColumn = FilterColumnFromComboBox(ui.filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex()); if (filterColumn == COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT) { // need content ... refill insertThreads(); } else { FilterItems(); } // save index Settings->setValueToGroup("ForumsDialog", "filterColumn", filterColumn); } void ForumsDialog::FilterItems() { QString sPattern = ui.filterPatternLineEdit->text(); int filterColumn = FilterColumnFromComboBox(ui.filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex()); int nCount = ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount (); for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { FilterItem(ui.threadTreeWidget->topLevelItem(nIndex), sPattern, filterColumn); } } void ForumsDialog::shareKey() { ShareKey shareUi(this, 0, mCurrForumId, FORUM_KEY_SHARE); shareUi.exec(); } bool ForumsDialog::FilterItem(QTreeWidgetItem *pItem, QString &sPattern, int filterColumn) { bool bVisible = true; if (sPattern.isEmpty() == false) { if (pItem->text(filterColumn).contains(sPattern, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == false) { bVisible = false; } } int nVisibleChildCount = 0; int nCount = pItem->childCount(); for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) { if (FilterItem(pItem->child(nIndex), sPattern, filterColumn)) { nVisibleChildCount++; } } if (bVisible || nVisibleChildCount) { pItem->setHidden(false); } else { pItem->setHidden(true); } return (bVisible || nVisibleChildCount); } void ForumsDialog::updateMessageSummaryList(std::string forumId) { QTreeWidgetItem *items[2] = { yourForums, subscribedForums }; for (int item = 0; item < 2; item++) { int child; int childCount = items[item]->childCount(); for (child = 0; child < childCount; child++) { QTreeWidgetItem *childItem = items[item]->child(child); std::string childId = ui.forumTreeWidget->itemId(childItem).toStdString(); if (childId.empty()) { continue; } if (forumId.empty() || childId == forumId) { /* calculate unread messages */ unsigned int newMessageCount = 0; unsigned int unreadMessageCount = 0; rsForums->getMessageCount(childId, newMessageCount, unreadMessageCount); ui.forumTreeWidget->setUnreadCount(childItem, unreadMessageCount); if (forumId.empty() == false) { /* Calculate only this forum */ break; } } } } } bool ForumsDialog::navigate(const std::string& forumId, const std::string& msgId) { if (forumId.empty()) { return false; } if (ui.forumTreeWidget->activateId(QString::fromStdString(forumId), msgId.empty()) == NULL) { return false; } /* Threads are filled in changedForum */ if (mCurrForumId != forumId) { return false; } if (msgId.empty()) { return true; } if (fillThread && fillThread->isRunning()) { fillThread->focusMsgId = msgId; return true; } /* Search exisiting item */ QTreeWidgetItemIterator itemIterator(ui.threadTreeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item = NULL; while ((item = *itemIterator) != NULL) { itemIterator++; if (item->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID).toString().toStdString() == msgId) { ui.threadTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(item); ui.threadTreeWidget->setFocus(); return true; } } return false; } void ForumsDialog::generateMassData() { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS if (mCurrForumId.empty ()) { return; } if (QMessageBox::question(this, "Generate mass data", "Do you really want to generate mass data ?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) { return; } for (int thread = 1; thread < 1000; thread++) { ForumMsgInfo threadInfo; threadInfo.forumId = mCurrForumId; threadInfo.title = QString("Test %1").arg(thread, 3, 10, QChar('0')).toStdWString(); threadInfo.msg = QString("That is only a test").toStdWString(); if (rsForums->ForumMessageSend(threadInfo) == false) { return; } for (int msg = 1; msg < 3; msg++) { ForumMsgInfo msgInfo; msgInfo.forumId = mCurrForumId; msgInfo.threadId = threadInfo.msgId; msgInfo.parentId = threadInfo.msgId; msgInfo.title = threadInfo.title; msgInfo.msg = threadInfo.msg; if (rsForums->ForumMessageSend(msgInfo) == false) { return; } } } #endif } // ForumsFillThread ForumsFillThread::ForumsFillThread(ForumsDialog *parent) : QThread(parent) { stopped = false; expandNewMessages = Settings->getExpandNewMessages(); fillComplete = false; filterColumn = 0; subscribeFlags = 0; viewType = 0; } ForumsFillThread::~ForumsFillThread() { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::~ForumsFillThread" << std::endl; #endif // remove all items (when items are available, the thread was terminated) CleanupItems (items); itemToExpand.clear(); } void ForumsFillThread::stop() { stopped = true; } void ForumsFillThread::run() { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run()" << std::endl; #endif uint32_t status; std::list threads; std::list::iterator tit; rsForums->getForumThreadList(forumId, threads); bool flatView = false; bool useChildTS = false; switch(viewType) { case VIEW_LAST_POST: useChildTS = true; break; case VIEW_FLAT: flatView = true; break; case VIEW_THREADED: break; } int count = threads.size(); int pos = 0; for (tit = threads.begin(); tit != threads.end(); tit++) { if (stopped) { break; } #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run() Adding TopLevel Thread: mId: " << tit->msgId << std::endl; #endif ForumMsgInfo msginfo; if (rsForums->getForumMessage(forumId, tit->msgId, msginfo) == false) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run() Failed to Get Msg" << std::endl; #endif continue; } /* add Msg */ /* setup * */ QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); QString text; { QDateTime qtime; if (useChildTS) qtime.setTime_t(tit->childTS); else qtime.setTime_t(tit->ts); text = qtime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (useChildTS) { QDateTime qtime2; qtime2.setTime_t(tit->ts); QString timestamp2 = qtime2.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); text += " / "; text += timestamp2; } item->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_DATE, text); } item->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE, QString::fromStdWString(tit->title)); text = QString::fromUtf8(rsPeers->getPeerName(msginfo.srcId).c_str()); if (text.isEmpty()) { item->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_AUTHOR, tr("Anonymous")); } else { item->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_AUTHOR, text); } if (msginfo.msgflags & RS_DISTRIB_AUTHEN_REQ) { item->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED, tr("signed")); item->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED, QIcon(":/images/mail-signed.png")); } else { item->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED, tr("none")); item->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED, QIcon(":/images/mail-signature-unknown.png")); } if (filterColumn == COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT) { // need content for filter QTextDocument doc; doc.setHtml(QString::fromStdWString(msginfo.msg)); item->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT, doc.toPlainText().replace(QString("\n"), QString(" "))); } item->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID, QString::fromStdString(tit->msgId)); if (IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags) && !(msginfo.msgflags & RS_DISTRIB_MISSING_MSG)) { rsForums->getMessageStatus(msginfo.forumId, msginfo.msgId, status); } else { // show message as read status = FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ; } item->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS, status); item->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MISSING, (msginfo.msgflags & RS_DISTRIB_MISSING_MSG) ? true : false); std::list threadlist; threadlist.push_back(item); while (threadlist.size() > 0) { if (stopped) { break; } /* get children */ QTreeWidgetItem *parent = threadlist.front(); threadlist.pop_front(); std::string pId = parent->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); std::list msgs; std::list::iterator mit; #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run() Getting Children of : " << pId << std::endl; #endif if (rsForums->getForumThreadMsgList(forumId, pId, msgs)) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run() #Children " << msgs.size() << std::endl; #endif /* iterate through child */ for(mit = msgs.begin(); mit != msgs.end(); mit++) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run() adding " << mit->msgId << std::endl; #endif ForumMsgInfo msginfo; if (rsForums->getForumMessage(forumId, mit->msgId, msginfo) == false) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run() Failed to Get Msg" << std::endl; #endif continue; } QTreeWidgetItem *child = NULL; if (flatView) { child = new QTreeWidgetItem(); } else { child = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent); } { QDateTime qtime; if (useChildTS) qtime.setTime_t(mit->childTS); else qtime.setTime_t(mit->ts); text = qtime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); if (useChildTS) { QDateTime qtime2; qtime2.setTime_t(mit->ts); QString timestamp2 = qtime2.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); text += " / "; text += timestamp2; } child->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_DATE, text); } child->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_TITLE, QString::fromStdWString(mit->title)); text = QString::fromUtf8(rsPeers->getPeerName(msginfo.srcId).c_str()); if (text.isEmpty()) { child->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_AUTHOR, tr("Anonymous")); } else { child->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_AUTHOR, text); } if (msginfo.msgflags & RS_DISTRIB_AUTHEN_REQ) { child->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED, tr("signed")); child->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED,(QIcon(":/images/mail-signed.png"))); } else { child->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED, tr("none")); child->setIcon(COLUMN_THREAD_SIGNED,(QIcon(":/images/mail-signature-unknown.png"))); } if (filterColumn == COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT) { // need content for filter QTextDocument doc; doc.setHtml(QString::fromStdWString(msginfo.msg)); child->setText(COLUMN_THREAD_CONTENT, doc.toPlainText().replace(QString("\n"), QString(" "))); } child->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID, QString::fromStdString(mit->msgId)); if (IS_FORUM_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags) && !(msginfo.msgflags & RS_DISTRIB_MISSING_MSG)) { rsForums->getMessageStatus(msginfo.forumId, msginfo.msgId, status); } else { // show message as read status = FORUM_MSG_STATUS_READ; } child->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_STATUS, status); child->setData(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MISSING, (msginfo.msgflags & RS_DISTRIB_MISSING_MSG) ? true : false); if (fillComplete && expandNewMessages && IS_UNREAD(status)) { QTreeWidgetItem *pParent = child; while ((pParent = pParent->parent()) != NULL) { if (std::find(itemToExpand.begin(), itemToExpand.end(), pParent) == itemToExpand.end()) { itemToExpand.push_back(pParent); } } } /* setup child */ threadlist.push_back(child); if (flatView) { items.append(child); } } } } /* add to list */ items.append(item); emit progress(++pos, count); } #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "ForumsFillThread::run() stopped: " << (wasStopped() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; #endif }