/* * libretroshare/src/services/p3vors.h * * Tests for VoIP for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2011 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #ifndef SERVICE_RSVOIP_HEADER #define SERVICE_RSVOIP_HEADER #include <list> #include <string> #include "services/rsvoipitems.h" #include "services/p3service.h" #include "serialiser/rstlvbase.h" #include "serialiser/rsconfigitems.h" #include "plugins/rspqiservice.h" #include <interface/rsvoip.h> class p3LinkMgr; class PluginNotifier ; class VorsPeerInfo { public: bool initialisePeerInfo(const RsPeerId &id); RsPeerId mId; double mCurrentPingTS; double mCurrentPingCounter; bool mCurrentPongRecvd; uint32_t mLostPongs; uint32_t mSentPings; uint32_t total_bytes_received ; uint32_t average_incoming_bandwidth ; std::list<RsVoipPongResult> mPongResults; std::list<RsVoipDataItem*> incoming_queue ; }; //!The RS VoIP Test service. /** * * This is only used to test Latency for the moment. */ class p3VoRS: public RsPQIService, public RsVoip // Maybe we inherit from these later - but not needed for now. //, public p3Config, public pqiMonitor { public: p3VoRS(RsPluginHandler *cm,PluginNotifier *); /***** overloaded from rsVoip *****/ virtual uint32_t getPongResults(const RsPeerId &id, int n, std::list<RsVoipPongResult> &results); // Call stuff. // // Sending data. The client keeps the memory ownership and must delete it after calling this. virtual int sendVoipData(const RsPeerId &peer_id,const RsVoipDataChunk& chunk) ; // The server fill in the data and gives up memory ownership. The client must delete the memory // in each chunk once it has been used. // virtual bool getIncomingData(const RsPeerId& peer_id,std::vector<RsVoipDataChunk>& chunks) ; virtual int sendVoipHangUpCall(const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; virtual int sendVoipRinging(const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; virtual int sendVoipAcceptCall(const RsPeerId &peer_id) ; /***** overloaded from p3Service *****/ /*! * This retrieves all chat msg items and also (important!) * processes chat-status items that are in service item queue. chat msg item requests are also processed and not returned * (important! also) notifications sent to notify base on receipt avatar, immediate status and custom status * : notifyCustomState, notifyChatStatus, notifyPeerHasNewAvatar * @see NotifyBase */ virtual int tick(); virtual int status(); virtual bool recvItem(RsItem *item); /*************** pqiMonitor callback ***********************/ //virtual void statusChange(const std::list<pqipeer> &plist); virtual int getVoipATransmit() const { return _atransmit ; } virtual void setVoipATransmit(int) ; virtual int getVoipVoiceHold() const { return _voice_hold ; } virtual void setVoipVoiceHold(int) ; virtual int getVoipfVADmin() const { return _vadmin ; } virtual void setVoipfVADmin(int) ; virtual int getVoipfVADmax() const { return _vadmax ; } virtual void setVoipfVADmax(int) ; virtual int getVoipiNoiseSuppress() const { return _noise_suppress ; } virtual void setVoipiNoiseSuppress(int) ; virtual int getVoipiMinLoudness() const { return _min_loudness ; } virtual void setVoipiMinLoudness(int) ; virtual bool getVoipEchoCancel() const { return _echo_cancel ; } virtual void setVoipEchoCancel(bool) ; /************* from p3Config *******************/ virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser() ; /*! * chat msg items and custom status are saved */ virtual bool saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list<RsItem*>&) ; virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem*>& load) ; virtual std::string configurationFileName() const { return "voip.cfg" ; } virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo() ; private: int sendPackets(); void sendPingMeasurements(); void sendBandwidthInfo(); int sendVoipBandwidth(const RsPeerId &peer_id,uint32_t bytes_per_sec) ; int handlePing(RsVoipPingItem *item); int handlePong(RsVoipPongItem *item); int storePingAttempt(const RsPeerId &id, double ts, uint32_t mCounter); int storePongResult(const RsPeerId& id, uint32_t counter, double ts, double rtt, double offset); void handleProtocol(RsVoipProtocolItem*) ; void handleData(RsVoipDataItem*) ; RsMutex mVorsMtx; VorsPeerInfo *locked_GetPeerInfo(const RsPeerId& id); static RsTlvKeyValue push_int_value(const std::string& key,int value) ; static int pop_int_value(const std::string& s) ; std::map<RsPeerId, VorsPeerInfo> mPeerInfo; time_t mSentPingTime; time_t mSentBandwidthInfoTime; uint32_t mCounter; RsServiceControl *mServiceControl; PluginNotifier *mNotify ; int _atransmit ; int _voice_hold ; int _vadmin ; int _vadmax ; int _min_loudness ; int _noise_suppress ; bool _echo_cancel ; }; #endif // SERVICE_RSVOIP_HEADER