 * nxsdummyservices.h
 *  Created on: 13 Apr 2014
 *      Author: crispy


#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <retroshare/rstypes.h>
#include <gxs/rsgixs.h>
#include <gxs/rsgxsnetutils.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <pgp/pgpauxutils.h>

namespace rs_nxs_test

	 * This is a dummy circles implementation
	class RsNxsSimpleDummyCircles : public RsGcxs

		 * @param membership
		 * @param cached

		/* GXS Interface - for working out who can receive */
		bool isLoaded(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId);
		bool loadCircle(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId);

		int canSend(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, const RsPgpId &id);
		int canReceive(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, const RsPgpId &id);
		bool recipients(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, std::list<RsPgpId> &friendlist);


	 * This dummy circles implementation
	 * allow instantiation with simple membership
	 * list for a given circle
	class RsNxsDelayedDummyCircles : public RsGcxs

		 * @param membership
		 * @param countBeforePresent how many times a pgpid is checked before it becomes present
		RsNxsDelayedDummyCircles(int countBeforePresent);
		virtual ~RsNxsDelayedDummyCircles();

		/* GXS Interface - for working out who can receive */
		bool isLoaded(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId);
		bool loadCircle(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId);

		int canSend(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, const RsPgpId &id);
		int canReceive(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, const RsPgpId &id);
		bool recipients(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, std::list<RsPgpId> &friendlist);


		bool allowed(const RsGxsCircleId& circleId);


		typedef int CallCount;
		std::map<RsGxsCircleId, CallCount> mMembershipCallCount;
		int mCountBeforePresent;

	 * This dummy reputation allows you to set the
	 * reputations of peers
	class RsNxsSimpleDummyReputation : public RsGixsReputation

		typedef std::map<RsGxsId, GixsReputation> RepMap;

		 * Instantiate the dummy rep service with
		 * a reputation map
		 * @param repMap should contain the reputations of a set of ids
		 * @param cached this means initial call for an ids \n
		 * 	 	  rep will return false, until a request has been made to load it
		RsNxsSimpleDummyReputation(RepMap& repMap, bool cached );

		bool haveReputation(const RsGxsId &id);
		bool loadReputation(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers);
		bool getReputation(const RsGxsId &id, GixsReputation &rep);


		RepMap mRepMap;

	 * Very simple net manager
	class RsNxsNetDummyMgr : public RsNxsNetMgr


		RsNxsNetDummyMgr(const RsPeerId& ownId, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers) : mOwnId(ownId), mPeers(peers) {

		const RsPeerId& getOwnId()  { return mOwnId; }
		void getOnlineList(const uint32_t serviceId, std::set<RsPeerId>& ssl_peers)
			RsPeerId::std_list::iterator lit = mPeers.begin();

			for(; lit != mPeers.end(); lit++)


		RsPeerId mOwnId;
		std::list<RsPeerId> mPeers;


	class RsDummyPgpUtils : public PgpAuxUtils

		virtual ~RsDummyPgpUtils(){}
		const RsPgpId &getPGPOwnId() ;
		RsPgpId getPGPId(const RsPeerId& sslid) ;
		bool getGPGAllList(std::list<RsPgpId> &ids) ;
		bool getKeyFingerprint(const RsPgpId& id,PGPFingerprintType& fp) const;

		bool VerifySignBin(const void *data, uint32_t len, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int signlen, const PGPFingerprintType& withfingerprint);
		bool askForDeferredSelfSignature(const void *data, const uint32_t len, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int *signlen,int& signature_result );


			RsPgpId mOwnId;
