#include "extaddrfinder.h" #include "pqi/pqinetwork.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const uint32_t MAX_IP_STORE = 300; /* seconds ip address timeout */ static const std::string ADDR_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0"; static std::string scan_ip(const std::string& text) { std::set digits ; digits.insert('0') ; digits.insert('3') ; digits.insert('6') ; digits.insert('1') ; digits.insert('4') ; digits.insert('7') ; digits.insert('2') ; digits.insert('5') ; digits.insert('8') ; digits.insert('9') ; for(int i=0;i<(int)text.size();++i) { while(i < (int)text.size() && digits.find(text[i])==digits.end()) ++i ; if(i>=(int)text.size()) return "" ; unsigned int a,b,c,d ; if(sscanf(text.c_str()+i,"%u.%u.%u.%u",&a,&b,&c,&d) != 4) continue ; if(a < 256 && b<256 && c<256 && d<256) { std::ostringstream o ; o << a << "." << b << "." << c << "." << d ; return o.str(); } } return "" ; } static void getPage(const std::string& server_name,std::string& page) { page = "" ; int sockfd,n=0; // socket descriptor struct sockaddr_in serveur= {0}; // server's parameters struct hostent *hostinfo=NULL; // structure for storing the server's ip char buf[1024]; char request[1024]; #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cout << "ExtAddrFinder: connecting to " << server_name << std::endl ; #endif // socket creation sockfd = unix_socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); serveur.sin_family = AF_INET; // get server's ipv4 adress hostinfo = gethostbyname(server_name.c_str()); if (hostinfo == NULL) /* l'hôte n'existe pas */ { std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Unknown host " << server_name << std::endl; return ; } serveur.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*) hostinfo->h_addr; serveur.sin_port = htons(80); #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG printf("Connexion attempt\n"); #endif if(unix_connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&serveur, sizeof(serveur)) == -1) { std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Connexion error to " << server_name << std::endl ; return ; } #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Connexion established to " << server_name << std::endl ; #endif // envoi sprintf( request, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: %s:%d\r\n" "Connection: Close\r\n" "\r\n", server_name.c_str(), 80); if(send(sockfd,request,strlen(request),0)== -1) { std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Could not send request to " << server_name << std::endl ; return ; } // recéption while((n = recv(sockfd, buf, sizeof buf - 1, 0)) > 0) { buf[n] = '\0'; page += std::string(buf,n) ; } // fermeture de la socket unix_close(sockfd); #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Got full page from " << server_name << std::endl ; #endif } void* doExtAddrSearch(void *p) { std::vector res ; ExtAddrFinder *af = (ExtAddrFinder*)p ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(af->_ip_servers.begin());it!=af->_ip_servers.end();++it) { std::string page ; getPage(*it,page) ; std::string ip = scan_ip(page) ; if(ip != "") res.push_back(ip) ; #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cout << "ip found through " << *it << ": \"" << ip << "\"" << std::endl ; #endif } if(res.empty()) { // thread safe copy results. // af->_addrMtx.lock(); *(af->_found) = false ; *(af->mFoundTS) = time(NULL) ; *(af->_searching) = false ; pthread_exit(NULL); af->_addrMtx.unlock(); return NULL ; } sort(res.begin(),res.end()) ; // eliminates outliers. if(!inet_aton(res[res.size()/2].c_str(),&(af->_addr->sin_addr))) { std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Could not convert " << res[res.size()/2] << " into an address." << std::endl ; af->_addrMtx.lock(); *(af->_found) = false ; *(af->mFoundTS) = time(NULL) ; *(af->_searching) = false ; af->_addrMtx.unlock(); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL ; } af->_addrMtx.lock(); *(af->_found) = true ; *(af->mFoundTS) = time(NULL) ; *(af->_searching) = false ; af->_addrMtx.unlock(); pthread_exit(NULL); return NULL ; } void ExtAddrFinder::start_request() { void *data = (void *)this; pthread_t tid ; pthread_create(&tid, 0, &doExtAddrSearch, data); pthread_detach(tid); /* so memory is reclaimed in linux */ } bool ExtAddrFinder::hasValidIP(struct sockaddr_in *addr) { #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Getting ip." << std::endl ; #endif if(*_found) { #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Has stored ip: responding with this ip." << std::endl ; #endif *addr = *_addr; } //timeout the current ip time_t delta = time(NULL) - *mFoundTS; if(delta > MAX_IP_STORE) {//launch a research if( _addrMtx.trylock()) { if(!*_searching) { #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: No stored ip: Initiating new search." << std::endl ; #endif *_searching = true ; start_request() ; } #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG else std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Already searching." << std::endl ; #endif _addrMtx.unlock(); } #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG else std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: (Note) Could not acquire lock. Busy." << std::endl ; #endif } return *_found ; } void ExtAddrFinder::reset() { // while(*_searching) //#ifdef WIN32 // Sleep(1000) ; //#else // sleep(1) ; //#endif RsStackMutex mut(_addrMtx) ; *_found = false ; *_searching = false ; *mFoundTS = time(NULL) - MAX_IP_STORE; } ExtAddrFinder::~ExtAddrFinder() { #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Deleting ExtAddrFinder." << std::endl ; #endif // while(*_searching) //#ifdef WIN32 // Sleep(1000) ; //#else // sleep(1) ; //#endif RsStackMutex mut(_addrMtx) ; delete _found ; delete _searching ; delete _addr ; } ExtAddrFinder::ExtAddrFinder() { #ifdef EXTADDRSEARCH_DEBUG std::cerr << "ExtAddrFinder: Creating new ExtAddrFinder." << std::endl ; #endif RsStackMutex mut(_addrMtx) ; _found = new bool ; *_found = false ; _searching = new bool ; *_searching = false ; mFoundTS = new time_t; *mFoundTS = time(NULL) - MAX_IP_STORE; _addr = (sockaddr_in*)malloc(sizeof(sockaddr_in)) ; _ip_servers.push_back(std::string( "checkip.dyndns.org" )) ; _ip_servers.push_back(std::string( "www.showmyip.com" )) ; _ip_servers.push_back(std::string( "showip.net" )) ; _ip_servers.push_back(std::string( "www.displaymyip.com")) ; }