/* * RetroShare Android QML App * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Gioacchino Mazzurco * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import org.retroshare.qml_components.LibresapiLocalClient 1.0 import "URI.js" as UriJs import "." //Needed for TokensManager and ClipboardWrapper singleton import "components/." ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true title: "RetroShare" width: 400 height: 400 property string user_name property bool coreReady: stackView.state === "running_ok" || stackView.state === "running_ok_no_full_control" Component.onCompleted: { addUriHandler("/certificate", certificateLinkHandler) addUriHandler("/identity", contactLinkHandler) addUriHandler("/contacts", openContactsViewLinkHandler) var argc = mainArgs.length for(var i=0; i 1) { stackView.pop(); event.accepted = true; setStatus (stackView.currentItem) } } function setStatus (currentItem) { if (currentItem) { if (currentItem.objectName != "chatView" && currentItem.objectName != "contactsView" && toolBar.state != "DEFAULT") { toolBar.state = "DEFAULT" } else if (typeof currentItem.changeState === 'function') { currentItem.changeState () } currentItem.focus = true } } state: "core_down" initialItem: BusyOverlay { message: qsTr("Connecting to core...") } states: [ State { name: "core_down" PropertyChanges { target: stackView; enabled: false } }, State { name: "waiting_account_select" PropertyChanges { target: stackView; enabled: true } StateChangeScript { script: { console.log("StateChangeScript waiting_account_select") stackView.clear() stackView.push("qrc:/Locations.qml") } } }, State { name: "waiting_startup" PropertyChanges { target: stackView; enabled: false } StateChangeScript { script: { console.log("StateChangeScript waiting_startup") stackView.clear() stackView.push("qrc:/BusyOverlay.qml", { message: "Core initializing..."}) } } }, State { name: "running_ok" PropertyChanges { target: stackView; enabled: true } StateChangeScript { script: { console.log("StateChangeScript running_ok") coreStateCheckTimer.stop() stackView.clear() stackView.push("qrc:/Contacts.qml") while(mainWindow.pendingUriRegister.length > 0) mainWindow.handleIntentUri( mainWindow.pendingUriRegister.shift()) } } }, State { name: "running_ok_no_full_control" PropertyChanges { target: stackView; state: "running_ok" } } ] } Timer { id: coreStateCheckTimer interval: 1000 repeat: true triggeredOnStart: true onTriggered: { var ret = rsApi.request("/control/runstate/", "", runStateCallback) if ( ret < 1 ) { console.log("checkCoreStatus() core is down") stackView.state = "core_down" } } Component.onCompleted: start() function runStateCallback(par) { var jsonReponse = JSON.parse(par.response) var runState = jsonReponse.data.runstate if(typeof(runState) === 'string') stackView.state = runState else { stackView.state = "core_down" console.log("runStateCallback(...) core is down") } } } function handleIntentUri(uriStr) { console.log("handleIntentUri(uriStr)", uriStr) if(!Array.isArray(uriStr.match(/:\/\/[a-zA-Z.-]*\//g))) { /* RetroShare GUI produces links without hostname and only two * slashes after scheme causing the first piece of the path part * being interpreted as host, this is awckard and should be fixed in * the GUI, in the meantime we add a slash for easier parsing, in * case there is no hostname and just two slashes, we might consider * to use +hostname+ part for some trick in the future, for example * it could help other application to recognize retroshare link by * putting a domain name there that has no meaning for retroshare */ uriStr = uriStr.replace("://", ":///") } var uri = new UriJs.URI(uriStr) var hPath = uri.path() // no nesting ATM segmentCoded() console.log("hPath", hPath) var authority = uri.authority() console.log("authority", authority) if(typeof uriHandlersRegister[hPath] == "function") { console.log("handleIntentUri(uriStr)", "found handler for path", hPath, uriHandlersRegister[hPath]) uriHandlersRegister[hPath](uriStr) } else if (typeof uriHandlersRegister[authority] == "function" ) { console.log("handleIntentUri(uriStr)", "found handler for path", authority, uriHandlersRegister[authority]) uriHandlersRegister[authority](uriStr) } } function certificateLinkHandler(uriStr) { console.log("certificateLinkHandler(uriStr)", coreReady) if(!coreReady) { // Save cert uri for later processing as we need core to examine it pendingUriRegister.push(uriStr) return } var uri = new UriJs.URI(uriStr) var uQuery = uri.search(true) if(uQuery.radix) { var certStr = UriJs.URI.decode(uQuery.radix) // Workaround https://github.com/RetroShare/RetroShare/issues/772 certStr = certStr.replace(/ /g, "+") rsApi.request( "/peers/examine_cert/", JSON.stringify({cert_string: certStr}), function(par) { console.log("/peers/examine_cert/ CB", par) var jData = JSON.parse(par.response).data stackView.push( "qrc:/TrustedNodeDetails.qml", { nodeCert: certStr, pgpName: jData.name, pgpId: jData.pgp_id, locations: [{ location: jData.location, peer_id: jData.peer_id }] } ) } ) } } function contactLinkHandler(uriStr) { console.log("contactLinkHandler(uriStr)", coreReady) if(!coreReady) { // Save cert uri for later processing as we need core to examine it pendingUriRegister.push(uriStr) return } var uri = new UriJs.URI(uriStr) var uQuery = uri.search(true) if(uQuery.groupdata) { contactImportPopup.expectedName = uQuery.name contactImportPopup.expectedGxsId = uQuery.gxsid rsApi.request( "/identity/import_key", JSON.stringify({radix: uQuery.groupdata}), function(par) { var jD = JSON.parse(par.response).data contactImportPopup.realGxsId = jD.gxs_id contactImportPopup.open() } ) } } function openContactsViewLinkHandler (uriStr) { if(coreReady) { stackView.push("qrc:/Contacts.qml" ) } } Popup { id: contactImportPopup property string expectedName property string expectedGxsId property string realGxsId function idMatch() { return expectedGxsId === realGxsId } visible: false onVisibleChanged: if(visible && idMatch()) contactImportTimer.start() x: parent.x + parent.width/2 - width/2 y: parent.y + parent.height/2 - height/2 Column { spacing: 3 anchors.centerIn: parent Text { text: qsTr("%1 key imported").arg( contactImportPopup.expectedName) anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } Text { text: qsTr("Link malformed!") color: "red" visible: contactImportPopup.visible && !contactImportPopup.idMatch() anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } Text { text: qsTr("Expected id and real one differs:") + "
" + contactImportPopup.expectedGxsId +
" + contactImportPopup.realGxsId + "
" visible: contactImportPopup.visible && !contactImportPopup.idMatch() anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } } Timer { id: contactImportTimer interval: 1500 onTriggered: contactImportPopup.close() } } Popup { id: linkCopiedPopup property string itemName visible: false onVisibleChanged: if(visible) contactLinkTimer.start() x: parent.x + parent.width/2 - width/2 y: parent.y + parent.height/2 - height/2 Text { text: qsTr("%1 link copied to clipboard").arg( linkCopiedPopup.itemName) } Timer { id: contactLinkTimer interval: 1500 onTriggered: linkCopiedPopup.close() } } }