/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 crypton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "NetworkView.h" #include "LinksDialog.h" #include "PhotoDialog.h" #include "ForumsDialog.h" #include "NewsFeed.h" #include "PeersFeed.h" #include "TransferFeed.h" #include "MsgFeed.h" #include "ChannelFeed.h" #include "ShareManager.h" #include #include "MainWindow.h" #include "MessengerWindow.h" #include "HelpDialog.h" #include "games/qbackgammon/bgwindow.h" //#include "smplayer.h" #ifdef TURTLE_HOPPING #include "gui/TurtleSearchDialog.h" #endif #include "statusbar/peerstatus.h" #include "statusbar/dhtstatus.h" #include "statusbar/natstatus.h" #include "statusbar/ratesstatus.h" #include "Preferences/PreferencesWindow.h" //#include "Settings/gsettingswin.h" #include "util/rsversion.h" #include "rsiface/rsiface.h" #include "rsiface/rspeers.h" #include "rsiface/rsfiles.h" #include "gui/connect/ConnectFriendWizard.h" #include #include #include #define FONT QFont(tr("Arial"), 9) /* Images for toolbar icons */ #define IMAGE_NETWORK ":/images/retrosharelogo1.png" #define IMAGE_NETWORK2 ":/images/rs1.png" #define IMAGE_PEERS ":/images/groupchat.png" #define IMAGE_SEARCH ":/images/filefind.png" #define IMAGE_TRANSFERS ":/images/ktorrent32.png" #define IMAGE_LINKS ":/images/knewsticker24.png" #define IMAGE_FILES ":/images/fileshare24.png" #define IMAGE_CHANNELS ":/images/channels.png" #define IMAGE_FORUMS ":/images/konversation.png" #define IMAGE_TURTLE ":/images/turtle.png" #define IMAGE_PREFERENCES ":/images/kcmsystem24.png" #define IMAGE_CHAT ":/images/groupchat.png" #define IMAGE_RETROSHARE ":/images/rstray3.png" #define IMAGE_ABOUT ":/images/informations_24x24.png" #define IMAGE_STATISTIC ":/images/utilities-system-monitor.png" #define IMAGE_MESSAGES ":/images/evolution.png" #define IMAGE_BWGRAPH ":/images/ksysguard.png" #define IMAGE_RSM32 ":/images/kdmconfig.png" #define IMAGE_RSM16 ":/images/rsmessenger16.png" #define IMAGE_CLOSE ":/images/close_normal.png" #define IMAGE_SMPLAYER ":/images/smplayer_icon32.png" #define IMAGE_BLOCK ":/images/blockdevice.png" #define IMAGE_COLOR ":/images/highlight.png" #define IMAGE_GAMES ":/images/kgames.png" #define IMAGE_PHOTO ":/images/lphoto.png" #define IMAGE_SMPLAYER ":/images/smplayer_icon32.png" #define IMAGE_ADDFRIEND ":/images/add-friend24.png" //#define IMAGE_INVITEFRIEND ":/images/invite-friend24.png" #define IMAGE_ADDSHARE ":/images/directoryadd_24x24_shadow.png" #define IMAGE_OPTIONS ":/images/settings.png" #define IMAGE_QUIT ":/images/exit_24x24.png" #define IMAGE_UNFINISHED ":/images/underconstruction.png" #define IMAGE_MINIMIZE ":/images/window_nofullscreen.png" #define IMAGE_MAXIMIZE ":/images/window_fullscreen.png" #define IMG_HELP ":/images/help.png" #define IMAGE_NEWSFEED ":/images/konqsidebar_news24.png" #define IMAGE_PLUGINS ":/images/extension_32.png" /* Keys for UI Preferences */ #define UI_PREF_PROMPT_ON_QUIT "UIOptions/ConfirmOnQuit" /** Constructor */ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : RWindow("MainWindow", parent, flags) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated QObject setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); /* Create RshareSettings object */ _settings = new RshareSettings(); setWindowTitle(tr("RetroShare %1 a secure decentralised commmunication platform").arg(retroshareVersion())); mSMPlayer = NULL; // Setting icons this->setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); /* Create all the dialogs of which we only want one instance */ _bandwidthGraph = new BandwidthGraph(); messengerWindow = new MessengerWindow(); _preferencesWindow = new PreferencesWindow(); applicationWindow = new ApplicationWindow(); applicationWindow->hide(); /** Left Side ToolBar**/ connect(ui.actionAdd_Friend, SIGNAL(triggered() ), this , SLOT( addFriend() ) ); connect(ui.actionAdd_Share, SIGNAL(triggered() ), this , SLOT( openShareManager() ) ); connect(ui.actionOptions, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( showPreferencesWindow()) ); connect(ui.actionMessenger, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( showMessengerWindow()) ); connect(ui.actionSMPlayer, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( showsmplayer()) ); connect(ui.actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( showabout()) ); connect(ui.actionColor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( setStyle()) ); //connect(ui.actionSettings, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( showSettings()) ); /** adjusted quit behaviour: trigger a warning that can be switched off in the saved config file RetroShare.conf */ connect(ui.actionQuit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(doQuit())); /* load the StyleSheet*/ loadStyleSheet(Rshare::stylesheet()); /* Create the Main pages and actions */ QActionGroup *grp = new QActionGroup(this); ui.stackPages->add(networkDialog = new NetworkDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_NETWORK2), tr("Network"), grp)); ui.stackPages->add(peersDialog = new PeersDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PEERS), tr("Friends"), grp)); //PeersFeed *peersFeed = NULL; //ui.stackPages->add(peersFeed = new PeersFeed(ui.stackPages), // createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PEERS), tr("Peers"), grp)); #ifdef TURTLE_HOPPING ui.stackPages->add(turtleDialog = new TurtleSearchDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_TURTLE), tr("Turtle"), grp)); #endif ui.stackPages->add(searchDialog = new SearchDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_SEARCH), tr("Search"), grp)); ui.stackPages->add(transfersDialog = new TransfersDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_TRANSFERS), tr("Transfers"), grp)); //TransferFeed *transferFeed = NULL; //ui.stackPages->add(transferFeed = new TransferFeed(ui.stackPages), // createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_LINKS), tr("Transfers"), grp)); ui.stackPages->add(sharedfilesDialog = new SharedFilesDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_FILES), tr("Files"), grp)); //MsgFeed *msgFeed = NULL; //ui.stackPages->add(msgFeed = new MsgFeed(ui.stackPages), // createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGES), tr("Messages"), grp)); ui.stackPages->add(messagesDialog = new MessagesDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGES), tr("Messages"), grp)); LinksDialog *linksDialog = NULL; #ifdef RS_RELEASE_VERSION channelsDialog = NULL; ui.stackPages->add(linksDialog = new LinksDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_LINKS), tr("Links Cloud"), grp)); ForumsDialog *forumsDialog = NULL; ui.stackPages->add(forumsDialog = new ForumsDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_FORUMS), tr("Forums"), grp)); #else channelsDialog = NULL; ui.stackPages->add(linksDialog = new LinksDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_LINKS), tr("Links Cloud"), grp)); ChannelFeed *channelFeed = NULL; ui.stackPages->add(channelFeed = new ChannelFeed(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELS), tr("Channels"), grp)); ForumsDialog *forumsDialog = NULL; ui.stackPages->add(forumsDialog = new ForumsDialog(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_FORUMS), tr("Forums"), grp)); #endif NewsFeed *newsFeed = NULL; ui.stackPages->add(newsFeed = new NewsFeed(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_NEWSFEED), tr("News Feed"), grp)); #ifdef PLUGINMGR ui.stackPages->add(pluginsPage = new PluginsPage(ui.stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PLUGINS), tr("Plugins"), grp)); #endif /* Create the toolbar */ ui.toolBar->addActions(grp->actions()); ui.toolBar->addSeparator(); connect(grp, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), ui.stackPages, SLOT(showPage(QAction *))); #ifdef RS_RELEASE_VERSION #else addAction(new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_UNFINISHED), tr("Unfinished"), ui.toolBar), SLOT(showApplWindow())); #endif /* Select the first action */ grp->actions()[0]->setChecked(true); /* also an empty list of chat windows */ messengerWindow->setChatDialog(peersDialog); // Allow to play files from SharedFilesDialog. connect(sharedfilesDialog, SIGNAL(playFiles( QStringList )), this, SLOT(playFiles( QStringList ))); connect(transfersDialog, SIGNAL(playFiles( QStringList )), this, SLOT(playFiles( QStringList ))); /** StatusBar section **/ peerstatus = new PeerStatus(); statusBar()->addWidget(peerstatus); dhtstatus = new DHTStatus(); statusBar()->addWidget(dhtstatus); natstatus = new NATStatus(); statusBar()->addWidget(natstatus); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(); QSizePolicy sizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Preferred); sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0); sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0); sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(widget->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth()); widget->setSizePolicy(sizePolicy); QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(widget); horizontalLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); horizontalLayout->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("horizontalLayout")); _hashing_info_label = new QLabel(widget) ; _hashing_info_label->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("label")); horizontalLayout->addWidget(_hashing_info_label); QSpacerItem *horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem(1000, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); horizontalLayout->addItem(horizontalSpacer); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(widget); _hashing_info_label->hide() ; ratesstatus = new RatesStatus(); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(ratesstatus); /******* Status Bar end ******/ /* Create the actions that will go in the tray menu */ createActions(); /****** * This is an annoying warning I get all the time... * (no help!) * * if (!QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()) QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("System tray is unavailable"), tr("System tray unavailable")); ******/ // Tray icon Menu menu = new QMenu(this); QObject::connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(updateMenu())); toggleVisibilityAction = menu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_RETROSHARE), tr("Show/Hide"), this, SLOT(toggleVisibilitycontextmenu())); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(_messengerwindowAct); menu->addAction(_messagesAct); menu->addAction(_bandwidthAct); /* bandwidth only in development version */ #ifdef RS_RELEASE_VERSION #else menu->addAction(_appAct); #endif menu->addAction(_prefsAct); //menu->addAction(_smplayerAct); menu->addAction(_helpAct); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MINIMIZE), tr("Minimize"), this, SLOT(showMinimized())); menu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MAXIMIZE), tr("Maximize"), this, SLOT(showMaximized())); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CLOSE), tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT(doQuit())); // End of Icon Menu // Create the tray icon trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); trayIcon->setToolTip(tr("RetroShare")); trayIcon->setContextMenu(menu); trayIcon->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_RETROSHARE)); connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(toggleVisibility(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason))); trayIcon->show(); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatus())); timer->start(1000); } void MainWindow::updateStatus() { if (ratesstatus) ratesstatus->getRatesStatus(); if (peerstatus) peerstatus->getPeerStatus(); if (dhtstatus) dhtstatus->getDHTStatus(); if (natstatus) natstatus->getNATStatus(); } void MainWindow::updateHashingInfo(const QString& s) { if(s == "") _hashing_info_label->hide() ; else { _hashing_info_label->setText("Hashing file " + s) ; _hashing_info_label->show() ; } } /** Creates a new action associated with a config page. */ QAction* MainWindow::createPageAction(QIcon img, QString text, QActionGroup *group) { QAction *action = new QAction(img, text, group); action->setCheckable(true); action->setFont(FONT); return action; } /** Adds the given action to the toolbar and hooks its triggered() signal to * the specified slot (if given). */ void MainWindow::addAction(QAction *action, const char *slot) { action->setFont(FONT); ui.toolBar->addAction(action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, slot); } /** Shows the MainWindow with focus set to the given page. */ void MainWindow::showWindow(Page page) { /* Show the dialog. */ //show(); /* Show the dialog. */ RWindow::showWindow(); /* Set the focus to the specified page. */ ui.stackPages->setCurrentIndex((int)page); } /***** TOOL BAR FUNCTIONS *****/ /** Add a Friend ShortCut */ void MainWindow::addFriend() { ConnectFriendWizard* connwiz = new ConnectFriendWizard(this); // set widget to be deleted after close connwiz->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); connwiz->show(); } /** Shows Share Manager */ void MainWindow::openShareManager() { static ShareManager* sharemanager = new ShareManager(this); sharemanager->show(); } /** Creates and displays the Configuration dialog with the current page set to * page. */ void MainWindow::showPreferencesWindow(PreferencesWindow::Page page) { _preferencesWindow->showWindow(page); } /** Shows Messages Dialog */ void MainWindow::showMess(MainWindow::Page page) { showWindow(page); } /** Shows Options */ //void MainWindow::showSettings() //{ // static GSettingsWin *win = new GSettingsWin(this); // if (win->isHidden()) // win->setNewPage(0); // win->show(); // win->activateWindow(); //} /** Shows Messenger window */ void MainWindow::showMessengerWindow() { messengerWindow->show(); } /** Shows Application window */ void MainWindow::showApplWindow() { applicationWindow->show(); } /** Destructor. */ MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete _bandwidthGraph; delete _messengerwindowAct; //delete _smplayerAct; delete _preferencesWindow; } /** Create and bind actions to events. Setup for initial * tray menu configuration. */ void MainWindow::createActions() { _prefsAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PREFERENCES), tr("Options"), this); connect(_prefsAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPreferencesWindow())); _bandwidthAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_BWGRAPH), tr("Bandwidth Graph"), this); connect(_bandwidthAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), _bandwidthGraph, SLOT(showWindow())); _messengerwindowAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_RSM16), tr("Open Messenger"), this); connect(_messengerwindowAct, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(showMessengerWindow())); _messagesAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGES), tr("Open Messages"), this); connect(_messagesAct, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(showMess())); _appAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_UNFINISHED), tr("Applications"), this); connect(_appAct, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(showApplWindow())); //_smplayerAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_SMPLAYER), tr("SMPlayer"), this); //connect(_smplayerAct, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(showsmplayer())); _helpAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMG_HELP), tr("Help"), this); connect(_helpAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showHelpDialog())); } /** If the user attempts to quit the app, a check-warning is issued. This warning can be turned off for future quit events. */ void MainWindow::doQuit() { QString queryWrn; queryWrn.clear(); queryWrn.append(tr("Do you really want to exit RetroShare ?")); if ((QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Really quit ? "),queryWrn,QMessageBox::Ok|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Ok))== QMessageBox::Ok) { qApp->quit(); } else return; } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { static bool firstTime = true; if (trayIcon->isVisible()) { if (firstTime) { /***** QMessageBox::information(this, tr("RetroShare System tray"), tr("Application will continue running. Quit using context menu in the system tray")); *****/ firstTime = false; } hide(); e->ignore(); } } void MainWindow::updateMenu() { toggleVisibilityAction->setText(isVisible() ? tr("Hide") : tr("Show")); } void MainWindow::toggleVisibility(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason e) { if(e == QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger || e == QSystemTrayIcon::DoubleClick){ if(isHidden()){ show(); if(isMinimized()){ if(isMaximized()){ showMaximized(); }else{ showNormal(); } } raise(); activateWindow(); }else{ hide(); } } } void MainWindow::toggleVisibilitycontextmenu() { if (isVisible()) hide(); else show(); } void MainWindow::loadStyleSheet(const QString &sheetName) { /** internal Stylesheets **/ //QFile file(":/qss/" + sheetName.toLower() + ".qss"); /** extern Stylesheets **/ QFile file(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/qss/" + sheetName.toLower() + ".qss"); file.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QString styleSheet = QLatin1String(file.readAll()); qApp->setStyleSheet(styleSheet); } /** Shows smplayer */ void MainWindow::showsmplayer() { return; #if 0 if (mSMPlayer == 0) { mSMPlayer = new SMPlayer(QString::null, this); mSMPlayer->gui()->hide(); } else { mSMPlayer->gui()->show(); } #endif } void MainWindow::playFiles(QStringList files) { std::cerr << "MainWindow::playFiles() Can only play first currently" << std::endl; QStringList::iterator it; it = files.begin(); if (it == files.end()) { return; } std::string path = (*it).toStdString(); std::cerr << "MainWindow::playFiles() opening: " << path << std::endl; openFile(path); return; #if 0 showsmplayer(); std::cerr << "MainWindow::playFiles() showsmplayer() done" << std::endl; if (mSMPlayer) mSMPlayer->gui()->openFiles(files); std::cerr << "MainWindow::playFiles() done" << std::endl; #endif } void MainWindow::showabout() { static HelpDialog *helpdlg = new HelpDialog(this); helpdlg->show(); } /** Displays the help browser and displays the most recently viewed help * topic. */ void MainWindow::showHelpDialog() { showHelpDialog(QString()); } /**< Shows the help browser and displays the given help topic. */ void MainWindow::showHelpDialog(const QString &topic) { static HelpBrowser *helpBrowser = 0; if (!helpBrowser) helpBrowser = new HelpBrowser(this); helpBrowser->showWindow(topic); } void MainWindow::setStyle() { QString standardSheet = "{background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1,stop:0 , stop:1 );}"; QColor stop1 = QColorDialog::getColor(Qt::white); QColor stop2 = QColorDialog::getColor(Qt::black); //QString widgetSheet = ".QWidget" + standardSheet.replace("", stop1.name()).replace("", stop2.name()); QString toolSheet = "QToolBar" + standardSheet.replace("", stop1.name()).replace("", stop2.name()); QString menuSheet = "QMenuBar" + standardSheet.replace("", stop1.name()).replace("", stop2.name()); qApp->setStyleSheet(/*widgetSheet + */toolSheet + menuSheet); } void openFile(std::string path) { bool isAbs = true; QString surl("file://"); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) /* check that it is an absolute path */ if (path.size() < 4) { std::cerr << "[WIN] openPath() Very Small path ignoring: " << path; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } if ((path[1] == ':') && ((path[2] == '\\') || (path[2] == '/'))) { isAbs = true; } #else /* check that it is an absolute path */ if (path.size() < 1) { std::cerr << "[UNIX] openPath() Very Small path ignoring: " << path; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } if (path[0] == '/') { isAbs = true; } #endif if (!isAbs) { #define ROOT_PATH_SIZE 1024 char rootdir[ROOT_PATH_SIZE]; if (NULL == getcwd(rootdir, ROOT_PATH_SIZE)) { std::cerr << "openPath() get Abs Failed: " << path; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } std::string rdir(rootdir); surl += QString::fromStdString(rdir); surl += '/'; } surl += QString::fromStdString(path); std::cerr << "openPath() opening AbsPath Url: " << surl.toStdString(); std::cerr << std::endl; QUrl url(surl); QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); return; }