#ifndef __ConnectFriendWizard__ #define __ConnectFriendWizard__ #include #include //QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QCheckBox; class QLabel; class QTextEdit; class QLineEdit; class QRadioButton; class QVBoxLayout; class QHBoxLayout; class QGroupBox; class QGridLayout; class QComboBox; class QTableWidget; //QT_END_NAMESPACE //============================================================================ //! A wizard for adding friends. Based on standard QWizard component //! The process of adding friends follows this scheme: //! /-> Use text certificates \ /-> errorpage(if went wrong) //! intro -| |-> -> //! \-> Use *.pqi files / \-> fill peer details //! //! So, there are five possible pages in this wizard. class ConnectFriendWizard : public QWizard {// Q_OBJECT public: enum { Page_Intro, Page_Text, Page_Cert, Page_ErrorMessage, Page_Conclusion,Page_Foff }; ConnectFriendWizard(QWidget *parent = 0); void accept(); private slots: // void showHelp(); // we'll have to implement it in future }; //============================================================================ //! Introduction page for "Add friend" wizard. class IntroPage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: IntroPage(QWidget *parent = 0); int nextId() const; private: QLabel *topLabel; QRadioButton *textRadioButton; QRadioButton *certRadioButton; QRadioButton *foffRadioButton; }; //============================================================================ //! Text page (for exchnging text certificates) for "Add friend" wizard. class TextPage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: TextPage(QWidget *parent = 0); int nextId() const; private: QLabel* userCertLabel; QTextEdit* userCertEdit; QHBoxLayout* userCertLayout; QVBoxLayout* userCertButtonsLayout; QPushButton* userCertHelpButton; QPushButton* userCertCopyButton; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) QPushButton* userCertMailButton;//! on Windows, click on this button //! launches default email client #endif QLabel* friendCertLabel; QTextEdit* friendCertEdit; QVBoxLayout* textPageLayout; private slots: void showHelpUserCert(); void copyCert(); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) //! launches default email client (on windows) //! Tested on Vista, it work normally... But a bit slowly. void runEmailClient(); #endif }; //============================================================================ //! A page for exchanging *.pqi files, for "Add friend" wizard. class CertificatePage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: CertificatePage(QWidget *parent = 0); int nextId() const; bool isComplete() const ; private: QGroupBox* userFileFrame; QLabel *userFileLabel; QPushButton* userFileCreateButton; QHBoxLayout* userFileLayout; QLabel* friendFileLabel; QLineEdit *friendFileNameEdit; QPushButton* friendFileNameOpenButton; QHBoxLayout* friendFileLayout; QVBoxLayout* certPageLayout; private slots: void generateCertificateCalled(); void loadFriendCert(); }; //============================================================================ //! A page for signing certificates from some people on the network (e.g. friends // of friends, people trusting me...) // class FofPage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: FofPage(QWidget *parent = 0); int nextId() const; bool isComplete() const ; private: // QGroupBox* userFileFrame; QLabel *userFileLabel; QVBoxLayout *userFileLayout; QComboBox *userSelectionCB; QPushButton* makeFriendButton; QTableWidget *selectedPeersTW; QVBoxLayout* certPageLayout; bool _friends_signed ; std::map _id_boxes ; std::map _gpg_id_boxes ; private slots: void signAllSelectedUsers() ; void updatePeersList(int) ; }; //============================================================================ //! Page for displaying error messages (for "Add friend" wizard). class ErrorMessagePage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: ErrorMessagePage(QWidget *parent = 0); int nextId() const; private: QLabel *messageLabel; QVBoxLayout* errMessLayout; }; //============================================================================ //! Page for filling peer details in "Add friend" wizard. //! Warning: This page duplicates functionality of the ConnectDialo class (and //! also some pieces of code). TODO: remove this duplication class ConclusionPage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: ConclusionPage(QWidget *parent = 0); void initializePage(); int nextId() const; private slots: // void printButtonClicked(); private: QGroupBox* peerDetailsFrame; QGridLayout* peerDetailsLayout; QLabel* trustLabel; QLabel* trustEdit; QLabel* nameLabel; QLabel* nameEdit; QLabel* emailLabel; QLabel* emailEdit; QLabel* locLabel; QLabel* locEdit; QLabel* signersLabel; QTextEdit* signersEdit; QLabel* radioButtonsLabel; QRadioButton *signGPGRadioButton; QRadioButton *acceptNoSignGPGRadioButton; QVBoxLayout* conclusionPageLayout; //! peer id // //! It's a hack; This widget is used only to register "id" field in the // //! wizard. Really the widget isn't displayed. QLineEdit* peerIdEdit; QLineEdit* peerGPGIdEdit; QLineEdit* peerLocation; QLineEdit* peerCertStringEdit; QLineEdit* ext_friend_ip; QLineEdit* ext_friend_port; QLineEdit* local_friend_ip; QLineEdit* local_friend_port; }; //============================================================================ #endif