/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Ricardo Villalba <rvm@escomposlinux.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), Trolltech ASA (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt Foundation, which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "myslider.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QMouseEvent> #if CODE_FOR_CLICK == 0 #include <QStyle> #endif #if CODE_FOR_CLICK == 1 #include <QStyle> #include <QStyleOption> #endif MySlider::MySlider( QWidget * parent ) : QSlider(parent) { setOrientation( Qt::Horizontal ); } MySlider::~MySlider() { } #if CODE_FOR_CLICK == 1 // Function copied from qslider.cpp inline int MySlider::pick(const QPoint &pt) const { return orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? pt.x() : pt.y(); } #if QT_VERSION < 0x040300 // Function copied from qslider.cpp and modified to make it compile void MySlider::initStyleOption(QStyleOptionSlider *option) const { if (!option) return; option->initFrom(this); option->subControls = QStyle::SC_None; option->activeSubControls = QStyle::SC_None; option->orientation = orientation(); option->maximum = maximum(); option->minimum = minimum(); option->tickPosition = (QSlider::TickPosition) tickPosition(); option->tickInterval = tickInterval(); option->upsideDown = (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? (invertedAppearance() != (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft)) : (!invertedAppearance()); option->direction = Qt::LeftToRight; // we use the upsideDown option instead option->sliderPosition = sliderPosition(); option->sliderValue = value(); option->singleStep = singleStep(); option->pageStep = pageStep(); if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) option->state |= QStyle::State_Horizontal; } #endif // Function copied from qslider.cpp and modified to make it compile int MySlider::pixelPosToRangeValue(int pos) const { QStyleOptionSlider opt; initStyleOption(&opt); QRect gr = style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_Slider, &opt, QStyle::SC_SliderGroove, this); QRect sr = style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_Slider, &opt, QStyle::SC_SliderHandle, this); int sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderLength; if (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) { sliderLength = sr.width(); sliderMin = gr.x(); sliderMax = gr.right() - sliderLength + 1; } else { sliderLength = sr.height(); sliderMin = gr.y(); sliderMax = gr.bottom() - sliderLength + 1; } return QStyle::sliderValueFromPosition(minimum(), maximum(), pos - sliderMin, sliderMax - sliderMin, opt.upsideDown); } // Based on code from qslider.cpp void MySlider::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { QStyleOptionSlider opt; initStyleOption(&opt); const QRect sliderRect = style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_Slider, &opt, QStyle::SC_SliderHandle, this); const QPoint center = sliderRect.center() - sliderRect.topLeft(); // to take half of the slider off for the setSliderPosition call we use the center - topLeft if (!sliderRect.contains(e->pos())) { e->accept(); setSliderPosition(pixelPosToRangeValue(pick(e->pos() - center))); triggerAction(SliderMove); setRepeatAction(SliderNoAction); } else { QSlider::mousePressEvent(e); } } else { QSlider::mousePressEvent(e); } } #endif // CODE_FOR_CLICK == 1 #if CODE_FOR_CLICK == 2 void MySlider::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { // Swaps middle button click with left click if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { QMouseEvent ev2(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, e->pos(), e->globalPos(), Qt::MidButton, Qt::MidButton, e->modifiers()); QSlider::mousePressEvent(&ev2); } else if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) { QMouseEvent ev2(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, e->pos(), e->globalPos(), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, e->modifiers()); QSlider::mousePressEvent(&ev2); } else { QSlider::mousePressEvent(e); } } #endif // CODE_FOR_CLICK == 2 #if CODE_FOR_CLICK == 0 void MySlider::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) { // FIXME: // The code doesn't work well with right to left layout, // so it's disabled. if (qApp->isRightToLeft()) { QSlider::mousePressEvent(e); return; } int range = maximum()-minimum(); int pos = (e->x() * range) / width(); //qDebug( "width: %d x: %d", width(), e->x()); //qDebug( "range: %d pos: %d value: %d", range, pos, value()); // Calculate how many positions takes the slider handle int metric = qApp->style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_SliderLength ); double one_tick_pixels = (double) width() / range; int slider_handle_positions = (int) (metric / one_tick_pixels); /* qDebug("metric: %d", metric ); qDebug("one_tick_pixels :%f", one_tick_pixels); qDebug("width() :%d", width()); qDebug("slider_handle_positions: %d", slider_handle_positions); */ if (abs(pos - value()) > slider_handle_positions) { setValue(pos); emit sliderMoved( pos ); } else { QSlider::mousePressEvent(e); } } #endif #include "moc_myslider.cpp"