/* * "$Id: pqibin.cc,v 1.4 2007-02-18 21:46:49 rmf24 Exp $" * * 3P/PQI network interface for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2006 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "pqi/pqibin.h" #include "pqi/authssl.h" #include "util/rsnet.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/rsmemory.h" // #define DEBUG_PQIBIN BinFileInterface::BinFileInterface(const char *fname, int flags) :bin_flags(flags), buf(NULL), hash(NULL), bcount(0) { /* if read + write - open r+ */ if ((bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_READABLE) && (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE)) { buf = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(fname, "rb+"); /* if the file don't exist */ if (!buf) { buf = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(fname, "wb+"); } } else if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_READABLE) { buf = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(fname, "rb"); } else if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE) { // This is enough to remove old file in Linux... // but not in windows.... (what to do) buf = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(fname, "wb"); fflush(buf); /* this might help windows! */ } else { /* not read or write! */ } if (buf) { #ifdef DEBUG_PQIBIN std::cerr << "BinFileInterface: " << (void*)this << ": openned file " << fname << std::endl; #endif /* no problem */ /* go to the end */ fseek(buf, 0L, SEEK_END); /* get size */ size = ftell(buf); /* back to the start */ fseek(buf, 0L, SEEK_SET); } else { size = 0; } if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash = new pqihash(); } } BinFileInterface::~BinFileInterface() { if (buf) { fclose(buf); #ifdef DEBUG_PQIBIN std::cerr << "BinFileInterface: " << (void*)this << ": closed file " << std::endl; #endif } if (hash) { delete hash; } } int BinFileInterface::close() { if (buf) { fclose(buf); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "BinFileInterface: " << (void*)this << ": closed file " << std::endl; #endif buf = NULL; } return 1; } int BinFileInterface::senddata(void *data, int len) { if (!buf) return -1; if (1 != fwrite(data, len, 1, buf)) { return -1; } if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash->addData(data, len); bcount += len; } return len; } int BinFileInterface::readdata(void *data, int len) { if (!buf) return -1; if (1 != fread(data, len, 1, buf)) { return -1; } if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash->addData(data, len); bcount += len; } return len; } RsFileHash BinFileInterface::gethash() { RsFileHash hashstr; if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash->Complete(hashstr); } return hashstr; } uint64_t BinFileInterface::bytecount() { if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { return bcount; } return 0; } uint64_t BinFileInterface::getFileSize() { return size; } BinEncryptedFileInterface::BinEncryptedFileInterface(const char* fname, int flags) : BinFileInterface(fname, flags), data(NULL), haveData(false), sizeData(0), cpyCount(0) { } BinEncryptedFileInterface::~BinEncryptedFileInterface() { if((sizeData > 0) && data != NULL) { free(data); } } int BinEncryptedFileInterface::senddata(void* data, int len) { void* encrytedData = NULL; int encDataLen = 0; // encrypt using own ssl public key if(len > 0) AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->encrypt((void*&)encrytedData, encDataLen, data, len, AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId()); else return -1; if((encDataLen > 0) && (encrytedData != NULL)) { BinFileInterface::senddata((unsigned char *)encrytedData, encDataLen); free(encrytedData); } else { return -1; } return len; } int BinEncryptedFileInterface::readdata(void* data, int len) { // to respect the inherited behavior of BinInterface // the whole file is read and decryped and store to be read by subsequent calls char* encryptedData = NULL; int encrypDataLen = 0; if(!haveData) // read whole data for first call, or first call after close() { uint64_t encrypDataLen64 = BinFileInterface::getFileSize(); if(encrypDataLen64 > uint64_t(~(int)0)) { std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": cannot decrypt files of size > " << ~(int)0 << std::endl; return -1 ; } encrypDataLen = (int)encrypDataLen64 ; encryptedData = new char[encrypDataLen]; // make sure assign was successful if(encryptedData == NULL) return -1; if(-1 == BinFileInterface::readdata(encryptedData, encrypDataLen)) { delete[] encryptedData; return -1; } if((encrypDataLen > 0) && (encryptedData != NULL)) { int sizeDataInt = 0 ; if(!AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->decrypt((void*&)(this->data), sizeDataInt, encryptedData, encrypDataLen)) { delete[] encryptedData; return -1; } sizeData = sizeDataInt ; haveData = true; delete[] encryptedData; } if(len <= sizeData) { memcpy(data, this->data, len); cpyCount += len; } else { std::cerr << "BinEncryptedFileInterface::readData(): Error, Asking for more data than present" << std::endl; return -1; } } else { if((cpyCount + len) <= (uint64_t)sizeData) { memcpy(data, (void *) ((this->data) + cpyCount), len); cpyCount += len; } else { std::cerr << "BinEncryptedFileInterface::readData(): Error, Asking for more data than present" << std::endl; return -1; } } return len; } int BinEncryptedFileInterface::close() { if(data != NULL) { free(data); sizeData = 0; haveData = false; cpyCount = 0; } return BinFileInterface::close(); } uint64_t BinEncryptedFileInterface::bytecount() { return cpyCount; } bool BinEncryptedFileInterface::moretoread(uint32_t /* usec */) { if(haveData) return (cpyCount < (uint64_t)sizeData); else return cpyCount < (uint64_t)getFileSize(); } BinMemInterface::BinMemInterface(int defsize, int flags) :bin_flags(flags), buf(NULL), size(defsize), recvsize(0), readloc(0), hash(NULL), bcount(0) { buf = rs_malloc(defsize); if(buf == NULL) { close() ; return ; } if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash = new pqihash(); } } BinMemInterface::BinMemInterface(const void *data, const int defsize, int flags) :bin_flags(flags), buf(NULL), size(defsize), recvsize(0), readloc(0), hash(NULL), bcount(0) { buf = rs_malloc(defsize); if(buf == NULL) { close() ; return ; } if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash = new pqihash(); } /* just remove the const * *BAD* but senddata don't change it anyway */ senddata((void *) data, defsize); } BinMemInterface::~BinMemInterface() { if (buf) free(buf); if (hash) delete hash; return; } int BinMemInterface::close() { if (buf) { free(buf); buf = NULL; } size = 0; recvsize = 0; readloc = 0; return 1; } /* some fns to mess with the memory */ int BinMemInterface::fseek(int loc) { if (loc <= recvsize) { readloc = loc; return 1; } return 0; } int BinMemInterface::senddata(void *data, const int len) { if(recvsize + len > size) { /* resize? */ return -1; } memcpy((char *) buf + recvsize, data, len); if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash->addData(data, len); bcount += len; } recvsize += len; return len; } int BinMemInterface::readdata(void *data, int len) { if(readloc + len > recvsize) { /* no more stuff? */ return -1; } memcpy(data, (char *) buf + readloc, len); if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash->addData(data, len); bcount += len; } readloc += len; return len; } RsFileHash BinMemInterface::gethash() { RsFileHash hashstr; if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { hash->Complete(hashstr); } return hashstr; } uint64_t BinMemInterface::bytecount() { if (bin_flags & BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA) { return bcount; } return 0; } bool BinMemInterface::writetofile(const char *fname) { FILE *fd = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(fname, "wb"); if (!fd) { return false; } if (1 != fwrite(buf, recvsize, 1, fd)) { fclose(fd); return false; } fclose(fd); return true; } bool BinMemInterface::readfromfile(const char *fname) { FILE *fd = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(fname, "rb"); if (!fd) { return false; } /* get size */ ::fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_END); int fsize = ftell(fd); if (fsize > size) { /* not enough room */ std::cerr << "BinMemInterface::readfromfile() not enough room"; std::cerr << std::endl; fclose(fd); return false; } ::fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (1 != fread(buf, fsize, 1, fd)) { /* not enough room */ std::cerr << "BinMemInterface::readfromfile() failed fread"; std::cerr << std::endl; fclose(fd); return false; } recvsize = fsize; readloc = 0; fclose(fd); return true; } /**************************************************************************/ void printNetBinID(std::ostream &out, const RsPeerId& id, uint32_t t) { out << "NetBinId(" << id << ","; if (t == PQI_CONNECT_TCP) { out << "TCP)"; } else if (t & (PQI_CONNECT_HIDDEN_TOR_TCP | PQI_CONNECT_HIDDEN_I2P_TCP)) { out << "HTCP"; } else { out << "UDP)"; } } /************************** NetBinDummy ****************************** * A test framework, * */ #include "pqi/pqiperson.h" const uint32_t DEFAULT_DUMMY_DELTA = 5; NetBinDummy::NetBinDummy(PQInterface *parent, const RsPeerId& id, uint32_t t) :NetBinInterface(parent, id), type(t), dummyConnected(false), toConnect(false), connectDelta(DEFAULT_DUMMY_DELTA) { return; } // Net Interface int NetBinDummy::connect(const struct sockaddr_storage &raddr) { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::connect("; std::cerr << sockaddr_storage_tostring(raddr); std::cerr << ") "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::dummyConnect = true!"; std::cerr << std::endl; if (type == PQI_CONNECT_TCP) { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy:: Not connecting TCP"; std::cerr << std::endl; if (parent()) { //struct sockaddr_storage addr = raddr; parent()->notifyEvent(this, CONNECT_FAILED, raddr); } } else if (!dummyConnected) { toConnect = true; connectTS = time(NULL) + connectDelta; std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::toConnect = true, connect in: "; std::cerr << connectDelta << " secs"; std::cerr << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy:: Already Connected!"; std::cerr << std::endl; } return 1; } int NetBinDummy::listen() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::connect() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return 1; } int NetBinDummy::stoplistening() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::stoplistening() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return 1; } int NetBinDummy::disconnect() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::disconnect() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::dummyConnect = false!"; std::cerr << std::endl; dummyConnected = false; if (parent()) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; sockaddr_storage_clear(addr); parent()->notifyEvent(this, CONNECT_FAILED, addr); } return 1; } int NetBinDummy::reset() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::reset() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; disconnect(); return 1; } // Bin Interface. int NetBinDummy::tick() { if (toConnect) { if (connectTS < time(NULL)) { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::tick() dummyConnected = true "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; dummyConnected = true; toConnect = false; if (parent()) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; sockaddr_storage_clear(addr); parent()->notifyEvent(this, CONNECT_SUCCESS, addr); } } else { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::tick() toConnect "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; } } return 0; } int NetBinDummy::senddata(void */*data*/, int len) { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::senddata() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; if (dummyConnected) return len; return 0; } int NetBinDummy::readdata(void */*data*/, int /*len*/) { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::readdata() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return 0; } int NetBinDummy::netstatus() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::netstatus() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return 1; } int NetBinDummy::isactive() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::isactive() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); if (dummyConnected) std::cerr << " true "; else std::cerr << " false "; std::cerr << std::endl; return dummyConnected; } bool NetBinDummy::moretoread(uint32_t /* usec */) { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::moretoread() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } bool NetBinDummy::cansend(uint32_t /* usec */) { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::cansend() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return dummyConnected; } int NetBinDummy::close() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::close() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return 1; } RsFileHash NetBinDummy::gethash() { std::cerr << "NetBinDummy::gethash() "; printNetBinID(std::cerr, PeerId(), type); std::cerr << std::endl; return RsFileHash(); }