/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006, crypton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "MessagesDialog.h" #include "msgs/MessageComposer.h" #include "msgs/MessageWidget.h" #include "msgs/TagsMenu.h" #include "settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "common/TagDefs.h" #include "common/PeerDefs.h" #include "common/RSItemDelegate.h" #include #include #include /* Images for context menu icons */ #define IMAGE_MESSAGE ":/images/folder-draft.png" #define IMAGE_MESSAGEREMOVE ":/images/message-mail-imapdelete.png" #define IMAGE_STAR_ON ":/images/star-on-16.png" #define IMAGE_STAR_OFF ":/images/star-off-16.png" #define COLUMN_COUNT 8 #define COLUMN_STAR 0 #define COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS 1 #define COLUMN_SUBJECT 2 #define COLUMN_UNREAD 3 #define COLUMN_FROM 4 #define COLUMN_DATE 5 #define COLUMN_CONTENT 6 #define COLUMN_TAGS 7 #define COLUMN_DATA 0 // column for storing the userdata like msgid and srcid #define ROLE_SORT Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_MSGID Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_SRCID Qt::UserRole + 2 #define ROLE_UNREAD Qt::UserRole + 3 #define ROLE_MSGFLAGS Qt::UserRole + 4 #define ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT Qt::UserRole + 2 #define QUICKVIEW_TYPE_NOTHING 0 #define QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC 1 #define QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG 2 #define QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_STARRED 1 #define ROW_INBOX 0 #define ROW_OUTBOX 1 #define ROW_DRAFTBOX 2 #define ROW_SENTBOX 3 #define ROW_TRASHBOX 4 MessagesDialog::LockUpdate::LockUpdate (MessagesDialog *pDialog, bool bUpdate) { m_pDialog = pDialog; m_bUpdate = bUpdate; m_pDialog->m_nLockUpdate++; } MessagesDialog::LockUpdate::~LockUpdate () { if(--m_pDialog->m_nLockUpdate < 0) m_pDialog->m_nLockUpdate = 0; if (m_bUpdate && m_pDialog->m_nLockUpdate == 0) { m_pDialog->insertMessages(); } } void MessagesDialog::LockUpdate::setUpdate(bool bUpdate) { m_bUpdate = bUpdate; } static int FilterColumnFromComboBox(int nIndex) { switch (nIndex) { case 0: return COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS; case 1: return COLUMN_SUBJECT; case 2: return COLUMN_FROM; case 3: return COLUMN_DATE; case 4: return COLUMN_CONTENT; case 5: return COLUMN_TAGS; } return COLUMN_SUBJECT; } static int FilterColumnToComboBox(int nIndex) { switch (nIndex) { case COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS: return 0; case COLUMN_SUBJECT: return 1; case COLUMN_FROM: return 2; case COLUMN_DATE: return 3; case COLUMN_CONTENT: return 4; case COLUMN_TAGS: return 5; } return FilterColumnToComboBox(COLUMN_SUBJECT); } /** Constructor */ MessagesDialog::MessagesDialog(QWidget *parent) : MainPage(parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); m_bProcessSettings = false; inChange = false; m_nLockUpdate = 0; connect(ui.messagestreeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(messageslistWidgetCostumPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui.listWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(folderlistWidgetCostumPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui.messagestreeView, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex&)) , this, SLOT(clicked(const QModelIndex&))); connect(ui.messagestreeView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex&)) , this, SLOT(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex&))); connect(ui.listWidget, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeBox(int))); connect(ui.quickViewWidget, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeQuickView(int))); connect(ui.tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabChanged(int))); connect(ui.tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(tabCloseRequested(int))); connect(ui.newmessageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newmessage())); connect(ui.actionTextBesideIcon, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(buttonStyle())); connect(ui.actionIconOnly, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(buttonStyle())); connect(ui.actionTextUnderIcon, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(buttonStyle())); ui.actionTextBesideIcon->setData(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); ui.actionIconOnly->setData(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); ui.actionTextUnderIcon->setData(Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon); connect(ui.clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearFilter())); connect(ui.filterPatternLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(filterRegExpChanged())); connect(ui.filterColumnComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(filterColumnChanged())); msgWidget = new MessageWidget(true, this); ui.msgLayout->addWidget(msgWidget); connectActions(); m_eListMode = LIST_NOTHING; mCurrMsgId = ""; // Set the QStandardItemModel MessagesModel = new QStandardItemModel(0, COLUMN_COUNT); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, Qt::Horizontal, QIcon(":/images/attachment.png"), Qt::DecorationRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_SUBJECT, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Subject")); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_UNREAD, Qt::Horizontal, QIcon(":/images/message-state-header.png"), Qt::DecorationRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_FROM, Qt::Horizontal, tr("From")); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_DATE, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Date")); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_TAGS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Tags")); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_CONTENT, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Content")); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_STAR, Qt::Horizontal, QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_ON), Qt::DecorationRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by attachments"), Qt::ToolTipRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_SUBJECT, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by subject"), Qt::ToolTipRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_UNREAD, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by read"), Qt::ToolTipRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_FROM, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by from"), Qt::ToolTipRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_DATE, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by date"), Qt::ToolTipRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_TAGS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by tags"), Qt::ToolTipRole); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_STAR, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by star"), Qt::ToolTipRole); proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this); proxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); proxyModel->setSourceModel(MessagesModel); proxyModel->setSortRole(ROLE_SORT); proxyModel->sort (COLUMN_DATE, Qt::DescendingOrder); ui.messagestreeView->setModel(proxyModel); ui.messagestreeView->setSelectionBehavior(QTreeView::SelectRows); connect(ui.messagestreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(updateInterface())); RSItemDelegate *itemDelegate = new RSItemDelegate(this); itemDelegate->setSpacing(QSize(0, 2)); ui.messagestreeView->setItemDelegate(itemDelegate); ui.messagestreeView->setRootIsDecorated(false); ui.messagestreeView->setSortingEnabled(true); ui.messagestreeView->sortByColumn(COLUMN_DATE, Qt::DescendingOrder); // connect after setting model connect( ui.messagestreeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged ( QModelIndex, QModelIndex ) ) , this, SLOT( currentChanged( const QModelIndex & ) ) ); // workaround for Qt bug, should be solved in next Qt release 4.7.0 // http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-8270 QShortcut *Shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence (Qt::Key_Delete), ui.messagestreeView, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(Shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT( removemessage ())); Shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_Delete), ui.messagestreeView, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(Shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT( removemessage ())); /* Set header initial section sizes */ QHeaderView * msgwheader = ui.messagestreeView->header () ; msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, 24); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_SUBJECT, 250); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_UNREAD, 16); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_FROM, 140); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_DATE, 140); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_STAR, 16); msgwheader->setResizeMode (COLUMN_STAR, QHeaderView::Fixed); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_STAR, 24); ui.forwardmessageButton->setToolTip(tr("Forward selected Message")); ui.replyallmessageButton->setToolTip(tr("Reply to All")); QMenu *printmenu = new QMenu(); printmenu->addAction(ui.actionPrint); printmenu->addAction(ui.actionPrintPreview); ui.printbutton->setMenu(printmenu); QMenu *viewmenu = new QMenu(); viewmenu->addAction(ui.actionTextBesideIcon); viewmenu->addAction(ui.actionIconOnly); //viewmenu->addAction(ui.actionTextUnderIcon); ui.viewtoolButton->setMenu(viewmenu); ui.filterPatternLineEdit->setMinimumWidth(20); //setting default filter by column as subject proxyModel->setFilterKeyColumn(FilterColumnFromComboBox(ui.filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex())); ui.clearButton->hide(); // load settings processSettings(true); /* Set header sizes for the fixed columns and resize modes, must be set after processSettings */ msgwheader->setResizeMode (COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, QHeaderView::Fixed); msgwheader->setResizeMode (COLUMN_DATE, QHeaderView::Interactive); msgwheader->setResizeMode (COLUMN_UNREAD, QHeaderView::Fixed); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_UNREAD, 24); msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_STAR, 24); msgwheader->setResizeMode (COLUMN_STAR, QHeaderView::Fixed); // fill folder list updateMessageSummaryList(); ui.listWidget->setCurrentRow(ROW_INBOX); // create tag menu TagsMenu *menu = new TagsMenu (tr("Tags"), this); connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(tagAboutToShow())); connect(menu, SIGNAL(tagSet(int, bool)), this, SLOT(tagSet(int, bool))); connect(menu, SIGNAL(tagRemoveAll()), this, SLOT(tagRemoveAll())); ui.tagButton->setMenu(menu); // fill quick view fillQuickView(); // create timer for navigation timer = new QTimer(this); timer->setInterval(300); timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateCurrentMessage())); ui.messagestreeView->installEventFilter(this); // remove close button of the the first tab QTabBar::ButtonPosition buttonPosition = (QTabBar::ButtonPosition) ui.tabWidget->tabBar()->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_TabBar_CloseButtonPosition, 0, 0); QWidget *tabButton = ui.tabWidget->tabBar()->tabButton(0, buttonPosition); if (tabButton) { tabButton->hide(); } /* Hide platform specific features */ #ifdef Q_WS_WIN #endif } MessagesDialog::~MessagesDialog() { // stop and delete timer timer->stop(); delete(timer); // save settings processSettings(false); } void MessagesDialog::processSettings(bool load) { int messageTreeVersion = 2; // version number for the settings to solve problems when modifying the column count m_bProcessSettings = true; QHeaderView *msgwheader = ui.messagestreeView->header () ; Settings->beginGroup("MessageDialog"); if (load) { // load settings // filterColumn int nValue = FilterColumnToComboBox(Settings->value("filterColumn", true).toInt()); ui.filterColumnComboBox->setCurrentIndex(nValue); // state of message tree if (Settings->value("MessageTreeVersion").toInt() == messageTreeVersion) { msgwheader->restoreState(Settings->value("MessageTree").toByteArray()); } // state of quick view list bool value = Settings->value("QuickViewList", true).toBool(); ui.quickViewsButton->setChecked(value); // state of splitter ui.msgSplitter->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter").toByteArray()); ui.msgSplitter_2->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter2").toByteArray()); ui.listSplitter->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter3").toByteArray()); /* toolbar button style */ Qt::ToolButtonStyle style = (Qt::ToolButtonStyle) Settings->value("ToolButon_Stlye", Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly).toInt(); setToolbarButtonStyle(style); } else { // save settings // state of message tree Settings->setValue("MessageTree", msgwheader->saveState()); Settings->setValue("MessageTreeVersion", messageTreeVersion); // state of quick view list Settings->setValue("QuickViewList", ui.quickViewsButton->isChecked()); // state of splitter Settings->setValue("Splitter", ui.msgSplitter->saveState()); Settings->setValue("Splitter2", ui.msgSplitter_2->saveState()); Settings->setValue("Splitter3", ui.listSplitter->saveState()); /* toolbar button style */ Settings->setValue("ToolButon_Stlye", ui.newmessageButton->toolButtonStyle()); } Settings->endGroup(); if (msgWidget) { msgWidget->processSettings("MessageDialog", load); } m_bProcessSettings = false; } bool MessagesDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (obj == ui.messagestreeView) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if (keyEvent && keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { // Space pressed QModelIndex currentIndex = ui.messagestreeView->currentIndex(); QModelIndex index = ui.messagestreeView->model()->index(currentIndex.row(), COLUMN_UNREAD, currentIndex.parent()); clicked(index); return true; // eat event } } } // pass the event on to the parent class return MainPage::eventFilter(obj, event); } void MessagesDialog::fillQuickView() { MsgTagType tags; rsMsgs->getMessageTagTypes(tags); std::map >::iterator tag; // fill tags inChange = true; // save current selection QListWidgetItem *item = ui.quickViewWidget->currentItem(); int nSelectedType = 0; uint32_t nSelectedId = 0; if (item) { nSelectedType = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE).toInt(); nSelectedId = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID).toInt(); } QListWidgetItem *itemToSelect = NULL; QString text; ui.quickViewWidget->clear(); // add static items item = new QListWidgetItem(tr("Starred"), ui.quickViewWidget); item->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_ON)); item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE, QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC); item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID, QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_STARRED); item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT, item->text()); // for updateMessageSummaryList if (nSelectedType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC && nSelectedId == QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_STARRED) { itemToSelect = item; } for (tag = tags.types.begin(); tag != tags.types.end(); tag++) { text = TagDefs::name(tag->first, tag->second.first); item = new QListWidgetItem (text, ui.quickViewWidget); item->setForeground(QBrush(QColor(tag->second.second))); item->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/foldermail.png")); item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE, QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG); item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID, tag->first); item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT, text); // for updateMessageSummaryList if (nSelectedType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG && tag->first == nSelectedId) { itemToSelect = item; } } if (itemToSelect) { ui.quickViewWidget->setCurrentItem(itemToSelect); } inChange = false; updateMessageSummaryList(); } // replaced by shortcut //void MessagesDialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) //{ // if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) // { // removemessage() ; // e->accept() ; // } // else // MainPage::keyPressEvent(e) ; //} int MessagesDialog::getSelectedMsgCount (QList *pRows, QList *pRowsRead, QList *pRowsUnread, QList *pRowsStar) { if (pRowsRead) pRowsRead->clear(); if (pRowsUnread) pRowsUnread->clear(); if (pRowsStar) pRowsStar->clear(); //To check if the selection has more than one row. QList selectedIndexList = ui.messagestreeView->selectionModel() -> selectedIndexes (); QList rowList; for(QList::iterator it = selectedIndexList.begin(); it != selectedIndexList.end(); it++) { int row = it->row(); if (rowList.contains(row) == false) { rowList.append(row); if (pRows || pRowsRead || pRowsUnread || pRowsStar) { int mappedRow = proxyModel->mapToSource(*it).row(); if (pRows) pRows->append(mappedRow); if (MessagesModel->item(mappedRow, COLUMN_DATA)->data(ROLE_UNREAD).toBool()) { if (pRowsUnread) pRowsUnread->append(mappedRow); } else { if (pRowsRead) pRowsRead->append(mappedRow); } if (pRowsStar) { if (MessagesModel->item(mappedRow, COLUMN_DATA)->data(ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt() & RS_MSG_STAR) { pRowsStar->append(mappedRow); } } } } } return rowList.size(); } bool MessagesDialog::isMessageRead(int nRow) { QStandardItem *item = MessagesModel->item(nRow,COLUMN_DATA); return !item->data(ROLE_UNREAD).toBool(); } bool MessagesDialog::hasMessageStar(int nRow) { QStandardItem *item = MessagesModel->item(nRow,COLUMN_DATA); return item->data(ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt() & RS_MSG_STAR; } void MessagesDialog::messageslistWidgetCostumPopupMenu( QPoint point ) { std::string cid; std::string mid; MessageInfo msgInfo; if (getCurrentMsg(cid, mid)) { rsMsgs->getMessage(mid, msgInfo); } QList RowsRead; QList RowsUnread; QList RowsStar; int nCount = getSelectedMsgCount (NULL, &RowsRead, &RowsUnread, &RowsStar); /** Defines the actions for the context menu */ QMenu contextMnu( this ); QAction *action = contextMnu.addAction(tr("Open in a new window"), this, SLOT(openAsWindow())); if (nCount != 1) { action->setDisabled(true); } action = contextMnu.addAction(tr("Open in a new tab"), this, SLOT(openAsTab())); if (nCount != 1) { action->setDisabled(true); } contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionReply); ui.actionReply->setEnabled(nCount == 1); contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionReplyAll); ui.actionReplyAll->setEnabled(nCount == 1); contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionForward); ui.actionForward->setEnabled(nCount == 1); contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"), tr("Mark as read"), this, SLOT(markAsRead())); if (RowsUnread.size() == 0) { action->setDisabled(true); } action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png"), tr("Mark as unread"), this, SLOT(markAsUnread())); if (RowsRead.size() == 0) { action->setDisabled(true); } action = contextMnu.addAction(tr("Add Star")); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(RowsStar.size()); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(markWithStar(bool))); contextMnu.addSeparator(); // add tags contextMnu.addMenu(ui.tagButton->menu()); contextMnu.addSeparator(); QString text; if ((msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_BOXMASK) == RS_MSG_DRAFTBOX) { text = tr("Edit"); } else { text = tr("Edit as new"); } action = contextMnu.addAction(text, this, SLOT(editmessage())); if (nCount != 1) { action->setDisabled(true); } action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGEREMOVE), (nCount > 1) ? tr("Remove Messages") : tr("Remove Message"), this, SLOT(removemessage())); if (nCount == 0) { action->setDisabled(true); } int listrow = ui.listWidget->currentRow(); if (listrow == ROW_TRASHBOX) { action = contextMnu.addAction(tr("Undelete"), this, SLOT(undeletemessage())); if (nCount == 0) { action->setDisabled(true); } } contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionSaveAs); contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionPrintPreview); contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionPrint); contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGE), tr("New Message"), this, SLOT(newmessage())); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void MessagesDialog::folderlistWidgetCostumPopupMenu(QPoint point) { if (ui.listWidget->currentRow() != ROW_TRASHBOX) { /* Context menu only neede for trash box */ return; } QMenu contextMnu(this); contextMnu.addAction(tr("Empty trash"), this, SLOT(emptyTrash())); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void MessagesDialog::newmessage() { MessageComposer *nMsgDialog = MessageComposer::newMsg(); if (nMsgDialog == NULL) { return; } nMsgDialog->show(); nMsgDialog->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessagesDialog::openAsWindow() { std::string cid; std::string mid; if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid)) return ; MessageWidget *msgWidget = MessageWidget::openMsg(mid, true); if (msgWidget == NULL) { return; } msgWidget->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessagesDialog::openAsTab() { std::string cid; std::string mid; if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid)) return ; MessageWidget *msgWidget = MessageWidget::openMsg(mid, false); if (msgWidget == NULL) { return; } ui.tabWidget->addTab(msgWidget, msgWidget->subject(true)); ui.tabWidget->setCurrentWidget(msgWidget); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessagesDialog::editmessage() { std::string cid; std::string mid; if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid)) return ; MessageComposer *msgComposer = MessageComposer::newMsg(mid); if (msgComposer == NULL) { return; } msgComposer->show(); msgComposer->activateWindow(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void MessagesDialog::changeBox(int) { if (inChange) { // already in change method return; } inChange = true; MessagesModel->removeRows (0, MessagesModel->rowCount()); ui.quickViewWidget->setCurrentItem(NULL); m_eListMode = LIST_BOX; insertMessages(); insertMsgTxtAndFiles(); inChange = false; } void MessagesDialog::changeQuickView(int newrow) { Q_UNUSED(newrow); if (inChange) { // already in change method return; } inChange = true; MessagesModel->removeRows (0, MessagesModel->rowCount()); ui.listWidget->setCurrentItem(NULL); m_eListMode = LIST_QUICKVIEW; insertMessages(); insertMsgTxtAndFiles(); inChange = false; } void MessagesDialog::messagesTagsChanged() { if (m_nLockUpdate) { return; } fillQuickView(); insertMessages(); } static void InitIconAndFont(QStandardItem *item[COLUMN_COUNT]) { int msgFlags = item[COLUMN_DATA]->data(ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt(); // show the real "New" state if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_NEW) { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-state-new.png")); } else { if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER) { if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == RS_MSG_REPLIED) { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied.png")); } else if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == RS_MSG_FORWARDED) { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-forwarded.png")); } else if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied-forw.png")); } else { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png")); } } else { if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == RS_MSG_REPLIED) { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied-read.png")); } else if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == RS_MSG_FORWARDED) { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-forwarded-read.png")); } else if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied-forw-read.png")); } else { item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png")); } } } if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_STAR) { item[COLUMN_STAR]->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_ON)); item[COLUMN_STAR]->setText("1"); } else { item[COLUMN_STAR]->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_OFF)); item[COLUMN_STAR]->setText("0"); } bool isNew = msgFlags & (RS_MSG_NEW | RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER); // set icon if (isNew) { item[COLUMN_UNREAD]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-state-unread.png")); item[COLUMN_UNREAD]->setText("1"); } else { item[COLUMN_UNREAD]->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-state-read.png")); item[COLUMN_UNREAD]->setText("0"); } // set font for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { QFont qf = item[i]->font(); qf.setBold(isNew); item[i]->setFont(qf); } item[COLUMN_DATA]->setData(isNew, ROLE_UNREAD); } void MessagesDialog::insertMessages() { if (m_nLockUpdate) { return; } std::cerr <<"MessagesDialog::insertMessages called"; std::list msgList; std::list::const_iterator it; MessageInfo msgInfo; bool bGotInfo; QString text; rsMsgs -> getMessageSummaries(msgList); std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMessages()" << std::endl; int nFilterColumn = FilterColumnFromComboBox(ui.filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex()); /* check the mode we are in */ unsigned int msgbox = 0; bool isTrash = false; bool doFill = true; int quickViewType = 0; uint32_t quickViewId = 0; QString boxText; QIcon boxIcon; QString placeholderText; switch (m_eListMode) { case LIST_NOTHING: doFill = false; break; case LIST_BOX: { QListWidgetItem *item = ui.listWidget->currentItem(); if (item) { boxIcon = item->icon(); } int listrow = ui.listWidget->currentRow(); switch (listrow) { case ROW_INBOX: msgbox = RS_MSG_INBOX; boxText = tr("Inbox"); break; case ROW_OUTBOX: msgbox = RS_MSG_OUTBOX; boxText = tr("Outbox"); break; case ROW_DRAFTBOX: msgbox = RS_MSG_DRAFTBOX; boxText = tr("Drafts"); break; case ROW_SENTBOX: msgbox = RS_MSG_SENTBOX; boxText = tr("Sent"); break; case ROW_TRASHBOX: isTrash = true; boxText = tr("Trash"); break; default: doFill = false; } } break; case LIST_QUICKVIEW: { QListWidgetItem *item = ui.quickViewWidget->currentItem(); if (item) { quickViewType = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE).toInt(); quickViewId = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID).toInt(); boxText = item->text(); boxIcon = item->icon(); switch (quickViewType) { case QUICKVIEW_TYPE_NOTHING: doFill = false; break; case QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC: switch (quickViewId) { case QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_STARRED: placeholderText = tr("No starred messages available. Stars let you give messages a special status to make them easier to find. To star a message, click on the light grey star beside any message."); break; } break; case QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG: break; } } else { doFill = false; } } break; default: doFill = false; } ui.tabWidget->setTabText (0, boxText); ui.tabWidget->setTabIcon (0, boxIcon); ui.messagestreeView->setPlaceholderText(placeholderText); if (msgbox == RS_MSG_INBOX) { MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_FROM, Qt::Horizontal, tr("From")); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_FROM, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by from"), Qt::ToolTipRole); } else { MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_FROM, Qt::Horizontal, tr("To")); MessagesModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_FROM, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Click to sort by to"), Qt::ToolTipRole); } if (doFill) { MsgTagType Tags; rsMsgs->getMessageTagTypes(Tags); /* search messages */ std::list msgToShow; for(it = msgList.begin(); it != msgList.end(); it++) { if (m_eListMode == LIST_BOX) { if (isTrash) { if ((it->msgflags & RS_MSG_TRASH) == 0) { continue; } } else { if (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_TRASH) { continue; } if ((it->msgflags & RS_MSG_BOXMASK) != msgbox) { continue; } } } else if (m_eListMode == LIST_QUICKVIEW && quickViewType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG) { MsgTagInfo tagInfo; rsMsgs->getMessageTag(it->msgId, tagInfo); if (std::find(tagInfo.tagIds.begin(), tagInfo.tagIds.end(), quickViewId) == tagInfo.tagIds.end()) { continue; } } else if (m_eListMode == LIST_QUICKVIEW && quickViewType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC) { if ((it->msgflags & RS_MSG_STAR) == 0) { continue; } } else { continue; } msgToShow.push_back(*it); } /* remove old items */ int nRowCount = MessagesModel->rowCount(); int nRow = 0; for (nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; ) { std::string msgIdFromRow = MessagesModel->item(nRow, COLUMN_DATA)->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); for(it = msgToShow.begin(); it != msgToShow.end(); it++) { if (it->msgId == msgIdFromRow) { break; } } if (it == msgToShow.end ()) { MessagesModel->removeRow (nRow); nRowCount = MessagesModel->rowCount(); } else { nRow++; } } for(it = msgToShow.begin(); it != msgToShow.end(); it++) { /* check the message flags, to decide which * group it should go in... * * InBox * OutBox * Drafts * Sent * * FLAGS = OUTGOING. * -> Outbox/Drafts/Sent * + SENT -> Sent * + IN_PROGRESS -> Draft. * + nuffing -> Outbox. * FLAGS = INCOMING = (!OUTGOING) * -> + NEW -> Bold. * */ bGotInfo = false; msgInfo = MessageInfo(); // clear // search exisisting items nRowCount = MessagesModel->rowCount(); for (nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; nRow++) { if (it->msgId == MessagesModel->item(nRow, COLUMN_DATA)->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString()) { break; } } /* make a widget per friend */ QStandardItem *item [COLUMN_COUNT]; bool bInsert = false; if (nRow < nRowCount) { for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { item[i] = MessagesModel->item(nRow, i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { item[i] = new QStandardItem(); } bInsert = true; } //set this false if you want to expand on double click for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { item[i]->setEditable(false); } /* So Text should be: * (1) Msg / Broadcast * (1b) Person / Channel Name * (2) Rank * (3) Date * (4) Title * (5) Msg * (6) File Count * (7) File Total */ QString dateString; // Date First.... (for sorting) { QDateTime qdatetime; qdatetime.setTime_t(it->ts); // add string to all data dateString = qdatetime.toString("_yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"); //if the mail is on same date show only time. if (qdatetime.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) == 0) { QTime qtime = qdatetime.time(); QVariant varTime(qtime); item[COLUMN_DATE]->setData(varTime, Qt::DisplayRole); } else { QVariant varDateTime(qdatetime); item[COLUMN_DATE]->setData(varDateTime, Qt::DisplayRole); } // for sorting item[COLUMN_DATE]->setData(qdatetime, ROLE_SORT); } // From .... { if (msgbox == RS_MSG_INBOX || msgbox == RS_MSG_OUTBOX) { text = QString::fromUtf8(rsPeers->getPeerName(it->srcId).c_str()); } else { if (bGotInfo || rsMsgs->getMessage(it->msgId, msgInfo)) { bGotInfo = true; text.clear(); std::list::const_iterator pit; for (pit = msgInfo.msgto.begin(); pit != msgInfo.msgto.end(); pit++) { if (text.isEmpty() == false) { text += ", "; } std::string peerName = rsPeers->getPeerName(*pit); if (peerName.empty()) { text += PeerDefs::rsid("", *pit); } else { text += QString::fromUtf8(peerName.c_str()); } } } else { std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl; } } item[COLUMN_FROM]->setText(text); item[COLUMN_FROM]->setData(text + dateString, ROLE_SORT); } // Subject text = QString::fromStdWString(it->title); item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setText(text); item[COLUMN_SUBJECT]->setData(text + dateString, ROLE_SORT); // internal data QString msgId = QString::fromStdString(it->msgId); item[COLUMN_DATA]->setData(QString::fromStdString(it->srcId), ROLE_SRCID); item[COLUMN_DATA]->setData(msgId, ROLE_MSGID); item[COLUMN_DATA]->setData(it->msgflags, ROLE_MSGFLAGS); // Init icon and font InitIconAndFont(item); // Tags MsgTagInfo tagInfo; rsMsgs->getMessageTag(it->msgId, tagInfo); text.clear(); // build tag names std::map >::iterator Tag; for (std::list::iterator tagId = tagInfo.tagIds.begin(); tagId != tagInfo.tagIds.end(); tagId++) { if (text.isEmpty() == false) { text += ","; } Tag = Tags.types.find(*tagId); if (Tag != Tags.types.end()) { text += TagDefs::name(Tag->first, Tag->second.first); } else { // clean tagId rsMsgs->setMessageTag(it->msgId, *tagId, false); } } item[COLUMN_TAGS]->setText(text); // set color QBrush Brush; // standard if (tagInfo.tagIds.size()) { Tag = Tags.types.find(tagInfo.tagIds.front()); if (Tag != Tags.types.end()) { Brush = QBrush(Tag->second.second); } else { // clean tagId rsMsgs->setMessageTag(it->msgId, tagInfo.tagIds.front(), false); } } for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { item[i]->setForeground(Brush); } // No of Files. { item[COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS] -> setText(QString::number(it -> count)); item[COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS] -> setData(item[COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS]->text() + dateString, ROLE_SORT); item[COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS] -> setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); } if (nFilterColumn == COLUMN_CONTENT) { // need content for filter if (bGotInfo || rsMsgs->getMessage(it->msgId, msgInfo)) { bGotInfo = true; QTextDocument doc; doc.setHtml(QString::fromStdWString(msgInfo.msg)); item[COLUMN_CONTENT]->setText(doc.toPlainText().replace(QString("\n"), QString(" "))); } else { std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl; item[COLUMN_CONTENT]->setText(""); } } if (bInsert) { /* add to the list */ QList itemList; for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { itemList.append(item[i]); } MessagesModel->appendRow(itemList); } } } else { MessagesModel->removeRows (0, MessagesModel->rowCount()); } ui.messagestreeView->showColumn(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS); ui.messagestreeView->showColumn(COLUMN_SUBJECT); ui.messagestreeView->showColumn(COLUMN_UNREAD); ui.messagestreeView->showColumn(COLUMN_FROM); ui.messagestreeView->showColumn(COLUMN_DATE); ui.messagestreeView->showColumn(COLUMN_TAGS); ui.messagestreeView->hideColumn(COLUMN_CONTENT); updateMessageSummaryList(); } // current row in messagestreeView has changed void MessagesDialog::currentChanged(const QModelIndex &index ) { timer->stop(); timerIndex = index; timer->start(); } // click in messagestreeView void MessagesDialog::clicked(const QModelIndex &index ) { if (index.isValid() == false) { return; } switch (index.column()) { case COLUMN_UNREAD: { int mappedRow = proxyModel->mapToSource(index).row(); QList Rows; Rows.append(mappedRow); setMsgAsReadUnread(Rows, !isMessageRead(mappedRow)); insertMsgTxtAndFiles(index, false); updateMessageSummaryList(); return; } case COLUMN_STAR: { int mappedRow = proxyModel->mapToSource(index).row(); QList Rows; Rows.append(mappedRow); setMsgStar(Rows, !hasMessageStar(mappedRow)); return; } } timer->stop(); timerIndex = index; // show current message directly updateCurrentMessage(); } // double click in messagestreeView void MessagesDialog::doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index) { /* activate row */ clicked (index); std::string cid; std::string mid; if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid)) return ; MessageInfo msgInfo; if (!rsMsgs->getMessage(mid, msgInfo)) { return; } if ((msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_BOXMASK) == RS_MSG_DRAFTBOX) { editmessage(); return; } /* edit message */ switch (Settings->getMsgOpen()) { case RshareSettings::MSG_OPEN_TAB: openAsTab(); break; case RshareSettings::MSG_OPEN_WINDOW: openAsWindow(); break; } } // show current message directly void MessagesDialog::updateCurrentMessage() { timer->stop(); insertMsgTxtAndFiles(timerIndex); } void MessagesDialog::setMsgAsReadUnread(const QList &Rows, bool read) { LockUpdate Lock (this, false); for (int nRow = 0; nRow < Rows.size(); nRow++) { QStandardItem* item[COLUMN_COUNT]; for(int nCol = 0; nCol < COLUMN_COUNT; nCol++) { item[nCol] = MessagesModel->item(Rows [nRow], nCol); } std::string mid = item[COLUMN_DATA]->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); if (rsMsgs->MessageRead(mid, !read)) { int msgFlag = item[COLUMN_DATA]->data(ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt(); msgFlag &= ~RS_MSG_NEW; if (read) { msgFlag &= ~RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER; } else { msgFlag |= RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER; } item[COLUMN_DATA]->setData(msgFlag, ROLE_MSGFLAGS); InitIconAndFont(item); } } // LockUpdate } void MessagesDialog::markAsRead() { QList RowsUnread; getSelectedMsgCount (NULL, NULL, &RowsUnread, NULL); setMsgAsReadUnread (RowsUnread, true); updateMessageSummaryList(); } void MessagesDialog::markAsUnread() { QList RowsRead; getSelectedMsgCount (NULL, &RowsRead, NULL, NULL); setMsgAsReadUnread (RowsRead, false); updateMessageSummaryList(); } void MessagesDialog::markWithStar(bool checked) { QList Rows; getSelectedMsgCount (&Rows, NULL, NULL, NULL); setMsgStar(Rows, checked); } void MessagesDialog::setMsgStar(const QList &Rows, bool star) { LockUpdate Lock (this, false); for (int nRow = 0; nRow < Rows.size(); nRow++) { QStandardItem* item[COLUMN_COUNT]; for(int nCol = 0; nCol < COLUMN_COUNT; nCol++) { item[nCol] = MessagesModel->item(Rows [nRow], nCol); } std::string mid = item[COLUMN_DATA]->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); if (rsMsgs->MessageStar(mid, star)) { int msgFlag = item[COLUMN_DATA]->data(ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt(); msgFlag &= ~RS_MSG_STAR; if (star) { msgFlag |= RS_MSG_STAR; } else { msgFlag &= ~RS_MSG_STAR; } item[COLUMN_DATA]->setData(msgFlag, ROLE_MSGFLAGS); InitIconAndFont(item); Lock.setUpdate(true); } } // LockUpdate } void MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles(QModelIndex Index, bool bSetToRead) { std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles()" << std::endl; /* get its Ids */ std::string cid; std::string mid; QModelIndex currentIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(Index); if (currentIndex.isValid() == false) { mCurrMsgId.clear(); msgWidget->fill(mCurrMsgId); updateInterface(); return; } QStandardItem *item = MessagesModel->item(currentIndex.row(),COLUMN_DATA); if (item == NULL) { mCurrMsgId.clear(); msgWidget->fill(mCurrMsgId); updateInterface(); return; } mid = item->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); int nCount = getSelectedMsgCount (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (nCount == 1) { ui.actionSaveAs->setEnabled(true); ui.actionPrintPreview->setEnabled(true); ui.actionPrint->setEnabled(true); } else { ui.actionSaveAs->setDisabled(true); ui.actionPrintPreview->setDisabled(true); ui.actionPrint->setDisabled(true); } if (mCurrMsgId == mid) { // message doesn't changed return; } /* Save the Data.... for later */ mCurrMsgId = mid; MessageInfo msgInfo; if (!rsMsgs -> getMessage(mid, msgInfo)) { std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl; return; } QList Rows; Rows.append(currentIndex.row()); bool bSetToReadOnActive = Settings->getMsgSetToReadOnActivate(); if (msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_NEW) { // set always to read or unread if (bSetToReadOnActive == false || bSetToRead == false) { // set locally to unread setMsgAsReadUnread(Rows, false); } else { setMsgAsReadUnread(Rows, true); } updateMessageSummaryList(); } else { if ((msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER) && bSetToRead && bSetToReadOnActive) { // set to read setMsgAsReadUnread(Rows, true); updateMessageSummaryList(); } } msgWidget->fill(mCurrMsgId); updateInterface(); } bool MessagesDialog::getCurrentMsg(std::string &cid, std::string &mid) { QModelIndex currentIndex = ui.messagestreeView->currentIndex(); currentIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(currentIndex); int rowSelected = -1; /* get its Ids */ if (currentIndex.isValid() == false) { //If no message is selected. assume first message is selected. if(MessagesModel->rowCount() == 0) { return false; } else { rowSelected = 0; } } else { rowSelected = currentIndex.row(); } QStandardItem *item = MessagesModel->item(rowSelected,COLUMN_DATA); if (item == NULL) { return false; } cid = item->data(ROLE_SRCID).toString().toStdString(); mid = item->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); return true; } void MessagesDialog::removemessage() { LockUpdate Lock (this, true); QList selectedIndexList= ui.messagestreeView->selectionModel() -> selectedIndexes (); QList rowList; QModelIndex selectedIndex; for(QList::iterator it = selectedIndexList.begin(); it != selectedIndexList.end(); it++) { selectedIndex = proxyModel->mapToSource(*it); int row = selectedIndex.row(); if (rowList.contains(row) == false) { rowList.append(row); } } bool bDelete = false; int listrow = ui.listWidget->currentRow(); if (listrow == ROW_TRASHBOX) { bDelete = true; } else { if (QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { bDelete = true; } } for(QList::const_iterator it1 = rowList.begin(); it1 != rowList.end(); it1++) { QStandardItem *pItem = MessagesModel->item((*it1), COLUMN_DATA); if (pItem) { QString mid = pItem->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString(); // close tab showing this message // closeTab(mid.toStdString()); if (bDelete) { rsMsgs->MessageDelete(mid.toStdString()); } else { rsMsgs->MessageToTrash(mid.toStdString(), true); } } } // LockUpdate -> insertMessages(); } void MessagesDialog::undeletemessage() { LockUpdate Lock (this, true); QList Rows; getSelectedMsgCount (&Rows, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (int nRow = 0; nRow < Rows.size(); nRow++) { QString mid = MessagesModel->item (Rows [nRow], COLUMN_DATA)->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString(); rsMsgs->MessageToTrash(mid.toStdString(), false); } // LockUpdate -> insertMessages(); } void MessagesDialog::setToolbarButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonStyle style) { ui.newmessageButton->setToolButtonStyle(style); ui.removemessageButton->setToolButtonStyle(style); ui.replymessageButton->setToolButtonStyle(style); ui.replyallmessageButton->setToolButtonStyle(style); ui.forwardmessageButton->setToolButtonStyle(style); ui.tagButton->setToolButtonStyle(style); ui.printbutton->setToolButtonStyle(style); ui.viewtoolButton->setToolButtonStyle(style); } void MessagesDialog::buttonStyle() { setToolbarButtonStyle((Qt::ToolButtonStyle) dynamic_cast(sender())->data().toInt()); } void MessagesDialog::filterRegExpChanged() { QRegExp regExp(ui.filterPatternLineEdit->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive , QRegExp::FixedString); proxyModel->setFilterRegExp(regExp); QString text = ui.filterPatternLineEdit->text(); if (text.isEmpty()) { ui.clearButton->hide(); } else { ui.clearButton->show(); } } void MessagesDialog::filterColumnChanged() { if (m_bProcessSettings) { return; } int nFilterColumn = FilterColumnFromComboBox(ui.filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex()); if (nFilterColumn == COLUMN_CONTENT) { // need content ... refill insertMessages(); } proxyModel->setFilterKeyColumn(nFilterColumn); // save index Settings->setValueToGroup("MessageDialog", "filterColumn", nFilterColumn); } void MessagesDialog::updateMessageSummaryList() { unsigned int newInboxCount = 0; unsigned int newOutboxCount = 0; unsigned int newDraftCount = 0; unsigned int newSentboxCount = 0; unsigned int inboxCount = 0; unsigned int trashboxCount = 0; unsigned int starredCount = 0; /* calculating the new messages */ // rsMsgs->getMessageCount (&inboxCount, &newInboxCount, &newOutboxCount, &newDraftCount, &newSentboxCount); std::list msgList; std::list::const_iterator it; rsMsgs->getMessageSummaries(msgList); QMap tagCount; /* calculating the new messages */ for (it = msgList.begin(); it != msgList.end(); it++) { /* calcluate tag count */ MsgTagInfo tagInfo; rsMsgs->getMessageTag(it->msgId, tagInfo); for (std::list::iterator tagId = tagInfo.tagIds.begin(); tagId != tagInfo.tagIds.end(); tagId++) { int nCount = tagCount [*tagId]; nCount++; tagCount [*tagId] = nCount; } if (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_STAR) { starredCount++; } /* calculate box */ if (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_TRASH) { trashboxCount++; continue; } switch (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_BOXMASK) { case RS_MSG_INBOX: inboxCount++; if (it->msgflags & (RS_MSG_NEW | RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER)) { newInboxCount++; } break; case RS_MSG_OUTBOX: newOutboxCount++; break; case RS_MSG_DRAFTBOX: newDraftCount++; break; case RS_MSG_SENTBOX: newSentboxCount++; break; } } int listrow = ui.listWidget->currentRow(); QString textTotal; switch (listrow) { case ROW_INBOX: textTotal = tr("Total:") + " " + QString::number(inboxCount); ui.total_label->setText(textTotal); break; case ROW_OUTBOX: textTotal = tr("Total:") + " " + QString::number(newOutboxCount); ui.total_label->setText(textTotal); break; case ROW_DRAFTBOX: textTotal = tr("Total:") + " " + QString::number(newDraftCount); ui.total_label->setText(textTotal); break; case ROW_SENTBOX: textTotal = tr("Total:") + " " + QString::number(newSentboxCount); ui.total_label->setText(textTotal); break; case ROW_TRASHBOX: textTotal = tr("Total:") + " " + QString::number(trashboxCount); ui.total_label->setText(textTotal); break; } QString textItem; /*updating the labels in leftcolumn*/ //QList QListWidget::findItems ( const QString & text, Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const QListWidgetItem* item = ui.listWidget->item(ROW_INBOX); if (newInboxCount != 0) { textItem = tr("Inbox") + " (" + QString::number(newInboxCount)+")"; item->setText(textItem); QFont qf = item->font(); qf.setBold(true); item->setFont(qf); item->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/folder-inbox-new.png")); item->setForeground(QBrush(QColor(49, 106, 197))); } else { textItem = tr("Inbox"); item->setText(textItem); QFont qf = item->font(); qf.setBold(false); item->setFont(qf); item->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/folder-inbox.png")); item->setForeground(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0))); } //QList QListWidget::findItems ( const QString & text, Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const item = ui.listWidget->item(ROW_OUTBOX); if (newOutboxCount != 0) { textItem = tr("Outbox") + " (" + QString::number(newOutboxCount)+")"; item->setText(textItem); QFont qf = item->font(); qf.setBold(true); item->setFont(qf); } else { textItem = tr("Outbox"); item->setText(textItem); QFont qf = item->font(); qf.setBold(false); item->setFont(qf); } //QList QListWidget::findItems ( const QString & text, Qt::MatchFlags flags ) const item = ui.listWidget->item(ROW_DRAFTBOX); if (newDraftCount != 0) { textItem = tr("Drafts") + " (" + QString::number(newDraftCount)+")"; item->setText(textItem); QFont qf = item->font(); qf.setBold(true); item->setFont(qf); } else { textItem = tr("Drafts"); item->setText(textItem); QFont qf = item->font(); qf.setBold(false); item->setFont(qf); } item = ui.listWidget->item(ROW_TRASHBOX); if (trashboxCount != 0) { textItem = tr("Trash") + " (" + QString::number(trashboxCount)+")"; item->setText(textItem); } else { textItem = tr("Trash"); item->setText(textItem); } /* set tag counts */ int rowCount = ui.quickViewWidget->count(); for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { QListWidgetItem *item = ui.quickViewWidget->item(row); switch (item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE).toInt()) { case QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG: { int count = tagCount[item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID).toInt()]; QString text = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT).toString(); if (count) { text += " (" + QString::number(count) + ")"; } item->setText(text); } break; case QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC: { QString text = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT).toString(); switch (item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID).toInt()) { case QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_STARRED: text += " (" + QString::number(starredCount) + ")"; break; } item->setText(text); } break; } } } /** clear Filter **/ void MessagesDialog::clearFilter() { ui.filterPatternLineEdit->clear(); ui.filterPatternLineEdit->setFocus(); } void MessagesDialog::tagAboutToShow() { TagsMenu *menu = dynamic_cast(ui.tagButton->menu()); if (menu == NULL) { return; } // activate actions from the first selected row MsgTagInfo tagInfo; QList rows; getSelectedMsgCount (&rows, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rows.size()) { QStandardItem* item = MessagesModel->item(rows [0], COLUMN_DATA); std::string msgId = item->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); rsMsgs->getMessageTag(msgId, tagInfo); } menu->activateActions(tagInfo.tagIds); } void MessagesDialog::tagRemoveAll() { LockUpdate Lock (this, false); QList rows; getSelectedMsgCount (&rows, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (int row = 0; row < rows.size(); row++) { QStandardItem* item = MessagesModel->item(rows [row], COLUMN_DATA); std::string msgId = item->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); rsMsgs->setMessageTag(msgId, 0, false); Lock.setUpdate(true); } // LockUpdate -> insertMessages(); } void MessagesDialog::tagSet(int tagId, bool set) { if (tagId == 0) { return; } LockUpdate Lock (this, false); QList rows; getSelectedMsgCount (&rows, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (int row = 0; row < rows.size(); row++) { QStandardItem* item = MessagesModel->item(rows [row], COLUMN_DATA); std::string msgId = item->data(ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString(); if (rsMsgs->setMessageTag(msgId, tagId, set)) { Lock.setUpdate(true); } } // LockUpdate -> insertMessages(); } void MessagesDialog::emptyTrash() { LockUpdate Lock (this, true); std::list msgList; rsMsgs->getMessageSummaries(msgList); std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = msgList.begin(); it != msgList.end(); it++) { if (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_TRASH) { rsMsgs->MessageDelete(it->msgId); } } // LockUpdate -> insertMessages(); } void MessagesDialog::tabChanged(int tab) { connectActions(); updateInterface(); } void MessagesDialog::tabCloseRequested(int tab) { if (tab == 0) { return; } QWidget *widget = ui.tabWidget->widget(tab); if (widget) { widget->deleteLater(); } } void MessagesDialog::closeTab(const std::string &msgId) { QList msgWidgets; for (int tab = 1; tab < ui.tabWidget->count(); tab++) { MessageWidget *msgWidget = dynamic_cast(ui.tabWidget->widget(tab)); if (msgWidget && msgWidget->msgId() == msgId) { msgWidgets.append(msgWidget); } } qDeleteAll(msgWidgets); } void MessagesDialog::connectActions() { int tab = ui.tabWidget->currentIndex(); MessageWidget *msg; if (tab == 0) { msg = msgWidget; } else { msg = dynamic_cast(ui.tabWidget->widget(tab)); } ui.replymessageButton->disconnect(); ui.replyallmessageButton->disconnect(); ui.forwardmessageButton->disconnect(); ui.printbutton->disconnect(); ui.actionPrint->disconnect(); ui.actionPrintPreview->disconnect(); ui.actionSaveAs->disconnect(); ui.removemessageButton->disconnect(); ui.actionReply->disconnect(); ui.actionReplyAll->disconnect(); ui.actionForward->disconnect(); if (msgWidget) { // connect actions msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_REPLY, ui.actionReply); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_REPLY_ALL, ui.actionReplyAll); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_FORWARD, ui.actionForward); } if (msg) { if (tab == 0) { // connect with own slot to remove multiple messages connect(ui.removemessageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removemessage())); } else { msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_REMOVE, ui.removemessageButton); } msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_REPLY, ui.replymessageButton); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_REPLY_ALL, ui.replyallmessageButton); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_FORWARD, ui.forwardmessageButton); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_PRINT, ui.printbutton); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_PRINT, ui.actionPrint); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_PRINT_PREVIEW, ui.actionPrintPreview); msg->connectAction(MessageWidget::ACTION_SAVE_AS, ui.actionSaveAs); } } void MessagesDialog::updateInterface() { int count = 0; int tab = ui.tabWidget->currentIndex(); if (tab == 0) { count = getSelectedMsgCount(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { MessageWidget *msg = dynamic_cast(ui.tabWidget->widget(tab)); if (msg && msg->msgId().empty() == false) { count = 1; } } ui.replymessageButton->setEnabled(count == 1); ui.replyallmessageButton->setEnabled(count == 1); ui.forwardmessageButton->setEnabled(count == 1); ui.printbutton->setEnabled(count == 1); ui.actionPrint->setEnabled(count == 1); ui.actionPrintPreview->setEnabled(count == 1); ui.actionSaveAs->setEnabled(count == 1); ui.removemessageButton->setEnabled(count >= 1); ui.tagButton->setEnabled(count >= 1); }