/* * Retroshare Identity. * * Copyright 2012-2012 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "IdDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include /****** * #define ID_DEBUG 1 *****/ // Data Requests. #define IDDIALOG_IDLIST 1 #define IDDIALOG_IDDETAILS 2 /**************************************************************** */ #define RSID_COL_NICKNAME 0 #define RSID_COL_KEYID 1 #define RSID_COL_IDTYPE 2 #define RSID_REQ_IDLIST 1 #define RSID_REQ_IDDETAILS 2 #define RSID_REQ_IDLISTDATA 3 #define RSID_REQ_IDEDIT 4 /** Constructor */ IdDialog::IdDialog(QWidget *parent) : MainPage(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); mEditDialog = NULL; //mPulseSelected = NULL; ui.radioButton_ListAll->setChecked(true); connect( ui.pushButton_NewId, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OpenOrShowAddDialog())); connect( ui.pushButton_EditId, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OpenOrShowEditDialog())); connect( ui.treeWidget_IdList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateSelection())); connect( ui.radioButton_ListYourself, SIGNAL(toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT(ListTypeToggled( bool ) ) ); connect( ui.radioButton_ListFriends, SIGNAL(toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT(ListTypeToggled( bool ) ) ); connect( ui.radioButton_ListOthers, SIGNAL(toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT(ListTypeToggled( bool ) ) ); connect( ui.radioButton_ListPseudo, SIGNAL(toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT(ListTypeToggled( bool ) ) ); connect( ui.radioButton_ListAll, SIGNAL(toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT(ListTypeToggled( bool ) ) ); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkUpdate())); timer->start(1000); rsIdentity->generateDummyData(); mIdQueue = new TokenQueue(rsIdentity->getTokenService(), this); } void IdDialog::ListTypeToggled(bool checked) { if (checked) { requestIdList(); } } void IdDialog::updateSelection() { /* */ QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui.treeWidget_IdList->currentItem(); if (!item) { blankSelection(); } else { std::string id = item->text(RSID_COL_KEYID).toStdString(); requestIdDetails(id); } } void IdDialog::blankSelection() { /* blank it all - and fix buttons */ ui.lineEdit_Nickname->setText(""); ui.lineEdit_KeyId->setText(""); ui.lineEdit_GpgHash->setText(""); ui.lineEdit_GpgId->setText(""); ui.lineEdit_GpgName->setText(""); ui.lineEdit_GpgEmail->setText(""); ui.pushButton_Reputation->setEnabled(false); ui.pushButton_Delete->setEnabled(false); ui.pushButton_EditId->setEnabled(false); ui.pushButton_NewId->setEnabled(true); } void IdDialog::requestIdDetails(std::string &id) { RsTokReqOptions opts; opts.mReqType = GXS_REQUEST_TYPE_GROUP_DATA; uint32_t token; std::list groupIds; groupIds.push_back(id); mIdQueue->requestGroupInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_DATA, opts, groupIds, IDDIALOG_IDDETAILS); } void IdDialog::insertIdDetails(uint32_t token) { /* get details from libretroshare */ RsGxsIdGroup data; std::vector datavector; if (!rsIdentity->getGroupData(token, datavector)) { ui.lineEdit_KeyId->setText("ERROR GETTING KEY!"); return; } if (datavector.size() != 1) { std::cerr << "IdDialog::insertIdDetails() Invalid datavector size"; ui.lineEdit_KeyId->setText("INVALID DV SIZE"); return; } data = datavector[0]; /* get GPG Details from rsPeers */ std::string gpgid = rsPeers->getGPGOwnId(); RsPeerDetails details; rsPeers->getPeerDetails(gpgid, details); //ui.lineEdit_Nickname->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mNickname)); ui.lineEdit_Nickname->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mMeta.mGroupName)); //ui.lineEdit_KeyId->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mKeyId)); ui.lineEdit_KeyId->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mMeta.mGroupId)); ui.lineEdit_GpgHash->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mPgpIdHash)); //ui.lineEdit_GpgId->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mGpgId)); //ui.lineEdit_GpgName->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mGpgName)); //ui.lineEdit_GpgEmail->setText(QString::fromStdString(data.mGpgEmail)); #if 0 if (data.mIdType & RSID_RELATION_YOURSELF) { ui.radioButton_IdYourself->setChecked(true); } else if (data.mIdType & RSID_TYPE_PSEUDONYM) { ui.radioButton_IdPseudo->setChecked(true); } else if (data.mIdType & RSID_RELATION_FRIEND) { ui.radioButton_IdFriend->setChecked(true); } else if (data.mIdType & RSID_RELATION_FOF) { ui.radioButton_IdFOF->setChecked(true); } else { ui.radioButton_IdOther->setChecked(true); } ui.pushButton_NewId->setEnabled(true); if (data.mIdType & RSID_RELATION_YOURSELF) { ui.pushButton_Reputation->setEnabled(false); ui.pushButton_Delete->setEnabled(true); ui.pushButton_EditId->setEnabled(true); } else { ui.pushButton_Reputation->setEnabled(true); ui.pushButton_Delete->setEnabled(false); ui.pushButton_EditId->setEnabled(false); } #endif } void IdDialog::checkUpdate() { /* update */ if (!rsIdentity) return; if (rsIdentity->updated()) { requestIdList(); } return; } void IdDialog::OpenOrShowAddDialog() { if (!mEditDialog) { mEditDialog = new IdEditDialog(NULL); } bool pseudo = false; mEditDialog->setupNewId(pseudo); mEditDialog->show(); } void IdDialog::OpenOrShowEditDialog() { if (!mEditDialog) { mEditDialog = new IdEditDialog(NULL); } /* */ QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui.treeWidget_IdList->currentItem(); if (!item) { std::cerr << "IdDialog::OpenOrShowEditDialog() Invalid item"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } std::string keyId = item->text(RSID_COL_KEYID).toStdString(); if (mEditDialog) { mEditDialog->setupExistingId(keyId); mEditDialog->show(); } } void IdDialog::requestIdList() { RsTokReqOptions opts; opts.mReqType = GXS_REQUEST_TYPE_GROUP_DATA; uint32_t token; std::list groupIds; //mIdQueue->requestGroupInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_DATA, opts, groupIds, IDDIALOG_IDLIST); mIdQueue->requestGroupInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_DATA, opts, IDDIALOG_IDLIST); } void IdDialog::insertIdList(uint32_t token) { QTreeWidget *tree = ui.treeWidget_IdList; tree->clear(); std::list ids; std::list::iterator it; bool acceptAll = ui.radioButton_ListAll->isChecked(); bool acceptPseudo = ui.radioButton_ListPseudo->isChecked(); bool acceptYourself = ui.radioButton_ListYourself->isChecked(); bool acceptFriends = ui.radioButton_ListFriends->isChecked(); bool acceptOthers = ui.radioButton_ListOthers->isChecked(); RsGxsIdGroup data; std::vector datavector; std::vector::iterator vit; if (!rsIdentity->getGroupData(token, datavector)) { std::cerr << "IdDialog::insertIdList() Error getting GroupData"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } for(vit = datavector.begin(); vit != datavector.end(); vit++) { data = (*vit); /* do filtering */ bool ok = false; if (acceptAll) { ok = true; } #if 0 else if (data.mIdType & RSID_TYPE_PSEUDONYM) { if (acceptPseudo) { ok = true; } if ((data.mIdType & RSID_RELATION_YOURSELF) && (acceptYourself)) { ok = true; } } else { if (data.mIdType & RSID_RELATION_YOURSELF) { if (acceptYourself) { ok = true; } } else if (data.mIdType & (RSID_RELATION_FRIEND | RSID_RELATION_FOF)) { if (acceptFriends) { ok = true; } } else { if (acceptOthers) { ok = true; } } } #endif if (!ok) { continue; } QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); //item->setText(RSID_COL_NICKNAME, QString::fromStdString(data.mNickname)); //item->setText(RSID_COL_KEYID, QString::fromStdString(data.mKeyId)); item->setText(RSID_COL_NICKNAME, QString::fromStdString(data.mMeta.mGroupName)); item->setText(RSID_COL_KEYID, QString::fromStdString(data.mMeta.mGroupId)); //item->setText(RSID_COL_IDTYPE, QString::fromStdString(rsIdTypeToString(data.mIdType))); tree->addTopLevelItem(item); } // fix up buttons. updateSelection(); } void IdDialog::loadRequest(const TokenQueue *queue, const TokenRequest &req) { std::cerr << "IdDialog::loadRequest() UserType: " << req.mUserType; std::cerr << std::endl; switch(req.mUserType) { case IDDIALOG_IDLIST: insertIdList(req.mToken); break; case IDDIALOG_IDDETAILS: insertIdDetails(req.mToken); break; default: std::cerr << "IdDialog::loadRequest() ERROR"; std::cerr << std::endl; break; } }