#include "pqi/authgpg.h" const std::string key_path("./tmp/privkey.pem"); const std::string passwd("8764"); const std::string gpg_passwd("aaaa"); const std::string name("Test X509"); const std::string email("test@email.com"); const std::string org("Org"); const std::string loc("Loc"); const std::string state("State"); const std::string country("GB"); int main() { /* Init the auth manager */ GPGAuthMgr mgr; /* Select which GPG Keys we use */ /* print all keys */ mgr.printKeys(); std::list idList; mgr.availablePGPCertificates(idList); if (idList.size() < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "No GPG Certificate to use!\n"); exit(1); } std::string id = idList.front(); fprintf(stderr, "Using GPG Certificate:%s \n", id.c_str()); std::string noname; mgr.GPGInit(id); mgr.LoadGPGPassword(gpg_passwd); /* Init SSL library */ mgr.InitAuth(NULL, NULL, NULL); /* then try to generate and sign a X509 certificate */ int nbits_in = 2048; std::string errString; /* Generate a Certificate Request */ X509_REQ *req = GenerateX509Req(key_path, passwd, name, email, org, loc, state, country, nbits_in, errString); // setup output. BIO *bio_out = NULL; bio_out = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); BIO_set_fp(bio_out,stdout,BIO_NOCLOSE); /* Print it out */ int nmflag = 0; int reqflag = 0; X509_REQ_print_ex(bio_out, req, nmflag, reqflag); X509 *x509 = mgr.SignX509Req(req, 100, gpg_passwd); X509_print_ex(bio_out, x509, nmflag, reqflag); BIO_flush(bio_out); BIO_free(bio_out); /* now try to validate it */ mgr.AuthX509(x509); //sleep(10); }