/**************************************************************** * * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006, crypton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PopupChatDialog.h" #include #include "rshare.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "gui/settings/RsharePeerSettings.h" #include "gui/notifyqt.h" #include "../RsAutoUpdatePage.h" #include "gui/common/StatusDefs.h" #include "gui/common/Emoticons.h" #include "gui/feeds/AttachFileItem.h" #include "gui/msgs/MessageComposer.h" #include #define appDir QApplication::applicationDirPath() #define IMAGE_WINDOW ":/images/rstray3.png" #define IMAGE_WINDOW_TYPING ":/images/typing.png" /* Define the format used for displaying the date and time */ #define DATETIME_FMT "MMM dd hh:mm:ss" /***** * #define CHAT_DEBUG 1 *****/ static std::map chatDialogs; // play sound when recv a message void playsound() { Settings->beginGroup("Sound"); Settings->beginGroup("SoundFilePath"); QString OnlineSound = Settings->value("NewChatMessage","").toString(); Settings->endGroup(); Settings->beginGroup("Enable"); bool flag = Settings->value("NewChatMessage",false).toBool(); Settings->endGroup(); Settings->endGroup(); if (!OnlineSound.isEmpty() && flag) { if (QSound::isAvailable()) { QSound::play(OnlineSound); } } } /** Default constructor */ PopupChatDialog::PopupChatDialog(std::string id, std::string name, QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : QMainWindow(parent, flags), dialogId(id), dialogName(name), lastChatTime(0), lastChatName("") { /* Invoke Qt Designer generated QObject setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); Settings->loadWidgetInformation(this); this->move(qrand()%100, qrand()%100); //avoid to stack multiple popup chat windows on the same position m_bInsertOnVisible = true; last_status_send_time = 0 ; style.setStyleFromSettings(ChatStyle::TYPE_PRIVATE); /* Hide or show the frames */ showAvatarFrame(true); ui.infoframe->setVisible(false); ui.statusmessagelabel->hide(); connect(ui.avatarFrameButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(showAvatarFrame(bool))); connect(ui.actionAvatar, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(getAvatar())); connect(ui.sendButton, SIGNAL(clicked( ) ), this, SLOT(sendChat( ) )); connect(ui.addFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this , SLOT(addExtraFile())); connect(ui.textboldButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setFont())); connect(ui.textunderlineButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setFont())); connect(ui.textitalicButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setFont())); connect(ui.attachPictureButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addExtraPicture())); connect(ui.fontButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getFont())); connect(ui.colorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setColor())); connect(ui.emoteiconButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(smileyWidget())); connect(ui.actionSave_Chat_History, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileSaveAs())); connect(ui.actionClearOfflineMessages, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearOfflineMessages())); connect(ui.textBrowser, SIGNAL(anchorClicked(const QUrl &)), SLOT(anchorClicked(const QUrl &))); connect(ui.offlineTextBrowser, SIGNAL(anchorClicked(const QUrl &)), SLOT(anchorClicked(const QUrl &))); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(peerStatusChanged(const QString&, int)), this, SLOT(updateStatus(const QString&, int))); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(peerHasNewCustomStateString(const QString&, const QString&)), this, SLOT(updatePeersCustomStateString(const QString&, const QString&))); std::cerr << "Connecting custom context menu" << std::endl; ui.chattextEdit->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu) ; connect(ui.chattextEdit,SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),this,SLOT(contextMenu(QPoint))); // Create the status bar resetStatusBar() ; //ui.textBrowser->setOpenExternalLinks ( false ); //ui.textBrowser->setOpenLinks ( false ); QString title = tr("RetroShare") + " - " + QString::fromStdString(name); setWindowTitle(title); setWindowIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_WINDOW)); ui.textboldButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit-bold.png"))); ui.textunderlineButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit-underline.png"))); ui.textitalicButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit-italic.png"))); ui.fontButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/fonts.png"))); ui.emoteiconButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/emoticons/kopete/kopete020.png"))); ui.textboldButton->setCheckable(true); ui.textunderlineButton->setCheckable(true); ui.textitalicButton->setCheckable(true); setAcceptDrops(true); ui.chattextEdit->setAcceptDrops(false); QMenu * toolmenu = new QMenu(); toolmenu->addAction(ui.actionClear_Chat); toolmenu->addAction(ui.actionSave_Chat_History); toolmenu->addAction(ui.actionClearOfflineMessages); //toolmenu->addAction(ui.action_Disable_Emoticons); ui.pushtoolsButton->setMenu(toolmenu); mCurrentColor.setNamedColor(PeerSettings->getPrivateChatColor(dialogId)); mCurrentFont.fromString(PeerSettings->getPrivateChatFont(dialogId)); colorChanged(mCurrentColor); fontChanged(mCurrentFont); pasteLinkAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/pasterslink.png"), tr( "Paste retroshare Link" ), this ); connect( pasteLinkAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( pasteLink() ) ); updateAvatar() ; updatePeerAvatar(id) ; // load settings processSettings(true); // initialize first status StatusInfo peerStatusInfo; // No check of return value. Non existing status info is handled as offline. rsStatus->getStatus(dialogId, peerStatusInfo); updateStatus(QString::fromStdString(dialogId), peerStatusInfo.status); StatusInfo ownStatusInfo; if (rsStatus->getOwnStatus(ownStatusInfo)) { updateStatus(QString::fromStdString(ownStatusInfo.id), ownStatusInfo.status); } // initialize first custom state string QString customStateString = QString::fromStdString(rsMsgs->getCustomStateString(dialogId)); updatePeersCustomStateString(QString::fromStdString(dialogId), customStateString); ui.chattextEdit->installEventFilter(this); // call once onPrivateChatChanged(NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_OUTGOING_CHAT, NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD); } /** Destructor. */ PopupChatDialog::~PopupChatDialog() { // save settings processSettings(false); } void PopupChatDialog::processSettings(bool bLoad) { Settings->beginGroup(QString("ChatDialog")); if (bLoad) { // load settings // state of splitter ui.chatsplitter->restoreState(Settings->value("ChatSplitter").toByteArray()); } else { // save settings // state of splitter Settings->setValue("ChatSplitter", ui.chatsplitter->saveState()); } Settings->endGroup(); } /*static*/ PopupChatDialog *PopupChatDialog::getPrivateChat(std::string id, uint chatflags) { /* see if it exists already */ PopupChatDialog *popupchatdialog = NULL; bool show = false; if (chatflags & RS_CHAT_REOPEN) { show = true; #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "reopen flag so: enable SHOW popupchatdialog()" << std::endl; #endif } std::map::iterator it; if (chatDialogs.end() != (it = chatDialogs.find(id))) { /* exists already */ popupchatdialog = it->second; } else { if (chatflags & RS_CHAT_OPEN_NEW) { RsPeerDetails sslDetails; if (rsPeers->getPeerDetails(id, sslDetails)) { popupchatdialog = new PopupChatDialog(id, sslDetails.name + " - " + sslDetails.location); chatDialogs[id] = popupchatdialog; #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "new chat so: enable SHOW popupchatdialog()" << std::endl; #endif show = true; } } } if (show && popupchatdialog) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "SHOWING popupchatdialog()" << std::endl; #endif if (popupchatdialog->isVisible() == false) { if (chatflags & RS_CHAT_FOCUS) { popupchatdialog->show(); } else { popupchatdialog->showMinimized(); } } } /* now only do these if the window is visible */ if (popupchatdialog && popupchatdialog->isVisible()) { if (chatflags & RS_CHAT_FOCUS) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "focus chat flag so: GETFOCUS popupchatdialog()" << std::endl; #endif popupchatdialog->getfocus(); } else { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "no focus chat flag so: FLASH popupchatdialog()" << std::endl; #endif popupchatdialog->flash(); } } else { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "not visible ... so leave popupchatdialog()" << std::endl; #endif } return popupchatdialog; } /*static*/ void PopupChatDialog::cleanupChat() { std::map::iterator it; for (it = chatDialogs.begin(); it != chatDialogs.end(); it++) { if (it->second) { delete (it->second); } } chatDialogs.clear(); } /*static*/ void PopupChatDialog::privateChatChanged(int list, int type) { if (list == NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_INCOMING_CHAT && type == NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD) { std::list ids; if (rsMsgs->getPrivateChatQueueIds(true, ids)) { uint chatflags = Settings->getChatFlags(); std::list::iterator id; for (id = ids.begin(); id != ids.end(); id++) { PopupChatDialog *pcd = getPrivateChat(*id, chatflags); if (pcd) { pcd->insertChatMsgs(); } } } } /* now notify all open priavate chat windows */ std::map::iterator it; for (it = chatDialogs.begin (); it != chatDialogs.end(); it++) { if (it->second) { it->second->onPrivateChatChanged(list, type); } } } void PopupChatDialog::chatFriend(std::string id) { if (id.empty()){ return; } std::cerr<<" popup dialog chat friend 1"<getPeerDetails(id, detail)) { return; } std::string firstId; if (detail.isOnlyGPGdetail) { //let's get the ssl child details, and open all the chat boxes std::list sslIds; rsPeers->getSSLChildListOfGPGId(detail.gpg_id, sslIds); for (std::list::iterator it = sslIds.begin(); it != sslIds.end(); it++) { if (firstId.empty()) { firstId = *it; } RsPeerDetails sslDetails; if (rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it, sslDetails)) { if (sslDetails.state & RS_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED) { getPrivateChat(*it, RS_CHAT_OPEN_NEW | RS_CHAT_REOPEN | RS_CHAT_FOCUS); return; } } } } else { if (detail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED) { getPrivateChat(id, RS_CHAT_OPEN_NEW | RS_CHAT_REOPEN | RS_CHAT_FOCUS); return; } firstId = id; } /* info dialog */ if ((QMessageBox::question(NULL, tr("Friend not Online"),tr("Your Friend is offline \nDo you want to send them a Message instead"),QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes))== QMessageBox::Yes) { MessageComposer::msgFriend(id); } else { if (firstId.empty() == false) { getPrivateChat(firstId, RS_CHAT_OPEN_NEW | RS_CHAT_REOPEN | RS_CHAT_FOCUS); } } } /*static*/ void PopupChatDialog::updateAllAvatars() { for(std::map::const_iterator it(chatDialogs.begin());it!=chatDialogs.end();++it) it->second->updateAvatar() ; } void PopupChatDialog::pasteLink() { std::cerr << "In paste link" << std::endl ; ui.chattextEdit->insertHtml(RSLinkClipboard::toHtml()) ; } void PopupChatDialog::contextMenu( QPoint point ) { std::cerr << "In context menu" << std::endl ; if(RSLinkClipboard::empty()) return ; QMenu contextMnu(this); contextMnu.addAction( pasteLinkAct); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void PopupChatDialog::resetStatusBar() { ui.statusLabel->clear(); ui.typingpixmapLabel->clear(); setWindowIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_WINDOW)); } void PopupChatDialog::updateStatusTyping() { if (time(NULL) - last_status_send_time > 5) // limit 'peer is typing' packets to at most every 10 sec { #ifdef ONLY_FOR_LINGUIST tr("is typing..."); #endif rsMsgs->sendStatusString(dialogId, "is typing..."); last_status_send_time = time(NULL) ; } } // Called by libretroshare through notifyQt to display the peer's status // void PopupChatDialog::updateStatusString(const QString& peer_id, const QString& status_string) { QString status = QString::fromStdString(rsPeers->getPeerName(peer_id.toStdString())) + " " + tr(status_string.toAscii()); ui.statusLabel->setText(status) ; // displays info for 5 secs. ui.typingpixmapLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap(":images/typing.png") ); if (status_string == "is typing...") { setWindowIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_WINDOW_TYPING)); } QTimer::singleShot(5000,this,SLOT(resetStatusBar())) ; } /** Overloads the default show() slot so we can set opacity*/ void PopupChatDialog::show() { if(!this->isVisible()) { QMainWindow::show(); } else { //QMainWindow::activateWindow(); //setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized | Qt::WindowActive); //QMainWindow::raise(); } } void PopupChatDialog::getfocus() { QMainWindow::activateWindow(); setWindowState((windowState() & (~Qt::WindowMinimized)) | Qt::WindowActive); QMainWindow::raise(); } void PopupChatDialog::flash() { if(!this->isVisible()) { //QMainWindow::show(); } else { // Want to reduce the interference on other applications. //QMainWindow::activateWindow(); //setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized | Qt::WindowActive); //QMainWindow::raise(); } } void PopupChatDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { if (m_bInsertOnVisible) { insertChatMsgs(); } } void PopupChatDialog::closeEvent (QCloseEvent * event) { Settings->saveWidgetInformation(this); hide(); event->ignore(); } void PopupChatDialog::updateChat() { /* get chat off queue */ /* write it out */ } void PopupChatDialog::onPrivateChatChanged(int list, int type) { if (list == NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_OUTGOING_CHAT && type) { std::list offlineChat; if (rsMsgs->getPrivateChatQueueCount(false) && rsMsgs->getPrivateChatQueue(false, dialogId, offlineChat)) { ui.actionClearOfflineMessages->setEnabled(true); ui.offlineTextBrowser->setVisible(true); std::list::iterator it; for(it = offlineChat.begin(); it != offlineChat.end(); it++) { /* are they public? */ if ((it->chatflags & RS_CHAT_PRIVATE) == 0) { /* this should not happen */ continue; } addChatMsg(it->rsid, it->sendTime, it->msg, true); } } else { ui.actionClearOfflineMessages->setEnabled(false); ui.offlineTextBrowser->setVisible(false); ui.offlineTextBrowser->clear(); } } } void PopupChatDialog::insertChatMsgs() { if (isVisible() == false) { m_bInsertOnVisible = true; return; } m_bInsertOnVisible = false; std::list newchat; if (!rsMsgs->getPrivateChatQueue(true, dialogId, newchat)) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "no chat for " << dialogId << " available." << std::endl ; #endif return; } std::list::iterator it; for(it = newchat.begin(); it != newchat.end(); it++) { /* are they public? */ if ((it->chatflags & RS_CHAT_PRIVATE) == 0) { /* this should not happen */ continue; } addChatMsg(it->rsid, it->sendTime, it->msg, false); } rsMsgs->clearPrivateChatQueue(true, dialogId); playsound(); QApplication::alert(this); } void PopupChatDialog::addChatMsg(std::string &id, uint sendTime, std::wstring &msg, bool offline) { std::string ownId = rsPeers->getOwnId(); QDateTime timestamp = QDateTime::fromTime_t(sendTime); QString name = QString::fromStdString(rsPeers->getPeerName(offline ? ownId : id)); QString message = QString::fromStdWString(msg); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cout << "PopupChatDialog:addChatMsg message : " << message.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif unsigned int formatFlag = CHAT_FORMATMSG_EMBED_LINKS; // embed smileys ? if (Settings->valueFromGroup(QString("Chat"), QString::fromUtf8("Emoteicons_PrivatChat"), true).toBool()) { formatFlag |= CHAT_FORMATMSG_EMBED_SMILEYS; } ChatStyle::enumFormatMessage type = (offline == false && id == ownId) ? ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_INCOMING : ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_OUTGOING; QString formatMsg = style.formatMessage(type, name, timestamp, message, formatFlag); if (offline) { ui.offlineTextBrowser->append(formatMsg); } ui.textBrowser->append(formatMsg); resetStatusBar() ; } bool PopupChatDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (obj == ui.chattextEdit) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { updateStatusTyping() ; QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if (keyEvent && (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return)) { // Enter pressed if (Settings->getChatSendMessageWithCtrlReturn()) { if (keyEvent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // send message with Ctrl+Enter sendChat(); return true; // eat event } } else { if (keyEvent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // insert return ui.chattextEdit->textCursor().insertText("\n"); } else { // send message with Enter sendChat(); } return true; // eat event } } } } // pass the event on to the parent class return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, event); } void PopupChatDialog::sendChat() { QTextEdit *chatWidget = ui.chattextEdit; if (chatWidget->toPlainText().isEmpty()) { // nothing to send return; } std::wstring msg = chatWidget->toHtml().toStdWString(); if (msg.empty()) { // nothing to send return; } std::string ownId; { rsiface->lockData(); /* Lock Interface */ const RsConfig &conf = rsiface->getConfig(); ownId = conf.ownId; rsiface->unlockData(); /* Unlock Interface */ } #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cout << "PopupChatDialog:sendChat " << std::endl; #endif if (rsMsgs->sendPrivateChat(dialogId, msg)) { addChatMsg(ownId, time(NULL), msg, false); } chatWidget->clear(); setFont(); /* redraw send list */ } /** Toggles the ToolBox on and off, changes toggle button text */ void PopupChatDialog::showAvatarFrame(bool show) { if (show) { ui.avatarframe->setVisible(true); ui.avatarFrameButton->setChecked(true); ui.avatarFrameButton->setToolTip(tr("Hide Avatar")); ui.avatarFrameButton->setIcon(QIcon(":images/hide_toolbox_frame.png")); } else { ui.avatarframe->setVisible(false); ui.avatarFrameButton->setChecked(false); ui.avatarFrameButton->setToolTip(tr("Show Avatar")); ui.avatarFrameButton->setIcon(QIcon(":images/show_toolbox_frame.png")); } } void PopupChatDialog::on_closeInfoFrameButton_clicked() { ui.infoframe->setVisible(false); } void PopupChatDialog::setColor() { bool ok; QRgb color = QColorDialog::getRgba(ui.chattextEdit->textColor().rgba(), &ok, this); if (ok) { mCurrentColor = QColor(color); PeerSettings->setPrivateChatColor(dialogId, mCurrentColor.name()); colorChanged(mCurrentColor); } setFont(); } void PopupChatDialog::colorChanged(const QColor &c) { QPixmap pix(16, 16); pix.fill(c); ui.colorButton->setIcon(pix); } void PopupChatDialog::getFont() { bool ok; QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, mCurrentFont, this); if (ok) { fontChanged(font); } } void PopupChatDialog::fontChanged(const QFont &font) { mCurrentFont = font; ui.textboldButton->setChecked(mCurrentFont.bold()); ui.textunderlineButton->setChecked(mCurrentFont.underline()); ui.textitalicButton->setChecked(mCurrentFont.italic()); setFont(); } void PopupChatDialog::setFont() { mCurrentFont.setBold(ui.textboldButton->isChecked()); mCurrentFont.setUnderline(ui.textunderlineButton->isChecked()); mCurrentFont.setItalic(ui.textitalicButton->isChecked()); ui.chattextEdit->setFont(mCurrentFont); ui.chattextEdit->setTextColor(mCurrentColor); ui.chattextEdit->setFocus(); PeerSettings->setPrivateChatFont(dialogId, mCurrentFont.toString()); } //============================================================================ void PopupChatDialog::smileyWidget() { Emoticons::showSmileyWidget(this, ui.emoteiconButton, SLOT(addSmiley()), true); } //============================================================================ void PopupChatDialog::addSmiley() { ui.chattextEdit->textCursor().insertText(qobject_cast(sender())->toolTip().split("|").first()); } //============================================================================ void PopupChatDialog::on_actionClear_Chat_triggered() { ui.textBrowser->clear(); } void PopupChatDialog::updatePeerAvatar(const std::string& peer_id) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "popupchatDialog::updatePeerAvatar() updating avatar for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; std::cerr << "Requesting avatar image for peer " << peer_id << std::endl ; #endif unsigned char *data = NULL; int size = 0 ; rsMsgs->getAvatarData(peer_id,data,size); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Image size = " << size << std::endl; #endif if(size == 0) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Got no image" << std::endl ; #endif ui.avatarlabel->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/no_avatar_background.png")); return ; } // set the image QPixmap pix ; pix.loadFromData(data,size,"PNG") ; ui.avatarlabel->setPixmap(pix); // writes image into ba in JPG format delete[] data ; } void PopupChatDialog::updateAvatar() { unsigned char *data = NULL; int size = 0 ; rsMsgs->getOwnAvatarData(data,size); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Image size = " << size << std::endl ; #endif if(size == 0) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "Got no image" << std::endl ; #endif } // set the image QPixmap pix ; pix.loadFromData(data,size,"PNG") ; ui.myavatarlabel->setPixmap(pix); // writes image into ba in PNGformat delete[] data ; } void PopupChatDialog::getAvatar() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Load File", QDir::homePath(), "Pictures (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { picture = QPixmap(fileName).scaled(96,96, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation); std::cerr << "Sending avatar image down the pipe" << std::endl ; // send avatar down the pipe for other peers to get it. QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(&ba); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); picture.save(&buffer, "PNG"); // writes image into ba in PNG format std::cerr << "Image size = " << ba.size() << std::endl ; rsMsgs->setOwnAvatarData((unsigned char *)(ba.data()),ba.size()) ; // last char 0 included. updateAvatar() ; } } void PopupChatDialog::addExtraFile() { // select a file QString qfile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Add Extra File"), "", "", 0, QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); std::string filePath = qfile.toStdString(); if (filePath != "") { PopupChatDialog::addAttachment(filePath,0); } } void PopupChatDialog::addExtraPicture() { // select a picture file QString qfile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Load Picture File", QDir::homePath(), "Pictures (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)",0, QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); std::string filePath=qfile.toStdString(); if(filePath!="") { PopupChatDialog::addAttachment(filePath,1); //picture } } void PopupChatDialog::addAttachment(std::string filePath,int flag) { /* add a AttachFileItem to the attachment section */ std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::addExtraFile() hashing file."; std::cerr << std::endl; /* add widget in for new destination */ AttachFileItem *file = new AttachFileItem(filePath); //file-> if(flag==1) file->setPicFlag(1); ui.vboxLayout->addWidget(file, 1, 0); //when the file is local or is finished hashing, call the fileHashingFinished method to send a chat message if (file->getState() == AFI_STATE_LOCAL) { fileHashingFinished(file); } else { QObject::connect(file,SIGNAL(fileFinished(AttachFileItem *)), SLOT(fileHashingFinished(AttachFileItem *))) ; } } void PopupChatDialog::fileHashingFinished(AttachFileItem* file) { std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::fileHashingFinished() started."; std::cerr << std::endl; //check that the file is ok tos end if (file->getState() == AFI_STATE_ERROR) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::fileHashingFinished error file is not hashed."; #endif return; } std::string ownId; { rsiface->lockData(); /* Lock Interface */ const RsConfig &conf = rsiface->getConfig(); ownId = conf.ownId; rsiface->unlockData(); /* Unlock Interface */ } QString message; QString ext = QFileInfo(QString::fromStdString(file->FileName())).suffix(); if(file->getPicFlag()==1){ message+="FilePath().c_str(); message+="\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\">"; message+="
"; } else if (ext == "ogg" || ext == "mp3" || ext == "MP3" || ext == "mp1" || ext == "mp2" || ext == "wav" || ext == "wma") { message+=""; message+="
"; } else if (ext == "avi" || ext == "AVI" || ext == "mpg" || ext == "mpeg" || ext == "wmv" || ext == "ogm" || ext == "mkv" || ext == "mp4" || ext == "flv" || ext == "mov" || ext == "vob" || ext == "qt" || ext == "rm" || ext == "3gp") { message+=""; message+="
"; } else if (ext == "tar" || ext == "bz2" || ext == "zip" || ext == "gz" || ext == "7z" || ext == "rar" || ext == "rpm" || ext == "deb") { message+=""; message+="
"; } message+= RetroShareLink(QString::fromUtf8(file->FileName().c_str()),file->FileSize(),QString::fromStdString(file->FileHash())).toHtmlSize(); #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::anchorClicked message : " << message.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif std::wstring msg = message.toStdWString(); if (rsMsgs->sendPrivateChat(dialogId, msg)) { addChatMsg(ownId, time(NULL), msg, false); } } void PopupChatDialog::anchorClicked (const QUrl& link ) { #ifdef CHAT_DEBUG std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::anchorClicked link.scheme() : " << link.scheme().toStdString() << std::endl; #endif std::list srcIds; RetroShareLink::processUrl(link, RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ALL); } void PopupChatDialog::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (!(Qt::CopyAction & event->possibleActions())) { std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dropEvent() Rejecting uncopyable DropAction"; std::cerr << std::endl; /* can't do it */ return; } std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dropEvent() Formats"; std::cerr << std::endl; QStringList formats = event->mimeData()->formats(); QStringList::iterator it; for(it = formats.begin(); it != formats.end(); it++) { std::cerr << "Format: " << (*it).toStdString(); std::cerr << std::endl; } if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dropEvent() Urls:"; std::cerr << std::endl; QList urls = event->mimeData()->urls(); QList::iterator uit; for(uit = urls.begin(); uit != urls.end(); uit++) { QString localpath = uit->toLocalFile(); std::cerr << "Whole URL: " << uit->toString().toStdString() << std::endl; std::cerr << "or As Local File: " << localpath.toStdString() << std::endl; if (localpath.isEmpty() == false) { //Check that the file does exist and is not a directory QDir dir(localpath); if (dir.exists()) { std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dropEvent() directory not accepted."<< std::endl; QMessageBox mb(tr("Drop file error."), tr("Directory can't be dropped, only files are accepted."),QMessageBox::Information,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Ok, "OK" ); mb.exec(); } else if (QFile::exists(localpath)) { PopupChatDialog::addAttachment(localpath.toUtf8().constData(), false); } else { std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dropEvent() file does not exists."<< std::endl; QMessageBox mb(tr("Drop file error."), tr("File not found or file name not accepted."),QMessageBox::Information,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Ok, "OK" ); mb.exec(); } } } } event->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); event->accept(); } void PopupChatDialog::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { /* print out mimeType */ std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dragEnterEvent() Formats"; std::cerr << std::endl; QStringList formats = event->mimeData()->formats(); QStringList::iterator it; for(it = formats.begin(); it != formats.end(); it++) { std::cerr << "Format: " << (*it).toStdString(); std::cerr << std::endl; } if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dragEnterEvent() Accepting Urls"; std::cerr << std::endl; event->acceptProposedAction(); } else { std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::dragEnterEvent() No Urls"; std::cerr << std::endl; } } bool PopupChatDialog::fileSave() { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return fileSaveAs(); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) return false; QTextStream ts(&file); ts.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); ts << ui.textBrowser->document()->toPlainText(); ui.textBrowser->document()->setModified(false); return true; } bool PopupChatDialog::fileSaveAs() { QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save as..."), QString(), tr("Text File (*.txt );;All Files (*)")); if (fn.isEmpty()) return false; setCurrentFileName(fn); return fileSave(); } void PopupChatDialog::setCurrentFileName(const QString &fileName) { this->fileName = fileName; ui.textBrowser->document()->setModified(false); setWindowModified(false); } void PopupChatDialog::clearOfflineMessages() { rsMsgs->clearPrivateChatQueue(false, dialogId); } void PopupChatDialog::updateStatus(const QString &peer_id, int status) { std::string stdPeerId = peer_id.toStdString(); /* set font size for status */ if (stdPeerId == dialogId) { // the peers status has changed switch (status) { case RS_STATUS_OFFLINE: ui.avatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#avatarlabel{ border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_offline.png); }"); ui.avatarlabel->setEnabled(false); ui.infoframe->setVisible(true); ui.infolabel->setText( QString::fromStdString(dialogName) + " " + tr("apears to be Offline.") +"\n" + tr("Messages you send will be delivered after Friend is again Online")); break; case RS_STATUS_INACTIVE: ui.avatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#avatarlabel{ border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_away.png); }"); ui.avatarlabel->setEnabled(true); ui.infoframe->setVisible(true); ui.infolabel->setText( QString::fromStdString(dialogName) + " " + tr("is Idle and may not reply")); break; case RS_STATUS_ONLINE: ui.avatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#avatarlabel{ border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_online.png); }"); ui.avatarlabel->setEnabled(true); ui.infoframe->setVisible(false); break; case RS_STATUS_AWAY: ui.avatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#avatarlabel{ border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_away.png); }"); ui.avatarlabel->setEnabled(true); ui.infolabel->setText( QString::fromStdString(dialogName) + " " + tr("is Away and may not reply")); ui.infoframe->setVisible(true); break; case RS_STATUS_BUSY: ui.avatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#avatarlabel{ border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_busy.png); }"); ui.avatarlabel->setEnabled(true); ui.infolabel->setText( QString::fromStdString(dialogName) + " " + tr("is Busy and may not reply")); ui.infoframe->setVisible(true); break; } QString statusString("%1"); ui.friendnamelabel->setText( QString::fromStdString(dialogName) + " (" + statusString.arg(StatusDefs::name(status)) + ")") ; return; } if (stdPeerId == rsPeers->getOwnId()) { // my status has changed switch (status) { case RS_STATUS_OFFLINE: ui.myavatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#myavatarlabel{border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_offline.png); }"); break; case RS_STATUS_INACTIVE: ui.myavatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#myavatarlabel{border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_away.png); }"); break; case RS_STATUS_ONLINE: ui.myavatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#myavatarlabel{border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_online.png); }"); break; case RS_STATUS_AWAY: ui.myavatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#myavatarlabel{border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_away.png); }"); break; case RS_STATUS_BUSY: ui.myavatarlabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel#myavatarlabel{border-image:url(:/images/avatarstatus_bg_busy.png); }"); break; } return; } // ignore status change } void PopupChatDialog::updatePeersCustomStateString(const QString& peer_id, const QString& status_string) { std::string stdPeerId = peer_id.toStdString(); if (stdPeerId == dialogId) { // the peers status string has changed if (status_string.isEmpty()) { ui.statusmessagelabel->hide(); } else { ui.statusmessagelabel->show(); ui.statusmessagelabel->setText(status_string); } } }