# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0107 header_name {.h} code_name {.cxx} class UserInterface {open } { Function {make_windows()} {open } { Fl_Window main_win { label RetroShare open xywh {10 180 710 535} type Double box DOWN_BOX visible } { Fl_Tabs gui_tabs {open xywh {10 10 690 470} box UP_BOX } { Fl_Group neighbours_tab { label Connect xywh {15 40 680 435} labelfont 1 } { Fl_Button {} { label {Load Certificate from File} callback file_import xywh {50 439 280 31} } Fl_Browser cert_neighbour_list { callback cert_neighbour_list_select xywh {25 70 350 355} type Hold textfont 4 code0 {\#include "Fl_Funky_Browser.h"} class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Button neigh_add_button { label {Sign + Add to Friends >>>} callback cert_move_to_friends xywh {420 440 240 30} } Fl_Box {} { label {Your Neighbour List} xywh {35 49 290 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } Fl_Input neigh_authcode { label {AUTH CODE:} callback neigh_auth_callback selected xywh {540 397 70 30} labelfont 1 } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {390 54 295 305} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Box {} { label {Peer Details} xywh {395 65 125 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 16 } Fl_Browser neigh_signers { label {Certificate signers} callback cert_neigh_signers_select xywh {440 195 225 140} type Hold textfont 4 resizable } Fl_Output neigh_name { label {Name:} xywh {450 90 226 20} } Fl_Output neigh_org { label {Org:} xywh {450 115 226 20} } Fl_Output neigh_loc { label {Loc:} xywh {450 140 225 20} } Fl_Output neigh_country { label {Country:} xywh {495 165 168 20} } Fl_Output neigh_trust { label {Trust:} xywh {565 65 110 20} } } Fl_Box neigh_auth_notice { label {AUTH CODE REQUIRED} xywh {405 369 270 26} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 18 labelcolor 95 } } Fl_Group connect_tab { label Friends xywh {15 40 680 435} labelfont 1 hide } { Fl_Button {} { label {<<< Remove Friend} callback cert_remove_cert xywh {62 440 185 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {Configure Friend} callback cert_show_config xywh {264 440 185 25} } Fl_Browser cert_list { callback cert_list_select xywh {25 70 660 360} type Hold textfont 4 code0 {\#include "Fl_Funky_Browser.h"} class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Button {} { label {Export Friend} callback file_export xywh {466 440 185 25} } Fl_Box {} { label {Your Friends } xywh {190 50 340 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } } Fl_Group {} { label {File Listing} xywh {15 40 680 435} labelfont 1 hide } { Fl_File_Browser file_results { callback file_result_select xywh {25 50 660 380} } Fl_Button file_download_button { label Download callback file_download xywh {65 440 185 25} } Fl_Button file_recommend_button { label {Recommend to Friends} callback file_recommend xywh {465 440 185 25} deactivate } Fl_Button file_channel_button { label {Broadcast on Channel} callback file_channel_broadcast xywh {265 440 185 25} deactivate } } Fl_Group {} { label {Search } xywh {15 40 680 435} labelfont 1 hide } { Fl_Input new_search { label {Terms:} callback do_new_search xywh {105 50 225 25} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button {} { label {Remove Search} callback search_remove xywh {535 50 125 25} } Fl_Button recommend_button { label {Recommend to Friends} callback search_recommend xywh {460 440 185 25} deactivate } Fl_Browser srch_results { callback search_result_select xywh {25 80 660 350} type Hold code0 {\#include "Fl_Funky_Browser.h"} class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Button search_button { label Search callback do_search_button xywh {340 50 79 25} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button download_button { label Download callback search_download xywh {60 440 185 25} } Fl_Button search_channel_button { label {Broadcast on Channel} callback search_channel_broadcast xywh {260 440 185 25} deactivate } } Fl_Group {} { label {File Transfer} open xywh {15 40 680 435} hide } { Fl_Browser transfer_downloads { callback transfer_select xywh {25 50 660 250} type Hold class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Button transfer_cancel { label Cancel callback file_transfer_cancel xywh {70 310 165 25} } Fl_Button transfer_clear { label {Clear Finished} callback file_transfer_clear xywh {275 310 155 25} } Fl_Text_Display transfer_overview { xywh {25 345 450 120} textfont 5 } Fl_Counter rate_total { label {Max Total Data Rate (kB/s)} callback file_transfer_total_rate xywh {510 380 135 25} } Fl_Counter rate_indiv { label {Rate Per Person (kB/s)} callback file_transfer_indiv_rate xywh {510 425 135 25} } } Fl_Group {} { label Messages xywh {15 40 680 435} labelfont 1 hide deactivate } { Fl_Browser msg_list { callback msg_select xywh {25 65 660 270} type Hold class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Button {} { label {New Msg} callback msg_dialog_show xywh {45 350 125 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {Reply to Msg} callback msg_dialog_reply xywh {45 380 125 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {(2) -- Get The Recommended File} callback msg_get_recommendation xywh {245 450 380 25} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button {} { label {Remove Msg} callback msg_remove xywh {45 410 125 25} } Fl_Text_Display msg_details { xywh {180 340 485 105} textfont 5 } Fl_Box {} { label {(1) -- Select Message} xywh {55 45 305 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } } Fl_Group channels { label Channels xywh {15 40 680 435} hide deactivate } { Fl_Browser channel_list { callback channel_list_select xywh {25 80 660 225} type Hold code0 {\#include "Fl_Funky_Browser.h"} class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Box {} { label {Available Channels} xywh {40 61 170 19} labelfont 1 } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {25 310 655 160} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Browser channel_file_list { callback channel_file_list_select xywh {35 345 635 120} code0 {\#include "Fl_Funky_Browser.h"} class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Output channel_selected_name { label {Msgs on Channel} xywh {185 315 270 25} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button channel_show_button { label {Show Msg Details} callback channel_show_callback xywh {485 315 160 25} } } Fl_Button channel_delete_button { label {Delete Channel} callback channel_delete_callback xywh {290 50 160 25} } Fl_Button channel_create_button { label {Create Channel Msg} callback channel_create xywh {475 50 160 25} } } Fl_Group {} { label Config xywh {15 40 680 435} hide } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {460 55 210 80} box DOWN_BOX hide } { Fl_Check_Button config_local_disc { label {local discovery} xywh {490 80 145 25} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Check_Button config_remote_disc { label {remote discovery} xywh {490 100 145 25} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Box {} { label {Discovery Options:} xywh {470 60 165 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {25 225 405 240} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Browser config_search_dir { xywh {40 245 355 105} type Hold } Fl_Button {} { label {Add Directory} callback config_add_dir xywh {40 370 135 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {Remove Directory} callback config_remove_dir xywh {40 400 135 25} } Fl_Output config_save_dir { label {Save Directory} xywh {145 435 250 20} } Fl_Button {} { label {Select save directory} callback config_save_dir_change xywh {230 405 165 25} } Fl_Box {} { label {Share Directories:} xywh {41 230 174 15} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {25 55 405 160} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Input config_local_addr { label {Local Address:} xywh {165 80 130 20} } Fl_Value_Input config_local_port { label {Port:} xywh {335 80 60 20} } Fl_Input config_server_addr { label {External Address:} xywh {165 145 130 25} } Fl_Value_Input config_server_port { label {Port:} xywh {335 145 60 25} } Fl_Check_Button config_firewall { label {behind firewall} callback config_server_update xywh {195 100 190 25} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Check_Button config_forward { label {forwarded external port} callback config_server_update xywh {195 120 190 25} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Box {} { label {Server Settings:} xywh {45 60 150 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } Fl_Button config_server_button { label {Change + Restart Server} callback config_server_change xywh {185 180 190 25} } } Fl_Button {} { label {Save Configuration} callback cert_save_config xywh {485 434 170 25} } } Fl_Group about_help_tab { label About xywh {15 40 680 435} hide } { Fl_Help_View help_view { xywh {25 50 660 415} } } } Fl_Value_Output onlinecounter { label {\#Online:} xywh {100 485 35 20} } Fl_Value_Output {} { label {New Msgs:} xywh {100 505 35 20} } Fl_Button {} { label Hide callback gui_quit xywh {605 490 85 30} } Fl_Text_Display {} { xywh {140 485 360 40} } Fl_Button chat_button { label Chat callback chat_open_callback xywh {510 490 85 30} } } Fl_Window msg_dialog { label {Msg Dialog} xywh {1 30 580 355} type Double hide } { Fl_Check_Browser msg_online { xywh {20 25 140 215} } Fl_Button msg_button_select { label {Select All/None} callback msg_toggle_select xywh {20 240 140 25} } Fl_Text_Editor msg_text { label {(1) -- Enter Message Text:} xywh {175 25 385 240} labelfont 1 } Fl_Output msg_recommend { label {Recommendation:} xywh {175 275 385 30} } Fl_Button {} { label {(2) -- Send Msg} callback msg_send xywh {245 315 160 30} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button {} { label Cancel callback msg_dialog_hide xywh {415 315 115 30} } } Fl_Window cert_config { label {Certificate Configuration} xywh {168 116 430 535} type Double hide } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {10 10 410 490} box UP_BOX } { Fl_Group {} { xywh {25 355 380 135} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Input cert_server { label {Server Address:} xywh {155 430 130 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {Save and attempt to Connect} callback cert_save_n_connect xywh {165 460 220 25} } Fl_Button {} { label {Save Address} callback cert_save_servaddr xywh {35 460 115 25} } Fl_Value_Input cert_port { label {Port:} xywh {325 430 60 25} } Fl_Check_Button cert_connect { label {Outgoing Connections (Server Address Required)} callback cert_connect_change xywh {30 410 365 20} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Check_Button cert_allow { label {Allow Access} callback cert_allow_change xywh {30 380 115 20} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Check_Button cert_listen { label {Listen for connection} callback cert_listen_change xywh {30 395 170 20} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Check_Button cert_local { label {Local Network} callback cert_local_change xywh {220 385 130 20} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Check_Button cert_auto { label {Auto Connect} callback cert_auto_change xywh {220 362 140 20} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 } Fl_Box {} { label {Connectivity Options:} xywh {32 363 190 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } } Fl_Output cert_status { label {Status:} xywh {80 20 130 25} } Fl_Text_Display cert_details { xywh {25 50 380 210} } Fl_Group {} { xywh {25 267 380 82} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Button cert_sign_button { label {Sign Certificate} callback cert_sign xywh {239 295 145 29} } Fl_Check_Button cert_trust_person { label {Trust This Person's Signature} callback cert_trust_person_change xywh {95 323 230 25} down_box DOWN_BOX } Fl_Input cert_authcode { label {AUTH CODE:} callback cert_auth_callback xywh {145 295 80 28} labelfont 1 when 1 } Fl_Box {} { label {Authenticate Friend By Entering Their Code} xywh {35 272 360 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } } Fl_Output cert_trust { label {Trust:} xywh {260 20 140 25} } } Fl_Button {} { label Done callback cert_hide_config xywh {305 505 100 25} } } Fl_Window {} { xywh {-32000 -32000 360 290} type Double hide } { Fl_Group file_chooser { callback file_chooser_select open xywh {5 5 350 280} code0 {\#include } class Fl_File_Chooser } {} } Fl_Window welcome_window { label {RetroShare Setup} xywh {618 195 405 580} type Double hide } { Fl_Group {} {open xywh {10 10 385 35} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Box {} { label {Welcome to RetroShare} xywh {85 15 230 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 16 } } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {10 55 385 140} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Box {} { label {Please login ....} xywh {75 65 285 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } Fl_Output load_name { label {Name:} xywh {90 90 250 25} } Fl_Input load_passwd { label Password callback load_passwd_callback xywh {90 125 250 25} type Secret when 8 } Fl_Button load_button { label {Load Existing User} callback load_existing xywh {110 160 210 30} } } Fl_Group {} {open xywh {10 205 385 365} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Box {} { label {Or create a New User...} xywh {55 210 300 20} box FLAT_BOX labelfont 1 } Fl_Group {} { xywh {50 360 300 5} box UP_BOX } {} Fl_Group {} { xywh {50 440 300 5} box UP_BOX } {} Fl_Group {} { xywh {50 511 300 5} box UP_BOX } {} Fl_Input gen_name { label {Name:} xywh {120 235 250 25} } Fl_Input gen_org { label {Organisation:} xywh {120 265 250 25} } Fl_Input gen_loc { label {Location:} xywh {120 295 250 25} } Fl_Input gen_country { label {Country:} xywh {120 325 250 25} } Fl_Input gen_passwd { label {New Password} xywh {170 375 130 25} type Secret } Fl_Input gen_passwd2 { label {Password (Again)} xywh {170 405 130 25} type Secret } Fl_Check_Button gen_trusted_tick_box { label {Load Trusted Certificate (Optional)} callback gen_trusted_tick_callback xywh {50 450 305 20} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 } Fl_Output gen_trusted_peer { label {Friend:} xywh {105 474 135 25} } Fl_Button gen_trusted_select_button { label {Select File} callback gen_load_trusted xywh {252 470 93 30} } Fl_Button gen_button { label {Generate New Certificate} callback generate_certificate xywh {100 528 210 30} } } } Fl_Window chatter_window { label ChatterBox xywh {457 94 455 435} type Double hide } { Fl_Text_Display chatter_box { xywh {5 10 445 370} } Fl_Input chatter_input { callback chatterbox_message xywh {5 390 445 40} when 8 } } Fl_Window alert_window { label Alerts xywh {46 543 540 200} type Double hide } { Fl_Return_Button alert_okay { label OK callback alert_okay_msg xywh {75 175 180 20} } Fl_Text_Display alert_box { xywh {15 5 515 165} } Fl_Button alert_cancel { label Cancel callback alert_cancel_msg xywh {270 175 180 20} labelfont 3 labelsize 16 labelcolor 80 } } Fl_Window channel_create_window { label {Create New Channel Msg} xywh {30 127 460 535} type Double hide } { Fl_Browser chan_createmsg_filelist { callback chan_createmsg_list_select xywh {10 195 440 265} type Hold code0 {\#include "Fl_Funky_Browser.h"} class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Button chan_createmsg_sendmsg_button { label {Send Msg} callback chan_createmsg_sendmsg_callback xywh {25 500 125 25} } Fl_Button chan_createmsg_postpone_button { label {Postpone Msg} callback chan_createmsg_postpone_callback xywh {165 500 125 25} } Fl_Button chan_createmsg_cancel_button { label {Cancel Msg} callback chan_createmsg_cancel_callback xywh {305 500 125 25} } Fl_Text_Editor chan_createmsg_msg { xywh {10 110 440 75} } Fl_Box {} { label {Message Text:} xywh {10 91 135 19} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button chan_createmsg_remove_button { label {Remove File} callback chan_createmsg_remove_callback xywh {305 470 125 25} } Fl_Group {} { xywh {10 5 440 80} box DOWN_BOX } { Fl_Input chan_createmsg_newname { callback chan_createmsg_newname_callback xywh {155 50 280 25} } Fl_Output chan_createmsg_title { xywh {155 15 280 25} } Fl_Round_Button chan_createmsg_newname_button { label {Create Channel} callback chan_createmsg_newname_button_callback xywh {20 55 135 20} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Round_Button chan_createmsg_title_button { label {Active Channel} callback chan_createmsg_title_button_callback xywh {20 15 135 20} type Radio down_box ROUND_DOWN_BOX } Fl_Box {} { label OR xywh {45 33 70 22} labelfont 3 } } } Fl_Window channel_details_window { label {Channel Msg Details} xywh {714 557 460 445} type Double hide } { Fl_Browser chan_msgdetails_filelist { callback chan_msgdetails_list_select xywh {10 146 440 255} type Hold code0 {\#include "Fl_Funky_Browser.h"} class Fl_Funky_Browser } Fl_Button chan_msgdetails_download_button { label {Download Files} callback chan_msgdetails_download_callback xywh {165 410 125 25} } Fl_Box {} { label {Message Text:} xywh {10 42 135 19} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button chan_msgdetails_subscribe_button { label {Subscribe } callback chan_msgdetails_subscribe_callback xywh {25 410 125 25} } Fl_Output chan_msgdetails_title { label Channel xywh {75 10 210 25} labelfont 1 } Fl_Text_Display chan_msgdetails_msg { xywh {10 61 440 75} } Fl_Output chan_msgdetails_date { label Date xywh {330 10 120 25} labelfont 1 } Fl_Button chan_msgdetails_close_button { label {Close WIndow} callback chan_msgdetails_close_callback xywh {305 410 125 25} } } } }