import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import "." // To load styles import "./components" Item { id: chatBubbleDelegate height: bubble.height width: parent.width property var styles: StyleChat.bubble Rectangle { id: rootBubble anchors.fill: parent width: parent.width height: parent.height Rectangle { id: bubble width: Math.min ( rootBubble.width * styles.bubbleMaxWidth, Math.max(mesageText.implicitWidth, sendersName.implicitWidth ) ) + timeText.implicitWidth + styles.aditionalBubbleWidth height: mesageText.height + sendersName.height + styles.aditionalBubbleHeight anchors.left: (model.incoming)? parent.left : undefined anchors.right: (!model.incoming)? parent.right : undefined color: (!model.incoming)? styles.colorOutgoing : styles.colorIncoming radius: styles.radius Text { id: sendersName visible: model.incoming text: (model.incoming)? model.author_name + ":" : "" color: styles.colorSenderName font.bold: true anchors.leftMargin: styles.lMarginBubble anchors.rightMargin: styles.rMarginBubble anchors.topMargin: styles.tMarginBubble anchors.left: (model.incoming)? parent.left : undefined anchors.right:(!model.incoming)? parent.right : undefined // Used for give minimum heigh to time when the message is bigger than the bubble in sended messages height: (model.incoming || !model.incoming && mesageText.implicitWidth >= (rootBubble.width * styles.bubbleMaxWidth) )? implicitHeight : 0 } Text { id: timeText text: getMessageTime() color: styles.colorMessageTime anchors.left: (!model.incoming)? parent.left : undefined anchors.right:(model.incoming)? parent.right : undefined anchors.leftMargin: styles.lMarginBubble anchors.rightMargin: styles.rMarginBubble anchors.topMargin: styles.tMarginBubble } Text { id: mesageText text: model.msg width: rootBubble.width * styles.bubbleMaxWidth + timeText.width anchors.left: (model.incoming)? parent.left : undefined anchors.right:(!model.incoming)? parent.right : undefined sendersName.bottom anchors.leftMargin: styles.lMarginBubble anchors.rightMargin: styles.rMarginBubble // Used for the correct alineation when the message must be on right horizontalAlignment:(!model.incoming && mesageText.implicitWidth <= (rootBubble.width * styles.bubbleMaxWidth) )? Text.AlignRight : Text.AlignLeft wrapMode: Text.Wrap } } } function getMessageTime() { var timeFormat = "hh:mm"; var recvDate = new Date(model.recv_time*1000) var timeString = Qt.formatDateTime(recvDate, timeFormat) return timeString } }