:: Process commandline parameter set ParamRelease=0 set ParamDebug=0 set ParamAutologin=0 set ParamPlugins=0 set ParamTor=0 :parameter_loop if "%~1" NEQ "" ( for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ("%~1") do ( if "%%~a"=="release" ( set ParamRelease=1 ) else if "%%~a"=="debug" ( set ParamDebug=1 ) else if "%%~a"=="autologin" ( set ParamAutologin=1 ) else if "%%~a"=="plugins" ( set ParamPlugins=1 ) else if "%%~a"=="tor" ( set ParamTor=1 ) else ( echo. echo Unknown parameter %1 goto :usage ) ) shift /1 goto parameter_loop ) if "%ParamRelease%"=="1" ( if "%ParamDebug%"=="1" ( echo. echo Release or Debug? goto :usage ) set RsBuildConfig=release ) else if "%ParamDebug%"=="1" ( set RsBuildConfig=debug ) else goto :usage if "%ParamTor%"=="1" ( set RsType=-tor ) else ( set RsType= ) set BuildPath=%EnvRootPath%\builds set DeployPath=%EnvRootPath%\deploy if not exist "%BuildPath%" mkdir "%BuildPath%" if not exist "%DeployPath%" mkdir "%DeployPath%" :: Check Qt environment set QtPath= call "%ToolsPath%\find-in-path.bat" QtPath qmake.exe if "%QtPath%"=="" %cecho% error "Please run command in the Qt Command Prompt." & exit /B 1 :: Check MinGW environment set MinGWPath= call "%ToolsPath%\find-in-path.bat" MinGWPath gcc.exe if "%MinGWPath%"=="" %cecho% error "Please run command in the Qt Command Prompt." & exit /B 1 :: Get Qt version call "%ToolsPath%\get-qt-version.bat" QtVersion if "%QtVersion%"=="" %cecho% error "Cannot get Qt version." & exit /B 1 :: Get gcc versions call "%ToolsPath%\get-gcc-version.bat" GCCVersion GCCArchitecture if "%GCCVersion%"=="" %cecho% error "Cannot get gcc version." & exit /B 1 if "%GCCArchitecture%"=="" %cecho% error "Cannot get gcc architecture." & exit /B 1 set BuildLibsPath=%EnvRootPath%\build-libs\gcc-%GCCVersion%\%GCCArchitecture% set RsBuildPath=%BuildPath%\Qt-%QtVersion%-%GCCArchitecture%-%RsBuildConfig% set RsDeployPath=%DeployPath%\Qt-%QtVersion%%RsType%-%GCCArchitecture%-%RsBuildConfig% set RsPackPath=%DeployPath% set RsArchiveAdd= if not exist "%~dp0env-mod.bat" goto no_mod call "%~dp0env-mod.bat" if errorlevel 1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% :no_mod exit /B 0 :usage echo. echo Usage: release^|debug [version autologin plugins] echo. echo Mandatory parameter echo release^|debug Build release or debug version echo. echo Optional parameter (need clean when changed) echo autologin Build with autologin echo plugins Build plugins echo. echo Parameter for pack echo tor Pack tor version echo. exit /B 2