#ifndef RETROSHARE_PEER_GUI_INTERFACE_H #define RETROSHARE_PEER_GUI_INTERFACE_H /* * libretroshare/src/rsiface: rspeer.h * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2004-2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include /* The Main Interface Class - for information about your Peers * A peer is another RS instance, means associated with an SSL certificate * A same GPG person can have multiple peer running with different SSL certs signed by the same GPG key * Thus a peer have SSL cert details, and also the parent GPG details */ class RsPeers; extern RsPeers *rsPeers; /* Trust Levels */ const uint32_t RS_TRUST_LVL_NONE = 2; const uint32_t RS_TRUST_LVL_MARGINAL = 3; const uint32_t RS_TRUST_LVL_FULL = 4; const uint32_t RS_TRUST_LVL_ULTIMATE = 5; /* Net Mode */ const uint32_t RS_NETMODE_UDP = 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_NETMODE_UPNP = 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_NETMODE_EXT = 0x0003; const uint32_t RS_NETMODE_UNREACHABLE = 0x0004; /* Visibility */ const uint32_t RS_VS_DHT_ON = 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_VS_DISC_ON = 0x0002; /* State */ const uint32_t RS_PEER_STATE_FRIEND = 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_PEER_STATE_ONLINE = 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED = 0x0004; const uint32_t RS_PEER_STATE_UNREACHABLE= 0x0008; /* A couple of helper functions for translating the numbers games */ std::string RsPeerTrustString(uint32_t trustLvl); std::string RsPeerStateString(uint32_t state); std::string RsPeerNetModeString(uint32_t netModel); std::string RsPeerLastConnectString(uint32_t lastConnect); /* Details class */ class RsPeerDetails { public: RsPeerDetails(); /* Auth details */ bool isOnlyGPGdetail; std::string id; std::string gpg_id; std::string name; std::string email; std::string location; std::string org; std::string issuer; std::string fpr; /* pgp fingerprint */ std::string authcode; std::list gpgSigners; uint32_t trustLvl; uint32_t validLvl; bool ownsign; /* we have signed the remote peer GPG key */ bool hasSignedMe; /* the remote peer has signed my GPG key */ bool accept_connection; /* Network details (only valid if friend) */ uint32_t state; std::string localAddr; uint16_t localPort; std::string extAddr; uint16_t extPort; std::list ipAddressList; uint32_t netMode; uint32_t tryNetMode; /* only for ownState */ uint32_t visState; /* basic stats */ uint32_t lastConnect; /* how long ago */ std::string autoconnect; uint32_t connectPeriod; }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RsPeerDetails &detail); class RsPeers { public: RsPeers() { return; } virtual ~RsPeers() { return; } /* Updates ... */ virtual bool FriendsChanged() = 0; virtual bool OthersChanged() = 0; /* Peer Details (Net & Auth) */ virtual std::string getOwnId() = 0; virtual bool getOnlineList(std::list &ssl_ids) = 0; virtual bool getFriendList(std::list &ssl_ids) = 0; //virtual bool getOthersList(std::list &ssl_ids) = 0; virtual bool isOnline(std::string ssl_id) = 0; virtual bool isFriend(std::string ssl_id) = 0; virtual bool isGPGAccepted(std::string gpg_id_is_friend) = 0; // virtual std::string getPeerName(std::string ssl_or_gpg_id) = 0; virtual std::string getGPGName(std::string gpg_id) = 0; virtual bool getPeerDetails(std::string ssl_or_gpg_id, RsPeerDetails &d) = 0; //get Peer detail accept SSL and PGP certs /* Using PGP Ids */ virtual std::string getGPGOwnId() = 0; virtual std::string getGPGId(std::string sslid_or_gpgid) = 0; //return the gpg id of the given gpg or ssl id virtual bool getGPGAcceptedList(std::list &gpg_ids) = 0; virtual bool getGPGSignedList(std::list &gpg_ids) = 0;//friends that we accpet to connect with but we don't want to sign their gpg key virtual bool getGPGValidList(std::list &gpg_ids) = 0; virtual bool getGPGAllList(std::list &gpg_ids) = 0; virtual bool getGPGDetails(std::string gpg_id, RsPeerDetails &d) = 0; virtual bool getSSLChildListOfGPGId(std::string gpg_id, std::list &ssl_ids) = 0; /* Add/Remove Friends */ virtual bool addFriend(std::string ssl_id, std::string gpg_id) = 0; virtual bool addDummyFriend(std::string gpg_id) = 0; //we want to add a empty ssl friend for this gpg id virtual bool isDummyFriend(std::string ssl_id) = 0; virtual bool removeFriend(std::string ssl_or_gpg_id) = 0; /* Network Stuff */ virtual bool connectAttempt(std::string ssl_id) = 0; virtual bool setLocation(std::string ssl_id, std::string location) = 0;//location is shown in the gui to differentiate ssl certs virtual bool setLocalAddress(std::string ssl_id, std::string addr, uint16_t port) = 0; virtual bool setExtAddress( std::string ssl_id, std::string addr, uint16_t port) = 0; virtual bool setNetworkMode(std::string ssl_id, uint32_t netMode) = 0; virtual bool setVisState(std::string ssl_id, uint32_t vis) = 0; virtual void getIPServersList(std::list& ip_servers) = 0; virtual void allowServerIPDetermination(bool) = 0; virtual void allowTunnelConnection(bool) = 0; virtual bool getAllowServerIPDetermination() = 0 ; virtual bool getAllowTunnelConnection() = 0 ; /* Auth Stuff */ virtual std::string GetRetroshareInvite() = 0; virtual bool loadCertificateFromFile(std::string fname, std::string &ssl_id, std::string &gpg_id) = 0; virtual bool loadDetailsFromStringCert(std::string certGPG, RsPeerDetails &pd) = 0; virtual bool saveCertificateToFile(std::string id, std::string fname) = 0; virtual std::string saveCertificateToString(std::string id) = 0; virtual bool setAcceptToConnectGPGCertificate(std::string gpg_id, bool acceptance) = 0; virtual bool signGPGCertificate(std::string gpg_id) = 0; virtual bool trustGPGCertificate(std::string gpg_id, uint32_t trustlvl) = 0; }; #endif