/******************************************************************************* * libretroshare/src/retroshare: rsinit.cc * * * * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Robert Fernie * * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Gioacchino Mazzurco * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ /// RetroShare initialization and login API implementation #include #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS // for locking instances #include #else #include "util/rswin.h" #endif #ifdef __ANDROID__ # include // To install bdboot.txt # include // for QString::fromStdString(...) #endif #include "util/argstream.h" #include "util/rsdebug.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/rsrandom.h" #include "util/folderiterator.h" #include "util/rsstring.h" #include "retroshare/rsinit.h" #include "retroshare/rsnotify.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" #include "plugins/pluginmanager.h" #include "retroshare/rsversion.h" #include "rsserver/rsloginhandler.h" #include "rsserver/rsaccounts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gxstunnel/p3gxstunnel.h" #include "retroshare/rsgxsdistsync.h" #include "file_sharing/p3filelists.h" #define ENABLE_GROUTER #if (defined(__unix__) || defined(unix)) && !defined(USG) #include #endif // This needs to be defined here, because when USE_BITDHT is unset, the variable, that is defined in libbitdht (not compiled!) will be missing. #ifndef RS_USE_BITDHT RsDht *rsDht = NULL ; #endif // for blocking signals #include #include #include "pqi/authssl.h" #include "pqi/sslfns.h" #include "pqi/authgpg.h" #ifdef ENABLE_GROUTER #include "grouter/p3grouter.h" #endif #ifdef RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER #include "tcponudp/udpstunner.h" #endif // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER #ifdef RS_GXS_TRANS # include "gxstrans/p3gxstrans.h" #endif #ifdef RS_JSONAPI # include "jsonapi/jsonapi.h" #endif #ifdef RS_BROADCAST_DISCOVERY # include "retroshare/rsbroadcastdiscovery.h" # include "services/broadcastdiscoveryservice.h" #endif // def RS_BROADCAST_DISCOVERY // #define GPG_DEBUG // #define AUTHSSL_DEBUG // #define FIM_DEBUG // #define DEBUG_RSINIT //std::map > RsInit::unsupported_keys ; RsLoginHelper* rsLoginHelper = nullptr; RsAccounts* rsAccounts = nullptr; const RsInitErrorCategory RsInitErrorCategory::instance; RsConfigOptions::RsConfigOptions() : autoLogin(false), udpListenerOnly(false), forcedInetAddress(""), /* inet address to use.*/ forcedPort(0), outStderr(false), debugLevel(5) #ifdef RS_JSONAPI ,jsonApiPort(0) // JSonAPI server is enabled in each main() ,jsonApiBindAddress("") #endif { } struct RsInitConfig { RsInitConfig() #ifdef RS_JSONAPI : jsonApiPort(JsonApiServer::DEFAULT_PORT), jsonApiBindAddress("") #endif {} RsFileHash main_executable_hash; #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS bool portable; bool isWindowsXP; #endif rs_lock_handle_t lockHandle; std::string passwd; std::string gxs_passwd; bool autoLogin; /* autoLogin allowed */ bool startMinimised; /* Icon or Full Window */ /* Key Parameters that must be set before * RetroShare will start up: */ /* Listening Port */ bool forceExtPort; bool forceLocalAddr; unsigned short port; std::string inet ; /* v0.6 features */ bool hiddenNodeSet; std::string hiddenNodeAddress; uint16_t hiddenNodePort; bool hiddenNodeI2PBOB; /* Logging */ bool haveLogFile; bool outStderr; int debugLevel; std::string logfname; bool udpListenerOnly; std::string opModeStr; std::string optBaseDir; uint16_t jsonApiPort; std::string jsonApiBindAddress; }; static RsInitConfig* rsInitConfig = nullptr; static const std::string configLogFileName = "retro.log"; static const int SSLPWD_LEN = 64; void RsInit::InitRsConfig() { RsInfo() << " libretroshare version: " << RS_HUMAN_READABLE_VERSION << std::endl; rsInitConfig = new RsInitConfig; /* TODO almost all of this should be moved to RsInitConfig::RsInitConfig * initializers */ /* Directories */ #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS rsInitConfig->portable = false; rsInitConfig->isWindowsXP = false; #endif /* v0.6 features */ rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeSet = false; // This doesn't seems a configuration... #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS rsInitConfig->lockHandle = -1; #else rsInitConfig->lockHandle = NULL; #endif rsInitConfig->port = 0 ; rsInitConfig->forceLocalAddr = false; rsInitConfig->haveLogFile = false; rsInitConfig->outStderr = false; rsInitConfig->forceExtPort = false; rsInitConfig->inet = std::string(""); rsInitConfig->autoLogin = false; // . rsInitConfig->startMinimised = false; rsInitConfig->passwd = ""; rsInitConfig->debugLevel = PQL_WARNING; rsInitConfig->udpListenerOnly = false; rsInitConfig->opModeStr = std::string(""); #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS // test for portable version if (GetFileAttributes(L"portable") != (DWORD) -1) { // use portable version rsInitConfig->portable = true; } // test for Windows XP OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi; memset(&osvi, 0, sizeof(osvi)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if (GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO*) &osvi)) { if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5) { if (osvi.dwMinorVersion == 1) { /* Windows XP */ rsInitConfig->isWindowsXP = true; } else if (osvi.dwMinorVersion == 2) { SYSTEM_INFO si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); GetSystemInfo(&si); if (osvi.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION && si.wProcessorArchitecture==PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { /* Windows XP Professional x64 Edition */ rsInitConfig->isWindowsXP = true; } } } } if (rsInitConfig->isWindowsXP) { std::cerr << "Running Windows XP" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Not running Windows XP" << std::endl; } #endif setOutputLevel(RsLog::Warning); } #ifdef LOCALNET_TESTING std::string portRestrictions; bool doPortRestrictions = false; #endif #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS #ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB #include #endif #endif /******** * LOCALNET_TESTING - allows port restrictions * * #define LOCALNET_TESTING 1 * ********/ int RsInit::InitRetroShare(const RsConfigOptions& conf) { rsInitConfig->autoLogin = conf.autoLogin; rsInitConfig->outStderr = conf.outStderr; rsInitConfig->logfname = conf.logfname ; rsInitConfig->inet = conf.forcedInetAddress ; rsInitConfig->port = conf.forcedPort ; rsInitConfig->debugLevel = conf.debugLevel; rsInitConfig->udpListenerOnly = conf.udpListenerOnly; rsInitConfig->optBaseDir = conf.optBaseDir; rsInitConfig->jsonApiPort = conf.jsonApiPort; rsInitConfig->jsonApiBindAddress = conf.jsonApiBindAddress; #ifdef PTW32_STATIC_LIB // for static PThreads under windows... we need to init the library... pthread_win32_process_attach_np(); #endif if( rsInitConfig->autoLogin) rsInitConfig->startMinimised = true ; if( rsInitConfig->outStderr) rsInitConfig->haveLogFile = false ; if(!rsInitConfig->logfname.empty()) rsInitConfig->haveLogFile = true; if( rsInitConfig->inet != "") rsInitConfig->forceLocalAddr = true; if( rsInitConfig->port != 0) rsInitConfig->forceLocalAddr = true; // previously forceExtPort, which means nothing in this case #ifdef LOCALNET_TESTING if(!portRestrictions.empty()) doPortRestrictions = true; #endif setOutputLevel((RsLog::logLvl)rsInitConfig->debugLevel); // set the debug file. if (rsInitConfig->haveLogFile) setDebugFile(rsInitConfig->logfname.c_str()); /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS /********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ #else // Windows Networking Init. WORD wVerReq = MAKEWORD(2,2); WSADATA wsaData; if (0 != WSAStartup(wVerReq, &wsaData)) { std::cerr << "Failed to Startup Windows Networking"; std::cerr << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Started Windows Networking"; std::cerr << std::endl; } #endif /********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ // SWITCH off the SIGPIPE - kills process on Linux. /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS struct sigaction sigact; sigact.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigact.sa_flags = 0; sigset_t set; sigemptyset(&set); //sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); // or whatever other signal sigact.sa_mask = set; if (0 == sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigact, NULL)) { std::cerr << "RetroShare:: Successfully installed the SIGPIPE Block" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "RetroShare:: Failed to install the SIGPIPE Block" << std::endl; } #endif /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ // Hash the main executable. uint64_t tmp_size ; if(conf.main_executable_path.empty()) { std::cerr << "Executable path is unknown. It should normally have been set in passed RsConfigOptions structure" << std::endl; return 1; } if(!RsDirUtil::getFileHash(conf.main_executable_path,rsInitConfig->main_executable_hash,tmp_size,NULL)) std::cerr << "Cannot hash executable! Plugins will not be loaded correctly." << std::endl; else std::cerr << "Hashed main executable: " << rsInitConfig->main_executable_hash << std::endl; /* At this point we want to. * 1) Load up Dase Directory. * 3) Get Prefered Id. * 2) Get List of Available Accounts. * 4) Get List of GPG Accounts. */ /* Initialize AuthSSL */ AuthSSL::instance().InitAuth(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, ""); rsLoginHelper = new RsLoginHelper; int error_code ; if(!RsAccounts::init(rsInitConfig->optBaseDir,error_code)) return error_code ; #ifdef RS_JSONAPI // We create the JsonApiServer this early, because it is needed *before* login RsDbg() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Allocating JSON API server (not launched yet)" << std::endl; JsonApiServer* jas = new JsonApiServer(); jas->setListeningPort(conf.jsonApiPort); jas->setBindingAddress(conf.jsonApiBindAddress); if(conf.jsonApiPort != 0) jas->restart(); rsJsonApi = jas; #endif #ifdef RS_AUTOLOGIN /* check that we have selected someone */ RsPeerId preferredId; bool existingUser = RsAccounts::GetPreferredAccountId(preferredId); if (existingUser) { if(RsLoginHandler::getSSLPassword(preferredId,false,rsInitConfig->passwd)) { RsInit::setAutoLogin(true); std::cerr << "Autologin has succeeded" << std::endl; return RS_INIT_HAVE_ACCOUNT; } } #endif return RS_INIT_OK; } /* * To prevent several running instances from using the same directory * simultaneously we have to use a global lock. * We use a lock file on Unix systems. * * Return value: * 0 : Success * 1 : Another instance already has the lock * 2 : Unexpected error */ RsInit::LoadCertificateStatus RsInit::LockConfigDirectory( const std::string& accountDir, std::string& lockFilePath ) { const std::string lockFile = accountDir + "/" + "lock"; lockFilePath = lockFile; int rt = RsDirUtil::createLockFile(lockFile,rsInitConfig->lockHandle); switch (rt) { case 0: return RsInit::OK; case 1: return RsInit::ERR_ALREADY_RUNNING; case 2: return RsInit::ERR_CANT_ACQUIRE_LOCK; default: return RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN; } } /* * Unlock the currently locked profile, if there is one. * For Unix systems we simply close the handle of the lock file. */ void RsInit::UnlockConfigDirectory() { RsDirUtil::releaseLockFile(rsInitConfig->lockHandle) ; } bool RsInit::collectEntropy(uint32_t n) { RAND_seed(&n,4) ; return true ; } /***************************** FINAL LOADING OF SETUP *************************/ /* Login SSL */ bool RsInit::LoadPassword(const std::string& inPwd) { rsInitConfig->passwd = inPwd; return true; } std::string RsInit::lockFilePath() { return RsAccounts::AccountDirectory() + "/lock" ; } RsInit::LoadCertificateStatus RsInit::LockAndLoadCertificates( bool autoLoginNT, std::string& lockFilePath ) { try { if (!RsAccounts::lockPreferredAccount()) throw RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN; // invalid PreferredAccount. // Logic that used to be external to RsInit... RsPeerId accountId; if (!RsAccounts::GetPreferredAccountId(accountId)) throw RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN; // invalid PreferredAccount; RsPgpId pgpId; std::string pgpName, pgpEmail, location; if(!RsAccounts::GetAccountDetails(accountId, pgpId, pgpName, pgpEmail, location)) throw RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN; // invalid PreferredAccount; if(0 == AuthGPG::GPGInit(pgpId)) throw RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN; // PGP Error. LoadCertificateStatus retVal = LockConfigDirectory(RsAccounts::AccountDirectory(), lockFilePath); if(retVal > 0) throw retVal ; if(LoadCertificates(autoLoginNT) != 1) { UnlockConfigDirectory(); throw RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN; } return RsInit::OK; } catch(LoadCertificateStatus retVal) { RsAccounts::unlockPreferredAccount(); return retVal ; } } /** *************************** FINAL LOADING OF SETUP ************************* * Requires: * PGPid to be selected (Password not required). * CertId to be selected (Password Required). * * Return value: * 0 : unexpected error * 1 : success */ int RsInit::LoadCertificates(bool autoLoginNT) { RsPeerId preferredId; if (!RsAccounts::GetPreferredAccountId(preferredId)) { std::cerr << "No Account Selected" << std::endl; return 0; } if (RsAccounts::AccountPathCertFile() == "") { std::cerr << "RetroShare needs a certificate" << std::endl; return 0; } if (RsAccounts::AccountPathKeyFile() == "") { std::cerr << "RetroShare needs a key" << std::endl; return 0; } //check if password is already in memory if(rsInitConfig->passwd == "") { if (RsLoginHandler::getSSLPassword(preferredId,true,rsInitConfig->passwd) == false) { #ifdef DEBUG_RSINIT std::cerr << "RsLoginHandler::getSSLPassword() Failed!"; #endif return 0 ; } } else { if (RsLoginHandler::checkAndStoreSSLPasswdIntoGPGFile(preferredId,rsInitConfig->passwd) == false) { std::cerr << "RsLoginHandler::checkAndStoreSSLPasswdIntoGPGFile() Failed!"; return 0; } } std::cerr << "rsAccounts->PathKeyFile() : " << RsAccounts::AccountPathKeyFile() << std::endl; if(0 == AuthSSL::getAuthSSL() -> InitAuth(RsAccounts::AccountPathCertFile().c_str(), RsAccounts::AccountPathKeyFile().c_str(), rsInitConfig->passwd.c_str(), RsAccounts::AccountLocationName())) { std::cerr << "SSL Auth Failed!"; return 0 ; } #ifdef RS_AUTOLOGIN if(autoLoginNT) { std::cerr << "RetroShare will AutoLogin next time" << std::endl; RsLoginHandler::enableAutoLogin(preferredId,rsInitConfig->passwd); rsInitConfig->autoLogin = true ; } #else (void) autoLoginNT; #endif // RS_AUTOLOGIN /* wipe out password */ // store pword to allow gxs use it to services' key their databases // ideally gxs should have its own password rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd = rsInitConfig->passwd; rsInitConfig->passwd = ""; RsAccounts::storeSelectedAccount(); return 1; } #ifdef RS_AUTOLOGIN bool RsInit::RsClearAutoLogin() { RsPeerId preferredId; if (!RsAccounts::GetPreferredAccountId(preferredId)) { std::cerr << "RsInit::RsClearAutoLogin() No Account Selected" << std::endl; return 0; } return RsLoginHandler::clearAutoLogin(preferredId); } #endif // RS_AUTOLOGIN bool RsInit::isPortable() { #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS return rsInitConfig->portable; #else return false; #endif } bool RsInit::isWindowsXP() { #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS return rsInitConfig->isWindowsXP; #else return false; #endif } bool RsInit::getStartMinimised() { return rsInitConfig->startMinimised; } int RsInit::getSslPwdLen(){ return SSLPWD_LEN; } bool RsInit::getAutoLogin(){ return rsInitConfig->autoLogin; } void RsInit::setAutoLogin(bool autoLogin){ rsInitConfig->autoLogin = autoLogin; } /* Setup Hidden Location; */ void RsInit::SetHiddenLocation(const std::string& hiddenaddress, uint16_t port, bool useBob) { /* parse the bugger (todo) */ rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeSet = true; rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeAddress = hiddenaddress; rsInitConfig->hiddenNodePort = port; rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeI2PBOB = useBob; } /* * * Init Part of RsServer... needs the private * variables so in the same file. * */ #include //#include #include "ft/ftserver.h" #include "ft/ftcontroller.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" #include "retroshare/rsturtle.h" /* global variable now points straight to * ft/ code so variable defined here. */ RsFiles *rsFiles = NULL; RsTurtle *rsTurtle = NULL ; RsReputations *rsReputations = NULL ; #ifdef ENABLE_GROUTER RsGRouter *rsGRouter = NULL ; #endif #include "pqi/pqipersongrp.h" #include "pqi/pqisslpersongrp.h" #include "pqi/pqiloopback.h" #include "pqi/p3cfgmgr.h" #include "pqi/p3historymgr.h" #include "util/rsdebug.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/rsrandom.h" #ifdef RS_USE_LIBUPNP # include "rs_upnp/upnphandler_libupnp.h" #else // def RS_USE_LIBUPNP # include "rs_upnp/upnphandler_miniupnp.h" #endif // def RS_USE_LIBUPNP #include "services/autoproxy/p3i2pbob.h" #include "services/autoproxy/rsautoproxymonitor.h" #include "services/p3gxsreputation.h" #include "services/p3serviceinfo.h" #include "services/p3heartbeat.h" #include "gossipdiscovery/p3gossipdiscovery.h" #include "services/p3msgservice.h" #include "services/p3statusservice.h" #include "turtle/p3turtle.h" #include "chat/p3chatservice.h" #ifdef RS_ENABLE_GXS // NEW GXS SYSTEMS. #include "gxs/rsdataservice.h" #include "gxs/rsgxsnetservice.h" #include "retroshare/rsgxsflags.h" #include "pgp/pgpauxutils.h" #include "services/p3idservice.h" #include "services/p3gxscircles.h" #include "services/p3posted.h" #include "services/p3gxsforums.h" #include "services/p3gxschannels.h" #include "services/p3wiki.h" #include "services/p3wire.h" #include "services/p3photoservice.h" #endif // RS_ENABLE_GXS #include #include // for blocking signals #include /* Implemented Rs Interfaces */ #include "rsserver/p3face.h" #include "rsserver/p3peers.h" #include "rsserver/p3msgs.h" #include "rsserver/p3status.h" #include "rsserver/p3history.h" #include "rsserver/p3serverconfig.h" #include "pqi/p3notify.h" // HACK - moved to pqi for compilation order. #include "pqi/p3peermgr.h" #include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h" #include "pqi/p3netmgr.h" #include "tcponudp/tou.h" #include "tcponudp/rsudpstack.h" #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT #include "dht/p3bitdht.h" #ifdef RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER #include "dht/stunaddrassist.h" #endif // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER #include "udp/udpstack.h" #include "tcponudp/udppeer.h" #include "tcponudp/udprelay.h" #endif /**** * #define RS_RELEASE 1 * #define RS_RTT 1 ****/ #define RS_RELEASE 1 #define RS_RTT 1 #ifdef RS_RTT #include "services/p3rtt.h" #endif #include "services/p3banlist.h" #include "services/p3bwctrl.h" #ifdef SERVICES_DSDV #include "services/p3dsdv.h" #endif RsControl *RsControl::instance() { static RsServer rsicontrol; return &rsicontrol; } /* * The Real RetroShare Startup Function. */ int RsServer::StartupRetroShare() { RsPeerId ownId = AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId(); std::cerr << "========================================================================" << std::endl; std::cerr << "== RsInit:: starting up Retroshare core ==" << std::endl; std::cerr << "== ==" << std::endl; std::cerr << "== Account/SSL ID : " << ownId << " ==" << std::endl; std::cerr << "== Node type : " << (RsAccounts::isHiddenNode()?"Hidden":"Normal") << " ==" << std::endl; if(RsAccounts::isHiddenNode()) std::cerr << "== Tor/I2P configuration : " << (RsAccounts::isTorAuto()?"Tor Auto":"Manual ") << " ==" << std::endl; std::cerr << "========================================================================" << std::endl; /**************************************************************************/ /* STARTUP procedure */ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* (1) Load up own certificate (DONE ALREADY) - just CHECK */ /**************************************************************************/ if (1 != AuthSSL::getAuthSSL() -> InitAuth(NULL, NULL, NULL, "")) { std::cerr << "main() - Fatal Error....." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Invalid Certificate configuration!" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; return false ; } /**************************************************************************/ /* Any Initial Configuration (Commandline Options) */ /**************************************************************************/ /* set the debugging to crashMode */ std::cerr << "set the debugging to crashMode." << std::endl; if ((!rsInitConfig->haveLogFile) && (!rsInitConfig->outStderr)) { std::string crashfile = RsAccounts::AccountDirectory(); crashfile += "/" + configLogFileName; setDebugCrashMode(crashfile.c_str()); } unsigned long flags = 0; if (rsInitConfig->udpListenerOnly) { flags |= PQIPERSON_NO_LISTENER; } /* check account directory */ if (!RsAccounts::checkCreateAccountDirectory()) { std::cerr << "RsServer::StartupRetroShare() - Fatal Error....." << std::endl; std::cerr << "checkAccount failed!" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; return 0; } /**************************************************************************/ // Load up Certificates, and Old Configuration (if present) std::cerr << "Load up Certificates, and Old Configuration (if present)." << std::endl; std::string emergencySaveDir = RsAccounts::AccountDirectory(); std::string emergencyPartialsDir = RsAccounts::AccountDirectory(); if (emergencySaveDir != "") { emergencySaveDir += "/"; emergencyPartialsDir += "/"; } emergencySaveDir += "Downloads"; emergencyPartialsDir += "Partials"; /**************************************************************************/ /* setup Configuration */ /**************************************************************************/ std::cerr << "Load Configuration" << std::endl; mConfigMgr = new p3ConfigMgr(RsAccounts::AccountDirectory()); mGeneralConfig = new p3GeneralConfig(); // Get configuration options from rsAccounts. bool isHiddenNode = false; bool isFirstTimeRun = false; bool isTorAuto = false; RsAccounts::getCurrentAccountOptions(isHiddenNode,isTorAuto, isFirstTimeRun); /**************************************************************************/ /* setup classes / structures */ /**************************************************************************/ std::cerr << "setup classes / structures" << std::endl; /* History Manager */ mHistoryMgr = new p3HistoryMgr(); mPeerMgr = new p3PeerMgrIMPL( AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId(), AuthGPG::getGPGOwnId(), AuthGPG::getGPGOwnName(), AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->getOwnLocation()); mNetMgr = new p3NetMgrIMPL(); mLinkMgr = new p3LinkMgrIMPL(mPeerMgr, mNetMgr); /* Setup Notify Early - So we can use it. */ rsPeers = new p3Peers(mLinkMgr, mPeerMgr, mNetMgr); mPeerMgr->setManagers(mLinkMgr, mNetMgr); mNetMgr->setManagers(mPeerMgr, mLinkMgr); rsAutoProxyMonitor *autoProxy = rsAutoProxyMonitor::instance(); #ifdef RS_USE_I2P_BOB mI2pBob = new p3I2pBob(mPeerMgr); autoProxy->addProxy(autoProxyType::I2PBOB, mI2pBob); #endif //load all the SSL certs as friends // std::list sslIds; // AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->getAuthenticatedList(sslIds); // for (std::list::iterator sslIdsIt = sslIds.begin(); sslIdsIt != sslIds.end(); ++sslIdsIt) { // mConnMgr->addFriend(*sslIdsIt); // } //p3DhtMgr *mDhtMgr = new OpenDHTMgr(ownId, mConnMgr, rsInitConfig->configDir); /**************************** BITDHT ***********************************/ // Make up an address. XXX struct sockaddr_in tmpladdr; sockaddr_clear(&tmpladdr); tmpladdr.sin_port = htons(rsInitConfig->port); rsUdpStack *mDhtStack = NULL ; if(!RsAccounts::isHiddenNode()) { #ifdef LOCALNET_TESTING mDhtStack = new rsUdpStack(UDP_TEST_RESTRICTED_LAYER, tmpladdr); /* parse portRestrictions */ unsigned int lport, uport; if (doPortRestrictions) { if (2 == sscanf(portRestrictions.c_str(), "%u-%u", &lport, &uport)) { std::cerr << "Adding Port Restriction (" << lport << "-" << uport << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Failed to parse Port Restrictions ... exiting"; std::cerr << std::endl; exit(1); } RestrictedUdpLayer *url = (RestrictedUdpLayer *) mDhtStack->getUdpLayer(); url->addRestrictedPortRange(lport, uport); } #else //LOCALNET_TESTING #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT mDhtStack = new rsUdpStack(tmpladdr); #endif #endif //LOCALNET_TESTING } #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT #define BITDHT_BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME "bdboot.txt" #define BITDHT_FILTERED_IP_FILENAME "bdfilter.txt" std::string bootstrapfile = RsAccounts::AccountDirectory(); if (bootstrapfile != "") bootstrapfile += "/"; bootstrapfile += BITDHT_BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME; std::string installfile = ""; #ifndef __ANDROID__ installfile = RsAccounts::systemDataDirectory(); installfile += "/"; installfile += BITDHT_BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME; #endif std::string filteredipfile = RsAccounts::AccountDirectory(); if (filteredipfile != "") filteredipfile += "/"; filteredipfile += BITDHT_FILTERED_IP_FILENAME; std::cerr << "Checking for DHT bootstrap file: " << bootstrapfile << std::endl; /* check if bootstrap file exists... * if not... copy from dataDirectory */ uint64_t tmp_size ; if (!RsDirUtil::checkFile(bootstrapfile,tmp_size,true)) { std::cerr << "DHT bootstrap file not in ConfigDir: " << bootstrapfile << std::endl; #ifdef __ANDROID__ QFile bdbootRF("assets:/values/bdboot.txt"); if(!bdbootRF.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " bdbootRF(assets:/values/bdboot.txt).open(...) fail: " << bdbootRF.errorString().toStdString() << std::endl; else { QFile bdbootCF(QString::fromStdString(bootstrapfile)); if(!bdbootCF.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " bdbootCF(" << bootstrapfile << ").open(...) fail: " << bdbootRF.errorString().toStdString() << std::endl; else { bdbootCF.write(bdbootRF.readAll()); bdbootCF.close(); std::cerr << "Installed DHT bootstrap file not in ConfigDir: " << bootstrapfile << std::endl; } bdbootRF.close(); } #else std::cerr << "Checking for Installation DHT bootstrap file " << installfile << std::endl; if ((installfile != "") && (RsDirUtil::checkFile(installfile,tmp_size))) { std::cerr << "Copying Installation DHT bootstrap file..." << std::endl; if (RsDirUtil::copyFile(installfile, bootstrapfile)) { std::cerr << "Installed DHT bootstrap file in configDir" << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Failed Installation DHT bootstrap file..." << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr << "No Installation DHT bootstrap file to copy" << std::endl; } #endif // def __ANDROID__ } /* construct the rest of the stack, important to build them in the correct order! */ /* MOST OF THIS IS COMMENTED OUT UNTIL THE REST OF libretroshare IS READY FOR IT! */ p3BitDht *mBitDht = NULL ; rsDht = NULL ; rsFixedUdpStack *mProxyStack = NULL ; if(!RsAccounts::isHiddenNode()) { UdpSubReceiver *udpReceivers[RSUDP_NUM_TOU_RECVERS]; int udpTypes[RSUDP_NUM_TOU_RECVERS]; #ifdef RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER // FIRST DHT STUNNER. UdpStunner *mDhtStunner = new UdpStunner(mDhtStack); mDhtStunner->setTargetStunPeriod(300); /* slow (5mins) */ mDhtStack->addReceiver(mDhtStunner); #ifdef LOCALNET_TESTING mDhtStunner->SetAcceptLocalNet(); #endif #endif // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER // NEXT BITDHT. mBitDht = new p3BitDht(ownId, mLinkMgr, mNetMgr, mDhtStack, bootstrapfile, installfile, filteredipfile); // NEXT THE RELAY (NEED to keep a reference for installing RELAYS) UdpRelayReceiver *mRelay = new UdpRelayReceiver(mDhtStack); udpReceivers[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_RELAY_IDX] = mRelay; /* RELAY Connections (DHT Port) */ udpTypes[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_RELAY_IDX] = TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPRELAY; mDhtStack->addReceiver(udpReceivers[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_RELAY_IDX]); // LAST ON THIS STACK IS STANDARD DIRECT TOU udpReceivers[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_DIRECT_IDX] = new UdpPeerReceiver(mDhtStack); /* standard DIRECT Connections (DHT Port) */ udpTypes[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_DIRECT_IDX] = TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPPEER; mDhtStack->addReceiver(udpReceivers[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_DIRECT_IDX]); /* install external Pointer for Interface */ rsDht = mBitDht; // NOW WE BUILD THE SECOND STACK. // Create the Second UdpStack... Port should be random (but openable!). // We do this by binding to xx.xx.xx.xx:0 which which gives us a random port. struct sockaddr_in sndladdr; sockaddr_clear(&sndladdr); #ifdef LOCALNET_TESTING // // HACK Proxy Port near Dht Port - For Relay Testing. // uint16_t rndport = rsInitConfig->port + 3; // sndladdr.sin_port = htons(rndport); mProxyStack = new rsFixedUdpStack(UDP_TEST_RESTRICTED_LAYER, sndladdr); /* portRestrictions already parsed */ if (doPortRestrictions) { RestrictedUdpLayer *url = (RestrictedUdpLayer *) mProxyStack->getUdpLayer(); url->addRestrictedPortRange(lport, uport); } #else mProxyStack = new rsFixedUdpStack(sndladdr); #endif #ifdef RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER // FIRSTLY THE PROXY STUNNER. UdpStunner *mProxyStunner = new UdpStunner(mProxyStack); mProxyStunner->setTargetStunPeriod(300); /* slow (5mins) */ mProxyStack->addReceiver(mProxyStunner); #ifdef LOCALNET_TESTING mProxyStunner->SetAcceptLocalNet(); #endif #endif // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER // FINALLY THE PROXY UDP CONNECTIONS udpReceivers[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_PROXY_IDX] = new UdpPeerReceiver(mProxyStack); /* PROXY Connections (Alt UDP Port) */ udpTypes[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_PROXY_IDX] = TOU_RECEIVER_TYPE_UDPPEER; mProxyStack->addReceiver(udpReceivers[RSUDP_TOU_RECVER_PROXY_IDX]); // REAL INITIALISATION - WITH THREE MODES tou_init((void **) udpReceivers, udpTypes, RSUDP_NUM_TOU_RECVERS); #ifdef RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER mBitDht->setupConnectBits(mDhtStunner, mProxyStunner, mRelay); #else // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER mBitDht->setupConnectBits(mRelay); #endif // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER #ifdef RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER mNetMgr->setAddrAssist(new stunAddrAssist(mDhtStunner), new stunAddrAssist(mProxyStunner)); #endif // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER // #else //RS_USE_BITDHT // /* install NULL Pointer for rsDht Interface */ // rsDht = NULL; #endif //RS_USE_BITDHT } /**************************** BITDHT ***********************************/ p3ServiceControl *serviceCtrl = new p3ServiceControl(mLinkMgr); rsServiceControl = serviceCtrl; pqih = new pqisslpersongrp(serviceCtrl, flags, mPeerMgr); //pqih = new pqipersongrpDummy(none, flags); serviceCtrl->setServiceServer(pqih) ; /****** New Ft Server **** !!! */ ftServer *ftserver = new ftServer(mPeerMgr, serviceCtrl); ftserver->setConfigDirectory(RsAccounts::AccountDirectory()); ftserver->SetupFtServer() ; /* setup any extra bits (Default Paths) */ ftserver->setPartialsDirectory(emergencyPartialsDir); ftserver->setDownloadDirectory(emergencySaveDir); /* This should be set by config ... there is no default */ //ftserver->setSharedDirectories(fileList); rsFiles = ftserver; std::vector plugins_directories ; #ifdef __APPLE__ plugins_directories.push_back(RsAccounts::systemDataDirectory()) ; #endif #if !defined(WINDOWS_SYS) && defined(PLUGIN_DIR) plugins_directories.push_back(std::string(PLUGIN_DIR)) ; #endif std::string extensions_dir = RsAccounts::ConfigDirectory() + "/extensions6/" ; plugins_directories.push_back(extensions_dir) ; if(!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(extensions_dir)) std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot create extensions directory " << extensions_dir << ". This is not mandatory, but you probably have a permission problem." << std::endl; #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SYSTEM plugins_directories.push_back(".") ; // this list should be saved/set to some correct value. // possible entries include: /usr/lib/retroshare, ~/.retroshare/extensions/, etc. #endif mPluginsManager = new RsPluginManager(rsInitConfig->main_executable_hash) ; rsPlugins = mPluginsManager ; mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("plugins.cfg", mPluginsManager); mPluginsManager->loadConfiguration() ; // These are needed to load plugins: plugin devs might want to know the place of // cache directories, get pointers to cache strapper, or access ownId() // mPluginsManager->setServiceControl(serviceCtrl) ; // Now load the plugins. This parses the available SO/DLL files for known symbols. // mPluginsManager->loadPlugins(plugins_directories) ; // Also load some plugins explicitly. This is helpful for // - developping plugins // std::vector programatically_inserted_plugins ; // Push your own plugins into this list, before the call: // // programatically_inserted_plugins.push_back(myCoolPlugin) ; // mPluginsManager->loadPlugins(programatically_inserted_plugins) ; #ifdef RS_JSONAPI // add jsonapi server to config manager so that it can save/load its tokens if(rsJsonApi) rsJsonApi->connectToConfigManager(*mConfigMgr); #endif /**** Reputation system ****/ p3GxsReputation *mReputations = new p3GxsReputation(mLinkMgr) ; rsReputations = mReputations ; #ifdef RS_ENABLE_GXS std::string currGxsDir = RsAccounts::AccountDirectory() + "/gxs"; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(currGxsDir); RsNxsNetMgr* nxsMgr = new RsNxsNetMgrImpl(serviceCtrl); /**** GXS Dist sync service ****/ #ifdef RS_USE_GXS_DISTANT_SYNC RsGxsNetTunnelService *mGxsNetTunnel = new RsGxsNetTunnelService ; rsGxsDistSync = mGxsNetTunnel ; #else RsGxsNetTunnelService *mGxsNetTunnel = NULL ; #endif /**** Identity service ****/ RsGeneralDataService* gxsid_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "gxsid_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_GXSID, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); // init gxs services PgpAuxUtils *pgpAuxUtils = new PgpAuxUtilsImpl(); p3IdService *mGxsIdService = new p3IdService(gxsid_ds, NULL, pgpAuxUtils); // circles created here, as needed by Ids. RsGeneralDataService* gxscircles_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "gxscircles_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_GXSCIRCLE, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); // create GxsCircles - early, as IDs need it. p3GxsCircles *mGxsCircles = new p3GxsCircles(gxscircles_ds, NULL, mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils); // create GXS ID service RsGxsNetService* gxsid_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_GXSID, gxsid_ds, nxsMgr, mGxsIdService, mGxsIdService->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles,mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils,mGxsNetTunnel, false,false,true); // don't synchronise group automatic (need explicit group request) // don't sync messages at all. // allow distsync, so that we can grab GXS id requests for other services // Normally we wouldn't need this (we do in other service): // mGxsIdService->setNetworkExchangeService(gxsid_ns) ; // ...since GxsIds are propagated manually. But that requires the gen exchange of GXSids to // constantly test that mNetService is not null. The call below is to make the service aware of the // netService so that it can request the missing ids. We'll need to fix this. mGxsIdService->setNes(gxsid_ns); /**** GxsCircle service ****/ // create GXS Circle service RsGxsNetService* gxscircles_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_GXSCIRCLE, gxscircles_ds, nxsMgr, mGxsCircles, mGxsCircles->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles,mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils); mGxsCircles->setNetworkExchangeService(gxscircles_ns) ; /**** Posted GXS service ****/ RsGeneralDataService* posted_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "posted_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_POSTED, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); p3Posted *mPosted = new p3Posted(posted_ds, NULL, mGxsIdService); // create GXS photo service RsGxsNetService* posted_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_POSTED, posted_ds, nxsMgr, mPosted, mPosted->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles,mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils); mPosted->setNetworkExchangeService(posted_ns) ; /**** Wiki GXS service ****/ #ifdef RS_USE_WIKI RsGeneralDataService* wiki_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "wiki_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_WIKI, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); p3Wiki *mWiki = new p3Wiki(wiki_ds, NULL, mGxsIdService); // create GXS wiki service RsGxsNetService* wiki_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_WIKI, wiki_ds, nxsMgr, mWiki, mWiki->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles, mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils); mWiki->setNetworkExchangeService(wiki_ns) ; #endif /**** Forum GXS service ****/ RsGeneralDataService* gxsforums_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "gxsforums_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_FORUMS, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); p3GxsForums *mGxsForums = new p3GxsForums(gxsforums_ds, NULL, mGxsIdService); // create GXS photo service RsGxsNetService* gxsforums_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_FORUMS, gxsforums_ds, nxsMgr, mGxsForums, mGxsForums->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles,mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils);//,mGxsNetTunnel,true,true,true); mGxsForums->setNetworkExchangeService(gxsforums_ns) ; /**** Channel GXS service ****/ RsGeneralDataService* gxschannels_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "gxschannels_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_CHANNELS, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); p3GxsChannels *mGxsChannels = new p3GxsChannels(gxschannels_ds, NULL, mGxsIdService); // create GXS photo service RsGxsNetService* gxschannels_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_CHANNELS, gxschannels_ds, nxsMgr, mGxsChannels, mGxsChannels->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles,mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils,mGxsNetTunnel,true,true,true); mGxsChannels->setNetworkExchangeService(gxschannels_ns) ; #ifdef RS_USE_PHOTO /**** Photo service ****/ RsGeneralDataService* photo_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "photoV2_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_PHOTO, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); // init gxs services p3PhotoService *mPhoto = new p3PhotoService(photo_ds, NULL, mGxsIdService); // create GXS photo service RsGxsNetService* photo_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_PHOTO, photo_ds, nxsMgr, mPhoto, mPhoto->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles,mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils); mPhoto->setNetworkExchangeService(photo_ns); #endif #ifdef RS_USE_WIRE /**** Wire GXS service ****/ RsGeneralDataService* wire_ds = new RsDataService(currGxsDir + "/", "wire_db", RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_WIRE, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd); p3Wire *mWire = new p3Wire(wire_ds, NULL, mGxsIdService); // create GXS photo service RsGxsNetService* wire_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_GXS_TYPE_WIRE, wire_ds, nxsMgr, mWire, mWire->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles,mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils); mWire->setNetworkExchangeService(wire_ns); #endif // now add to p3service pqih->addService(gxsid_ns, true); pqih->addService(gxscircles_ns, true); pqih->addService(posted_ns, true); #ifdef RS_USE_WIKI pqih->addService(wiki_ns, true); #endif pqih->addService(gxsforums_ns, true); pqih->addService(gxschannels_ns, true); #ifdef RS_USE_PHOTO pqih->addService(photo_ns, true); #endif #ifdef RS_USE_WIRE pqih->addService(wire_ns, true); #endif # ifdef RS_GXS_TRANS RsGeneralDataService* gxstrans_ds = new RsDataService( currGxsDir + "/", "gxstrans_db", RS_SERVICE_TYPE_GXS_TRANS, NULL, rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd ); mGxsTrans = new p3GxsTrans(gxstrans_ds, NULL, *mGxsIdService); RsGxsNetService* gxstrans_ns = new RsGxsNetService( RS_SERVICE_TYPE_GXS_TRANS, gxstrans_ds, nxsMgr, mGxsTrans, mGxsTrans->getServiceInfo(), mReputations, mGxsCircles, mGxsIdService, pgpAuxUtils,NULL,true,true,false,p3GxsTrans::GXS_STORAGE_PERIOD,p3GxsTrans::GXS_SYNC_PERIOD); mGxsTrans->setNetworkExchangeService(gxstrans_ns); pqih->addService(gxstrans_ns, true); # endif // RS_GXS_TRANS // remove pword from memory rsInitConfig->gxs_passwd = ""; #endif // RS_ENABLE_GXS. /* create Services */ p3ServiceInfo *serviceInfo = new p3ServiceInfo(serviceCtrl); mDisc = new p3discovery2(mPeerMgr, mLinkMgr, mNetMgr, serviceCtrl,mGxsIdService); mHeart = new p3heartbeat(serviceCtrl, pqih); msgSrv = new p3MsgService( serviceCtrl, mGxsIdService, *mGxsTrans ); chatSrv = new p3ChatService( serviceCtrl,mGxsIdService, mLinkMgr, mHistoryMgr, *mGxsTrans ); mStatusSrv = new p3StatusService(serviceCtrl); #ifdef RS_BROADCAST_DISCOVERY BroadcastDiscoveryService* broadcastDiscoveryService = new BroadcastDiscoveryService(*rsPeers); rsBroadcastDiscovery = broadcastDiscoveryService; #endif // def RS_BROADCAST_DISCOVERY #ifdef ENABLE_GROUTER p3GRouter *gr = new p3GRouter(serviceCtrl,mGxsIdService) ; rsGRouter = gr ; pqih->addService(gr,true) ; #endif p3FileDatabase *fdb = new p3FileDatabase(serviceCtrl) ; p3turtle *tr = new p3turtle(serviceCtrl,mLinkMgr) ; rsTurtle = tr ; pqih -> addService(tr,true); pqih -> addService(fdb,true); pqih -> addService(ftserver,true); mGxsTunnels = new p3GxsTunnelService(mGxsIdService) ; mGxsTunnels->connectToTurtleRouter(tr) ; rsGxsTunnel = mGxsTunnels; mGxsNetTunnel->connectToTurtleRouter(tr) ; rsGossipDiscovery.reset(mDisc); rsMsgs = new p3Msgs(msgSrv, chatSrv); // connect components to turtle router. ftserver->connectToTurtleRouter(tr) ; ftserver->connectToFileDatabase(fdb) ; chatSrv->connectToGxsTunnelService(mGxsTunnels) ; gr->connectToTurtleRouter(tr) ; #ifdef ENABLE_GROUTER msgSrv->connectToGlobalRouter(gr) ; #endif pqih -> addService(serviceInfo,true); pqih -> addService(mHeart,true); pqih -> addService(mDisc,true); pqih -> addService(msgSrv,true); pqih -> addService(chatSrv,true); pqih -> addService(mStatusSrv,true); pqih -> addService(mGxsTunnels,true); pqih -> addService(mReputations,true); // set interfaces for plugins // RsPlugInInterfaces interfaces; interfaces.mFiles = rsFiles; interfaces.mPeers = rsPeers; interfaces.mMsgs = rsMsgs; interfaces.mTurtle = rsTurtle; interfaces.mDisc = rsDisc; #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT interfaces.mDht = rsDht; #else interfaces.mDht = NULL; #endif interfaces.mNotify = mNotify; interfaces.mServiceControl = serviceCtrl; interfaces.mPluginHandler = mPluginsManager; // gxs interfaces.mGxsDir = currGxsDir; interfaces.mIdentity = mGxsIdService; interfaces.mRsNxsNetMgr = nxsMgr; interfaces.mGxsIdService = mGxsIdService; interfaces.mGxsCirlces = mGxsCircles; interfaces.mPgpAuxUtils = pgpAuxUtils; interfaces.mGxsForums = mGxsForums; interfaces.mGxsChannels = mGxsChannels; interfaces.mGxsTunnels = mGxsTunnels; interfaces.mReputations = mReputations; mPluginsManager->setInterfaces(interfaces); // now add plugin objects inside the loop: // - client services provided by plugins. // - cache services provided by plugins. // mPluginsManager->registerClientServices(pqih) ; mPluginsManager->registerCacheServices() ; #ifdef RS_RTT p3rtt *mRtt = new p3rtt(serviceCtrl); pqih -> addService(mRtt, true); rsRtt = mRtt; #endif // new services to test. p3BanList *mBanList = NULL; if(!RsAccounts::isHiddenNode()) { mBanList = new p3BanList(serviceCtrl, mNetMgr); rsBanList = mBanList ; pqih -> addService(mBanList, true); } else rsBanList = NULL ; p3BandwidthControl *mBwCtrl = new p3BandwidthControl(pqih); pqih -> addService(mBwCtrl, true); #ifdef SERVICES_DSDV p3Dsdv *mDsdv = new p3Dsdv(serviceCtrl); pqih -> addService(mDsdv, true); rsDsdv = mDsdv; mDsdv->addTestService(); #endif /**************************************************************************/ if(!RsAccounts::isHiddenNode()) { #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT mBitDht->setupPeerSharer(mBanList); mNetMgr->addNetAssistConnect(1, mBitDht); mNetMgr->addNetListener(mDhtStack); mNetMgr->addNetListener(mProxyStack); #endif #if defined(RS_USE_LIBMINIUPNPC) || defined(RS_USE_LIBUPNP) // Original UPnP Interface. pqiNetAssistFirewall *mUpnpMgr = new upnphandler(); mNetMgr->addNetAssistFirewall(1, mUpnpMgr); #endif // defined(RS_USE_LIBMINIUPNPC) || defined(RS_USE_LIBUPNP) } /**************************************************************************/ /* need to Monitor too! */ mLinkMgr->addMonitor(pqih); mLinkMgr->addMonitor(serviceCtrl); mLinkMgr->addMonitor(serviceInfo); // Services that have been changed to pqiServiceMonitor serviceCtrl->registerServiceMonitor(msgSrv, msgSrv->getServiceInfo().mServiceType); serviceCtrl->registerServiceMonitor(mDisc, mDisc->getServiceInfo().mServiceType); serviceCtrl->registerServiceMonitor(mStatusSrv, mStatusSrv->getServiceInfo().mServiceType); serviceCtrl->registerServiceMonitor(chatSrv, chatSrv->getServiceInfo().mServiceType); serviceCtrl->registerServiceMonitor(mBwCtrl, mBwCtrl->getServiceInfo().mServiceType); /**************************************************************************/ // Turtle search for GXS services mGxsNetTunnel->registerSearchableService(gxschannels_ns) ; /**************************************************************************/ //mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("ftserver.cfg", ftserver); // AuthGPG::registerToConfigMgr(std::string("gpg_prefs.cfg"),mConfigMgr); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxsnettunnel.cfg", mGxsNetTunnel); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("peers.cfg" , mPeerMgr); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("general.cfg" , mGeneralConfig); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("msgs.cfg" , msgSrv); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("chat.cfg" , chatSrv); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("p3History.cfg" , mHistoryMgr); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("p3Status.cfg" , mStatusSrv); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("turtle.cfg" , tr); if(mBanList != NULL) mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("banlist.cfg" , mBanList); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("servicecontrol.cfg", serviceCtrl); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("reputations.cfg" , mReputations); #ifdef ENABLE_GROUTER mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("grouter.cfg" , gr); #endif #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT if(mBitDht != NULL) mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("bitdht.cfg" , mBitDht); #endif #ifdef RS_ENABLE_GXS # ifdef RS_GXS_TRANS mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxs_trans_ns.cfg", gxstrans_ns); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxs_trans.cfg" , mGxsTrans); # endif // RS_GXS_TRANS mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("p3identity.cfg" , mGxsIdService); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("identity.cfg" , gxsid_ns); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxsforums.cfg" , gxsforums_ns); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxsforums_srv.cfg" , mGxsForums); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxschannels.cfg" , gxschannels_ns); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxschannels_srv.cfg", mGxsChannels); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxscircles.cfg" , gxscircles_ns); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxscircles_srv.cfg" , mGxsCircles); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("posted.cfg" , posted_ns); mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("gxsposted_srv.cfg" , mPosted); #ifdef RS_USE_WIKI mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("wiki.cfg", wiki_ns); #endif #ifdef RS_USE_PHOTO mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("photo.cfg", photo_ns); #endif #ifdef RS_USE_WIRE mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("wire.cfg", wire_ns); #endif #endif //RS_ENABLE_GXS #ifdef RS_USE_I2P_BOB mConfigMgr->addConfiguration("I2PBOB.cfg", mI2pBob); #endif mPluginsManager->addConfigurations(mConfigMgr) ; ftserver->addConfiguration(mConfigMgr); /**************************************************************************/ /* (2) Load configuration files */ /**************************************************************************/ std::cerr << "(2) Load configuration files" << std::endl; mConfigMgr->loadConfiguration(); /**************************************************************************/ /* trigger generalConfig loading for classes that require it */ /**************************************************************************/ p3ServerConfig *serverConfig = new p3ServerConfig(mPeerMgr, mLinkMgr, mNetMgr, pqih, mGeneralConfig); serverConfig->load_config(); /**************************************************************************/ /* Force Any Configuration before Startup (After Load) */ /**************************************************************************/ std::cerr << "Force Any Configuration before Startup (After Load)" << std::endl; if (rsInitConfig->forceLocalAddr) { struct sockaddr_storage laddr; /* clean sockaddr before setting values (MaxOSX) */ sockaddr_storage_clear(laddr); struct sockaddr_in *lap = (struct sockaddr_in *) &laddr; lap->sin_family = AF_INET; lap->sin_port = htons(rsInitConfig->port); // universal lap->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(rsInitConfig->inet.c_str()); mPeerMgr->setLocalAddress(ownId, laddr); } if (rsInitConfig->forceExtPort) { mPeerMgr->setOwnNetworkMode(RS_NET_MODE_EXT); mPeerMgr->setOwnVisState(RS_VS_DISC_FULL, RS_VS_DHT_FULL); } if (rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeSet) { std::cout << "RsServer::StartupRetroShare setting up hidden locations" << std::endl; if (rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeI2PBOB) { std::cout << "RsServer::StartupRetroShare setting up BOB" << std::endl; // we need a local port! mNetMgr->checkNetAddress(); // add i2p proxy // bob will use this address sockaddr_storage i2pInstance; sockaddr_storage_ipv4_aton(i2pInstance, rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeAddress.c_str()); mPeerMgr->setProxyServerAddress(RS_HIDDEN_TYPE_I2P, i2pInstance); std::string addr; // will be set by auto proxy service uint16_t port = rsInitConfig->hiddenNodePort; // unused by bob bool r = autoProxy->initialSetup(autoProxyType::I2PBOB, addr, port); if (r && !addr.empty()) { mPeerMgr->setupHiddenNode(addr, port); // now enable bob bobSettings bs; autoProxy->taskSync(autoProxyType::I2PBOB, autoProxyTask::getSettings, &bs); bs.enable = true; autoProxy->taskSync(autoProxyType::I2PBOB, autoProxyTask::setSettings, &bs); } else { std::cerr << "RsServer::StartupRetroShare failed to receive keys" << std::endl; /// TODO add notify for failed bob setup } } else { mPeerMgr->setupHiddenNode(rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeAddress, rsInitConfig->hiddenNodePort); } std::cout << "RsServer::StartupRetroShare hidden location set up" << std::endl; } else if (isHiddenNode) { mPeerMgr->forceHiddenNode(); } if (!rsInitConfig->opModeStr.empty()) { rsConfig->setOperatingMode(rsInitConfig->opModeStr); } mNetMgr -> checkNetAddress(); if (rsInitConfig->hiddenNodeSet) { // newly created location // mNetMgr->checkNetAddress() will setup ports for us // trigger updates for auto proxy services std::vector types; // i2p bob need to rebuild its command map types.push_back(autoProxyType::I2PBOB); rsAutoProxyMonitor::taskSync(types, autoProxyTask::reloadConfig); } /**************************************************************************/ /* startup (stuff dependent on Ids/peers is after this point) */ /**************************************************************************/ autoProxy->startAll(); pqih->init_listener(); mNetMgr->addNetListener(pqih); /* add listener so we can reset all sockets later */ /**************************************************************************/ /* load caches and secondary data */ /**************************************************************************/ // Clear the News Feeds that are generated by Initial Cache Loading. /* Peer stuff is up to date */ //getPqiNotify()->ClearFeedItems(RS_FEED_ITEM_CHAT_NEW); mNotify->ClearFeedItems(RS_FEED_ITEM_MESSAGE); //getPqiNotify()->ClearFeedItems(RS_FEED_ITEM_FILES_NEW); /**************************************************************************/ /* Add AuthGPG services */ /**************************************************************************/ //AuthGPG::addService(mDisc); /**************************************************************************/ /* Force Any Last Configuration Options */ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* Start up Threads */ /**************************************************************************/ // auto proxy threads #ifdef RS_USE_I2P_BOB startServiceThread(mI2pBob, "I2P-BOB"); #endif #ifdef RS_ENABLE_GXS // Must Set the GXS pointers before starting threads. rsIdentity = mGxsIdService; rsGxsCircles = mGxsCircles; #if RS_USE_WIKI rsWiki = mWiki; #endif rsPosted = mPosted; rsGxsForums = mGxsForums; rsGxsChannels = mGxsChannels; rsGxsTrans = mGxsTrans; #if RS_USE_PHOTO rsPhoto = mPhoto; #endif #if RS_USE_WIRE rsWire = mWire; #endif /*** start up GXS core runner ***/ startServiceThread(mGxsNetTunnel, "gxs net tunnel"); startServiceThread(mGxsIdService, "gxs id"); startServiceThread(mGxsCircles, "gxs circle"); startServiceThread(mPosted, "gxs posted"); #if RS_USE_WIKI startServiceThread(mWiki, "gxs wiki"); #endif startServiceThread(mGxsForums, "gxs forums"); startServiceThread(mGxsChannels, "gxs channels"); #if RS_USE_PHOTO startServiceThread(mPhoto, "gxs photo"); #endif #if RS_USE_WIRE startServiceThread(mWire, "gxs wire"); #endif // cores ready start up GXS net servers startServiceThread(gxsid_ns, "gxs id ns"); startServiceThread(gxscircles_ns, "gxs circle ns"); startServiceThread(posted_ns, "gxs posted ns"); #if RS_USE_WIKI startServiceThread(wiki_ns, "gxs wiki ns"); #endif startServiceThread(gxsforums_ns, "gxs forums ns"); startServiceThread(gxschannels_ns, "gxs channels ns"); #if RS_USE_PHOTO startServiceThread(photo_ns, "gxs photo ns"); #endif #if RS_USE_WIRE startServiceThread(wire_ns, "gxs wire ns"); #endif # ifdef RS_GXS_TRANS startServiceThread(mGxsTrans, "gxs trans"); startServiceThread(gxstrans_ns, "gxs trans ns"); # endif // def RS_GXS_TRANS #endif // RS_ENABLE_GXS #ifdef RS_BROADCAST_DISCOVERY startServiceThread(broadcastDiscoveryService, "Broadcast Discovery"); #endif // def RS_BROADCAST_DISCOVERY ftserver->StartupThreads(); ftserver->ResumeTransfers(); //mDhtMgr->start(); #ifdef RS_USE_BITDHT if(mBitDht != NULL) mBitDht->start(); #endif /**************************************************************************/ // create loopback device, and add to pqisslgrp. SearchModule *mod = new SearchModule(); pqiloopback *ploop = new pqiloopback(ownId); mod -> peerid = ownId; mod -> pqi = ploop; pqih->AddSearchModule(mod); /* Setup GUI Interfaces. */ // rsDisc & RsMsgs done already. rsBandwidthControl = mBwCtrl; rsConfig = serverConfig; rsStatus = new p3Status(mStatusSrv); rsHistory = new p3History(mHistoryMgr); /* put a welcome message in! */ if (isFirstTimeRun) { msgSrv->loadWelcomeMsg(); ftserver->shareDownloadDirectory(true); mGeneralConfig->saveConfiguration(); } /* Startup this thread! */ start("rs main") ; std::cerr << "========================================================================" << std::endl; std::cerr << "== RsInit:: Retroshare core started ==" << std::endl; std::cerr << "========================================================================" << std::endl; coreReady = true; return 1; } RsInit::LoadCertificateStatus RsLoginHelper::attemptLogin(const RsPeerId& account, const std::string& password) { if(isLoggedIn()) return RsInit::ERR_ALREADY_RUNNING; { if(!RsAccounts::SelectAccount(account)) return RsInit::ERR_UNKNOWN; if(!password.empty()) { rsNotify->cachePgpPassphrase(password); rsNotify->setDisableAskPassword(true); } std::string _ignore_lockFilePath; RsInit::LoadCertificateStatus ret = RsInit::LockAndLoadCertificates(false, _ignore_lockFilePath); rsNotify->setDisableAskPassword(false) ; rsNotify->clearPgpPassphrase() ; if(ret == RsInit::OK && RsControl::instance()->StartupRetroShare() == 1) return RsInit::OK; return ret; } } /*static*/ bool RsLoginHelper::collectEntropy(uint32_t bytes) { return RsInit::collectEntropy(bytes); } void RsLoginHelper::getLocations(std::vector& store) { std::list locIds; RsAccounts::GetAccountIds(locIds); store.clear(); for(const RsPeerId& locId : locIds ) { Location l; l.mLocationId = locId; std::string discardPgpMail; RsAccounts::GetAccountDetails( locId, l.mPgpId, l.mPgpName, discardPgpMail, l.mLocationName ); store.push_back(l); } } std::error_condition RsLoginHelper::createLocationV2( RsPeerId& locationId, RsPgpId& pgpId, const std::string& locationName, const std::string& pgpName, const std::string& password ) { if(isLoggedIn()) return RsInitErrorNum::ALREADY_LOGGED_IN; if(locationName.empty()) return RsInitErrorNum::INVALID_LOCATION_NAME; if(pgpId.isNull() && pgpName.empty()) return RsInitErrorNum::PGP_NAME_OR_ID_NEEDED; std::string errorMessage; if(pgpId.isNull() && !RsAccounts::GeneratePGPCertificate( pgpName, "", password, pgpId, 4096, errorMessage ) ) { RS_ERR("Failure creating PGP key: ", errorMessage); return RsInitErrorNum::PGP_KEY_CREATION_FAILED; } std::string sslPassword = RsRandom::random_alphaNumericString(RsInit::getSslPwdLen()); rsNotify->cachePgpPassphrase(password); rsNotify->setDisableAskPassword(true); bool ret = RsAccounts::createNewAccount( pgpId, "", locationName, "", false, false, sslPassword, locationId, errorMessage ); if(!ret) { RS_ERR("Failure creating SSL key: ", errorMessage); return RsInitErrorNum::SSL_KEY_CREATION_FAILED; } RsInit::LoadPassword(sslPassword); ret = (RsInit::OK == attemptLogin(locationId, password)); rsNotify->setDisableAskPassword(false); return (ret ? std::error_condition() : RsInitErrorNum::LOGIN_FAILED); } #if !RS_VERSION_AT_LEAST(0,6,6) bool RsLoginHelper::createLocation( RsLoginHelper::Location& l, const std::string& password, std::string& errorMessage, bool makeHidden, bool makeAutoTor ) { if(isLoggedIn()) return (errorMessage="Already Running", false); if(l.mLocationName.empty()) { errorMessage = "Location name is needed"; return false; } if(l.mPgpId.isNull() && l.mPgpName.empty()) { errorMessage = "Either PGP name or PGP id is needed"; return false; } if(l.mPgpId.isNull() && !RsAccounts::GeneratePGPCertificate( l.mPgpName, "", password, l.mPgpId, 4096, errorMessage) ) { errorMessage = "Failure creating PGP key: " + errorMessage; return false; } std::string sslPassword = RSRandom::random_alphaNumericString(RsInit::getSslPwdLen()); if(!rsNotify->cachePgpPassphrase(password)) return false; if(!rsNotify->setDisableAskPassword(true)) return false; bool ret = RsAccounts::createNewAccount( l.mPgpId, "", l.mLocationName, "", makeHidden, makeAutoTor, sslPassword, l.mLocationId, errorMessage ); ret = ret && RsInit::LoadPassword(sslPassword); ret = ret && RsInit::OK == attemptLogin(l.mLocationId, password); rsNotify->setDisableAskPassword(false); return ret; } #endif // !RS_VERSION_AT_LEAST(0,6,6) bool RsLoginHelper::isLoggedIn() { return RsControl::instance()->isReady(); } void RsLoginHelper::Location::serial_process( RsGenericSerializer::SerializeJob j, RsGenericSerializer::SerializeContext& ctx ) { RS_SERIAL_PROCESS(mLocationId); RS_SERIAL_PROCESS(mPgpId); RS_SERIAL_PROCESS(mLocationName); RS_SERIAL_PROCESS(mPgpName); } /*static*/ bool RsAccounts::getCurrentAccountId(RsPeerId& id) { return rsAccountsDetails->getCurrentAccountId(id); }