/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Robert Fernie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include "NetworkView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/elastic/node.h" /******** * #define DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW ********/ #define DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW /** Constructor */ NetworkView::NetworkView(QWidget *parent) : RsAutoUpdatePage(60000,parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); mScene = new QGraphicsScene(); ui.graphicsView->setScene(mScene); ui.graphicsView->setEdgeLength(ui.edgeLengthSB->value()) ; setMaxFriendLevel(ui.maxFriendLevelSB->value()) ; /* add button */ connect( ui.refreshButton, SIGNAL( clicked( void ) ), this, SLOT( updateDisplay( void ) ) ); connect( mScene, SIGNAL( changed ( const QList & ) ), this, SLOT ( changedScene( void ) ) ); /* Hide Settings frame */ shownwSettingsFrame(false); connect( ui.maxFriendLevelSB, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setMaxFriendLevel(int))); connect( ui.edgeLengthSB, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setEdgeLength(int))); _should_update = true ; } void NetworkView::setEdgeLength(int l) { ui.graphicsView->setEdgeLength(l); } void NetworkView::setMaxFriendLevel(int m) { _max_friend_level = m ; updateDisplay() ; } void NetworkView::changedFoFCheckBox( ) { updateDisplay(); } void NetworkView::clearPeerItems() { std::map::iterator pit; for(pit = mPeerItems.begin(); pit != mPeerItems.end(); pit++) { mScene->destroyItemGroup((QGraphicsItemGroup *) pit->second); } mPeerItems.clear(); } void NetworkView::clearOtherItems() { std::list::iterator oit; for(oit = mOtherItems.begin(); oit != mOtherItems.end(); oit++) { mScene->removeItem(*oit); delete (*oit); } mOtherItems.clear(); } void NetworkView::clearLineItems() { std::list::iterator oit; for(oit = mLineItems.begin(); oit != mLineItems.end(); oit++) { mScene->removeItem(*oit); delete (*oit); } mLineItems.clear(); } class NodeInfo { public: NodeInfo(const std::string& _gpg_id,const std::string& _ssl_id,uint32_t lev) : gpg_id(_gpg_id),ssl_id(_ssl_id),friend_level(lev) {} std::string gpg_id ; std::string ssl_id ; uint32_t friend_level ; } ; void NetworkView::update() { _should_update = true ; } void NetworkView::updateDisplay() { if(!isVisible()) return ; if(!_should_update) return ; /* add all friends */ std::string ownGPGId = rsPeers->getGPGOwnId(); std::string ownSSLId = rsPeers->getOwnId(); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << "NetworkView::updateDisplay()" << std::endl; #endif int i = 0; std::deque nodes_to_treat ; // list of nodes to be treated. Used as a queue. The int is the level of friendness std::set nodes_considered ; // list of nodes already considered. Eases lookup. nodes_to_treat.push_front(NodeInfo(ownGPGId,ownSSLId,0)) ; // initialize queue with own id. nodes_considered.insert(rsPeers->getOwnId()) ; // compute the list of GPG friends std::set gpg_friends ; std::list friends ; std::set ssl_friends ; if(!rsPeers->getFriendList(friends)) return ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(friends.begin());it!=friends.end();++it) { RsPeerDetails d ; if(!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it,d)) continue ; gpg_friends.insert(d.gpg_id) ; ssl_friends.insert(d.id) ; } #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << "Found " << ssl_friends.size() << " gpg friends." << std::endl ; #endif // Put own id in queue, and empty the queue, treating all nodes. // while(!nodes_to_treat.empty()) { NodeInfo info(nodes_to_treat.back()) ; nodes_to_treat.pop_back() ; #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " Poped out of queue: " << info.ssl_id << ", with level " << info.friend_level << std::endl ; #endif std::list friendList; rsDisc->getDiscFriends(info.ssl_id, friendList); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " Got a list of " << friendList.size() << " friends for this peer." << std::endl ; #endif // if(!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(info.gpg_id,detail)) // { // std::cerr << "Could not request GPG details for node " << info.gpg_id << std::endl ; // continue ; // } // if(info.friend_level <= _max_friend_level && (info.friend_level != 1 || ssl_friends.find(info.ssl_id) != ssl_friends.end())) { GraphWidget::NodeType type ; GraphWidget::AuthType auth ; switch(info.friend_level) { case 0: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_OWN ; break ; case 1: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_FRIEND ; break ; case 2: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_F_OF_F ; break ; default: type = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN ; } RsPeerDetails detail ; if (!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(info.ssl_id, detail)) continue ; switch(detail.validLvl) { case GPGME_VALIDITY_MARGINAL: auth = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_AUTH_MARGINAL ; break; case GPGME_VALIDITY_FULL: case GPGME_VALIDITY_ULTIMATE: auth = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_AUTH_FULL ; break; case GPGME_VALIDITY_UNKNOWN: case GPGME_VALIDITY_UNDEFINED: case GPGME_VALIDITY_NEVER: default: auth = GraphWidget::ELASTIC_NODE_AUTH_UNKNOWN ; break ; } if(_node_ids.find(info.ssl_id) == _node_ids.end()) { _node_ids[info.ssl_id] = ui.graphicsView->addNode(" "+detail.name +"("+detail.location+")", "("+detail.name+","+info.ssl_id+","+detail.gpg_id+")",type,auth,info.ssl_id,info.gpg_id); #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " inserted node " << info.ssl_id << ", type=" << type << ", auth=" << auth << std::endl ; std::cerr << " NetworkView::updateDisplay() Added Friend: " << info.ssl_id << std::endl; #endif } for(std::list::const_iterator sit(friendList.begin()); sit != friendList.end(); ++sit) if(nodes_considered.find(*sit) == nodes_considered.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << " adding to queue: " << *sit << ", with level " << info.friend_level+1 << std::endl ; #endif nodes_to_treat.push_front( NodeInfo("unknown",*sit,info.friend_level + 1) ) ; nodes_considered.insert(*sit) ; } } } /* iterate through all friends */ #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << "NetworkView::insertSignatures()" << std::endl; #endif for(std::map::const_iterator it(_node_ids.begin()); it != _node_ids.end(); it++) { std::list friendList ; if(rsDisc->getDiscFriends(it->first,friendList)) for(std::list::const_iterator sit(friendList.begin()); sit != friendList.end(); sit++) { if(it->first < *sit) { #ifdef DEBUG_NETWORKVIEW std::cerr << "NetworkView: Adding Arrow: "; std::cerr << *sit << " <-> " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if(_node_ids.find(*sit) != _node_ids.end()) ui.graphicsView->addEdge(_node_ids[*sit], it->second); } } } _should_update = false ; } /** Toggles the Settings pane on and off, changes toggle button text */ void NetworkView::shownwSettingsFrame(bool show) { if (show) { // ui.viewsettingsframe->setVisible(true); // ui.nviewsettingsButton->setChecked(true); // ui.nviewsettingsButton->setToolTip(tr("Hide Settings")); } else { // ui.viewsettingsframe->setVisible(false); // ui.nviewsettingsButton->setChecked(false); // ui.nviewsettingsButton->setToolTip(tr("Show Settings")); } }