//import QtQuick 2.7 //2.2 //import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 //1.1 //import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 //1.1 import "." import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 // millor fer servir 2.0 o més import LibresapiLocalClientQml 1.0 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("RSChat") /* LibresapiLocalClientComm{ id: llc onGoodResponseReceived: gxss.title = msg }*/ onSceneGraphInitialized: llc.openConnection() Rectangle { id: page width: 600; height: 400 color: "#336699" // "#FFFFFF" Rectangle { id: header width: parent.width anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left height: 50 ApplicationBar { id: status AppButton { icon: "icons/contacts-128.png" onButtonClicked : { tabView.currentIndex = 0 } } AppButton { icon: "icons/settings-4-128.png" onButtonClicked : { tabView.currentIndex = 1 } } AppButton { icon: "icons/email-128.png" onButtonClicked : { tabView.currentIndex = 2 } } AppButton { icon: "icons/star-2-128.png" onButtonClicked : { tabView.currentIndex = 3 } } } } TabView { id: tabView width: parent.width anchors.top: header.bottom anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom tabsVisible: false Tab { id: gxsIds //onActiveChanged: llc.request("/identity/", "") onVisibleChanged: llc.request("/identity/", "") GxsService { id: gxss title: "Friends" // Button { // text: "buto" // anchors.left: gxss.right // onClicked: { // // gxss.title = "provaboba" // // gxss.title = llc.request("/identity/", "") // //llc.request("/identity/", "") // canviar per onVisibleChanged de Tab potser // } // } Connections { target: llc onGoodResponseReceived: gxss.title = msg //console.log("Image has changed!") } //groupDelegate: GxsIdDelegate {} //groupModel: gxsIdModel } } Tab { id: forum GxsService { id: gxssforum title: "Forums" onVisibleChanged: llc.request("/control/locations/", "") Connections { target: llc onGoodResponseReceived: gxssforum.title = msg //console.log("Image has changed!") } // This one uses the default GxsGroupDelegate. // groupModel: forumGroupModel // msgDelegate: ForumMsgDelegate {} // msgModel: forumMsgModel } } Tab { id: channelLinks GxsService { title: "Channels" // custom GroupDelegate. // groupDelegate: ChannelGroupDelegate {} // groupModel: channelGroupModel // msgDelegate: ChannelMsgDelegate {} // msgModel: channelMsgModel } } Tab { id: postedLinks GxsService { title: "Posted" // This one uses the default GxsGroupDelegate. // groupModel: postedGroupModel // msgDelegate: PostedMsgDelegate {} // msgModel: postedMsgModel } } } } }