/**************************************************************** * RetroShare GUI is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Thunder * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FeedReaderDialog.h" #include "ui_FeedReaderDialog.h" #include "FeedReaderNotify.h" #include "AddFeedDialog.h" #include "gui/common/RSTreeWidgetItem.h" #include "util/HandleRichText.h" #include "gui/settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "interface/rsFeedReader.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" #define COLUMN_FEED_COUNT 1 #define COLUMN_FEED_NAME 0 #define COLUMN_FEED_DATA 0 #define ROLE_FEED_ID Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_FEED_SORT Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_FEED_FOLDER Qt::UserRole + 2 #define ROLE_FEED_UNREAD Qt::UserRole + 3 #define ROLE_FEED_NAME Qt::UserRole + 4 #define ROLE_FEED_WORKSTATE Qt::UserRole + 5 #define ROLE_FEED_LOADING Qt::UserRole + 6 #define ROLE_FEED_ICON Qt::UserRole + 7 #define ROLE_FEED_ERROR Qt::UserRole + 8 #define ROLE_FEED_DEACTIVATED Qt::UserRole + 9 #define COLUMN_MSG_COUNT 4 #define COLUMN_MSG_TITLE 0 #define COLUMN_MSG_READ 1 #define COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE 2 #define COLUMN_MSG_AUTHOR 3 #define COLUMN_MSG_DATA 0 #define ROLE_MSG_ID Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_MSG_SORT Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_MSG_NEW Qt::UserRole + 2 #define ROLE_MSG_READ Qt::UserRole + 3 #define ROLE_MSG_LINK Qt::UserRole + 4 static int filterColumnToComboBox(int nIndex) { switch (nIndex) { case COLUMN_MSG_TITLE: return 0; case COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE: return 1; case COLUMN_MSG_AUTHOR: return 2; } return filterColumnToComboBox(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE); } static int filterColumnFromComboBox(int nIndex) { switch (nIndex) { case 0: return COLUMN_MSG_TITLE; case 1: return COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE; case 2: return COLUMN_MSG_AUTHOR; } return COLUMN_MSG_TITLE; } FeedReaderDialog::FeedReaderDialog(RsFeedReader *feedReader, QWidget *parent) : MainPage(parent), mFeedReader(feedReader), ui(new Ui::FeedReaderDialog) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui->setupUi(this); mNotify = new FeedReaderNotify(); mFeedReader->setNotify(mNotify); connect(mNotify, SIGNAL(notifyFeedChanged(QString,int)), this, SLOT(feedChanged(QString,int))); connect(mNotify, SIGNAL(notifyMsgChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(msgChanged(QString,QString,int))); mProcessSettings = false; /* connect signals */ connect(ui->feedTreeWidget, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(feedItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*))); connect(ui->msgTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(msgItemChanged())); connect(ui->msgTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(msgItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int))); connect(ui->feedTreeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(feedTreeCustomPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui->msgTreeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(msgTreeCustomPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui->filterLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(filterItems(QString))); connect(ui->filterColumnComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(filterColumnChanged())); connect(ui->linkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openLinkMsg())); connect(ui->expandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleMsgText())); mFeedCompareRole = new RSTreeWidgetItemCompareRole; mFeedCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, ROLE_FEED_SORT); mMsgCompareRole = new RSTreeWidgetItemCompareRole; mMsgCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, ROLE_MSG_SORT); mMsgCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_MSG_READ, ROLE_MSG_SORT); mMsgCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE, ROLE_MSG_SORT); mMsgCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_MSG_AUTHOR, ROLE_MSG_SORT); /* initialize root item */ mRootItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(ui->feedTreeWidget); QString name = tr("Message Folders"); mRootItem->setText(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, name); mRootItem->setIcon(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, QIcon(":/images/Root.png")); mRootItem->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_NAME, name); mRootItem->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_FOLDER, true); mRootItem->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ICON, QIcon(":/images/Root.png")); mRootItem->setExpanded(true); /* initialize msg list */ ui->msgTreeWidget->sortItems(COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE, Qt::DescendingOrder); /* set initial size the splitter */ QList sizes; sizes << 300 << width(); // Qt calculates the right sizes ui->splitter->setSizes(sizes); /* set header resize modes and initial section sizes */ QHeaderView *header = ui->msgTreeWidget->header(); header->setResizeMode(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, QHeaderView::Interactive); header->resizeSection(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, 350); header->resizeSection(COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE, 140); header->resizeSection(COLUMN_MSG_AUTHOR, 150); /* set text of column "Read" to empty - without this the column has a number as header text */ QTreeWidgetItem *headerItem = ui->msgTreeWidget->headerItem(); headerItem->setText(COLUMN_MSG_READ, ""); /* load settings */ processSettings(true); /* Set header sizes for the fixed columns and resize modes, must be set after processSettings */ header->resizeSection(COLUMN_MSG_READ, 24); header->setResizeMode(COLUMN_MSG_READ, QHeaderView::Fixed); /* initialize feed list */ ui->feedTreeWidget->sortItems(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, Qt::AscendingOrder); /* build menu for link button */ QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this); QAction *action = menu->addAction(tr("Open link in browser"), this, SLOT(openLinkMsg())); menu->addAction(tr("Copy link to clipboard"), this, SLOT(copyLinkMsg())); QFont font = action->font(); font.setBold(true); action->setFont(font); ui->linkButton->setMenu(menu); ui->linkButton->setEnabled(false); ui->msgTreeWidget->installEventFilter(this); } FeedReaderDialog::~FeedReaderDialog() { /* save settings */ processSettings(false); delete(mFeedCompareRole); delete(mMsgCompareRole); delete(ui); mFeedReader->setNotify(NULL); delete(mNotify); } void FeedReaderDialog::processSettings(bool load) { mProcessSettings = true; QHeaderView *header = ui->msgTreeWidget->header (); Settings->beginGroup(QString("FeedReaderDialog")); if (load) { // load settings // expandButton bool value = Settings->value("expandButton", true).toBool(); ui->expandButton->setChecked(value); toggleMsgText_internal(); // filterColumn ui->filterColumnComboBox->setCurrentIndex(filterColumnToComboBox(Settings->value("filterColumn", COLUMN_MSG_TITLE).toInt())); // state of thread tree header->restoreState(Settings->value("msgTree").toByteArray()); // state of splitter ui->splitter->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter").toByteArray()); ui->msgSplitter->restoreState(Settings->value("msgSplitter").toByteArray()); } else { // save settings // state of thread tree Settings->setValue("msgTree", header->saveState()); // state of splitter Settings->setValue("Splitter", ui->splitter->saveState()); Settings->setValue("msgSplitter", ui->msgSplitter->saveState()); } Settings->endGroup(); mProcessSettings = false; } void FeedReaderDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent */*event*/) { updateFeeds("", mRootItem); } bool FeedReaderDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (obj == ui->msgTreeWidget) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if (keyEvent) { if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { /* Space pressed */ QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->msgTreeWidget->currentItem(); msgItemClicked(item, COLUMN_MSG_READ); return true; // eat event } if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) { /* Delete pressed */ removeMsg(); return true; // eat event } } } } if (obj == ui->feedTreeWidget) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if (keyEvent) { if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) { /* Delete pressed */ removeFeed(); return true; // eat event } } } } /* pass the event on to the parent class */ return MainPage::eventFilter(obj, event); } std::string FeedReaderDialog::currentFeedId() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->feedTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) { return ""; } return item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ID).toString().toStdString(); } std::string FeedReaderDialog::currentMsgId() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->msgTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) { return ""; } return item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_ID).toString().toStdString(); } void FeedReaderDialog::feedTreeCustomPopupMenu(QPoint /*point*/) { QMenu contextMnu(this); bool folder = false; QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->feedTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (item) { folder = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_FOLDER).toBool(); } QMenu *menu = contextMnu.addMenu(QIcon(""), tr("New")); QAction *action = menu->addAction(QIcon(":/images/FeedAdd.png"), tr("Feed"), this, SLOT(newFeed())); if (!item || !folder) { action->setEnabled(false); } action = menu->addAction(QIcon(":/images/FolderAdd.png"), tr("Folder"), this, SLOT(newFolder())); if (!item || !folder) { action->setEnabled(false); } contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/edit_16.png"), tr("Edit"), this, SLOT(editFeed())); if (!item || item == mRootItem) { action->setEnabled(false); } action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/delete.png"), tr("Delete"), this, SLOT(removeFeed())); if (!item || item == mRootItem) { action->setEnabled(false); } contextMnu.addSeparator(); bool deactivated = false; if (!folder && item) { deactivated = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_DEACTIVATED).toBool(); } action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/Update.png"), tr("Update"), this, SLOT(processFeed())); action->setEnabled(!deactivated); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(""), deactivated ? tr("Activate") : tr("Deactivate"), this, SLOT(activateFeed())); if (!item || item == mRootItem || folder) { action->setEnabled(false); } contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void FeedReaderDialog::msgTreeCustomPopupMenu(QPoint /*point*/) { QMenu contextMnu(this); QList selectedItems = ui->msgTreeWidget->selectedItems(); QAction *action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(""), tr("Mark as read"), this, SLOT(markAsReadMsg())); action->setEnabled(!selectedItems.empty()); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(""), tr("Mark as unread"), this, SLOT(markAsUnreadMsg())); action->setEnabled(!selectedItems.empty()); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(""), tr("Mark all as read"), this, SLOT(markAllAsReadMsg())); contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(""), tr("Copy link"), this, SLOT(copyLinskMsg())); action->setEnabled(!selectedItems.empty()); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(""), tr("Remove"), this, SLOT(removeMsg())); action->setEnabled(!selectedItems.empty()); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void FeedReaderDialog::updateFeeds(const std::string &parentId, QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem) { if (!parentItem) { return; } /* get feed infos */ std::list feedInfos; mFeedReader->getFeedList(parentId, feedInfos); int index = 0; QTreeWidgetItem *item; std::list::iterator feedIt; /* update existing and delete not existing feeds */ while (index < parentItem->childCount()) { item = parentItem->child(index); std::string feedId = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ID).toString().toStdString(); /* search existing feed */ int found = -1; for (feedIt = feedInfos.begin (); feedIt != feedInfos.end (); ++feedIt) { if (feedIt->feedId == feedId) { /* found it, update it */ updateFeedItem(item, *feedIt); if (feedIt->flag.folder) { /* process child feeds */ updateFeeds(feedIt->feedId, item); } feedInfos.erase(feedIt); found = index; break; } } if (found >= 0) { ++index; } else { delete(parentItem->takeChild(index)); } } /* add new feeds */ for (feedIt = feedInfos.begin (); feedIt != feedInfos.end (); ++feedIt) { item = new RSTreeWidgetItem(mFeedCompareRole); parentItem->addChild(item); updateFeedItem(item, *feedIt); if (feedIt->flag.folder) { /* process child feeds */ updateFeeds(feedIt->feedId, item); } } calculateFeedItems(); } void FeedReaderDialog::calculateFeedItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item, uint32_t &unreadCount, bool &loading) { uint32_t unreadCountItem = 0; bool loadingItem = false; if (item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_FOLDER).toBool()) { int childCount = item->childCount(); for (int index = 0; index < childCount; ++index) { calculateFeedItem(item->child(index), unreadCountItem, loadingItem); } } else { unreadCountItem = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_UNREAD).toUInt(); loadingItem = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_LOADING).toBool(); } unreadCount += unreadCountItem; loading = loading || loadingItem; QString name = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_NAME).toString(); QString workState = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_WORKSTATE).toString(); if (unreadCountItem) { name += QString(" (%1)").arg(unreadCountItem); } if (!workState.isEmpty()) { name += QString(" (%1)").arg(workState); } item->setText(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, name); bool deactivated = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_DEACTIVATED).toBool(); QColor colorActivated; QColor colorDeactivated = QColor(Qt::gray); for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_FEED_COUNT; i++) { QFont font = item->font(i); font.setBold(unreadCountItem != 0); item->setFont(i, font); item->setTextColor(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, deactivated ? colorDeactivated : colorActivated); } QIcon icon = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ICON).value(); if (deactivated) { /* create disabled icon */ icon = icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16), QIcon::Disabled); } QImage overlayIcon; if (loadingItem) { /* overlaying icon */ overlayIcon = QImage(":/images/FeedProcessOverlay.png"); } else if (item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ERROR).toBool()) { overlayIcon = QImage(":/images/FeedErrorOverlay.png"); } if (!overlayIcon.isNull()) { if (icon.isNull()) { icon = QPixmap::fromImage(overlayIcon); } else { QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16)); QPainter painter(&pixmap); painter.drawImage(0, 0, overlayIcon.scaled(pixmap.size(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); painter.end(); icon = pixmap; } } item->setIcon(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, icon); } void FeedReaderDialog::calculateFeedItems() { uint32_t unreadCount = 0; bool loading = false; calculateFeedItem(mRootItem, unreadCount, loading); ui->feedTreeWidget->sortItems(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, Qt::AscendingOrder); } void FeedReaderDialog::updateFeedItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item, FeedInfo &info) { QString workState; QIcon icon; if (info.flag.folder) { /* use folder icon */ icon = QIcon(":/images/Folder.png"); } else { long todo; // show icon from feed // if (info.icon.empty()) { /* use standard icon */ icon = QIcon(":/images/Feed.png"); // } else { // /* use icon from feed */ // icon = QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(QImage((uchar*) QByteArray::fromBase64(info.icon.c_str()).constData(), 16, 16, QImage::Format_RGB32))); // } } item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ICON, icon); switch (info.workstate) { case FeedInfo::WAITING: break; case FeedInfo::WAITING_TO_DOWNLOAD: workState = tr("waiting for download"); break; case FeedInfo::DOWNLOADING: workState = tr("downloading"); break; case FeedInfo::WAITING_TO_PROCESS: workState = tr("waiting for process"); break; case FeedInfo::PROCESSING: workState = tr("processing"); break; } QString name = QString::fromUtf8(info.name.c_str()); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_NAME, name.isEmpty() ? tr("No name") : name); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_WORKSTATE, workState); uint32_t unreadCount; mFeedReader->getMessageCount(info.feedId, NULL, NULL, &unreadCount); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, ROLE_FEED_SORT, QString("%1_%2").arg(QString(info.flag.folder ? "0" : "1"), name)); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_UNREAD, unreadCount); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_LOADING, info.workstate != FeedInfo::WAITING); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ID, QString::fromStdString(info.feedId)); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_FOLDER, info.flag.folder); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_DEACTIVATED, info.flag.deactivated); item->setData(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ERROR, info.error); item->setToolTip(COLUMN_FEED_NAME, info.error ? QString::fromUtf8(info.errorString.c_str()) : ""); } void FeedReaderDialog::updateMsgs(const std::string &feedId) { std::list msgInfos; if (!mFeedReader->getFeedMsgList(feedId, msgInfos)) { ui->msgTreeWidget->clear(); return; } int index = 0; QTreeWidgetItem *item; std::list::iterator msgIt; /* update existing and delete not existing msgs */ while (index < ui->msgTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount()) { item = ui->msgTreeWidget->topLevelItem(index); std::string msgId = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_ID).toString().toStdString(); /* search existing msg */ int found = -1; for (msgIt = msgInfos.begin (); msgIt != msgInfos.end (); ++msgIt) { if (msgIt->msgId == msgId) { /* found it, update it */ updateMsgItem(item, *msgIt); msgInfos.erase(msgIt); found = index; break; } } if (found >= 0) { ++index; } else { delete(ui->msgTreeWidget->takeTopLevelItem(index)); } } /* add new msgs */ for (msgIt = msgInfos.begin (); msgIt != msgInfos.end (); ++msgIt) { item = new RSTreeWidgetItem(mMsgCompareRole); updateMsgItem(item, *msgIt); ui->msgTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(item); } filterItems(ui->filterLineEdit->text()); } void FeedReaderDialog::calculateMsgIconsAndFonts(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { if (!item) { return; } bool isnew = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_NEW).toBool(); bool read = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_READ).toBool(); if (read) { item->setIcon(COLUMN_MSG_READ, QIcon(":/images/message-state-read.png")); } else { item->setIcon(COLUMN_MSG_READ, QIcon(":/images/message-state-unread.png")); } if (isnew) { item->setIcon(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, QIcon(":/images/message-state-new.png")); } else { item->setIcon(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, QIcon()); } for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_FEED_COUNT; i++) { QFont font = item->font(i); font.setBold(isnew || !read); item->setFont(i, font); } item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_READ, ROLE_MSG_SORT, QString("%1_%2_%3").arg(QString(isnew ? "1" : "0"), QString(read ? "0" : "1"), item->data(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, ROLE_MSG_SORT).toString())); } void FeedReaderDialog::updateMsgItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item, FeedMsgInfo &info) { QString title = QString::fromUtf8(info.title.c_str()); QDateTime qdatetime; qdatetime.setTime_t(info.pubDate); /* add string to all data */ QString sort = QString("%1_%2_%2").arg(title, qdatetime.toString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"), QString::fromStdString(info.feedId)); item->setText(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, title); item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_TITLE, ROLE_MSG_SORT, sort); QString author = QString::fromUtf8(info.author.c_str()); item->setText(COLUMN_MSG_AUTHOR, author); item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_AUTHOR, ROLE_MSG_SORT, author + "_" + sort); /* if the message is on same date show only time */ if (qdatetime.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) == 0) { item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE, Qt::DisplayRole, qdatetime.time()); } else { item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE, Qt::DisplayRole, qdatetime); } item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_PUBDATE, ROLE_MSG_SORT, QString("%1_%2_%3").arg(qdatetime.toString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"), title, QString::fromStdString(info.msgId))); item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_ID, QString::fromStdString(info.msgId)); item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_LINK, QString::fromUtf8(info.link.c_str())); item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_READ, info.flag.read); item->setData(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_NEW, info.flag.isnew); calculateMsgIconsAndFonts(item); } void FeedReaderDialog::feedChanged(const QString &feedId, int type) { if (!isVisible()) { /* complete update in showEvent */ return; } if (feedId.isEmpty()) { return; } FeedInfo feedInfo; if (type != NOTIFY_TYPE_DEL) { if (!mFeedReader->getFeedInfo(feedId.toStdString(), feedInfo)) { return; } } if (type == NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD || type == NOTIFY_TYPE_DEL) { QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui->feedTreeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item; while ((item = *it) != NULL) { if (item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ID).toString() == feedId) { if (type == NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD) { updateFeedItem(item, feedInfo); } else { delete(item); } break; } ++it; } } if (type == NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD) { QString id = QString::fromStdString(feedInfo.parentId); QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui->feedTreeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *itemParent; while ((itemParent = *it) != NULL) { if (itemParent->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ID).toString() == id) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new RSTreeWidgetItem(mFeedCompareRole); itemParent->addChild(item); updateFeedItem(item, feedInfo); break; } ++it; } } calculateFeedItems(); } void FeedReaderDialog::msgChanged(const QString &feedId, const QString &msgId, int type) { if (!isVisible()) { /* complete update in showEvent */ return; } if (feedId.isEmpty() || msgId.isEmpty()) { return; } if (feedId.toStdString() != currentFeedId()) { return; } FeedMsgInfo msgInfo; if (type != NOTIFY_TYPE_DEL) { if (!mFeedReader->getMsgInfo(feedId.toStdString(), msgId.toStdString(), msgInfo)) { return; } } if (type == NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD || type == NOTIFY_TYPE_DEL) { QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui->msgTreeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item; while ((item = *it) != NULL) { if (item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_ID).toString() == msgId) { if (type == NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD) { updateMsgItem(item, msgInfo); filterItem(item); } else { delete(item); } break; } ++it; } } if (type == NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new RSTreeWidgetItem(mMsgCompareRole); updateMsgItem(item, msgInfo); ui->msgTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(item); filterItem(item); } } void FeedReaderDialog::feedItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { if (!item) { ui->msgTreeWidget->clear(); return; } std::string feedId = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_ID).toString().toStdString(); updateMsgs(feedId); } void FeedReaderDialog::msgItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { if (item == NULL) { return; } if (column == COLUMN_MSG_READ) { QList rows; rows.append(item); bool read = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_READ).toBool(); setMsgAsReadUnread(rows, !read); return; } } void FeedReaderDialog::msgItemChanged() { long todo; // show link somewhere std::string feedId = currentFeedId(); std::string msgId = currentMsgId(); if (feedId.empty() || msgId.empty()) { ui->msgTitle->clear(); // ui->msgLink->clear(); ui->msgText->clear(); ui->linkButton->setEnabled(false); return; } QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->msgTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) { /* there is something wrong */ ui->msgTitle->clear(); // ui->msgLink->clear(); ui->msgText->clear(); ui->linkButton->setEnabled(false); return; } /* get msg */ FeedMsgInfo msgInfo; if (!mFeedReader->getMsgInfo(feedId, msgId, msgInfo)) { ui->msgTitle->clear(); // ui->msgLink->clear(); ui->msgText->clear(); ui->linkButton->setEnabled(false); return; } bool setToReadOnActive = Settings->valueFromGroup("FeedReaderDialog", "SetMsgToReadOnActivate", true).toBool(); bool isnew = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_NEW).toBool(); bool read = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_READ).toBool(); QList row; row.append(item); if (read) { if (isnew) { /* something wrong, but set as read again to clear the new flag */ setMsgAsReadUnread(row, true); } } else { /* set to read/unread */ setMsgAsReadUnread(row, setToReadOnActive); } QString msgTxt = RsHtml().formatText(ui->msgText->document(), QString::fromUtf8(msgInfo.description.c_str()), RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_LINKS); ui->msgText->setHtml(msgTxt); ui->msgTitle->setText(QString::fromUtf8(msgInfo.title.c_str())); ui->linkButton->setEnabled(!msgInfo.link.empty()); } void FeedReaderDialog::setMsgAsReadUnread(QList &rows, bool read) { QList::iterator rowIt; std::string feedId = currentFeedId(); if (feedId.empty()) { return; } for (rowIt = rows.begin(); rowIt != rows.end(); rowIt++) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = *rowIt; bool rowRead = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_READ).toBool(); bool rowNew = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_NEW).toBool(); if (rowNew || read != rowRead) { std::string msgId = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_ID).toString().toStdString(); mFeedReader->setMessageRead(feedId, msgId, read); } } } void FeedReaderDialog::filterColumnChanged() { if (mProcessSettings) { return; } filterItems(ui->filterLineEdit->text()); // save index int filterColumn = filterColumnFromComboBox(ui->filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex()); Settings->setValueToGroup("FeedReaderDialog", "filterColumn", filterColumn); } void FeedReaderDialog::filterItems(const QString& text) { int filterColumn = filterColumnFromComboBox(ui->filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex()); int count = ui->msgTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { filterItem(ui->msgTreeWidget->topLevelItem(index), text, filterColumn); } } void FeedReaderDialog::filterItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &text, int filterColumn) { if (text.isEmpty() == false) { if (item->text(filterColumn).contains(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { item->setHidden(false); } else { item->setHidden(true); } } else { item->setHidden(false); } } void FeedReaderDialog::filterItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { filterItem(item, ui->filterLineEdit->text(), filterColumnFromComboBox(ui->filterColumnComboBox->currentIndex())); } void FeedReaderDialog::toggleMsgText() { // save state of button Settings->setValueToGroup("FeedReaderDialog", "expandButton", ui->expandButton->isChecked()); toggleMsgText_internal(); } void FeedReaderDialog::toggleMsgText_internal() { if (ui->expandButton->isChecked()) { ui->msgText->setVisible(true); ui->expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_remove24.png"))); ui->expandButton->setToolTip(tr("Hide")); } else { ui->msgText->setVisible(false); ui->expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_add24.png"))); ui->expandButton->setToolTip(tr("Expand")); } } void FeedReaderDialog::newFolder() { QInputDialog dialog; dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Add new folder")); dialog.setLabelText(tr("Please enter a name for the folder")); dialog.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/FeedReader.png")); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !dialog.textValue().isEmpty()) { std::string feedId; RsFeedAddResult result = mFeedReader->addFolder(currentFeedId(), dialog.textValue().toUtf8().constData(), feedId); AddFeedDialog::showError(this, result, tr("Create folder"), tr("Cannot create folder.")); } } void FeedReaderDialog::newFeed() { AddFeedDialog dialog(mFeedReader, this); dialog.setParent(currentFeedId()); dialog.exec(); } void FeedReaderDialog::removeFeed() { std::string feedId = currentFeedId(); if (feedId.empty()) { return; } QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->feedTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) { return; } bool folder = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_FOLDER).toBool(); QString name = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_NAME).toString(); if (QMessageBox::question(this, folder ? tr("Remove folder") : tr("Remove feed"), folder ? tr("Do you want to remove the folder %1?").arg(name) : tr("Do you want to remove the feed %1?").arg(name), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { mFeedReader->removeFeed(feedId); } } void FeedReaderDialog::editFeed() { std::string feedId = currentFeedId(); if (feedId.empty()) { return; } QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->feedTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) { return; } bool folder = item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_FOLDER).toBool(); if (folder) { QInputDialog dialog; dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Edit folder")); dialog.setLabelText(tr("Please enter a new name for the folder")); dialog.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/FeedReader.png")); dialog.setTextValue(item->data(COLUMN_FEED_DATA, ROLE_FEED_NAME).toString()); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted && !dialog.textValue().isEmpty()) { RsFeedAddResult result = mFeedReader->setFolder(feedId, dialog.textValue().toUtf8().constData()); AddFeedDialog::showError(this, result, tr("Create folder"), tr("Cannot create folder.")); } } else { AddFeedDialog dialog(mFeedReader, this); if (!dialog.fillFeed(feedId)) { return; } dialog.exec(); } } void FeedReaderDialog::activateFeed() { std::string feedId = currentFeedId(); if (feedId.empty()) { return; } FeedInfo feedInfo; if (!mFeedReader->getFeedInfo(feedId, feedInfo)) { return; } if (feedInfo.flag.folder) { return; } feedInfo.flag.deactivated = !feedInfo.flag.deactivated; mFeedReader->setFeed(feedId, feedInfo); } void FeedReaderDialog::processFeed() { std::string feedId = currentFeedId(); /* empty feed id process all feeds */ mFeedReader->processFeed(feedId); } void FeedReaderDialog::markAsReadMsg() { QList selectedItems = ui->msgTreeWidget->selectedItems(); setMsgAsReadUnread(selectedItems, true); } void FeedReaderDialog::markAsUnreadMsg() { QList selectedItems = ui->msgTreeWidget->selectedItems(); setMsgAsReadUnread(selectedItems, false); } void FeedReaderDialog::markAllAsReadMsg() { QList items; QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui->msgTreeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item; while ((item = *it) != NULL) { if (!item->isHidden()) { items.push_back(item); } ++it; } setMsgAsReadUnread(items, true); } void FeedReaderDialog::copyLinksMsg() { QString links; QTreeWidgetItemIterator it(ui->msgTreeWidget, QTreeWidgetItemIterator::Selected); QTreeWidgetItem *item; while ((item = *it) != NULL) { QString link = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_LINK).toString(); if (!link.isEmpty()) { links += link + "\n"; } ++it; } if (links.isEmpty()) { return; } QApplication::clipboard()->setText(links); } void FeedReaderDialog::removeMsg() { std::string feedId = currentFeedId(); if (feedId.empty()) { return; } QList selectedItems = ui->msgTreeWidget->selectedItems(); QList::iterator it; std::list msgIds; for (it = selectedItems.begin(); it != selectedItems.end(); ++it) { msgIds.push_back((*it)->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_ID).toString().toStdString()); } mFeedReader->removeMsgs(feedId, msgIds); } void FeedReaderDialog::copyLinkMsg() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->msgTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) { return; } QString link = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_LINK).toString(); if (link.isEmpty()) { return; } QApplication::clipboard()->setText(link); } void FeedReaderDialog::openLinkMsg() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->msgTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) { return; } QString link = item->data(COLUMN_MSG_DATA, ROLE_MSG_LINK).toString(); if (link.isEmpty()) { return; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(link)); }