set QTDIR=C:\Qt\4.8.6 set MINGW=C:\MinGW set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%MINGW%\bin;%PATH% @echo off rem emptying used variables in case the script was aborted and tempfile set pack= set clean= if exist tmp.txt del tmp.txt :loop1 if %1x == x ( rem if not exist tmp.txt echo debug >>tmp.txt goto :end1 ) if /i %1==clean ( set clean=clean shift goto :loop1 ) if /i %1==pack ( set pack=pack shift goto :loop1 ) echo.%1>>tmp.txt shift goto :loop1 :end1 if %clean%x==cleanx ( if not exist tmp.txt echo %clean% >>tmp.txt ) if not exist tmp.txt ( if not %pack%x==packx ( echo debug >>tmp.txt set clean=clean ) ) for /f %%a in (tmp.txt) do ( @echo on cd libbitdht\src if not %clean%x==x mingw32-make clean qmake mingw32-make %%a cd ..\..\openpgpsdk\src if not %clean%x==x mingw32-make clean qmake mingw32-make cd ..\..\libresapi\src if not %clean%x==x mingw32-make clean qmake mingw32-make %%a cd ..\..\libretroshare\src if not %clean%x==x mingw32-make clean qmake mingw32-make %%a cd ..\..\supportlibs\pegmarkdown if not %clean%x==x mingw32-make clean qmake mingw32-make %%a cd ..\..\retroshare-nogui\src if not %clean%x==x mingw32-make clean qmake mingw32-make %%a cd ..\..\retroshare-gui\src if not %clean%x==x mingw32-make clean qmake mingw32-make %%a cd ..\.. @echo off ) @echo off if %pack%x==packx call packaging.bat rem clean up set clean= del tmp.txt set pack= pause