/* * libretroshare/src/pqi pqiperson.cc * * 3P/PQI network interface for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2006 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "pqi/pqi.h" #include "pqi/pqiperson.h" #include "pqi/pqipersongrp.h" const int pqipersonzone = 82371; #include "util/rsdebug.h" #include "util/rsstring.h" /**** * #define PERSON_DEBUG 1 ****/ #define PERSON_DEBUG 1 pqiperson::pqiperson(std::string id, pqipersongrp *pg) :PQInterface(id), active(false), activepqi(NULL), inConnectAttempt(false), waittimes(0), pqipg(pg) { /* must check id! */ return; } pqiperson::~pqiperson() { // clean up the children. std::map::iterator it; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { pqiconnect *pc = (it->second); delete pc; } kids.clear(); } // The PQInterface interface. int pqiperson::SendItem(RsItem *i,uint32_t& serialized_size) { std::string out = "pqiperson::SendItem()"; if (active) { out += " Active: Sending On\n"; i->print_string(out, 5); #ifdef PERSON_DEBUG std::cerr << out << std::endl; #endif return activepqi -> SendItem(i,serialized_size); } else { out += " Not Active: Used to put in ToGo Store\n"; out += " Now deleting..."; delete i; } pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, out); return 0; // queued. } RsItem *pqiperson::GetItem() { if (active) return activepqi -> GetItem(); // else not possible. return NULL; } int pqiperson::status() { if (active) return activepqi -> status(); return -1; } int pqiperson::receiveHeartbeat() { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::receiveHeartbeat() from peer : " + PeerId()); lastHeartbeatReceived = time(NULL); return true ; } // tick...... int pqiperson::tick() { //if lastHeartbeatReceived is 0, it might be not activated so don't do a net reset. if (active && (lastHeartbeatReceived != 0) && (time(NULL) - lastHeartbeatReceived) > HEARTBEAT_REPEAT_TIME * 5) { int ageLastIncoming = time(NULL) - activepqi->getLastIncomingTS(); std::string out = "pqiperson::tick() WARNING No heartbeat from: " + PeerId(); //out << " assume dead. calling pqissl::reset(), LastHeartbeat was: "; rs_sprintf_append(out, " LastHeartbeat was: %ld secs ago", time(NULL) - lastHeartbeatReceived); rs_sprintf_append(out, " LastIncoming was: %d secs ago", ageLastIncoming); pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, out); #define NO_PACKET_TIMEOUT 60 if (ageLastIncoming > NO_PACKET_TIMEOUT) { out = "pqiperson::tick() " + PeerId(); out += " No Heartbeat & No Packets -> assume dead. calling pqissl::reset()"; pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, out); this->reset(); } } int activeTick = 0; { std::string out = "pqiperson::tick() Id: " + PeerId() + " "; if (active) out += "***Active***"; else out += ">>InActive<<"; out += "\n"; rs_sprintf_append(out, "Activepqi: %p inConnectAttempt: ", activepqi); if (inConnectAttempt) out += "In Connection Attempt"; else out += " Not Connecting "; out += "\n"; // tick the children. std::map::iterator it; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { if (0 < (it->second) -> tick()) { activeTick = 1; } rs_sprintf_append(out, "\tTicking Child: %d\n", it->first); } pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqipersonzone, out); } // end of pqioutput. return activeTick; } // callback function for the child - notify of a change. // This is only used for out-of-band info.... // otherwise could get dangerous loops. int pqiperson::notifyEvent(NetInterface *ni, int newState, const struct sockaddr_storage &remote_peer_address) { { std::string out = "pqiperson::notifyEvent() Id: " + PeerId() + "\n"; rs_sprintf_append(out, "Message: %d from: %p\n", newState, ni); rs_sprintf_append(out, "Active pqi : %p", activepqi); pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, out); } /* find the pqi, */ pqiconnect *pqi = NULL; uint32_t type = 0; std::map::iterator it; /* start again */ int i = 0; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { std::string out; rs_sprintf(out, "pqiperson::connectattempt() Kid# %d of %u\n", i, kids.size()); rs_sprintf_append(out, " type: %u in_ni: %p", it->first, ni); pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, out); i++; if ((it->second)->thisNetInterface(ni)) { pqi = (it->second); type = (it->first); } } if (!pqi) { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "Unknown notfyEvent Source!"); return -1; } switch(newState) { case CONNECT_RECEIVED: case CONNECT_SUCCESS: /* notify */ if (pqipg) { pqipg->notifyConnect(PeerId(), type, true, remote_peer_address); } if ((active) && (activepqi != pqi)) // already connected - trouble { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::notifyEvent() Id: " + PeerId() + " CONNECT_SUCCESS+active-> activing new connection, shutting others"); // This is the RESET that's killing the connections..... //activepqi -> reset(); // this causes a recursive call back into this fn. // which cleans up state. // we only do this if its not going to mess with new conn. } /* now install a new one. */ { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::notifyEvent() Id: " + PeerId() + " CONNECT_SUCCESS->marking so! (resetting others)"); // mark as active. active = true; lastHeartbeatReceived = 0; activepqi = pqi; inConnectAttempt = false; /* reset all other children? (clear up long UDP attempt) */ for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { if (!(it->second)->thisNetInterface(ni)) { std::string out; rs_sprintf(out, "Resetting pqi ref : %p", &(it->second)); pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, out); it->second->reset(); } else { //std::cerr << "Active pqi : not resetting." << std::endl; } } return 1; } break; case CONNECT_UNREACHABLE: case CONNECT_FIREWALLED: case CONNECT_FAILED: if (active) { if (activepqi == pqi) { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::notifyEvent() Id: " + PeerId() + " CONNECT_FAILED->marking so!"); active = false; activepqi = NULL; } else { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::notifyEvent() Id: " + PeerId() + " CONNECT_FAILED-> from an unactive connection, don't flag the peer as not connected, just try next attempt !"); } } else { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::notifyEvent() Id: " + PeerId() + " CONNECT_FAILED+NOT active -> try connect again"); } /* notify up */ if (pqipg) { pqipg->notifyConnect(PeerId(), type, false, remote_peer_address); } return 1; break; default: break; } return -1; } /***************** Not PQInterface Fns ***********************/ int pqiperson::reset() { pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::reset() resetting all pqiconnect for Id: " + PeerId()); std::map::iterator it; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { (it->second) -> reset(); } activepqi = NULL; active = false; lastHeartbeatReceived = 0; return 1; } int pqiperson::addChildInterface(uint32_t type, pqiconnect *pqi) { { std::string out; rs_sprintf(out, "pqiperson::addChildInterface() : Id %s %u", PeerId().c_str(), type); pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, out); } kids[type] = pqi; return 1; } /***************** PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ***********************/ // functions to iterate over the connects and change state. int pqiperson::listen() { pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::listen() Id: " + PeerId()); if (!active) { std::map::iterator it; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { // set them all listening. (it->second) -> listen(); } } return 1; } int pqiperson::stoplistening() { pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::stoplistening() Id: " + PeerId()); std::map::iterator it; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { // set them all listening. (it->second) -> stoplistening(); } return 1; } int pqiperson::connect(uint32_t type, const struct sockaddr_storage &raddr, const struct sockaddr_storage &proxyaddr, const struct sockaddr_storage &srcaddr, uint32_t delay, uint32_t period, uint32_t timeout, uint32_t flags, uint32_t bandwidth, const std::string &domain_addr, uint16_t domain_port) { #ifdef PERSON_DEBUG #endif { std::string out = "pqiperson::connect() Id: " + PeerId(); rs_sprintf_append(out, " type: %u", type); out += " addr: "; out += sockaddr_storage_tostring(raddr); out += " proxyaddr: "; out += sockaddr_storage_tostring(proxyaddr); out += " srcaddr: "; out += sockaddr_storage_tostring(srcaddr); rs_sprintf_append(out, " delay: %u", delay); rs_sprintf_append(out, " period: %u", period); rs_sprintf_append(out, " timeout: %u", timeout); rs_sprintf_append(out, " flags: %u", flags); rs_sprintf_append(out, " bandwidth: %u", bandwidth); //std::cerr << out.str(); pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, out); } std::map::iterator it; it = kids.find(type); if (it == kids.end()) { #ifdef PERSON_DEBUG //pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::connect() missing pqiconnect"); #endif /* notify of fail! */ pqipg->notifyConnect(PeerId(), type, false, raddr); return 0; } #ifdef PERSON_DEBUG std::cerr << "pqiperson::connect() WARNING, resetting for new connection attempt" << std::endl; #endif /* set the parameters */ pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqipersonzone, "pqiperson::connect reset() before connection attempt"); (it->second)->reset(); #ifdef PERSON_DEBUG std::cerr << "pqiperson::connect() WARNING, clearing rate cap" << std::endl; #endif setRateCap(0,0); #ifdef PERSON_DEBUG std::cerr << "pqiperson::connect() setting connect_parameters" << std::endl; #endif // These two are universal. (it->second)->connect_parameter(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_DELAY, delay); (it->second)->connect_parameter(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, timeout); // these 5 are only used by UDP connections. (it->second)->connect_parameter(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_PERIOD, period); (it->second)->connect_parameter(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_FLAGS, flags); (it->second)->connect_parameter(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_BANDWIDTH, bandwidth); (it->second)->connect_additional_address(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_PROXY, proxyaddr); (it->second)->connect_additional_address(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_SOURCE, srcaddr); // These are used by Proxy/Hidden (it->second)->connect_parameter(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_DOMAIN_ADDRESS, domain_addr); (it->second)->connect_parameter(NET_PARAM_CONNECT_REMOTE_PORT, domain_port); (it->second)->connect(raddr); // flag if we started a new connectionAttempt. inConnectAttempt = true; return 1; } pqiconnect *pqiperson::getKid(uint32_t type) { std::map::iterator it; if (kids.empty()) { return NULL; } it = kids.find(type); if (it == kids.end()) { return NULL; } else { return it->second; } } void pqiperson::getRates(RsBwRates &rates) { // get the rate from the active one. if ((!active) || (activepqi == NULL)) return; activepqi -> getRates(rates); } int pqiperson::getQueueSize(bool in) { // get the rate from the active one. if ((!active) || (activepqi == NULL)) return 0; return activepqi -> getQueueSize(in); } float pqiperson::getRate(bool in) { // get the rate from the active one. if ((!active) || (activepqi == NULL)) return 0; return activepqi -> getRate(in); } void pqiperson::setMaxRate(bool in, float val) { // set to all of them. (and us) PQInterface::setMaxRate(in, val); // clean up the children. std::map::iterator it; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { (it->second) -> setMaxRate(in, val); } } void pqiperson::setRateCap(float val_in, float val_out) { // set to all of them. (and us) PQInterface::setRateCap(val_in, val_out); // clean up the children. std::map::iterator it; for(it = kids.begin(); it != kids.end(); it++) { (it->second) -> setRateCap(val_in, val_out); } }