/******************************************************************************* * plugins/VOIP/gui/AudioStats.cpp * * * * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Thorvald Natvig <thorvald@natvig.com> * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Retroshare Team <retroshare.project@gmail.com> * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include <QTimer> #define iroundf(x) ( static_cast<int>(x) ) #include <QPainter> #include "AudioStats.h" #include "AudioInputConfig.h" //#include "Global.h" //#include "smallft.h" AudioBar::AudioBar(QWidget *p) : QWidget(p) { highContrast = false; qcBelow = Qt::yellow; qcAbove = Qt::red; qcInside = Qt::green; iMin = 0; iMax = 32768; iBelow = 2000; iAbove = 22000; iValue = 1000; iPeak = -1; setMinimumSize(100,20); qlReplacableColors << Qt::yellow << Qt::red << Qt::green << Qt::blue; qlReplacementBrushes << Qt::BDiagPattern << Qt::DiagCrossPattern << Qt::NoBrush << Qt::FDiagPattern; } void AudioBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); if (isEnabled()) { qcBelow.setAlphaF(1.0f); qcAbove.setAlphaF(1.0f); qcInside.setAlphaF(1.0f); } else { qcBelow.setAlphaF(0.5f); qcAbove.setAlphaF(0.5f); qcInside.setAlphaF(0.5f); } if (iBelow > iAbove) iBelow = iAbove; if (iValue < iMin) iValue = iMin; else if (iValue > iMax) iValue = iMax; float scale = static_cast<float>(width()) / static_cast<float>(iMax - iMin); int h = height(); int val = iroundf(static_cast<float>(iValue) * scale + 0.5f); int below = iroundf(static_cast<float>(iBelow) * scale + 0.5f); int above = iroundf(static_cast<float>(iAbove) * scale + 0.5f); int max = iroundf(static_cast<float>(iMax) * scale + 0.5f); int min = iroundf(static_cast<float>(iMin) * scale + 0.5f); int peak = iroundf(static_cast<float>(iPeak) * scale + 0.5f); if (highContrast) { // Draw monochrome representation QColor fg = QPalette().foreground().color(); p.fillRect(0, 0, below, h, QBrush(fg, qlReplacementBrushes.value(qlReplacableColors.indexOf(qcBelow), Qt::CrossPattern))); p.fillRect(below, 0, above - below, h, QBrush(fg, qlReplacementBrushes.value(qlReplacableColors.indexOf(qcInside), Qt::NoBrush))); p.fillRect(above, 0, max - above, h, QBrush(fg, qlReplacementBrushes.value(qlReplacableColors.indexOf(qcAbove), Qt::CrossPattern))); p.fillRect(0, 0, val, h, QBrush(fg, Qt::SolidPattern)); p.drawRect(0, 0, max - 1, h - 1); p.drawLine(below, 0, below, h); p.drawLine(above, 0, above, h); } else { if (val <= below) { p.fillRect(0, 0, val, h, qcBelow); p.fillRect(val, 0, below-val, h, qcBelow.darker(300)); p.fillRect(below, 0, above-below, h, qcInside.darker(300)); p.fillRect(above, 0, max-above, h, qcAbove.darker(300)); } else if (val <= above) { p.fillRect(0, 0, below, h, qcBelow); p.fillRect(below, 0, val-below, h, qcInside); p.fillRect(val, 0, above-val, h, qcInside.darker(300)); p.fillRect(above, 0, max-above, h, qcAbove.darker(300)); } else { p.fillRect(0, 0, below, h, qcBelow); p.fillRect(below, 0, above-below, h, qcInside); p.fillRect(above, 0, val-above, h, qcAbove); p.fillRect(val, 0, max-val, h, qcAbove.darker(300)); } } if ((peak >= min) && (peak <= max)) { if (peak <= below) p.setPen(qcBelow.lighter(150)); else if (peak <= above) p.setPen(qcInside.lighter(150)); else p.setPen(qcAbove.lighter(150)); p.drawLine(peak, 0, peak, h); } } /* AudioEchoWidget::AudioEchoWidget(QWidget *p) : QWidget(p) { setMinimumSize(100, 60); } static inline const QColor mapEchoToColor(float echo) { bool neg = (echo < 0.0f); echo = fabsf(echo); float a, b, c; if (echo > 1.0f) { echo = 1.0f; c = 0.5f; } else { c = 0.0f; } if (echo < 0.5f) { a = echo * 2.0f; b = 0.0f; } else { a = 1.0f; b = (echo - 0.5f) * 2.0f; } if (neg) return QColor::fromRgbF(a, b, c); else return QColor::fromRgbF(c, b, a); } #define WGT(x,y) st->W[(y)*N + 2*(x)+1] void AudioEchoWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter paint(this); paint.scale(width(), height()); paint.fillRect(rect(), Qt::black); AudioInputPtr ai = g.ai; if (! ai || ! ai->sesEcho) return; ai->qmSpeex.lock(); spx_int32_t sz; speex_echo_ctl(ai->sesEcho, SPEEX_ECHO_GET_IMPULSE_RESPONSE_SIZE, &sz); STACKVAR(spx_int32_t, w, sz); STACKVAR(float, W, sz); speex_echo_ctl(ai->sesEcho, SPEEX_ECHO_GET_IMPULSE_RESPONSE, w); ai->qmSpeex.unlock(); int N = 160; int n = 2 * N; int M = sz / n; drft_lookup d; mumble_drft_init(&d, n); for (int j=0;j<M;j++) { for (int i=0;i<n;i++) W[j*n+i] = static_cast<float>(w[j*n+i]) / static_cast<float>(n); mumble_drft_forward(&d, & W[j*n]); } mumble_drft_clear(&d); float xscale = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(N); float yscale = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(M); for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) { for (int i=1;i < N; i++) { float xa = static_cast<float>(i) * xscale; float ya = static_cast<float>(j) * yscale; float xb = xa + xscale; float yb = ya + yscale; const QColor &c = mapEchoToColor(sqrtf(W[j*n+2*i]*W[j*n+2*i]+W[j*n+2*i-1]*W[j*n+2*i-1]) / 65536.f); paint.fillRect(QRectF(QPointF(xa, ya), QPointF(xb, yb)), c); } } QPolygonF poly; xscale = 1.0f / (2.0f * static_cast<float>(n)); yscale = 1.0f / (200.0f * 32767.0f); for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++) { poly << QPointF(static_cast<float>(i) * xscale, 0.5f + static_cast<float>(w[i]) * yscale); } paint.setPen(QColor::fromRgbF(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); paint.drawPolyline(poly); } AudioNoiseWidget::AudioNoiseWidget(QWidget *p) : QWidget(p) { setMinimumSize(100,60); } void AudioNoiseWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter paint(this); QPalette pal; paint.fillRect(rect(), pal.color(QPalette::Background)); AudioInputPtr ai = g.ai; if (ai.get() == NULL || ! ai->sppPreprocess) return; QPolygonF poly; ai->qmSpeex.lock(); spx_int32_t ps_size = 0; speex_preprocess_ctl(ai->sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_PSD_SIZE, &ps_size); STACKVAR(spx_int32_t, noise, ps_size); STACKVAR(spx_int32_t, ps, ps_size); speex_preprocess_ctl(ai->sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_PSD, ps); speex_preprocess_ctl(ai->sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_NOISE_PSD, noise); ai->qmSpeex.unlock(); qreal sx, sy; sx = (static_cast<float>(width()) - 1.0f) / static_cast<float>(ps_size); sy = static_cast<float>(height()) - 1.0f; poly << QPointF(0.0f, height() - 1); float fftmul = 1.0 / (32768.0); for (int i=0; i < ps_size; i++) { qreal xp, yp; xp = i * sx; yp = sqrtf(sqrtf(static_cast<float>(noise[i]))) - 1.0f; yp = yp * fftmul; yp = qMin<qreal>(yp * 3000.0f, 1.0f); yp = (1 - yp) * sy; poly << QPointF(xp, yp); } poly << QPointF(width() - 1, height() - 1); poly << QPointF(0.0f, height() - 1); paint.setPen(Qt::blue); paint.setBrush(Qt::blue); paint.drawPolygon(poly); poly.clear(); for (int i=0;i < ps_size; i++) { qreal xp, yp; xp = i * sx; yp = sqrtf(sqrtf(static_cast<float>(ps[i]))) - 1.0f; yp = yp * fftmul; yp = qMin(yp * 3000.0, 1.0); yp = (1 - yp) * sy; poly << QPointF(xp, yp); } paint.setPen(Qt::red); paint.drawPolyline(poly); } AudioStats::AudioStats(QWidget *p) : QDialog(p) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); qtTick = new QTimer(this); qtTick->setObjectName(QLatin1String("Tick")); qtTick->start(50); setupUi(this); AudioInputPtr ai = g.ai; if (ai && ai->sesEcho) { qgbEcho->setVisible(true); } else { qgbEcho->setVisible(false); } bTalking = false; abSpeech->iPeak = -1; abSpeech->qcBelow = Qt::red; abSpeech->qcInside = Qt::yellow; abSpeech->qcAbove = Qt::green; on_Tick_timeout(); } AudioStats::~AudioStats() { } void AudioStats::on_Tick_timeout() { AudioInputPtr ai = g.ai; if (ai.get() == NULL || ! ai->sppPreprocess) return; bool nTalking = ai->isTransmitting(); QString txt; txt.sprintf("%06.2f dB",ai->dPeakMic); qlMicLevel->setText(txt); txt.sprintf("%06.2f dB",ai->dPeakSpeaker); qlSpeakerLevel->setText(txt); txt.sprintf("%06.2f dB",ai->dPeakSignal); qlSignalLevel->setText(txt); spx_int32_t ps_size = 0; speex_preprocess_ctl(ai->sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_PSD_SIZE, &ps_size); STACKVAR(spx_int32_t, noise, ps_size); STACKVAR(spx_int32_t, ps, ps_size); speex_preprocess_ctl(ai->sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_PSD, ps); speex_preprocess_ctl(ai->sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_NOISE_PSD, noise); float s = 0.0f; float n = 0.0001f; int start = (ps_size * 300) / SAMPLE_RATE; int stop = (ps_size * 2000) / SAMPLE_RATE; for (int i=start;i<stop;i++) { s += sqrtf(static_cast<float>(ps[i])); n += sqrtf(static_cast<float>(noise[i])); } txt.sprintf("%06.3f",s / n); qlMicSNR->setText(txt); spx_int32_t v; speex_preprocess_ctl(ai->sppPreprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_GET_AGC_GAIN, &v); float fv = powf(10.0f, (static_cast<float>(v) / 20.0f)); txt.sprintf("%03.0f%%",100.0f / fv); qlMicVolume->setText(txt); txt.sprintf("%03.0f%%",ai->fSpeechProb * 100.0f); qlSpeechProb->setText(txt); txt.sprintf("%04.1f kbit/s",static_cast<float>(ai->iBitrate) / 1000.0f); qlBitrate->setText(txt); if (nTalking != bTalking) { bTalking = nTalking; QFont f = qlSpeechProb->font(); f.setBold(bTalking); qlSpeechProb->setFont(f); } if (g.uiDoublePush > 1000000) txt = tr(">1000 ms"); else txt.sprintf("%04llu ms",g.uiDoublePush / 1000); qlDoublePush->setText(txt); abSpeech->iBelow = iroundf(g.s.fVADmin * 32767.0f + 0.5f); abSpeech->iAbove = iroundf(g.s.fVADmax * 32767.0f + 0.5f); if (g.s.vsVAD == Settings::Amplitude) { #ifndef COMPAT_CLIENT abSpeech->iValue = iroundf((32767.f/96.0f) * (96.0f + ai->dPeakCleanMic) + 0.5f); #else abSpeech->iValue = iroundf((32767.f/96.0f) * (96.0f + ai->dPeakMic) + 0.5f); #endif } else { abSpeech->iValue = iroundf(ai->fSpeechProb * 32767.0f + 0.5f); } abSpeech->update(); anwNoise->update(); if (aewEcho) aewEcho->update(); } */