@echo off setlocal :: Initialize environment call "%~dp0..\env.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto error_env call "%EnvPath%\env.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto error_env call "%~dp0env.bat" git-log %* if errorlevel 2 exit /B 2 if errorlevel 1 goto error_env :: Check git executable set GitPath= call "%ToolsPath%\find-in-path.bat" GitPath git.exe if "%GitPath%"=="" echo Git executable not found in PATH.& exit /B 1 :: Get compiled version call "%ToolsPath%\get-rs-version.bat" "%RsBuildPath%\retroshare-gui\src\%RsBuildConfig%\retroshare.exe" RsVersion if errorlevel 1 %cecho% error "Version not found."& goto error if "%RsVersion.Major%"=="" %cecho% error "Major version not found."& goto error if "%RsVersion.Minor%"=="" %cecho% error "Minor version not found."& goto error if "%RsVersion.Mini%"=="" %cecho% error "Mini number not found".& goto error if "%RsVersion.Extra%"=="" %cecho% error "Extra number not found".& goto error set RsVersion=%RsVersion.Major%.%RsVersion.Minor%.%RsVersion.Mini% :: Get date call "%ToolsPath%\get-rs-date.bat" "%SourcePath%" RsDate if errorlevel 1 %cecho% error "Could not get date."& goto error if "%RsDate%"=="" %cecho% error "Could not get date."& goto error :: Get last revision set RsLastRefFile=%BuildPath%\Qt-%QtVersion%-%GCCArchitecture%%RsType%-%RsBuildConfig%-LastRef.txt set RsLastRef= if exist "%RsLastRefFile%" set /P RsLastRef=<"%RsLastRefFile%" if "%NonInteractive%"=="1" goto no_ask_for_last_revision if not "%RsLastRef%"=="" echo Last Revision was %RsLastRef% set /P RsLastRefInput=Last Revision: if "%RsLastRefInput%" NEQ "" set RsLastRef=%RsLastRefInput% :no_ask_for_last_revision :: Get current revision pushd "%SourcePath%" call "%ToolsPath%\get-git-ref.bat" RsRef popd if errorlevel 1 exit /B 1 if "%RsRef%"=="" echo Cannot get git revision.& exit /B 1 echo. echo Creating log from %RsLastRef% echo to %RsRef% if "%NonInteractive%"=="1" goto no_confirm choice /M "Do you want to proceed?" if %errorlevel%==2 exit /B 1 :no_confirm if "%RsBuildConfig%" NEQ "release" ( set RsGitLog=%DeployPath%\RetroShare-%RsVersion%-Windows-Portable-%RsDate%-%RsVersion.Extra%-Qt-%QtVersion%-%GCCArchitecture%%RsType%%RsArchiveAdd%-%RsBuildConfig%.txt ) else ( set RsGitLog=%DeployPath%\RetroShare-%RsVersion%-Windows-Portable-%RsDate%-%RsVersion.Extra%-Qt-%QtVersion%-%GCCArchitecture%%RsType%%RsArchiveAdd%.txt ) title %SourceName%-%RsBuildConfig% [git log] pushd "%SourcePath%" if "%RsLastRef%"=="" ( git log %RsRef% >"%RsGitLog%" ) else ( if "%RsLastRef%"=="%RsRef%" ( git log %RsRef% --max-count=1 >"%RsGitLog%" ) else ( git log %RsLastRef%..%RsRef% >"%RsGitLog%" ) ) popd title %COMSPEC% echo %RsRef%>"%RsLastRefFile%" exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% :error %cecho% error "\n%~n0 failed\n" exit /B 1 :error_env echo Failed to initialize environment. endlocal exit /B 1