#ifndef RS_NOTIFY_GUI_INTERFACE_H #define RS_NOTIFY_GUI_INTERFACE_H /* * libretroshare/src/rsiface: rsnotify.h * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2007-2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include <map> #include <list> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdint.h> #include "rsturtle.h" #include "rsgxsifacetypes.h" class ChatId; class ChatMessage; class RsGxsChanges; class RsNotify; extern RsNotify *rsNotify; const uint32_t RS_SYS_ERROR = 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_SYS_WARNING = 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_SYS_INFO = 0x0004; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_MSG = 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_CHAT = 0x0002; //const uint32_t RS_POPUP_CALL = 0x0004; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_CONNECT = 0x0008; const uint32_t RS_SYSTRAY_GROUP_MSG = 0x0010; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_DOWNLOAD = 0x0020; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_GROUPCHAT = 0x0040; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_CHATLOBBY = 0x0080; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT = 0x0100; const uint32_t RS_POPUP_ENCRYPTED_MSG = 0x0200; /* CHAT flags are here - so they are in the same place as * other Notify flags... not used by libretroshare though */ const uint32_t RS_CHAT_OPEN = 0x0001; //const uint32_t free = 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_CHAT_FOCUS = 0x0004; const uint32_t RS_CHAT_TABBED_WINDOW = 0x0008; const uint32_t RS_CHAT_BLINK = 0x0010; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_PEER = 0x0010; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_CHANNEL = 0x0020; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_FORUM = 0x0040; //const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_BLOG = 0x0080; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_CHAT = 0x0100; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_MSG = 0x0200; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_FILES = 0x0400; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY = 0x0800; const uint32_t RS_FEED_TYPE_POSTED = 0x1000; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_PEER_CONNECT = RS_FEED_TYPE_PEER | 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_PEER_DISCONNECT = RS_FEED_TYPE_PEER | 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_PEER_HELLO = RS_FEED_TYPE_PEER | 0x0003; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_PEER_NEW = RS_FEED_TYPE_PEER | 0x0004; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_CONNECT_ATTEMPT = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_AUTH_DENIED = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_UNKNOWN_IN = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0003; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_UNKNOWN_OUT = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0004; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_WRONG_SIGNATURE = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0005; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_BAD_CERTIFICATE = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0006; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_INTERNAL_ERROR = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0007; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_MISSING_CERTIFICATE = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0008; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_SEC_IP_BLACKLISTED = RS_FEED_TYPE_SECURITY | 0x0010; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_CHANNEL_NEW = RS_FEED_TYPE_CHANNEL | 0x0001; //const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_CHANNEL_UPDATE = RS_FEED_TYPE_CHANNEL | 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_CHANNEL_MSG = RS_FEED_TYPE_CHANNEL | 0x0003; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_CHANNEL_PUBLISHKEY = RS_FEED_TYPE_CHANNEL | 0x0004; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_FORUM_NEW = RS_FEED_TYPE_FORUM | 0x0001; //const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_FORUM_UPDATE = RS_FEED_TYPE_FORUM | 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_FORUM_MSG = RS_FEED_TYPE_FORUM | 0x0003; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_FORUM_PUBLISHKEY = RS_FEED_TYPE_FORUM | 0x0004; //const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_BLOG_NEW = RS_FEED_TYPE_BLOG | 0x0001; //const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_BLOG_UPDATE = RS_FEED_TYPE_BLOG | 0x0002; //const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_BLOG_MSG = RS_FEED_TYPE_BLOG | 0x0003; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_POSTED_NEW = RS_FEED_TYPE_POSTED | 0x0001; //const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_POSTED_UPDATE = RS_FEED_TYPE_POSTED | 0x0002; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_POSTED_MSG = RS_FEED_TYPE_POSTED | 0x0003; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_CHAT_NEW = RS_FEED_TYPE_CHAT | 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_MESSAGE = RS_FEED_TYPE_MSG | 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_FEED_ITEM_FILES_NEW = RS_FEED_TYPE_FILES | 0x0001; const uint32_t RS_MESSAGE_CONNECT_ATTEMPT = 0x0001; const int NOTIFY_LIST_NEIGHBOURS = 1; const int NOTIFY_LIST_FRIENDS = 2; const int NOTIFY_LIST_SEARCHLIST = 4; const int NOTIFY_LIST_MESSAGELIST = 5; const int NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST = 6; const int NOTIFY_LIST_TRANSFERLIST = 7; const int NOTIFY_LIST_CONFIG = 8; const int NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL = 9; const int NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_FRIENDS = 10; const int NOTIFY_LIST_FORUMLIST_LOCKED = 11; // use connect with Qt::QueuedConnection const int NOTIFY_LIST_MESSAGE_TAGS = 12; const int NOTIFY_LIST_PUBLIC_CHAT = 13; const int NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_INCOMING_CHAT = 14; const int NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_OUTGOING_CHAT = 15; const int NOTIFY_LIST_GROUPLIST = 16; const int NOTIFY_LIST_CHANNELLIST_LOCKED = 17; // use connect with Qt::QueuedConnection const int NOTIFY_LIST_CHAT_LOBBY_INVITATION = 18; const int NOTIFY_LIST_CHAT_LOBBY_LIST = 19; const int NOTIFY_TYPE_SAME = 0x01; const int NOTIFY_TYPE_MOD = 0x02; /* general purpose, check all */ const int NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD = 0x04; /* flagged additions */ const int NOTIFY_TYPE_DEL = 0x08; /* flagged deletions */ const uint32_t NOTIFY_HASHTYPE_EXAMINING_FILES = 1; /* Examining shared files */ const uint32_t NOTIFY_HASHTYPE_FINISH = 2; /* Finish */ const uint32_t NOTIFY_HASHTYPE_HASH_FILE = 3; /* Hashing file */ const uint32_t NOTIFY_HASHTYPE_SAVE_FILE_INDEX = 4; /* Hashing file */ class RsFeedItem { public: RsFeedItem(uint32_t type, const std::string& id1, const std::string& id2, const std::string& id3, const std::string& id4, uint32_t result1) :mType(type), mId1(id1), mId2(id2), mId3(id3), mId4(id4), mResult1(result1) {} RsFeedItem() :mType(0), mResult1(0) { return; } uint32_t mType; std::string mId1, mId2, mId3, mId4; uint32_t mResult1; }; // This class implements a generic notify client. To have your own components being notified by // the Retroshare library, sub-class NotifyClient, and overload the methods you want to make use of // (The other methods will just ignore the call), and register your ownclient into RsNotify, as: // // myNotifyClient: public NotifyClient // { // public: // virtual void void notifyPeerHasNewAvatar(std::string peer_id) // { // doMyOwnThing() ; // } // } // // myNotifyClient *client = new myNotifyClient() ; // // rsNotify->registerNotifyClient(client) ; // // This mechanism can be used in plugins, new services, etc. // class NotifyClient ; class RsNotify { public: /* registration of notifies clients */ virtual void registerNotifyClient(NotifyClient *nc) = 0; /* returns true if NotifyClient was found */ virtual bool unregisterNotifyClient(NotifyClient *nc) = 0; /* Pull methods for retroshare-gui */ /* this should probably go into a different service. */ virtual bool NotifySysMessage(uint32_t &sysid, uint32_t &type, std::string &title, std::string &msg) = 0; virtual bool NotifyPopupMessage(uint32_t &ptype, std::string &name, std::string &title, std::string &msg) = 0; virtual bool NotifyLogMessage(uint32_t &sysid, uint32_t &type, std::string &title, std::string &msg) = 0; virtual bool GetFeedItem(RsFeedItem &item) = 0; }; class NotifyClient { public: NotifyClient() {} virtual ~NotifyClient() {} virtual void notifyListPreChange (int /* list */, int /* type */) {} virtual void notifyListChange (int /* list */, int /* type */) {} virtual void notifyErrorMsg (int /* list */, int /* sev */, std::string /* msg */) {} virtual void notifyChatMessage (const ChatMessage& /* msg */) {} virtual void notifyChatStatus (const ChatId& /* chat_id */, const std::string& /* status_string */) {} virtual void notifyChatLobbyEvent (uint64_t /* lobby id */, uint32_t /* event type */ ,const std::string& /* nickname */,const std::string& /* any string */) {} virtual void notifyChatLobbyTimeShift (int /* time_shift*/) {} virtual void notifyCustomState (const std::string& /* peer_id */, const std::string& /* status_string */) {} virtual void notifyHashingInfo (uint32_t /* type */, const std::string& /* fileinfo */) {} virtual void notifyTurtleSearchResult (uint32_t /* search_id */, const std::list<TurtleFileInfo>& /* files */) {} virtual void notifyPeerHasNewAvatar (std::string /* peer_id */) {} virtual void notifyOwnAvatarChanged () {} virtual void notifyOwnStatusMessageChanged () {} virtual void notifyDiskFull (uint32_t /* location */, uint32_t /* size limit in MB */) {} virtual void notifyPeerStatusChanged (const std::string& /* peer_id */, uint32_t /* status */) {} virtual void notifyGxsChange (const RsGxsChanges& /* changes */) {} /* one or more peers has changed the states */ virtual void notifyPeerStatusChangedSummary () {} virtual void notifyDiscInfoChanged () {} #ifdef REMOVE virtual void notifyForumMsgReadSatusChanged (const std::string& /* channelId */, const std::string& /* msgId */, uint32_t /* status */) {} virtual void notifyChannelMsgReadSatusChanged (const std::string& /* channelId */, const std::string& /* msgId */, uint32_t /* status */) {} #endif virtual bool askForDeferredSelfSignature (const void * /* data */, const uint32_t /* len */, unsigned char * /* sign */, unsigned int * /* signlen */,int& signature_result ) { signature_result = false ;return true; } virtual void notifyDownloadComplete (const std::string& /* fileHash */) {} virtual void notifyDownloadCompleteCount (uint32_t /* count */) {} virtual void notifyHistoryChanged (uint32_t /* msgId */, int /* type */) {} virtual bool askForPassword (const std::string& /* key_details */, bool /* prev_is_bad */, std::string& /* password */ ) { return false ;} virtual bool askForPluginConfirmation (const std::string& /* plugin_filename */, const std::string& /* plugin_file_hash */) { return false ;} }; #endif