/* * libretroshare/src/rsserver/rsaccounts.cc * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2013-2014 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ /********************************************************************* * Libretroshare interface declared in rsaccounts.h. * external interface in rsinit.h RsAccounts namespace. * */ #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS #include "util/rswin.h" #endif // WINDOWS_SYS #include #include #include #include "retroshare/rsinit.h" #include "rsaccounts.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/rsstring.h" #include "util/folderiterator.h" #include "pqi/authssl.h" #include "pqi/sslfns.h" #include "pqi/authgpg.h" #include // Global singleton declaration of data. RsAccountsDetail rsAccounts; /* Uses private class - so must be hidden */ static bool checkAccount(std::string accountdir, AccountDetails &account,std::map >& unsupported_keys); AccountDetails::AccountDetails() :mIsHiddenLoc(false), mFirstRun(false) { return; } RsAccountsDetail::RsAccountsDetail() :mAccountsLocked(false) { return; } bool RsAccountsDetail::loadAccounts() { int failing_accounts ; getAvailableAccounts(mAccounts,failing_accounts,mUnsupportedKeys); loadPreferredAccount(); checkPreferredId(); if(failing_accounts > 0 && mAccounts.empty()) return false; return true; } bool RsAccountsDetail::lockPreferredAccount() { if (checkPreferredId()) { mAccountsLocked = true; return true; } return false; } bool RsAccountsDetail::selectAccountByString(const std::string &prefUserString) { std::string lower_case_user_string; stringToLowerCase(prefUserString, lower_case_user_string) ; std::string upper_case_user_string; stringToUpperCase(prefUserString, upper_case_user_string) ; std::cerr << "RsAccountsDetail::selectAccountByString(" << prefUserString << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; if (mAccountsLocked) { std::cerr << "RsAccountsDetail::selectAccountByString() ERROR Accounts Locked"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } bool pgpNameFound = false; std::map::const_iterator it; for(it = mAccounts.begin() ; it!= mAccounts.end() ; it++) { std::cerr << "\tChecking account (pgpid = " << it->second.mPgpId; std::cerr << ", name=" << it->second.mPgpName << ", sslId="; std::cerr << it->second.mSslId << ")" << std::endl; if(prefUserString == it->second.mPgpName || upper_case_user_string == it->second.mPgpId || lower_case_user_string == it->second.mSslId) { mPreferredId = it->second.mSslId; pgpNameFound = true; } } return pgpNameFound; } bool RsAccountsDetail::selectId(const std::string preferredId) { if (mAccountsLocked) { std::cerr << "RsAccountsDetail::selectId() ERROR Accounts Locked"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } std::map::const_iterator it; it = mAccounts.find(preferredId); if (it != mAccounts.end()) { mPreferredId = preferredId; return true; } else { return false; } } bool RsAccountsDetail::checkPreferredId() { std::map::const_iterator it; it = mAccounts.find(mPreferredId); if (it != mAccounts.end()) { return true; } else { mPreferredId = ""; return false; } } // initial configuration bootstrapping... const std::string kPathPGPDirectory = "pgp"; const std::string kPathKeyDirectory = "keys"; const std::string kFilenamePreferredAccount = "default_cert.txt"; const std::string kFilenameKey = "user_pk.pem"; const std::string kFilenameCert = "user_cert.pem"; /********************************************************************* * Directories... based on current PreferredId. */ std::string RsAccountsDetail::PathPGPDirectory() { return mBaseDirectory + "/" + kPathPGPDirectory; } std::string RsAccountsDetail::PathBaseDirectory() { return mBaseDirectory; } std::string RsAccountsDetail::PathAccountDirectory() { std::string path; std::map::const_iterator it; it = mAccounts.find(mPreferredId); if (it == mAccounts.end()) { return path; } path = mBaseDirectory + "/"; path += it->second.mAccountDir; return path; } std::string RsAccountsDetail::PathAccountKeysDirectory() { std::string path = PathAccountDirectory(); if (path.empty()) { return path; } path += "/" + kPathKeyDirectory; return path; } std::string RsAccountsDetail::PathKeyFile() { std::string path = PathAccountKeysDirectory(); if (path.empty()) { return path; } path += "/" + kFilenameKey; return path; } std::string RsAccountsDetail::PathCertFile() { std::string path = PathAccountKeysDirectory(); if (path.empty()) { return path; } path += "/" + kFilenameCert; return path; } /********************************************************************* * Setup Base Directories. * */ bool RsAccountsDetail::setupBaseDirectory(std::string alt_basedir) { if (alt_basedir.empty()) { if (!defaultBaseDirectory()) { std::cerr << "RsAccounts::setupBaseDirectory() Cannot find defaultBaseDirectory"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } } else { mBaseDirectory = alt_basedir; } if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(mBaseDirectory)) { std::cerr << "RsAccounts::setupBaseDirectory() Cannot Create BaseConfig Dir:" << mBaseDirectory; std::cerr << std::endl; return false ; } return true ; } bool RsAccountsDetail::defaultBaseDirectory() { std::string basedir; /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS // unix: homedir + /.retroshare char *h = getenv("HOME"); if (h == NULL) { std::cerr << "defaultBaseDirectory() Error: "; std::cerr << "cannot determine $HOME dir" < &ids) { std::map::iterator it; std::cerr << "getAccountIds:" << std::endl; for(it = mAccounts.begin(); it != mAccounts.end(); it++) { std::cerr << "SSL Id: " << it->second.mSslId << " PGP Id " << it->second.mPgpId; std::cerr << " PGP Name: " << it->second.mPgpName; std::cerr << " PGP Email: " << it->second.mPgpEmail; std::cerr << " Location: " << it->second.mLocation; std::cerr << std::endl; ids.push_back(it->first); } return true; } bool RsAccountsDetail::getAccountDetails(const std::string &id, std::string &gpgId, std::string &gpgName, std::string &gpgEmail, std::string &location) { std::map::iterator it; it = mAccounts.find(id); if (it != mAccounts.end()) { gpgId = it->second.mPgpId; gpgName = it->second.mPgpName; gpgEmail = it->second.mPgpEmail; location = it->second.mLocation; return true; } return false; } bool RsAccountsDetail::getAccountOptions(bool &ishidden, bool isFirstTimeRun) { std::map::iterator it; it = mAccounts.find(mPreferredId); if (it != mAccounts.end()) { ishidden = it->second.mIsHiddenLoc; isFirstTimeRun = it->second.mFirstRun; return true; } return false; } /* directories with valid certificates in the expected location */ bool RsAccountsDetail::getAvailableAccounts(std::map &accounts,int& failing_accounts,std::map >& unsupported_keys) { failing_accounts = 0 ; /* get the directories */ std::list directories; std::list::iterator it; std::cerr << "RsAccounts::getAvailableAccounts()"; std::cerr << std::endl; /* now iterate through the directory... * directories - flags as old, * files checked to see if they have changed. (rehashed) */ /* check for the dir existance */ librs::util::FolderIterator dirIt(mBaseDirectory); if (!dirIt.isValid()) { std::cerr << "Cannot Open Base Dir - No Available Accounts" << std::endl; return false ; } struct stat64 buf; while (dirIt.readdir()) { /* check entry type */ std::string fname; dirIt.d_name(fname); std::string fullname = mBaseDirectory + "/" + fname; #ifdef FIM_DEBUG std::cerr << "calling stats on " << fullname <length() != 32 + 6) { std::cerr << "getAvailableAccounts() Skipping Invalid sized dir: " << *it << std::endl; continue; } std::string prefix = (*it).substr(0, 6); std::string lochex = (*it).substr(6); // rest of string. bool hidden_location = false; bool valid_prefix = false; if (prefix == "LOC06_") { valid_prefix = true; } else if (prefix == "HID06_") { valid_prefix = true; hidden_location = true; } else { std::cerr << "getAvailableAccounts() Skipping Invalid Prefix dir: " << *it << std::endl; continue; } if(valid_prefix && isHexaString(lochex) && (lochex).length() == 32) { std::string accountdir = mBaseDirectory + "/" + *it; #ifdef GPG_DEBUG std::cerr << "getAvailableAccounts() Checking: " << *it << std::endl; #endif AccountDetails tmpId; tmpId.mIsHiddenLoc = hidden_location; tmpId.mAccountDir = *it; if (checkAccount(accountdir, tmpId,unsupported_keys)) { #ifdef GPG_DEBUG std::cerr << "getAvailableAccounts() Accepted: " << *it << std::endl; #endif std::map::iterator ait; ait = accounts.find(tmpId.mSslId); if (ait != accounts.end()) { std::cerr << "getAvailableAccounts() ERROR Duplicate SSLIDs"; std::cerr << " - only one will be available"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " ID1 (overridden) : " << ait->first << " Directory: " << ait->second.mAccountDir; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " ID2 (available) : " << tmpId.mSslId << " Directory: " << tmpId.mAccountDir; std::cerr << std::endl; } accounts[tmpId.mSslId] = tmpId; } else ++failing_accounts ; } #ifdef GPG_DEBUG else std::cerr << "Skipped non SSLid directory " << *it << std::endl; #endif } return true; } static bool checkAccount(std::string accountdir, AccountDetails &account,std::map >& unsupported_keys) { /* check if the cert/key file exists */ // Create the filename. std::string basename = accountdir + "/"; basename += kPathKeyDirectory + "/"; basename += "user"; std::string cert_name = basename + "_cert.pem"; std::string userName, userId; #ifdef AUTHSSL_DEBUG std::cerr << "checkAccount() dir: " << accountdir << std::endl; #endif bool ret = false; /* check against authmanagers private keys */ if (LoadCheckX509(cert_name.c_str(), account.mPgpId, account.mLocation, account.mSslId)) { #ifdef AUTHSSL_DEBUG std::cerr << "location: " << account.mLocation << " id: " << account.mSslId << std::endl; std::cerr << "issuerName: " << account.mPgpId << " id: " << account.mSslId << std::endl; #endif if(! rsAccounts.GetPGPLoginDetails(account.mPgpId, account.mPgpName, account.mPgpEmail)) return false ; if(!AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->haveSecretKey(account.mPgpId)) return false ; if(!AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isKeySupported(account.mPgpId)) { std::string keystring = account.mPgpId + " " + account.mPgpName + "<" + account.mPgpEmail ; unsupported_keys[keystring].push_back("Location: " + account.mLocation + "  (" + account.mSslId + ")") ; return false ; } #ifdef GPG_DEBUG std::cerr << "PGPLoginDetails: " << account.mPgpId << " name: " << account.mPgpName; std::cerr << " email: " << account.mPgpEmail << std::endl; #endif ret = true; } else { std::cerr << "GetIssuerName FAILED!" << std::endl; ret = false; } return ret; } /**************************** Access Functions for Init Data **************************/ /**************************** Private Functions for InitRetroshare ********************/ /**************************** Private Functions for InitRetroshare ********************/ /*********************************************************** * This Directory is used to store data and "template" file that Retroshare requires. * These files will either be copied into Retroshare's configuration directory, * if they are to be modified. Or used directly, if read-only. * * This will initially be used for the DHT bootstrap file. * * Please modify the code below to suit your platform! * * WINDOWS: * WINDOWS PORTABLE: * Linux: * OSX: ***********/ #ifdef __APPLE__ /* needs CoreFoundation Framework */ #include //#include //#include #endif std::string RsAccountsDetail::PathDataDirectory() { std::string dataDirectory; /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS #ifdef __APPLE__ /* NOTE: OSX also qualifies as BSD... so this #ifdef must be before the BSD check. */ /* For OSX, applications are Bundled in a directory... * need to get the path to the executable Bundle. * * Code nicely supplied by Qt! */ CFURLRef pluginRef = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle()); CFStringRef macPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(pluginRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); const char *pathPtr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(macPath, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); dataDirectory = pathPtr; CFRelease(pluginRef); CFRelease(macPath); dataDirectory += "/Contents/Resources"; std::cerr << "getRetroshareDataDirectory() OSX: " << dataDirectory; #elif (defined(BSD) && (BSD >= 199103)) /* For BSD, the default is LOCALBASE which will be set * before compilation via the ports/pkg-src mechanisms. * For compilation without ports/pkg-src it is set to * /usr/local (default on Open and Free; Net has /usr/pkg) */ dataDirectory = "/usr/local/share/retroshare"; std::cerr << "getRetroshareDataDirectory() BSD: " << dataDirectory; #else /* For Linux, we have a fixed standard data directory */ dataDirectory = "/usr/share/RetroShare"; std::cerr << "getRetroshareDataDirectory() Linux: " << dataDirectory; #endif #else // if (RsInitConfig::portable) // { // /* For Windows Portable, files must be in the data directory */ // dataDirectory = "Data"; // std::cerr << "getRetroshareDataDirectory() WINDOWS PORTABLE: " << dataDirectory; // std::cerr << std::endl; // } // else // { // /* For Windows: environment variable APPDATA should be suitable */ // dataDirectory = getenv("APPDATA"); // dataDirectory += "\\RetroShare"; // // std::cerr << "getRetroshareDataDirectory() WINDOWS: " << dataDirectory; // std::cerr << std::endl; // } /* Use RetroShare's exe dir */ dataDirectory = "."; #endif /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ /* Make sure the directory exists, else return emptyString */ if (!RsDirUtil::checkDirectory(dataDirectory)) { std::cerr << "Data Directory not Found: " << dataDirectory << std::endl; dataDirectory = ""; } else { std::cerr << "Data Directory Found: " << dataDirectory << std::endl; } return dataDirectory; } /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /************************* Generating Certificates ***************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generating GPGme Account */ int RsAccountsDetail::GetPGPLogins(std::list &pgpIds) { AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->availableGPGCertificatesWithPrivateKeys(pgpIds); return 1; } int RsAccountsDetail::GetPGPLoginDetails(const std::string& id, std::string &name, std::string &email) { #ifdef GPG_DEBUG std::cerr << "RsInit::GetPGPLoginDetails for \"" << id << "\"" << std::endl; #endif bool ok = true ; name = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGName(id,&ok); if(!ok) return 0 ; email = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGEmail(id,&ok); if(!ok) return 0 ; if (name != "") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } /* Before any SSL stuff can be loaded, the correct PGP must be selected / generated: **/ bool RsAccountsDetail::SelectPGPAccount(const std::string& pgpId) { bool retVal = false; if (0 < AuthGPG::getAuthGPG() -> GPGInit(pgpId)) { retVal = true; std::cerr << "PGP Auth Success!"; } else std::cerr << "PGP Auth Failed!"; std::cerr << " ID: " << pgpId << std::endl; return retVal; } bool RsAccountsDetail::GeneratePGPCertificate(const std::string& name, const std::string& email, const std::string& passwd, std::string &pgpId, std::string &errString) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->GeneratePGPCertificate(name, email, passwd, pgpId, errString); } // PGP Support Functions. void RsAccountsDetail::getUnsupportedKeys(std::map > &unsupported_keys) { unsupported_keys = mUnsupportedKeys; return; } bool RsAccountsDetail::exportIdentity(const std::string& fname,const std::string& id) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->exportProfile(fname,id); } bool RsAccountsDetail::importIdentity(const std::string& fname,std::string& id,std::string& import_error) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->importProfile(fname,id,import_error); } bool RsAccountsDetail::copyGnuPGKeyrings() { std::string pgp_dir = PathPGPDirectory() ; if(!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(pgp_dir)) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create pgp directory " + pgp_dir) ; std::string source_public_keyring; std::string source_secret_keyring; #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS source_public_keyring = mBaseDirectory + "/gnupg/pubring.gpg"; source_secret_keyring = mBaseDirectory + "/gnupg/secring.gpg" ; #else char *env_gnupghome = getenv("GNUPGHOME") ; if(env_gnupghome != NULL) { std::cerr << "looking into $GNUPGHOME/" << std::endl; source_public_keyring = std::string(env_gnupghome) + "/pubring.gpg" ; source_secret_keyring = std::string(env_gnupghome) + "/secring.gpg" ; } else { char *env_homedir = getenv("HOME") ; if(env_homedir != NULL) { std::cerr << "looking into $HOME/.gnupg/" << std::endl; std::string home_dir(env_homedir) ; // We need a specific part for MacOS and Linux as well source_public_keyring = home_dir + "/.gnupg/pubring.gpg" ; source_secret_keyring = home_dir + "/.gnupg/secring.gpg" ; } else return false ; } #endif if(!RsDirUtil::copyFile(source_public_keyring,pgp_dir + "/retroshare_public_keyring.gpg")) { std::cerr << "Cannot copy pub keyring " << source_public_keyring << " to destination file " << pgp_dir + "/retroshare_public_keyring.gpg. If you believe your keyring is in a different place, please make the copy yourself." << std::endl; return false ; } if(!RsDirUtil::copyFile(source_secret_keyring,pgp_dir + "/retroshare_secret_keyring.gpg")) { std::cerr << "Cannot copy sec keyring " << source_secret_keyring << " to destination file " << pgp_dir + "/retroshare_secret_keyring.gpg. your keyring is in a different place, please make the copy yourself." << std::endl; return false ; } return true ; } /* Create SSL Certificates */ bool RsAccountsDetail::GenerateSSLCertificate(const std::string& pgp_id, const std::string& org, const std::string& loc, const std::string& country, const bool ishiddenloc, const std::string& passwd, std::string &sslId, std::string &errString) { /* select the PGP Identity first */ if (!SelectPGPAccount(pgp_id)) { errString = "Invalid PGP Identity"; return false; } // generate the private_key / certificate. // save to file. // // then load as if they had entered a passwd. // check password. if (passwd.length() < 4) { errString = "Password is Unsatisfactory (must be 4+ chars)"; return false; } int nbits = 2048; std::string pgp_name = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGName(pgp_id); // Create the filename ..... // Temporary Directory for creating files.... std::string tmpdir = "TMPCFG"; std::string tmpbase = mBaseDirectory + "/" + tmpdir + "/"; if(!setupAccount(tmpbase)) return false ; /* create directory structure */ std::string keypath = tmpbase + kPathKeyDirectory + "/"; std::string key_name = keypath + kFilenameKey; std::string cert_name = keypath + kFilenameCert; bool gen_ok = false; /* Extra step required for SSL + PGP, user must have selected * or generated a suitable key so the signing can happen. */ X509_REQ *req = GenerateX509Req( key_name.c_str(), passwd.c_str(), pgp_name.c_str(), "", //ui -> gen_email -> value(), org.c_str(), loc.c_str(), "", //ui -> gen_state -> value(), country.c_str(), nbits, errString); if (req == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"RsGenerateCert() Couldn't create Request. Reason: %s\n", errString.c_str()); return false; } long days = 3000; X509 *x509 = AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->SignX509ReqWithGPG(req, days); X509_REQ_free(req); if (x509 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"RsGenerateCert() Couldn't sign ssl certificate. Probably PGP password is wrong.\n"); return false; } /* save to file */ if (x509) { gen_ok = true; /* Print the signed Certificate! */ BIO *bio_out = NULL; bio_out = BIO_new(BIO_s_file()); BIO_set_fp(bio_out,stdout,BIO_NOCLOSE); /* Print it out */ int nmflag = 0; int reqflag = 0; X509_print_ex(bio_out, x509, nmflag, reqflag); BIO_flush(bio_out); BIO_free(bio_out); } else { gen_ok = false; } if (gen_ok) { /* Save cert to file */ // open the file. FILE *out = NULL; if (NULL == (out = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(cert_name.c_str(), "w"))) { fprintf(stderr,"RsGenerateCert() Couldn't create Cert File"); fprintf(stderr," : %s\n", cert_name.c_str()); gen_ok = false; } if (!PEM_write_X509(out,x509)) { fprintf(stderr,"RsGenerateCert() Couldn't Save Cert"); fprintf(stderr," : %s\n", cert_name.c_str()); gen_ok = false; } fclose(out); X509_free(x509); } if (!gen_ok) { errString = "Generation of Certificate Failed"; return false; } /* try to load it, and get Id */ std::string location; std::string pgpid_retrieved; if (LoadCheckX509(cert_name.c_str(), pgpid_retrieved, location, sslId) == 0) { std::cerr << "RsInit::GenerateSSLCertificate() Cannot check own signature, maybe the files are corrupted." << std::endl; return false; } /* Move directory to correct id */ std::string accountdir; if (ishiddenloc) { accountdir = "HID06_" + sslId; } else { accountdir = "LOC06_" + sslId; } std::string fullAccountDir = mBaseDirectory + "/" + accountdir; std::string finalbase = fullAccountDir + "/"; /* Rename Directory */ std::cerr << "Mv Config Dir from: " << tmpbase << " to: " << finalbase; std::cerr << std::endl; if (!RsDirUtil::renameFile(tmpbase, finalbase)) { std::cerr << "rename FAILED" << std::endl; } AccountDetails newAccount; newAccount.mSslId = sslId; newAccount.mAccountDir = accountdir; newAccount.mPgpId = pgp_id; newAccount.mLocation = loc; newAccount.mIsHiddenLoc = ishiddenloc; newAccount.mFirstRun = true; // rest of newAccount pgp filled in checkAccount. if (!checkAccount(fullAccountDir, newAccount, mUnsupportedKeys)) { std::cerr << "RsInit::GenerateSSLCertificate() Cannot check own signature, maybe the files are corrupted." << std::endl; return false; } mAccounts[newAccount.mSslId] = newAccount; mPreferredId = newAccount.mSslId; std::cerr << "RetroShare has Successfully generated a Certficate/Key" << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tCert Located: " << cert_name << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tLocated: " << key_name << std::endl; return true; } /******************* PRIVATE FNS TO HELP with GEN **************/ bool RsAccountsDetail::setupAccount(const std::string& accountdir) { /* actual config directory isd */ std::string subdir1 = accountdir + "/"; subdir1 += kPathKeyDirectory; std::string subdir3 = accountdir + "/"; subdir3 += "cache"; std::string subdir4 = subdir3 + "/"; std::string subdir5 = subdir3 + "/"; subdir4 += "local"; subdir5 += "remote"; // fatal if cannot find/create. std::cerr << "Checking For Directories" << std::endl; if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(accountdir)) { std::cerr << "Cannot Create BaseConfig Dir" << std::endl; return false ; } if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(subdir1)) { std::cerr << "Cannot Create Config/Key Dir" << std::endl; return false ; } if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(subdir3)) { std::cerr << "Cannot Create Config/Cache Dir" << std::endl; return false ; } if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(subdir4)) { std::cerr << "Cannot Create Config/Cache/local Dir" << std::endl; return false ; } if (!RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(subdir5)) { std::cerr << "Cannot Create Config/Cache/remote Dir" << std::endl; return false ; } return true; } /***************************** FINAL LOADING OF SETUP *************************/ #if 0 /* Login SSL */ bool RsInit::LoadPassword(const std::string& id, const std::string& inPwd) { /* select configDir */ RsInitConfig::preferredId = id; std::map::iterator it = RsInitConfig::accountIds.find(id); if (it == RsInitConfig::accountIds.end()) { std::cerr << "RsInit::LoadPassword() Cannot Locate Identity: " << id; std::cerr << std::endl; exit(1); } std::string accountdir = it->second.accountDir; RsInitConfig::configDir = RsInitConfig::basedir + "/" + accountdir; RsInitConfig::passwd = inPwd; // if(inPwd != "") // RsInitConfig::havePasswd = true; // Create the filename. std::string basename = RsInitConfig::configDir + "/"; basename += configKeyDir + "/"; basename += "user"; RsInitConfig::load_key = basename + "_pk.pem"; RsInitConfig::load_cert = basename + "_cert.pem"; return true; } #endif std::string RsAccountsDetail::getHomePath() { std::string home; /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS /* UNIX */ home = getenv("HOME"); #else /* Windows */ char *h2 = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); std::cerr << "getHomePath() -> $HOMEDRIVE = " << h2 << std::endl; char *h3 = getenv("HOMEPATH"); std::cerr << "getHomePath() -> $HOMEPATH = " << h3 << std::endl; if (h2 == NULL) { // Might be Win95/98 // generate default. home = "C:\\Retro"; } else { home = h2; home += h3; home += "\\Desktop"; } std::cerr << "fltkserver::getHomePath() -> " << home << std::endl; // convert to desired format. home = RsDirUtil::convertPathToUnix(home); #endif /******************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/ return home; } /********************************************************************************* * PUBLIC INTERFACE FUNCTIONS ********************************************************************************/ // Directories. std::string RsAccounts::ConfigDirectory() { return rsAccounts.PathBaseDirectory(); } std::string RsAccounts::DataDirectory() { return rsAccounts.PathDataDirectory(); } std::string RsAccounts::PGPDirectory() { return rsAccounts.PathPGPDirectory(); } std::string RsAccounts::AccountDirectory() { return rsAccounts.PathAccountDirectory(); } // PGP Accounts. int RsAccounts::GetPGPLogins(std::list &pgpIds) { return rsAccounts.GetPGPLogins(pgpIds); } int RsAccounts::GetPGPLoginDetails(const std::string& id, std::string &name, std::string &email) { return rsAccounts.GetPGPLoginDetails(id, name, email); } bool RsAccounts::GeneratePGPCertificate(const std::string &name, const std::string& email, const std::string& passwd, std::string &pgpId, std::string &errString) { return rsAccounts.GeneratePGPCertificate(name, email, passwd, pgpId, errString); } // PGP Support Functions. bool RsAccounts::ExportIdentity(const std::string& fname,const std::string& pgp_id) { return rsAccounts.exportIdentity(fname,pgp_id); } bool RsAccounts::ImportIdentity(const std::string& fname,std::string& imported_pgp_id,std::string& import_error) { return rsAccounts.importIdentity(fname,imported_pgp_id,import_error); } void RsAccounts::GetUnsupportedKeys(std::map > &unsupported_keys) { return rsAccounts.getUnsupportedKeys(unsupported_keys); } bool RsAccounts::CopyGnuPGKeyrings() { return rsAccounts.copyGnuPGKeyrings(); } // Rs Accounts bool RsAccounts::SelectAccount(const std::string &id) { return rsAccounts.selectId(id); } bool RsAccounts::GetPreferredAccountId(std::string &id) { return rsAccounts.getPreferredAccountId(id); } bool RsAccounts::GetAccountIds(std::list &ids) { return rsAccounts.getAccountIds(ids); } bool RsAccounts::GetAccountDetails(const std::string &id, std::string &pgpId, std::string &pgpName, std::string &pgpEmail, std::string &location) { return rsAccounts.getAccountDetails(id, pgpId, pgpName, pgpEmail, location); } bool RsAccounts::GenerateSSLCertificate(const std::string& pgp_id, const std::string& org, const std::string& loc, const std::string& country, const bool ishiddenloc, const std::string& passwd, std::string &sslId, std::string &errString) { return rsAccounts.GenerateSSLCertificate(pgp_id, org, loc, country, ishiddenloc, passwd, sslId, errString); } /********************************************************************************* * END OF: PUBLIC INTERFACE FUNCTIONS ********************************************************************************/