/******************************************************************************* * plugins/VOIP/gui/AudioWizard.cpp * * * * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Thorvald Natvig <thorvald@natvig.com> * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Retroshare Team <retroshare.project@gmail.com> * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include <QTimer> #include "AudioWizard.h" #include "audiodevicehelper.h" #include "interface/rsVOIP.h" #define iroundf(x) ( static_cast<int>(x) ) AudioWizard::~AudioWizard() { if (ticker) { ticker->stop(); } if (inputDevice) { inputDevice->stop(); delete(inputDevice); inputDevice = NULL; } if (inputProcessor) { inputProcessor->close(); delete(inputProcessor); inputProcessor = NULL; } if (outputDevice) { outputDevice->stop(); delete(outputDevice); outputDevice = NULL; } if (outputProcessor) { outputProcessor->close(); delete(outputProcessor); outputProcessor = NULL; } } AudioWizard::AudioWizard(QWidget *p) : QWizard(p) { bInit = true; bLastActive = false; //g.bInAudioWizard = true; ticker = new QTimer(this); ticker->setObjectName(QLatin1String("Ticker")); setupUi(this); inputProcessor = NULL; inputDevice = NULL; outputProcessor = NULL; outputDevice = NULL; abAmplify = new AudioBar(this); abAmplify->qcBelow = Qt::green; abAmplify->qcInside = QColor::fromRgb(255,128,0); abAmplify->qcAbove = Qt::red; verticalLayout_3->addWidget(abAmplify); if (rsVOIP->getVoipATransmit() == RsVOIP::AudioTransmitPushToTalk) qrPTT->setChecked(true); else if (rsVOIP->getVoipATransmit() == RsVOIP::AudioTransmitVAD) qrVAD->setChecked(true); else qrContinuous->setChecked(true); abVAD = new AudioBar(this); abVAD->qcBelow = Qt::red; abVAD->qcInside = Qt::yellow; abVAD->qcAbove = Qt::green; qsTransmitMin->setValue(rsVOIP->getVoipfVADmin()); qsTransmitMax->setValue(rsVOIP->getVoipfVADmax()); verticalLayout_6->addWidget(abVAD); // Volume qsMaxAmp->setValue(rsVOIP->getVoipiMinLoudness()); setOption(QWizard::NoCancelButton, false); resize(700, 500); updateTriggerWidgets(qrVAD->isChecked()); bTransmitChanged = false; iMaxPeak = 0; iTicks = 0; qpTalkingOn = QPixmap::fromImage(QImage(QLatin1String("skin:talking_on.svg")).scaled(64,64)); qpTalkingOff = QPixmap::fromImage(QImage(QLatin1String("skin:talking_off.svg")).scaled(64,64)); bInit = false; connect(this, SIGNAL(currentIdChanged(int)), this, SLOT(showPage(int))); ticker->setSingleShot(false); ticker->start(20); connect( ticker, SIGNAL( timeout ( ) ), this, SLOT( on_Ticker_timeout() ) ); } void AudioWizard::on_qsMaxAmp_valueChanged(int v) { rsVOIP->setVoipiMinLoudness(qMin(v, 30000)); } void AudioWizard::on_Ticker_timeout() { if (!inputProcessor) { inputProcessor = new QtSpeex::SpeexInputProcessor(); inputProcessor->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered); if (!inputDevice) { inputDevice = AudioDeviceHelper::getPreferedInputDevice(); } inputDevice->start(inputProcessor); connect(inputProcessor, SIGNAL(networkPacketReady()), this, SLOT(loopAudio())); } if (!outputProcessor) { outputProcessor = new QtSpeex::SpeexOutputProcessor(); outputProcessor->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered); if (!outputDevice) { outputDevice = AudioDeviceHelper::getPreferedOutputDevice(); } outputDevice->start(outputProcessor); connect(outputProcessor, SIGNAL(playingFrame(QByteArray*)), inputProcessor, SLOT(addEchoFrame(QByteArray*))); } abVAD->iBelow = qsTransmitMin->value(); abVAD->iAbove = qsTransmitMax->value(); rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmin(qsTransmitMin->value()); rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmax(qsTransmitMax->value()); abVAD->iValue = iroundf(inputProcessor->dVoiceAcivityLevel * 32767.0f + 0.5f); abVAD->update(); int iPeak = inputProcessor->dMaxMic; if (iTicks++ >= 50) { iMaxPeak = 0; iTicks = 0; } if (iPeak > iMaxPeak) iMaxPeak = iPeak; abAmplify->iBelow = qsMaxAmp->value(); abAmplify->iValue = iPeak; abAmplify->iPeak = iMaxPeak; abAmplify->update(); bool active = inputProcessor->bPreviousVoice; if (active != bLastActive) { bLastActive = active; qlTalkIcon->setPixmap(active ? qpTalkingOn : qpTalkingOff); } } void AudioWizard::loopAudio() { while(inputProcessor && inputProcessor->hasPendingPackets()) { packetQueue.enqueue(inputProcessor->getNetworkPacket()); QTimer* playEcho = new QTimer(); playEcho->setSingleShot(true); connect( playEcho, SIGNAL( timeout ( ) ), this, SLOT( on_playEcho_timeout() ) ); playEcho->start(1500); } } void AudioWizard::on_playEcho_timeout() { if(!packetQueue.isEmpty()) { if (!qcbStopEcho->isChecked()) { if (outputDevice && outputDevice->error() != QAudio::NoError) { std::cerr << "Stopping output device. Error " << outputDevice->error() << std::endl; outputDevice->stop(); //TODO : find a way to restart output device, but there is a pulseaudio locks that prevents it here but it works in ChatWidget.cpp //outputDevice->start(outputProcessor); } outputProcessor->putNetworkPacket("myself_loop",packetQueue.dequeue()); } else { packetQueue.dequeue(); } } } void AudioWizard::on_qsTransmitMax_valueChanged(int v) { if (! bInit) { rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmax(v); } } void AudioWizard::on_qsTransmitMin_valueChanged(int v) { if (! bInit) { rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmin(v); } } void AudioWizard::on_qrVAD_clicked(bool on) { if (on) { rsVOIP->setVoipATransmit(RsVOIP::AudioTransmitVAD); updateTriggerWidgets(true); bTransmitChanged = true; } } void AudioWizard::on_qrPTT_clicked(bool on) { if (on) { rsVOIP->setVoipATransmit(RsVOIP::AudioTransmitPushToTalk); updateTriggerWidgets(false); bTransmitChanged = true; } } void AudioWizard::on_qrContinuous_clicked(bool on) { if (on) { rsVOIP->setVoipATransmit(RsVOIP::AudioTransmitContinous); updateTriggerWidgets(false); bTransmitChanged = true; } } void AudioWizard::updateTriggerWidgets(bool vad_on) { if (!vad_on) qwVAD->hide(); else qwVAD->show(); } void AudioWizard::on_qcbHighContrast_clicked(bool on) { abAmplify->highContrast = on; abVAD->highContrast = on; }