#ifndef RETROSHARE_IDENTITY_GUI_INTERFACE_H #define RETROSHARE_IDENTITY_GUI_INTERFACE_H /* * libretroshare/src/retroshare: rsidentity.h * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2012-2012 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include #include "retroshare/rstokenservice.h" #include "retroshare/rsgxsifacehelper.h" #include "retroshare/rsreputations.h" #include "retroshare/rsids.h" #include "serialiser/rstlvimage.h" #include "retroshare/rsgxscommon.h" /* The Main Interface Class - for information about your Peers */ class RsIdentity; extern RsIdentity *rsIdentity; // GroupFlags: Only one so far: #warning THIS FLAG OVERLAPS THE FLAGS FOR mGroupFlags. This is an error that should be fixed. #define RSGXSID_GROUPFLAG_REALID 0x0001 // THESE ARE FLAGS FOR INTERFACE. #define RSID_TYPE_MASK 0xff00 #define RSID_RELATION_MASK 0x00ff #define RSID_TYPE_REALID 0x0100 #define RSID_TYPE_PSEUDONYM 0x0200 #define RSID_RELATION_YOURSELF 0x0001 #define RSID_RELATION_FRIEND 0x0002 #define RSID_RELATION_FOF 0x0004 #define RSID_RELATION_OTHER 0x0008 #define RSID_RELATION_UNKNOWN 0x0010 #define RSRECOGN_MAX_TAGINFO 5 // Unicode symbols. NOT utf-8 bytes, because of multi byte characters #define RSID_MAXIMUM_NICKNAME_SIZE 30 #define RSID_MINIMUM_NICKNAME_SIZE 2 std::string rsIdTypeToString(uint32_t idtype); static const uint32_t RS_IDENTITY_FLAGS_IS_A_CONTACT = 0x0001; static const uint32_t RS_IDENTITY_FLAGS_PGP_LINKED = 0x0002; static const uint32_t RS_IDENTITY_FLAGS_PGP_KNOWN = 0x0004; static const uint32_t RS_IDENTITY_FLAGS_IS_OWN_ID = 0x0008; static const uint32_t RS_IDENTITY_FLAGS_IS_DEPRECATED= 0x0010; // used to denote keys with deprecated fingerprint format. class GxsReputation { public: GxsReputation(); bool updateIdScore(bool pgpLinked, bool pgpKnown); bool update(); // checks ranges and calculates overall score. int mOverallScore; int mIdScore; // PGP, Known, etc. int mOwnOpinion; int mPeerOpinion; }; class RsGxsIdGroup { public: RsGxsIdGroup(): mLastUsageTS(0), mPgpKnown(false),mIsAContact(false) { return; } ~RsGxsIdGroup() { return; } RsGroupMetaData mMeta; // In GroupMetaData. //std::string mNickname; (mGroupName) //std::string mKeyId; (mGroupId) //uint32_t mIdType; (mGroupFlags) // SHA(KeyId + Gpg Fingerprint) -> can only be IDed if GPG known. // The length of the input must be long enough to make brute force search implausible. // Easy to do 1e9 SHA-1 hash computations per second on a GPU. // We will need a minimum of 256 bits, ideally 1024 bits or 2048 bits. // Actually PgpIdHash is SHA1(.mMeta.mGroupId + PGPHandler->GpgFingerprint(ownId)) // ??? 160 bits. Sha1CheckSum mPgpIdHash; // Need a signature as proof - otherwise anyone could add others Hashes. // This is a string, as the length is variable. std::string mPgpIdSign; // Recognition Strings. MAX# defined above. std::list mRecognTags; // Avatar RsGxsImage mImage ; time_t mLastUsageTS ; // Not Serialised - for GUI's benefit. bool mPgpKnown; bool mIsAContact; // change that into flags one day RsPgpId mPgpId; GxsReputation mReputation; }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RsGxsIdGroup &group); // DATA TYPE FOR EXTERNAL INTERFACE. class RsRecognTag { public: RsRecognTag(uint16_t tc, uint16_t tt, bool v) :tag_class(tc), tag_type(tt), valid(v) { return; } uint16_t tag_class; uint16_t tag_type; bool valid; }; class RsRecognTagDetails { public: RsRecognTagDetails() :valid_from(0), valid_to(0), tag_class(0), tag_type(0), is_valid(false), is_pending(false) { return; } time_t valid_from; time_t valid_to; uint16_t tag_class; uint16_t tag_type; std::string signer; bool is_valid; bool is_pending; }; class RsIdOpinion { public: RsGxsId id; int rating; }; class RsIdentityParameters { public: RsIdentityParameters(): isPgpLinked(false) { return; } bool isPgpLinked; std::string nickname; RsGxsImage mImage ; }; class RsIdentityUsage { public: enum UsageCode { UNKNOWN_USAGE = 0x00, GROUP_ADMIN_SIGNATURE_CREATION = 0x01, // These 2 are normally not normal GXS identities, but nothing prevents it to happen either. GROUP_ADMIN_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION = 0x02, GROUP_AUTHOR_SIGNATURE_CREATION = 0x03, // not typically used, since most services do not require group author signatures GROUP_AUTHOR_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION = 0x04, MESSAGE_AUTHOR_SIGNATURE_CREATION = 0x05, // most common use case. Messages are signed by authors in e.g. forums. MESSAGE_AUTHOR_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION = 0x06, GROUP_AUTHOR_KEEP_ALIVE = 0x07, // Identities are stamped regularly by crawlign the set of messages for all groups. That helps keepign the useful identities in hand. MESSAGE_AUTHOR_KEEP_ALIVE = 0x08, // Identities are stamped regularly by crawlign the set of messages for all groups. That helps keepign the useful identities in hand. CHAT_LOBBY_MSG_VALIDATION = 0x09, // Chat lobby msgs are signed, so each time one comes, or a chat lobby event comes, a signature verificaiton happens. GLOBAL_ROUTER_SIGNATURE_CHECK = 0x0a, // Global router message validation GLOBAL_ROUTER_SIGNATURE_CREATION = 0x0b, // Global router message signature GXS_TUNNEL_DH_SIGNATURE_CHECK = 0x0c, // GXS_TUNNEL_DH_SIGNATURE_CREATION = 0x0d, // IDENTITY_DATA_UPDATE = 0x0e, // Group update on that identity data. Can be avatar, name, etc. IDENTITY_GENERIC_SIGNATURE_CHECK = 0x0f, // Any signature verified for that identity IDENTITY_GENERIC_SIGNATURE_CREATION = 0x10, // Any signature made by that identity IDENTITY_GENERIC_ENCRYPTION = 0x11, IDENTITY_GENERIC_DECRYPTION = 0x12, CIRCLE_MEMBERSHIP_CHECK = 0x13 } ; explicit RsIdentityUsage(uint16_t service,const RsIdentityUsage::UsageCode& code,const RsGxsGroupId& gid=RsGxsGroupId(),const RsGxsMessageId& mid=RsGxsMessageId(),uint64_t additional_id=0,const std::string& comment = std::string()); uint16_t mServiceId; // Id of the service using that identity, as understood by rsServiceControl UsageCode mUsageCode; // Specific code to use. Will allow forming the correct translated message in the GUI if necessary. RsGxsGroupId mGrpId; // Group ID using the identity RsGxsMessageId mMsgId; // Message ID using the identity uint64_t mAdditionalId; // Some additional ID. Can be used for e.g. chat lobbies. std::string mComment ; // additional comment to be used mainly for debugging, but not GUI display bool operator<(const RsIdentityUsage& u) const { return mHash < u.mHash ; } RsFileHash mHash ; }; class RsIdentityDetails { public: RsIdentityDetails() : mFlags(0), mLastUsageTS(0) { return; } RsGxsId mId; // identity details. std::string mNickname; uint32_t mFlags ; // PGP Stuff. RsPgpId mPgpId; // Recogn details. std::list mRecognTags; // Cyril: Reputation details. At some point we might want to merge information // between the two into a single global score. Since the old reputation system // is not finished yet, I leave this in place. We should decide what to do with it. RsReputations::ReputationInfo mReputation; // avatar RsGxsImage mAvatar ; // last usage time_t mLastUsageTS ; std::map mUseCases ; }; class RsIdentity: public RsGxsIfaceHelper { public: RsIdentity(RsGxsIface *gxs): RsGxsIfaceHelper(gxs) { return; } virtual ~RsIdentity() { return; } /********************************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************************/ // For Other Services.... // It should be impossible for them to get a message which we don't have the identity. // Its a major error if we don't have the identity. // We cache all identities, and provide alternative (instantaneous) // functions to extract info, rather than the standard Token system. //virtual bool getNickname(const RsGxsId &id, std::string &nickname) = 0; virtual bool getIdDetails(const RsGxsId &id, RsIdentityDetails &details) = 0; // Fills up list of all own ids. Returns false if ids are not yet loaded. virtual bool getOwnIds(std::list &ownIds) = 0; virtual bool isOwnId(const RsGxsId& id) = 0; // virtual bool submitOpinion(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsId &id, bool absOpinion, int score) = 0; virtual bool createIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsIdentityParameters ¶ms) = 0; virtual bool updateIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group) = 0; virtual bool deleteIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group) = 0; virtual void setDeleteBannedNodesThreshold(uint32_t days) =0; virtual uint32_t deleteBannedNodesThreshold() =0; virtual bool parseRecognTag(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &nickname, const std::string &tag, RsRecognTagDetails &details) = 0; virtual bool getRecognTagRequest(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &comment, uint16_t tag_class, uint16_t tag_type, std::string &tag) = 0; virtual bool setAsRegularContact(const RsGxsId& id,bool is_a_contact) = 0 ; virtual bool isARegularContact(const RsGxsId& id) = 0 ; /*! * \brief overallReputationLevel * Returns the overall reputation level of the supplied identity. See rsreputations.h * \param id * \return */ virtual time_t getLastUsageTS(const RsGxsId &id) =0; // Specific RsIdentity Functions.... /* Specific Service Data */ /* We expose these initially for testing / GUI purposes. */ virtual bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector &groups) = 0; //virtual bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector &opinions) = 0; }; #endif // RETROSHARE_IDENTITY_GUI_INTERFACE_H