/**************************************************************** * * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2011, RetroShare Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #ifndef CHATWIDGET_H #define CHATWIDGET_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/common/HashBox.h" #include "gui/common/RsButtonOnText.h" #include "ChatStyle.h" #include "gui/style/RSStyle.h" #include "ChatLobbyUserNotify.h" #include #include class QAction; class QTextEdit; class QPushButton; class ChatWidget; class QMenu; namespace Ui { class ChatWidget; } // a Container for the logic behind buttons in a PopupChatDialog // Plugins can implement this interface to provide their own buttons class ChatWidgetHolder { public: ChatWidgetHolder(ChatWidget *chatWidget) : mChatWidget(chatWidget) {} virtual ~ChatWidgetHolder() {} // status comes from notifyPeerStatusChanged // see rststaus.h for possible values virtual void updateStatus(int /*status*/) {} protected: ChatWidget *mChatWidget; }; class ChatWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: enum MsgType { MSGTYPE_NORMAL, MSGTYPE_HISTORY, MSGTYPE_OFFLINE, MSGTYPE_SYSTEM }; enum ChatType { CHATTYPE_UNKNOWN, CHATTYPE_PRIVATE, CHATTYPE_LOBBY, CHATTYPE_DISTANT }; explicit ChatWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); ~ChatWidget(); void init(const ChatId &chat_id, const QString &title); ChatId getChatId(); ChatType chatType(); // allow/disallow sendng of messages void blockSending(QString msg); void unblockSending(); bool hasNewMessages() { return newMessages; } bool isTyping() { return typing; } void focusDialog(); QToolButton* getNotifyButton(); void setNotify(ChatLobbyUserNotify* clun); void scrollToAnchor(QString anchor); void addToParent(QWidget *newParent); void removeFromParent(QWidget *oldParent); void setWelcomeMessage(QString &text); void addChatMsg(bool incoming, const QString &name, const QDateTime &sendTime, const QDateTime &recvTime, const QString &message, MsgType chatType); void addChatMsg(bool incoming, const QString &name, const RsGxsId gxsId, const QDateTime &sendTime, const QDateTime &recvTime, const QString &message, MsgType chatType); void updateStatusString(const QString &statusMask, const QString &statusString, bool permanent = false); void addToolsAction(QAction *action); QString getTitle() { return title; } int getPeerStatus() { return peerStatus; } void setName(const QString &name); bool setStyle(); const RSStyle *getStyle() { return &style; } // Adds one widget in the chat bar. Used to add e.g. new buttons. The widget should be // small enough in size. void addChatBarWidget(QWidget *w) ; void addTitleBarWidget(QWidget *w); void hideChatText(bool hidden); RSButtonOnText* getNewButtonOnTextBrowser(); RSButtonOnText* getNewButtonOnTextBrowser(QString text); // Adds a new horizonal widget in the layout of the chat window. void addChatHorizontalWidget(QWidget *w) ; bool isActive(); void setDefaultExtraFileFlags(TransferRequestFlags f) ; void pasteText(const QString&); const QList &chatWidgetHolderList() { return mChatWidgetHolder; } public slots: void updateStatus(const QString &peer_id, int status); private slots: //void pasteCreateMsgLink() ; void clearChatHistory(); void deleteChatHistory(); void messageHistory(); void resetStatusBar() ; signals: void infoChanged(ChatWidget*); void newMessage(ChatWidget*); void statusChanged(int); protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event); virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent *event); virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event); void updateTitle(); private slots: void contextMenuTextBrowser(QPoint); void contextMenuSearchButton(QPoint); void chatCharFormatChanged(); void fileHashingFinished(QList hashedFiles); void smileyWidget(); void addSmiley(); void addExtraFile(); void addExtraPicture(); void on_closeInfoFrameButton_clicked(); void on_searchButton_clicked(bool bValue); void on_searchBefore_clicked(); void on_searchAfter_clicked(); void toogle_FindCaseSensitively(); void toogle_FindWholeWords(); void toogle_MoveToCursor(); void toogle_SeachWithoutLimit(); void on_notifyButton_clicked(); void on_markButton_clicked(bool bValue); void chooseColor(); void chooseFont(); void resetFont(); void resetFonts(); void setFont(); void updateLenOfChatTextEdit(); void sendChat(); void updatePeersCustomStateString(const QString& peer_id, const QString& status_string) ; bool fileSave(); bool fileSaveAs(); void quote(); void dropPlacemark(); void saveImage(); private: bool findText(const QString& qsStringToFind); bool findText(const QString& qsStringToFind, bool bBackWard, bool bForceMove); void removeFoundText(); void updateStatusTyping(); void setCurrentFileName(const QString &fileName); void colorChanged(); void setColorAndFont(bool both); void processSettings(bool load); uint32_t maxMessageSize(); void completeNickname(bool reverse); QAbstractItemModel *modelFromPeers(); ChatId chatId; QString title; QString name; QString completionWord; int completionPosition; QColor currentColor; QFont currentFont; QString fileName; bool newMessages; bool typing; int peerStatus; bool sendingBlocked; time_t lastStatusSendTime; ChatStyle chatStyle; RSStyle style; bool firstShow; bool inChatCharFormatChanged; bool firstSearch; QPalette qpSave_leSearch; std::map smFoundCursor; int iCharToStartSearch; bool bFindCaseSensitively; bool bFindWholeWords; bool bMoveToCursor; bool bSearchWithoutLimit; uint uiMaxSearchLimitColor; QColor cFoundColor; QString qsLastsearchText; QTextCursor qtcCurrent; QTextCursor qtcMark; int lastUpdateCursorPos; int lastUpdateCursorEnd; TransferRequestFlags mDefaultExtraFileFlags ; // flags for extra files shared in this chat. Will be 0 by default, but might be ANONYMOUS for chat lobbies. QDate lastMsgDate ; QCompleter *completer; QList mChatWidgetHolder; ChatLobbyUserNotify* notify; Ui::ChatWidget *ui; }; #endif // CHATWIDGET_H