AboutVersion: %1ვერსია: %1This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.ეს პროგრამა წარმოადგენს თავისუფალ პროგრამულ უზრუნველყოფას; თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გაავრცელოთ ის და/ან შეცვალოთ ის Free Software Foundation ფონდის მიერ გამოქვეყნებული GNU GPL ლიცენზიაში გათვალისწინებული წესების მიხედვით; როგორც ლიცენზიის მეორე ვერსიით, ასევე (თქვენი გადაწყვეტილებით) ნებისმიერი უფრო ახალი ვერსიით.The following people have contributed with translations:GermanგერმანულიSlovakსლოვაკურიItalianიტალიურიFrenchფრანგული%1, %2 and %3Simplified-Chineseგამარტივებული ჩინურიRussianრუსული%1 and %2HungarianუნგრულიPolishპოლონურიJapaneseიაპონურიDutchჰოლანდიურიUkrainianუკრაინულიPortuguese - BrazilGeorgianქართულიCzechჩეხურიBulgarianTurkishთურქულიSwedishSerbianTraditional ChineseRomanianPortuguese - PortugalGreekFinnish<b>%1</b>: %2<b>%1</b> (%2)About SMPlayerSMPlayer-ის შესახებ&Infoicon&Contributions&Translators&LicenseVisit our web for updates:Get help in our forum:You can support SMPlayer by making a donation.More infoKoreanMacedonianBasqueUsing MPlayer %1CatalanPortable EditionUsing Qt %1 (compiled with Qt %2)SlovenianArabicარაბულიKurdishGalicianThe following people have contributed with patches (see the changelog for details):If there's any omission, please report.SMPlayer logo by %1%1, %2, %3 and %4%1, %2, %3, %4 and %5ActionsEditorNameდასახელებაDescriptionShortcut&Saveშენა&ხვა&Loadჩა&ტვირთვაKey filesChoose a filenameაირჩიეთ ფაილის სახელიConfirm overwrite?დავადასტუროთ შეცვლა?The file %1 already exists.
Do you want to overwrite?ფაილი %1 უკვე არსებობს.
გსურთ მისი შეცვლა?Choose a fileაირჩიეთ ფაილიErrorThe file couldn't be savedThe file couldn't be loaded&Change shortcut...AudioEqualizerAudio Equalizer31.25 Hz62.50 Hz125.0 Hz250.0 Hz500.0 Hz1.000 kHz2.000 kHz4.000 kHz8.000 kHz16.00 kHz&Apply&Reset&საწყისი პარამეტრები&Set as default valuesნაგულის&ხმებად შენახვაUse the current values as default values for new videos.მიმდინარე მნიშვნელობების ახალი ვიფდეოებისთვის გამოყენება.Set all controls to zero.ყველაფრის ნორმალიზება.InformationThe current values have been stored to be used as default.BaseGui&File...&ფაილი...D&irectory...დ&ირექტორია...&Playlist...რე&პერტუარი...&DVD from drive&DVD ამძრავიდანD&VD from folder...D&VD დასტიდან...&URL...&URL...P&layდა&კვრა&Pause&პაუზა&Stop&გაჩერება&Frame stepკადრული ბი&ჯი&Repeatგამეო&რება&Normal speed&ნორმალური სიჩქარე&Halve speedნა&ხევარი სიჩქარე&Double speed&ორმაგი სიჩქარეSpeed &-10%სიჩქარე &-10%Speed &+10%სიჩქარე &+10%Sp&eedსი&ჩქარე&Fullscreenმთელს ეკრან&ზე&Compact mode&კომპაქტური რეჟიმი&Equalizer&ეკვალაიზერი&Screenshotეკრანი&ს ანაბეჭდიS&tay on top&ყოველთვის ზემოდან&Postprocessing&შემდგომი დამუშავება&Autodetect phaseფაზის &ავტოამოცნობა&Deblock&DeblockDe&ringDe&ringAdd n&oise&ხმაურის დამატებაF&iltersფ&ილტრები&Muteგა&ჩუმებაVolume &-ხმა &-Volume &+ხმა &+&Delay -&დაყოვნება -D&elay +და&ყოვნება +&Extrastereo&ექსტრასტერეო&Karaoke&კარაოკე&Filters&ფილტრები&Load...ჩა&ტვირთვა...Delay &-დაყოვნება &-Delay &+დაყოვნება &+&Up&ზევით&Down&ქვევით&Playlistრე&პერტუარი&Show frame counterკადრების მ&თვლელის ჩვენებაP&referencesპა&რამეტრები&View logs&ჟურნალების ჩვენებაAbout &Qt&Qt-ს შესახებAbout &SMPlayer&SMPlayer-ის შესახებ&Open&გახსნა&Playდა&კვრა&Video&ვიდეო&Audio&აუდიო&Subtitles&სუბტიტრები&Browse&ნუსხაOp&tionsპარამე&ტრები&Helpდა&ხმარება&Recent files&წინა ფაილები&Clear&გასუფთავებაSi&ze&ზომა&Aspect ratio&ფარდობა&Deinterlace&დეინტერლაცია4:3 &Letterbox4:3 &Letterbox16:9 L&etterbox16:9 L&etterbox4:3 &Panscan4:3 &Panscan4:3 &to 16:94:3 -> 16:9-&ზე&None&არაა&Lowpass5&Lowpass5Linear &Blendსწრფივი &შერევა&Channelsარ&ხები&Stereo mode&სტერეორეჟიმი&Stereo&სტერეო&4.0 Surround&4.0 Surround&5.1 Surround&5.1 Surround&Left channelმარ&ცხენა არცი&Right channelმარ&ჯვენა არხი&Selectა&რჩევა&Title&სათაური&Chapter&თავი&Angle&კუთხე&OSD&OSD&Disabledგათი&შულია&Seek barგადა&სვლის ზოლი&Time&დროTime + T&otal timeდრო + &ჯამური დროSMPlayer - mplayer logSMPlayer - mplayer-ის ჟურნალიSMPlayer - smplayer logSMPlayer - smplayer-ის ჟურნალი<empty><ცარიელია>VideoვიდეოAudioაუდიოPlaylistsრეპერტუარებიAll filesყველა ფაილიChoose a fileაირჩიეთ ფაილიSMPlayer - InformationSMPlayer - ინფორმაციაThe CDROM / DVD drives are not configured yet.
The configuration dialog will be shown now, so you can do it.CDROM / DVD ამძრავები ჯერ არ არის გამართული.(new line)კონფიგურაციის დიალოგი ახლა გამოჩნდება, შეგიძლიათ გამართოთ ისინი.Choose a directoryაირჩიეთ დასტაSubtitlesსუბტიტრებიAbout QtQt-ს შესახებPlaying %1ვუკრავ %1-სPauseპაუზაStopშეჩერებაPlay / Pauseდაკვრა / პაუზაPause / Frame stepპაუზა / კადრული ბიჯიU&nload&გამოტვირთვაV&CDC&loseView &info and properties...Zoom &-Zoom &+&Reset&საწყისი პარამეტრებიMove &leftMove &rightMove &up&ზევით აწევაMove &down&ქვევით ჩაწევა&Pan && scan&Previous line in subtitlesN&ext line in subtitles-%1+%1Dec volume (2)Inc volume (2)Exit fullscreenOSD - Next levelDec contrastInc contrastDec brightnessInc brightnessDec hueInc hueDec saturationDec gammaNext audioNext subtitleNext chapterPrevious chapterInc saturationInc gamma&Load external file...&Kerndeint&Yadif (normal)Y&adif (double framerate)&Next&შემდეგიPre&vious&წინაVolume &normalization&Audio CDDenoise nor&malDenoise &softDenoise o&ffUse SSA/&ASS libraryFlip i&mage&Toggle double sizeS&ize -Si&ze +Add &black bordersSoft&ware scaling&FAQVisualize &motion vectors&Command line optionsSMPlayer command line optionsEnable &closed caption&Forced subtitles onlyReset video equalizerMPlayer has finished unexpectedly.Exit code: %1MPlayer failed to start.Please check the MPlayer path in preferences.MPlayer has crashed.See the log for more info.&Rotate&Off&Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise and flipRotate by 90 degrees &clockwiseRotate by 90 degrees counterclock&wiseRotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise and &flip&Jump to...Show context menuMultimediaE&qualizerReset audio equalizerFind subtitles on &OpenSubtitles.org...Upload su&btitles to OpenSubtitles.org...&Tips&AutoSpeed -&4%&Speed +4%Speed -&1%S&peed +1%Scree&n&DefaultMirr&or imageNext video&Trackvideo&ჩანაწერი&Trackaudio&ჩანაწერიWarning - Using old MPlayerThe version of MPlayer (%1) installed on your system is obsolete. SMPlayer can't work well with it: some options won't work, subtitle selection may fail...Please, update your MPlayer.(This warning won't be displayed anymore)Next aspect ratio&Auto zoomZoom for &16:9Zoom for &2.35:1Pre&view...&Always&NeverWhile &playingBaseGuiPlusSMPlayer is still running hereS&how icon in system tray&Hide&Restore&QuitPlaylistრეპერტუარიCoreBrightness: %1სიკაშკაშე: %1Contrast: %1კონტრასტი: %1Gamma: %1გამა: %1Hue: %1ტონი: %1Saturation: %1ინტენსივობა: %1Volume: %1ხმა: %1Zoom: %1Font scale: %1Aspect ratio: %1Updating the font cache. This may take some seconds...DefaultGuiWelcome to SMPlayerმოგესალმებათ SMPlayerAudioაუდიოSubtitleსუბტიტრები&Main toolbar&ძირითადი პანელი&Language toolbarენის პა&ნელი&Toolbars&ინსრუმენტთა პანელებიEqSlidericonხატულაErrorDialogHide logShow logMPlayer ErroriconErrorFileDownloaderDownloading...Downloading %1FilePropertiesDialogSMPlayer - File properties&Information&Demuxer&დემულტიპლექსორი&Select the demuxer that will be used for this file:აირჩიეთ ამ ფაილის დემულტიპლექ&სორი:&Reset&საწყისი პარამეტრები&Video codec&ვიდეო კოდეკი&Select the video codec:აირ&ჩიეთ ვიდეო კოდეკი:A&udio codecა&უდიო კოდეკი&Select the audio codec:აირჩიეთ აუდიო &კოდეკი:&MPlayer options&MPlayer-ის პარამეტრებიAdditional Options for MPlayerHere you can pass extra options to MPlayer.
Write them separated by spaces.
Example: -flip -nosound&Options:&პარამეტრები:You can also pass additional video filters.
Separate them with ",". Do not use spaces!
Example: scale=512:-2,eq2=1.1აგრეთქე შეგიძლიათ დამატებითი ვიდეოფილრების მითითება.
გამოყავით ისინი "," სიმბოლოს საშუალებით. არ გამოტოვოთ ადგილი!
მაგალითი: scale=512:-2,eq2=1.1V&ideo filters:ვ&იდეოფილტრები:And finally audio filters. Same rule as for video filters.
Example: resample=44100:0:0,volnormდა ბოლოს - აუდიოფილრტრები. იგივე წესით როგორც ვიდეოფილრები.
მაგალითი: resample=44100:0:0,volnormAudio &filters:აუდიო&ფილტრები:OKCancelApplyFindSubtitlesWindowLanguageNameდასახელებაFormatFilesDateUploaded byAllClose&Download&Copy link to clipboardErrorDownload failed: %1.Connecting to %1...Downloading...Done.%1 files availableFailed to parse the received data.Find Subtitles&Subtitles for&Language:&RefreshSubtitle saved as %1%1 subtitle(s) extractedOverwrite?The file %1 already exits, overwrite?Error saving fileშეცდომა ფაილის შენახვისასIt wasn't possible to save the downloaded
file in folder %1
Please check the permissions of that folder.Download failedTemporary file %1InfoFileGeneralძირითადიSizeზომა%1 KB (%2 MB)%1 კბ (%2 მბ)URLURLLengthხანგრძლივობაDemuxerდემულტიპლექსორიNameდასახელებაArtistშემსრულებელიAuthorავტორიAlbumალბომიGenreჟანრიDateთარიღიTrackჩანაწერიCopyrightსაავტორო უფლებებიCommentკომენტარიSoftwareპროგრამაClip infoინფორმაცია - კლიპიVideoვიდეოResolutionგარჩევადობაAspect ratioთანაფარდობაFormatფორმატიBitrateბიტური სიხშირე%1 kbps%1 კბწმFrames per secondკადრი წამშიSelected codecარჩეული კოდეკიInitial Audio Streamსაწყისი აუდიონაკადიRateსიხშირე%1 Hz%1 ჰცChannelsარხებიAudio StreamsაუდიონაკადებიLanguageენაemptyცარიელიაSubtitlesსუბტიტრებიTypeტიპიIDInfo for translators: this is a identification codeID#Info for translators: this is a abbreviation for number#Stream titleStream URLFileInputDVDDirectoryChoose a directoryაირჩიეთ დირექტორიაSMPlayer - Play a DVD from a folderSMPlayer - დაუკარით DVD დასტიდანYou can play a dvd from your hard disc. Just select the folder which contains the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directories.თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გაუშვათ dvd თქვენი მყარი დისკიდან. უბრალოდ აირჩიეთ დასტა რომელიც შეიცვს VIDEO_TS და AUDIO_TS დირექტორიებს.Choose a directory...აირჩიეთ დირექტორია...InputMplayerVersionSMPlayer - Enter the MPlayer versionSMPlayer couldn't identify the MPlayer version you're using.Version reported by MPlayer:Please, &select the correct version:1.0rc1 or older1.0rc2Greater than 1.0rc2InputURLSMPlayer - Enter URL&URL:It's a &playlistIf this option is checked, the URL will be treated as a playlist: it will be opened as text and will play the URLs in it.LanguagesAfarAbkhazianAfrikaansAmharicArabicარაბულიAssameseAymaraAzerbaijaniBashkirBulgarianBihariBislamaBengaliTibetanBretonCatalanCorsicanCzechჩეხურიWelshDanishGermanგერმანულიGreekEnglishინგლისურიEsperantoSpanishესპანურიEstonianBasquePersianFinnishFaroeseFrenchფრანგულიFrisianIrishGalicianGuaraniGujaratiHausaHebrewHindiCroatianHungarianუნგრულიArmenianInterlinguaIndonesianInterlingueIcelandicItalianიტალიურიInuktitutJapaneseიაპონურიJavaneseGeorgianქართულიKazakhGreenlandicKannadaKoreanKashmiriKurdishKirghizLatinLingalaLithuanianLatvianMalagasyMaoriMacedonianMalayalamMongolianMoldavianMarathiMalayMalteseBurmeseNauruNepaliDutchჰოლანდიურიNorwegianOccitanOriyaPolishპოლონურიPortugueseQuechuaRomanianRussianრუსულიKinyarwandaSanskritSindhiSlovakსლოვაკურიSlovenianSamoanShonaSomaliAlbanianSerbianSundaneseSwedishSwahiliTamilTeluguTajikThaiTigrinyaTurkmenTagalogTongaTurkishთურქულიTsongaTatarTwiUighurUkrainianუკრაინულიUrduUzbekVietnameseWolofXhosaYiddishYorubaZhuangChineseZuluPortuguese - BrazilPortuguese - PortugalSimplified-Chineseგამარტივებული ჩინურიTraditional ChineseUnicodeUTF-8Western European Languagesდასავლეთევროპული ენებიWestern European Languages with Euroდასავლეთევროპული ენები ევროს მხარდაჭერითSlavic/Central European Languagesსლავური/ცენტრალურევროპული ენებიEsperanto, Galician, Maltese, Turkishესპერანტო, გალიციური, მალტური, თურქულიOld Baltic charsetძველი ბალტიური სიმბოლოების ნაკრებიCyrillicკირილიცაModern Greekთანამედროვე ბერძნულიBalticბალტიურიCelticკელტურიHebrew charsetsებრაულ სიმბოლოთა ნაკრებიUkrainian, Belarusianუკრაინული, ბელორუსულიSimplified Chinese charsetგამარტივებული ჩინურის სიმბოლოთა ნაკრებიTraditional Chinese charsetტრადიციული ჩინურის სიმბოლოთა ნაკრებიJapanese charsetsიაპონურ სიმბოლოთა ნაკრებიKorean charsetკორეულ სიმბოლოთა ნაკრებიThai charsetტაილანდურ სიმბოლოთა ნაკრებიCyrillic WindowsWindows-ის კირილიცაSlavic/Central European WindowsWindows-ის სლავური/დენტრალურევროპულიArabic WindowsAvestanAkanAragoneseAvaricBelarusianBambaraBosnianChechenCreeChurchChuvashDivehiDzongkhaEweFulahFijianGaelicManxHiriHaitianHereroChamorroIgboSichuanInupiaqIdoKongoKikuyuKuanyamaKhmerKanuriKomiCornishLuxembourgishGandaLimburganLaoLuba-KatangaMarshalleseBokmålNdebeleNdongaNavajoChichewaOjibwaOromoOssetianPanjabiPaliPushtoRomanshRundiSardinianSamiSangoSinhalaSwatiSothoTswanaTahitianVendaVolapükWalloonLogWindowChoose a filename to save underაირჩიეთ ჩასაწერი ფაილის სახელიConfirm overwrite?დავადასტუროთ შეცვლა?The file already exists.
Do you want to overwrite?ფაილი უკვე არსებობს.
გსურთ მისი შეცვლა?Error saving fileშეცდომა ფაილის შენახვისასThe log couldn't be savedჟურნალის შენახვა ვერ მოხერხდაLogsჟურნალებიLogWindowBaseLog Windowჟურნალის ფანჯარაSaveშენახვაCopy to clipboardგაცვლის ბუფერში შენახვაCloseდაკეტვა&Closeდა&კეტვაMiniGuiControl barMpcGuiControl bar-%1+%1PlaylistNameდასახელებაLengthხანგრძლივობა&Playდა&კვრა&Editრ&ედაქტირებაPlaylistsრეპერტუარებიChoose a fileაირჩიეთ ფაილიChoose a filenameაირჩიეთ ფაილის სახელიConfirm overwrite?დავადასტუროთ შეცვლა?The file %1 already exists.
Do you want to overwrite?ფაილი %1 უკვე არსებობს.
გსურთ მისი შეცვლა?All filesყველა ფაილიSelect one or more files to openგასახსნელად აირჩიეთ ერთი ან რამოდენიმე ფაილიChoose a directoryაირჩიეთ დირექტორიაEdit nameსახელის რედაქტირებაType the name that will be displayed in the playlist for this file:შეიყვანეთ სახელი რომელიც იქნება გამოსახული რეპერტუარიში ამ ფაილისთვის:&Loadჩა&ტვირთვა&Saveშენა&ხვა&Next&შემდეგიPre&vious&წინაMove &up&ზევით აწევაMove &down&ქვევით ჩაწევა&Repeatგამეო&რებაS&huffleარე&ვაAdd ¤t file&მიმდინარე ფაილის დამატებაAdd &file(s)&ფაილ(ებ)ის დამატებაAdd &directory&დირექტორიის დამატებაRemove &selectedა&რჩეულის ამოღებაRemove &allყველ&ას ამოღებაSMPlayer - PlaylistSMPlayer - რეპერტუარიAdd...დამატება...Remove...ამოღება...Playlist modifiedThere are unsaved changes, do you want to save the playlist?PreferencesPlaylistPreferencesPlaylist - PreferencesCheck this option if you want that adding a directory will also add the files in subdirectories recursively. Otherwise only the files in the selected directory will be added.&Add files in directories recursivelyCheck this option to inquire the files to be added to the playlist for some info. That allows to show the title name (if available) and length of the files. Otherwise this info won't be available until the file is actually played. Beware: this option can be slow, specially if you add many files.Automatically get &info about files added&Save copy of playlist on exit&Play files from startPrefAdvancedAdvancedდამატებითიAuto&AdvancediconხატულაHere you can pass extra options to MPlayer.
Write them separated by spaces.
Example: -flip -nosoundYou can also pass additional video filters.
Separate them with ",". Do not use spaces!
Example: scale=512:-2,eq2=1.1აგრეთქე შეგიძლიათ დამატებითი ვიდეოფილრების მითითება.
გამოყავით ისინი "," სიმბოლოს საშუალებით. არ გამოტოვოთ ადგილი!
მაგალითი: scale=512:-2,eq2=1.1And finally audio filters. Same rule as for video filters.
Example: resample=44100:0:0,volnormდა ბოლოს - აუდიოფილრტრები. იგივე წესით როგორც ვიდეოფილრები.
მაგალითი: resample=44100:0:0,volnormLog MPlayer outputLog SMPlayer outputThis option is mainly intended for debugging the application.ეს პარამეტრი ძირითადად განკუთვნილია პროგრამის გამართვისათვის.Checking this option may reduce flickering, but it also might produce that the video won't be displayed properly.Filter for SMPlayer logs&Monitor aspect:&Run MPlayer in its own window&Options:&პარამეტრები:V&ideo filters:ვ&იდეოფილტრები:Audio &filters:აუდიო&ფილტრები:&Colorkey:Log &SMPlayer output&Filter for SMPlayer logs:C&hange...LogsLog MPlayer &outputOptions for MP&layerAutosave MPlayer logIf this option is checked, the MPlayer log will be saved to the specified file every time a new file starts to play. It's intended for external applications, so they can get info about the file you're playing.Autosave MPlayer log filenameEnter here the path and filename that will be used to save the MPlayer log.A&utosave MPlayer log to filePass short filenames (8+3) to MPlayerCurrently MPlayer can't open filenames which contains characters outside the local codepage. Checking this option will make SMPlayer to pass to MPlayer the short version of the filenames, and thus it will able to open them.&Pass short filenames (8+3) to MPlayerMonitor aspectSelect the aspect ratio of your monitor.Run MPlayer in its own windowIf you check this option, the MPlayer video window won't be embedded in SMPlayer's main window but instead it will use its own window. Note that mouse and keyboard events will be handled directly by MPlayer, that means key shortcuts and mouse clicks probably won't work as expected when the MPlayer window has the focus.ColorkeyIf you see parts of the video over any other window, you can change the colorkey to fix it. Try to select a color close to black.Options for MPlayerOptionsHere you can type options for MPlayer. Write them separated by spaces.Video filtersHere you can add video filters for MPlayer. Write them separated by commas. Don't use spaces!Audio filtersHere you can add audio filters for MPlayer. Write them separated by commas. Don't use spaces!Repaint the background of the video windowRepaint the backgroun&d of the video windowIPv4Use IPv4 on network connections. Falls back on IPv6 automatically.IPv6Use IPv6 on network connections. Falls back on IPv4 automatically.Network ConnectionIPv&4IPv&6Lo&gsRebuild index if neededRebuild &index if neededIf this option is checked, SMPlayer will store the debugging messages that SMPlayer outputs (you can see the log in <b>Options -> View logs -> SMPlayer</b>). This information can be very useful for the developer in case you find a bug.If checked, SMPlayer will store the output of MPlayer (you can see it in <b>Options -> View logs -> MPlayer</b>). In case of problems this log can contain important information, so it's recommended to keep this option checked.This option allows to filter the SMPlayer messages that will be stored in the log. Here you can write any regular expression.<br>For instance: <i>^Core::.*</i> will display only the lines starting with <i>Core::</i>Correct ptsSwitches MPlayer to an experimental mode where timestamps for video frames are calculated differently and video filters which add new frames or modify timestamps of existing ones are supported. The more accurate timestamps can be visible for example when playing subtitles timed to scene changes with the SSA/ASS library enabled. Without correct pts the subtitle timing will typically be off by some frames. This option does not work correctly with some demuxers and codecs.ProxyEnable proxyEnable/disable the use of the proxy.HostThe host name of the proxy.PortThe port of the proxy.UsernameIf the proxy requires authentication, this sets the username.PasswordYou can set a proxy for internet connections (currently only used for subtitle downloading).&Enable proxy&Host:&Port:&Username:Pa&ssword:C&orrect PTSHttpSocks5TypeSelect the proxy type to be used.&Type:Actions listHere you can specify a list of <i>actions</i> which will be run every time a file is opened. You'll find all available actions in the key shortcut editor in the <b>Keyboard and mouse</b> section. The actions must be separated by spaces. Checkable actions can be followed by <i>true</i> or <i>false</i> to enable or disable the action.Limitation: the actions are run only when a file is opened and not when the mplayer process is restarted (e.g. you select an audio or video filter).NetworkR&un the following actions every time a file is opened. The actions must be separated with spaces:&NetworkExample:Rebuilds index of files if no index was found, allowing seeking. Useful with broken/incomplete downloads, or badly created files. This option only works if the underlying media supports seeking (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc).<br> <b>Note:</b> the creation of the index may take some time.The password for the proxy. <b>Warning:</b> the password will be saved as plain text in the configuration file.PrefAssociationsWarningNot all files could be associated. Please check your security permissions and retry.File TypesSelect allCheck all file types in the listUncheck all file types in the listList of file typesFile typesMedia files handled by SMPlayer:Select AllSelect NoneCheck the media file extensions you would like SMPlayer to handle. When you click Apply, the checked files will be associated with SMPlayer. If you uncheck a media type, the file association will be restored.Select none <b>Note:</b> (Restoration doesn't work on Windows Vista).PrefDrivesDrivesამძრავებიiconხატულაCD deviceChoose your CDROM device. It will be used to play VCDs and Audio CDs.DVD deviceChoose your DVD device. It will be used to play DVDs.Select your &CD device:Select your &DVD device:SMPlayer does not choose any CDROM or DVD devices by default. So before you can actually play a CD or DVD you have to select the devices you want to use (they can be the same).PrefGeneralGeneralძირითადი&GeneralPathsგეზებიMedia settingsმედიაპარამეტრებიPreferred audio and subtitlesუპირატესი აუდიო და სუბტიტრებიVideoვიდეოStart videos in fullscreenვიდეოს მთელს ეკრანზე გაშვებაDisable screensaverეკრანმზოგის გათიშვაAudioაუდიოSelect the mplayer executableაირჩიეთ mplayer-ის გაშვებადი ფაილიExecutablesგაშვებადი ფაილებიAll filesყველა ფაილიSelect a directoryაირჩიეთ დირექტორიაMPlayer executableScreenshots folderVideo output driverAudio output driverSelect the audio output driver.აირჩიეთ აუდიოგამომყვანის დრაივერიRemember settingsPreferred audio languagePreferred subtitle languageSoftware video equalizerYou can check this option if video equalizer is not supported by your graphic card or the selected video output driver.<br><b>Note:</b> this option can be incompatible with some video output drivers.თქვენ შეგიძლიათ მონიშნოთ ეს პარამეტრი თუ თქვენს გრაფიკულ დაფას ან გამომყვან დრაივერს არ აქვს ვიდეოეკვალაიზერი.<br><b>შენიშვნა:</b> ეს პარამეტრში შეიძლება არათავსებადი აღმოჩნდეს ზოგიერთ გამომყვან დრაივერთან.If this option is checked, all videos will start to play in fullscreen mode.თუ ეს პარამეტრი მონიშნულია, მაშინ ყველა ვიდეო გაიშვებს სრულეკრანიან რეჟიმში.Software volume controlCheck this option to use the software mixer, instead of using the sound card mixer.მონიშნეთ ეს პარამეტრი აუდიოდაფის მიქშერის მაგივრად პროგრამული მიქშერის გამოსაყენებლად.Postprocessing qualityDynamically changes the level of postprocessing depending on the available spare CPU time. The number you specify will be the maximum level used. Usually you can use some big number.დინამიურად ცვლის შემდგომი დამუშავების დონეს პროცესორის დატვირთვის მიხედვით. თქვენს მიერ მითითებული რიცხვი იქნება მაქსიმალური დონე. როგორც წესი უთითებენ რაღაც დიდ რიცხვს.Change volumeIf checked, SMPlayer will remember the volume for every file and will restore it when played again. For new files the default volume will be used.00&Change volume on every fileSelect the &MPlayer executable:&Folder for storing screenshots:&Audio:&Remember settings for all files (audio track, subtitles...)Su&btitles:&Quality:Start videos in &fullscreenDisable &screensaver&Default volume:Use s&oftware volume controlMa&x. Amplification:&AC3/DTS pass-through S/PDIFDirect renderingDouble bufferingD&irect renderingDou&ble bufferingDouble buffering fixes flicker by storing two frames in memory, and displaying one while decoding another. If disabled it can affect OSD negatively, but often removes OSD flickering.&Enable postprocessing by defaultVolume &normalization by defaultClose when finishedIf this option is checked, the main window will be automatically closed when the current file/playlist finishes.2 (Stereo)4 (4.0 Surround)6 (5.1 Surround)C&hannels by default:&Pause when minimizedPause when minimizedEnable postprocessing by defaultMax. AmplificationAC3/DTS pass-through S/PDIFVolume normalization by defaultMaximizes the volume without distorting the sound.Default volumeSets the initial volume that new files will use.Channels by defaultSets the maximum amplification level in percent (default: 110). A value of 200 will allow you to adjust the volume up to a maximum of double the current level. With values below 100 the initial volume (which is 100%) will be above the maximum, which e.g. the OSD cannot display correctly.Uses hardware AC3 passthroughPostprocessing will be used by default on new opened files.Audio trackSpecifies the default audio track which will be used when playing new files. If the track doesn't exist, the first one will be used. <br><b>Note:</b> the <i>"preferred audio language"</i> has preference over this option.Subtitle trackSpecifies the default subtitle track which will be used when playing new files. If the track doesn't exist, the first one will be used. <br><b>Note:</b> the <i>"preferred subtitle language"</i> has preference over this option.Or choose a track number:Audi&o:Preferred language:Preferre&d audio and subtitles&Subtitle:Here you can type your preferred language for the audio and subtitle streams. When a media with multiple audio or subtitle streams is found, SMPlayer will try to use your preferred language. This only will work with media that offer info about the language of audio and subtitle streams, like DVDs or mkv files.<br>These fields accept regular expressions. Example: <b>es|esp|spa</b> will select the track if it matches with <i>es</i>, <i>esp</i> or <i>spa</i>.<Here it goes an explanation text>
For translators: don't translate this text, it will be replaced with another one at runtime.High speed &playback without altering pitchHigh speed playback without altering pitchAllows to change the playback speed without altering pitch. Requires at least MPlayer dev-SVN-r24924.Change volume just before playing&Video&ვიდეოUse s&oftware video equalizerA&udioVolumeხმაNoneLowpass5Yadif (normal)Yadif (double framerate)Linear BlendKerndeintDei&nterlace by default:Deinterlace by defaultSelect the deinterlace filter that you want to be used for new videos opened.Remember time positionRemember &time positionChange volume just before p&layingEnable the audio equalizerCheck this option if you want to use the audio equalizer.&Enable the audio equalizerDraw video using slicesEnable/disable drawing video by 16-pixel height slices/bands. If disabled, the whole frame is drawn in a single run. May be faster or slower, depending on video card and available cache. It has effect only with libmpeg2 and libavcodec codecs.Dra&w video using slices&Close when finished playbackfastslowfast - ATI cardsUser defined...Default zoomThis option sets the default zoom which will be used for new videos.Default &zoom:Here you must specify the mplayer executable that SMPlayer will use.<br>SMPlayer requires at least MPlayer 1.0rc1 (although a recent revision from SVN is highly recommended).If this setting is wrong, SMPlayer won't be able to play anything!Here you can specify a folder where the screenshots taken by SMPlayer will be stored. If this field is empty the screenshot feature will be disabled.Select the video output driver. %1 provides the best performance.%1 is the recommended one. Try to avoid %2 and %3, they are slow and can have an impact on performance.Usually SMPlayer will remember the settings for each file you play (audio track selected, volume, filters...). Disable this option if you don't like this feature.If this option is enabled, the file will be paused when the main window is hidden. When the window is restored, playback will be resumed.Check this option to disable the screensaver while playing.<br>The screensaver will enabled again when play finishes.Here you can type your preferred language for the audio streams. When a media with multiple audio streams is found, SMPlayer will try to use your preferred language.<br>This only will work with media that offer info about the language of the audio streams, like DVDs or mkv files.<br>This field accepts regular expressions. Example: <b>es|esp|spa</b> will select the audio track if it matches with <i>es</i>, <i>esp</i> or <i>spa</i>.Here you can type your preferred language for the subtitle stream. When a media with multiple subtitle streams is found, SMPlayer will try to use your preferred language.<br>This only will work with media that offer info about the language of the subtitle streams, like DVDs or mkv files.<br>This field accepts regular expressions. Example: <b>es|esp|spa</b> will select the subtitle stream if it matches with <i>es</i>, <i>esp</i> or <i>spa</i>.Ou&tput driver:If this option is checked the initial volume will be set just before playback starts. This avoids a loud volume on startup. Requires at least MPlayer SVN r27872.Add black borders on fullscreenIf this option is enabled, black borders will be added to the image in fullscreen mode. This allows subtitles to be displayed on the black borders.&Add black borders on fullscreenone ini filemultiple ini filesMethod to store the file settingsThis option allows to change the way the file settings would be stored. The following options are available:<b>one ini file</b>: the settings for all played files will be saved in a single ini file (%1)The latter method could be faster if there is info for a lot of files.&Store settings in<b>multiple ini files</b>: one ini file will be used for each played file. Those ini files will be saved in the folder %1If you check this option, SMPlayer will remember the last position of the file when you open it again. This option works only with regular files (not with DVDs, CDs, URLs...).If checked, turns on direct rendering (not supported by all codecs and video outputs)<br><b>Warning:</b> May cause OSD/SUB corruption!Requests the number of playback channels. MPlayer asks the decoder to decode the audio into as many channels as specified. Then it is up to the decoder to fulfill the requirement. This is usually only important when playing videos with AC3 audio (like DVDs). In that case liba52 does the decoding by default and correctly downmixes the audio into the requested number of channels. <b>Note</b>: This option is honored by codecs (AC3 only), filters (surround) and audio output drivers (OSS at least).PrefInputKeyboard and mouse&Keyboardiconხატულა&MouseButton functions:ღილაკების ფუნქციები:Media seekingგადასვლები მატარებელშიVolume controlხმის მართვაZoom videoNoneარააHere you can change any key shortcut. To do it double click or press enter over a shortcut cell. Optionally you can also save the list to share it with other people or load it in another computer.Here you can change any key shortcut. To do it double click or start typing over a shortcut cell. Optionally you can also save the list to share it with other people or load it in another computer.&Left click&Double click&Wheel function:Shortcut editorThis table allows you to change the key shortcuts of most available actions. Double click or press enter on a item, or press the <b>Change shortcut</b> button to enter in the <i>Modify shortcut</i> dialog. There are two ways to change a shortcut: if the <b>Capture</b> button is on then just press the new key or combination of keys that you want to assign for the action (unfortunately this doesn't work for all keys). If the <b>Capture</b> button is off then you could enter the full name of the key.Left clickSelect the action for left click on the mouse.Double clickSelect the action for double click on the mouse.Wheel functionSelect the action for the mouse wheel.PlayPauseპაუზაStopშეჩერებაFullscreenCompactScreenshotMuteFrame counterReset zoomExit fullscreenDouble sizePlay / Pauseდაკვრა / პაუზაPause / Frame stepპაუზა / კადრული ბიჯიPlaylistრეპერტუარიPreferencesNo functionChange speedNormal speedKeyboardMouseMiddle clickSelect the action for middle click on the mouse.M&iddle clickX Button &1X Button &2Go backward (short)Go backward (medium)Go backward (long)Go forward (short)Go forward (medium)Go forward (long)OSD - Next levelShow context menu&Right clickIncrease volumeDecrease volumeX Button 1Select the action for the X button 1.X Button 2Select the action for the X button 2.Show video equalizerShow audio equalizerAlways on topNever on topOn top while playingPrefInterfaceInterfaceინტერფეისი<Autodetect><ავტომატური>Defaultნაგულისხმები&InterfaceSeekingგადასვლაNeverარასდროსWhenever it's neededროდესაც საჭიროაOnly after loading a new videoმხოლოდ ახალი ვიდეოს ჩატვირთვისასRecent filesწინა ფაილებიLanguageHere you can change the language of the application.&Short jump&Medium jump&Long jumpMouse &wheel jump&Use only one running instance of SMPlayerMa&x. itemsSt&yle:Ico&n set:L&anguage:Main windowAuto&resize:R&emember position and sizeDefault font:&Change...&Behaviour of time slider:Seek to position while draggingSeek to position when releasedTextLabel&SeekingIns&tancesAutoresizeThe main window can be resized automatically. Select the option you prefer.Remember position and sizeIf you check this option, the position and size of the main window will be saved and restored when you run SMPlayer again.Select the maximum number of items that will be shown in the <b>Open->Recent files</b> submenu. If you set it to 0 that menu won't be shown at all.Icon setSelect the icon set you prefer for the application.StyleSelect the style you prefer for the application.Default fontYou can change here the application's font.Short jumpSelect the time that should be go forward or backward when you choose the %1 action.short jumpMedium jumpmedium jumpLong jumplong jumpMouse wheel jumpSelect the time that should be go forward or backward when you move the mouse wheel.Behaviour of time sliderSelect what to do when dragging the time slider.InstancesUse only one running instance of SMPlayerCheck this option if you want to use an already running instance of SMPlayer when opening other files.SMPlayer needs to listen to a port to receive commands from other instances. You can change the port in case the default one is used by another application.Default GUIMini GUIGUISelect the GUI you prefer for the application. Currently there are two available: Default GUI and Mini GUI.<br>The <b>Default GUI</b> provides the traditional GUI, with the toolbar and control bar. The <b>Mini GUI</b> provides a more simple GUI, without toolbar and a control bar with few buttons.<br><b>Note:</b> this option will take effect the next time you run SMPlayer.&GUIAutomatic portSMPlayer needs to listen to a port to receive commands from other instances. If you select this option, a port will be automatically chosen.Manual portPort to listen&Automatic&ManualFloating controlAnimatedIf this option is enabled, the floating control will appear with an animation.WidthSpecifies the width of the control (as a percentage).MarginThis option sets the number of pixels that the floating control will be away from the bottom of the screen. Useful when the screen is a TV, as the overscan might prevent the control to be visible.Display in compact mode tooBypass window managerIf this option is checked, the control is displayed bypassing the window manager. Disable this option if the floating control doesn't work well with your window manager.&Floating controlThe floating control appears in fullscreen mode when the mouse is moved to the bottom of the screen.&Animated&Width:0&Margin:Display in &compact mode too&Bypass window managerIf this option is enabled, the floating control will appear in compact mode too. <b>Warning:</b> the floating control has not been designed for compact mode and it might not work properly.Mpc GUIPrefPerformancePerformanceწარმადობა&PerformancePriorityპრიორიტეტიSelect the priority for the MPlayer process.realtimeრეალურ დროშიhighმაღალიabovenormalნორმალურზე მაღალიnormalნორმალურიbelownormalნორმალურზე მცირეidleყრუKBკბSetting a cache may improve performance on slow mediaბუფერის მითითებამ შეიძლება გააუმჯობესოს წარმადობა ნელ მატარებლებზეAllow frame dropკადრების გამოტოვებაSynchronizationსინქრონიზებაAudio/video auto synchronizationაუდიო/ვიდეოს ავტო სინქრონიზებაFast audio track switchingხმის ჩანაწერის სწრაფი გადართვაFast seek to chapters in dvdsთავებს შორის სწრაფი გადასვლა dvdებშიSet process priority for mplayer according to the predefined priorities available under Windows.<br><b>WARNING:</b> Using realtime priority can cause system lockup.აირჩიოთ mplayer-ის პრიორიტეტი Windows-ში წინასწარ განსაზღვრული მნიშნელობებიდან.<br><b>ყურადღება:</b> რეალური დროის პრიორიტეტის გამოყენებამ შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს სისტემის უმოქმედობა.Skip displaying some frames to maintain A/V sync on slow systems.ზოგიერთი კადრის გამოტოვება A/V სინქრონიზაციის ნელ სისტემებზე შესანარჩუნებლად.Allow hard frame dropMore intense frame dropping (breaks decoding). Leads to image distortion!კადრების უფრო ინტენსიური გამოტოვება (არღვევს დეკოდირებას). ამახინჯებს გამოსახულებას!Gradually adjusts the A/V sync based on audio delay measurements.ნაბიჯნაბიჯ არეგულირებს A/V სინქრონიზაციას ხმის დაყოვნებების გაზომვით.Priorit&y:&Allow frame dropAllow &hard frame drop (can lead to image distortion)Audio/&video auto synchronizationFact&or:&Fast audio track switchingFast &seek to chapters in dvdsIf checked, it will try the fastest method to seek to chapters but it might not work with some discs.Skip loop filterH.264Possible values:<br> <b>Yes</b>: it will try the fastest method to switch the audio track (it might not work with some formats).<br> <b>No</b>: the MPlayer process will be restarted whenever you change the audio track.<br> <b>Auto</b>: SMPlayer will decide what to do according to the MPlayer version.Cache for filesThis option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when precaching a file.Cache for streamsThis option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when precaching a URL.Cache for DVDsThis option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when precaching a DVD.<br><b>Warning:</b> Seeking might not work properly (including chapter switching) when using a cache for DVDs.&CacheCache for &DVDs:Cache for &local files:Cache for &streams:EnabledSkip (always)Skip only on HD videosLoop &filterThis option allows to skips the loop filter (AKA deblocking) during H.264 decoding. Since the filtered frame is supposed to be used as reference for decoding dependent frames this has a worse effect on quality than not doing deblocking on e.g. MPEG-2 video. But at least for high bitrate HDTV this provides a big speedup with no visible quality loss.Possible values:<b>Enabled</b>: the loop filter is not skipped<b>Skip (always)</b>: the loop filter is skipped no matter the resolution of the video<b>Skip only on HD videos</b>: the loop filter will be skipped only on videos which height is %1 or greater.CacheCache for audio CDsThis option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when precaching an audio CD.Cache for &audio CDs:Cache for VCDsThis option specifies how much memory (in kBytes) to use when precaching a VCD.Cache for &VCDs:Threads for decodingSets the number of threads to use for decoding. Only for MPEG-1/2 and H.264&Threads for decoding (MPEG-1/2 and H.264 only):Set process priority for mplayer according to the predefined priorities available under Windows.<br><b>Warning:</b> Using realtime priority can cause system lockup.PrefPlaylistPlaylistAutomatically add files to playlistIf this option is enabled, every time a file is opened, SMPlayer will first clear the playlist and then add the file to it. In case of DVDs, CDs and VCDs, all titles in the disc will be added to the playlist.Add consecutive filesIf this option is enabled, SMPlayer will look for consecutive files (e.g. video_1.avi, video_2.avi...) and if found, they'll be added to the playlist.&Playlistრე&პერტუარი&Automatically add files to playlistAdd &consecutive filesPrefSubtitlesSubtitlesსუბტიტრებიChoose a ttf fileაირჩიეთ ttf ფაილიTruetype FontsTruetype შრიფტები&Subtitles&სუბტიტრებიAutoloadავტოჩატვირთვაSame name as movieიგივე სახელი რაც ფილმს აქვსAll subs containing movie nameყველა სუბტიტრი რომელიც შეიცავს ფილმის სახელსAll subs in directoryყველა სუბტიტრი დირექტორიაშიPosition00TopBottomInclude subtitles on screenshotsსუბტიტრების ეკრანის ანაბეჭდებში ჩვენებაFontშრიფტიSelect the font which will be used for subtitles (and OSD):აირჩიეთ შრიფტი რომელიც გამოყენებული იქნება სუბტიტრებისთვის (და OSD-თვის):SizeზომაNo autoscaleავტომასშტაბირების გარეშეProportional to movie heightფილმის სიმაღლის პროპორციულიProportional to movie widthფილმის სიგრძის პროპორციულიProportional to movie diagonalფილმის დიაგონალის პროპორციულიSubtitle positionThis option specifies the position of the subtitles over the video window. <i>100</i> means the bottom, while <i>0</i> means the top.Au&toload subtitles files (*.srt, *.sub...):S&elect first available subtitle&Default subtitle encoding:Default &position of the subtitles on screen&Include subtitles on screenshots&TTF font:S&ystem font:A&utoscale:Select first available subtitleDefault subtitle encodingTTF fontSystem fontHere you can select a system font to be used for the subtitles and OSD. <b>Note:</b> requires a MPlayer with fontconfig support.AutoscaleText colorSelect the color for the text of the subtitles.Border colorSelect the color for the border of the subtitles.Select the subtitle autoload method.If there are one or more subtitle tracks available, one of them will be automatically selected, usually the first one, although if one of them matches the user's preferred language that one will be used instead.Select the subtitle autoscaling method.Select the encoding which will be used for subtitle files by default.Try to autodetect for this languageWhen this option is on, the encoding of the subtitles will be tried to be autodetected for the given language. It will fall back to the default encoding if the autodetection fails. This option requires a MPlayer compiled with ENCA support.Subtitle languageSelect the language for which you want the encoding to be guessed automatically.EncodingTry to a&utodetect for this language:Here you can select a ttf font to be used for the subtitles. Usually you'll find a lot of ttf fonts in %1OutlineSelect the font for the subtitles.The size in pixels.BoldIf checked, the text will be displayed in <b>bold</b>.ItalicIf checked, the text will be displayed in <i>italic</i>.Left marginSpecifies the left margin in pixels.Right marginSpecifies the right margin in pixels.Vertical marginSpecifies the vertical margin in pixels.Horizontal alignmentSpecifies the horizontal alignment. Possible values are left, centered and right.Vertical alignmentSpecifies the vertical alignment. Possible values: bottom, middle and top.Border styleSpecifies the border style. Possible values: outline and opaque box.ShadowSi&ze:Bol&d&ItalicColors&Text:&Border:MarginsL&eft:&Right:Verti&cal:Alignment&Horizontal:&Vertical:Border st&yle:&Outline:Shado&w:The following options allows you to define the style to be used for non-styled subtitles (srt, sub...).Lefthorizontal alignmentCenteredhorizontal alignmentRighthorizontal alignmentBottomvertical alignmentMiddlevertical alignmentTopvertical alignmentOutlineborder styleOpaque boxborder styleIf border style is set to <i>outline</i>, this option specifies the width of the outline around the text in pixels.If border style is set to <i>outline</i>, this option specifies the depth of the drop shadow behind the text in pixels.Enable normal subtitlesClick this button to select the normal/traditional subtitles. This kind of subtitles can only display white subtitles.Enable SSA/ASS subtitlesNormal subtitlesThis option does NOT change the size of the subtitles in the current video. To do so, use the options <i>Size+</i> and <i>Size-</i> in the subtitles menu.Default scaleThis option specifies the default font scale for normal subtitles which will be used for new opened files.SSA/ASS subtitlesThis option specifies the default font scale for SSA/ASS subtitles which will be used for new opened files.Line spacingThis specifies the spacing that will be used to separate multiple lines. It can have negative values.&Font and colorsEnable &normal subtitlesEnable SSA/&ASS subtitlesDefault s&cale:Defa&ult scale:&Line spacing:Click this button to enable the new SSA/ASS library. This allows to display subtitles with multiple colors, fonts...Freetype supportYou should normally not disable this option. Do it only if your MPlayer is compiled without freetype support. <b>Disabling this option could make that subtitles won't work at all!</b>Freet&ype supportIf this option is checked, the subtitles will appear in the screenshots. <b>Note:</b> it may cause some troubles sometimes.PreferencesDialogSMPlayer - HelpOKCancelApplyHelpSMPlayer - PreferencesSMPlayer - პარამეტრებიQObjectwill show this message and then will exit.the main window will be closed when the file/playlist finishes.This is SMPlayer v. %1 running on %2tries to make a connection to another running instance and send to it the specified action. Example: -send-action pause The rest of options (if any) will be ignored and the application will exit. It will return 0 on success or -1 on failure.action_list is a list of actions separated by spaces. The actions will be executed just after loading the file (if any) in the same order you entered. For checkable actions you can pass true or false as parameter. Example: -actions "fullscreen compact true". Quotes are necessary in case you pass more than one action.mediaif there's another instance running, the media will be added to that instance's playlist. If there's no other instance, this option will be ignored and the files will be opened in a new instance.the main window won't be closed when the file/playlist finishes.the video will be played in fullscreen mode.the video will be played in window mode.Enqueue in SMPlayeropens the mini gui instead of the default one.Restores the old associations and cleans up the registry.'media' is any kind of file that SMPlayer can open. It can be a local file, a DVD (e.g. dvd://1), an Internet stream (e.g. mms://....) or a local playlist in format m3u or pls. If the -playlist option is used, that means that SMPlayer will pass the -playlist option to MPlayer, so MPlayer will handle the playlist, not SMPlayer.Usage:directoryaction_nameaction_listopens the default gui.subtitle_filespecifies the subtitle file to be loaded for the first video.%1 second(s)%1 minute(s)%1 and %2specifies the directory where smplayer will store its configuration files (smplayer.ini, smplayer_files.ini...)disabledaspect_ratioautoaspect_ratiounknownaspect_ratioopens the mpc gui.QuaZipFileZIP/UNZIP API error %1SeekWidgeticonხატულაlabelდასახელებაShortcutGetterModify shortcutClearPress the key combination you want to assignCaptureCapture keystrokesSubChooserDialogSubtitle selectionThis archive contains more than one subtitle file. Please choose the ones you want to extract.Select AllSelect NoneTimeDialogSMPlayer - Seek&Jump to:TristateComboAutoYesNoVideoEqualizerContrastკონტრასტიBrightnessსიკაშკაშეHueტონიSaturationინტენსივობაGammaგამა&Reset&საწყისი პარამეტრები&Set as default valuesნაგულის&ხმებად შენახვაUse the current values as default values for new videos.მიმდინარე მნიშვნელობების ახალი ვიფდეოებისთვის გამოყენება.Set all controls to zero.ყველაფრის ნორმალიზება.Video EqualizerInformationThe current values have been stored to be used as default.VideoPreviewVideo previewCancelGenerated by SMPlayerCreating thumbnails...Size: %1 MBLength: %1Save fileError saving fileშეცდომა ფაილის შენახვისასThe file couldn't be savedErrorThe following error has occurred while creating the thumbnails:The temporary directory (%1) can't be createdThe mplayer process didn't runResolution: %1x%2Video format: %1Frames per second: %1Aspect ratio: %1The file %1 can't be loadedNo filenameThe mplayer process didn't start while trying to get info about the videoThe length of the video is 0The file %1 doesn't existImagesNo info%1 kbps%1 HzVideo bitrate: %1Audio bitrate: %1Audio rate: %1VideoPreviewConfigDialogDefaultVideo Preview&File:&Columns:&Rows:&Aspect ratio:&Seconds to skip at the beginnning:&Maximum width:The preview will be created for the video you specify here.The thumbnails will be arranged on a table.This option specifies the number of columns of the table.This option specifies the number of rows of the table.If you check this option, the playing time will be displayed at the bottom of each thumbnail.If the aspect ratio of the video is wrong, you can specify a different one here.Usually the first frames are black, so it's a good idea to skip some seconds at the beginning of the video. This option allows to specify how many seconds will be skipped.This option specifies the maximum width in pixels that the generated preview image will have.Some frames will be extracted from the video in order to create the preview. Here you can choose the image format for the extracted frames. PNG may give better quality.Add playing &time to thumbnails&Extract frames asEnter here the DVD device or a folder with a DVD image.&DVD device:VolumeSliderActionVolumeხმა