/**************************************************************** * This file is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, crypton * Copyright (c) 2006, Matt Edman, Justin Hipple * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "rsharesettings.h" #include "rsiface/rsnotify.h" #include #include #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) #include #endif /* Retroshare's Settings */ #define SETTING_LANGUAGE "LanguageCode" #define SETTING_STYLE "InterfaceStyle" #define SETTING_SHEETNAME "SheetName" #define SETTING_DATA_DIRECTORY "DataDirectory" #define SETTING_SHOW_MAINWINDOW_AT_START "ShowMainWindowAtStart" #define SETTING_BWGRAPH_FILTER "StatisticDialog/BWLineFilter" #define SETTING_BWGRAPH_OPACITY "StatisticDialog/Opacity" #define SETTING_BWGRAPH_ALWAYS_ON_TOP "StatisticDialog/AlwaysOnTop" #define SETTING_NEWSFEED_FLAGS "NewsFeedFlags" #define SETTING_CHAT_FLAGS "ChatFlags" #define SETTING_NOTIFY_FLAGS "NotifyFlags" #define SETTING_CHAT_AVATAR "ChatAvatar" /* Default Retroshare Settings */ #define DEFAULT_OPACITY 100 #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) #define STARTUP_REG_KEY "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" #define RETROSHARE_REG_KEY "RetroShare" #endif /* Default bandwidth graph settings */ #define DEFAULT_BWGRAPH_FILTER (BWGRAPH_SEND|BWGRAPH_REC) #define DEFAULT_BWGRAPH_ALWAYS_ON_TOP false // the one and only global settings object RshareSettings *Settings = NULL; /*static*/ void RshareSettings::Create () { if (Settings && Settings->m_bValid == false) { // recreate with correct path delete (Settings); Settings = NULL; } if (Settings == NULL) { Settings = new RshareSettings (); } } /** Default Constructor */ RshareSettings::RshareSettings() { initSettings(); } void RshareSettings::initSettings() { #if defined(Q_WS_MAC) setDefault(SETTING_STYLE, "macintosh (aqua)"); #else static QStringList styles = QStyleFactory::keys(); #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) if (styles.contains("windowsvista", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) setDefault(SETTING_STYLE, "windowsvista"); else if (styles.contains("windowsxp", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) setDefault(SETTING_STYLE, "windowsxp"); else #endif { if (styles.contains("cleanlooks", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) setDefault(SETTING_STYLE, "cleanlooks"); else setDefault(SETTING_STYLE, "plastique"); } #endif setDefault(SETTING_LANGUAGE, LanguageSupport::defaultLanguageCode()); setDefault(SETTING_SHEETNAME, true); setDefault(SETTING_SHOW_MAINWINDOW_AT_START, true); /* defaults here are not ideal.... but dusent matter */ uint defChat = (RS_CHAT_OPEN_NEW | RS_CHAT_REOPEN ); // This is not default... RS_CHAT_FOCUS. uint defNotify = (RS_POPUP_CONNECT | RS_POPUP_MSG | RS_POPUP_CHAT | RS_POPUP_CALL); uint defNewsFeed = (RS_FEED_TYPE_PEER | RS_FEED_TYPE_CHAN | RS_FEED_TYPE_FORUM | RS_FEED_TYPE_BLOG | RS_FEED_TYPE_CHAT | RS_FEED_TYPE_MSG | RS_FEED_TYPE_FILES); setDefault(SETTING_NEWSFEED_FLAGS, defNewsFeed); setDefault(SETTING_CHAT_FLAGS, defChat); setDefault(SETTING_NOTIFY_FLAGS, defNotify); setDefault("DisplayTrayGroupChat", true); } /** Gets/sets the currently saved chat avatar. */ QImage RshareSettings::getChatAvatar() const { return value(SETTING_CHAT_AVATAR).value(); } void RshareSettings::setChatAvatar(const QImage& I) { setValue(SETTING_CHAT_AVATAR,I) ; } /** Gets the currently preferred language code for Rshare. */ QString RshareSettings::getLanguageCode() { return value(SETTING_LANGUAGE).toString(); } /** Sets the preferred language code. */ void RshareSettings::setLanguageCode(QString languageCode) { setValue(SETTING_LANGUAGE, languageCode); } /** Gets the interface style key (e.g., "windows", "motif", etc.) */ QString RshareSettings::getInterfaceStyle() { return value(SETTING_STYLE).toString(); } /** Sets the interface style key. */ void RshareSettings::setInterfaceStyle(QString styleKey) { setValue(SETTING_STYLE, styleKey); } /** Gets the sheetname.*/ QString RshareSettings::getSheetName() { return value(SETTING_SHEETNAME).toString(); } /** Sets the sheetname.*/ void RshareSettings::setSheetName(QString sheet) { setValue(SETTING_SHEETNAME, sheet); } /** Returns the bandwidth line filter. */ uint RshareSettings::getBWGraphFilter() { return value(SETTING_BWGRAPH_FILTER, DEFAULT_BWGRAPH_FILTER).toUInt(); } /** Saves the setting for whether or not the given line will be graphed */ void RshareSettings::setBWGraphFilter(uint line, bool status) { uint filter = getBWGraphFilter(); filter = (status ? (filter | line) : (filter & ~(line))); setValue(SETTING_BWGRAPH_FILTER, filter); } /** Get the level of opacity for the BandwidthGraph window. */ int RshareSettings::getBWGraphOpacity() { return value(SETTING_BWGRAPH_OPACITY, DEFAULT_OPACITY).toInt(); } /** Set the level of opacity for the BandwidthGraph window. */ void RshareSettings::setBWGraphOpacity(int value) { setValue(SETTING_BWGRAPH_OPACITY, value); } /** Gets whether the bandwidth graph is always on top when displayed. */ bool RshareSettings::getBWGraphAlwaysOnTop() { return value(SETTING_BWGRAPH_ALWAYS_ON_TOP, DEFAULT_BWGRAPH_ALWAYS_ON_TOP).toBool(); } /** Sets whether the bandwidth graph is always on top when displayed. */ void RshareSettings::setBWGraphAlwaysOnTop(bool alwaysOnTop) { setValue(SETTING_BWGRAPH_ALWAYS_ON_TOP, alwaysOnTop); } /** Returns true if RetroShare's main window should be visible when the * application starts. */ bool RshareSettings::showMainWindowAtStart() { return value(SETTING_SHOW_MAINWINDOW_AT_START).toBool(); } /** Sets whether to show RetroShare's main window when the application starts. */ void RshareSettings::setShowMainWindowAtStart(bool show) { setValue(SETTING_SHOW_MAINWINDOW_AT_START, show); } /** Setting for Notify / Chat and NewsFeeds **/ uint RshareSettings::getNewsFeedFlags() { return value(SETTING_NEWSFEED_FLAGS).toUInt(); } void RshareSettings::setNewsFeedFlags(uint flags) { setValue(SETTING_NEWSFEED_FLAGS, flags); } uint RshareSettings::getChatFlags() { return value(SETTING_CHAT_FLAGS).toUInt(); } void RshareSettings::setChatFlags(uint flags) { setValue(SETTING_CHAT_FLAGS, flags); } uint RshareSettings::getNotifyFlags() { return value(SETTING_NOTIFY_FLAGS).toUInt(); } void RshareSettings::setNotifyFlags(uint flags) { setValue(SETTING_NOTIFY_FLAGS, flags); } bool RshareSettings::getDisplayTrayGroupChat() { return value("DisplayTrayGroupChat").toBool(); } void RshareSettings::setDisplayTrayGroupChat(bool bValue) { setValue("DisplayTrayGroupChat", bValue); } /** Returns true if RetroShare is set to run on system boot. */ bool RshareSettings::runRetroshareOnBoot() { #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) if (!win32_registry_get_key_value(STARTUP_REG_KEY, RETROSHARE_REG_KEY).isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } #else /* Platforms other than windows aren't supported yet */ return false; #endif } /** If run is set to true, then RetroShare will run on system boot. */ void RshareSettings::setRunRetroshareOnBoot(bool run) { #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) if (run) { win32_registry_set_key_value(STARTUP_REG_KEY, RETROSHARE_REG_KEY, QString("\"" + QDir::convertSeparators(QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath())) + "\""); } else { win32_registry_remove_key(STARTUP_REG_KEY, RETROSHARE_REG_KEY); } #else /* Platforms othe rthan windows aren't supported yet */ Q_UNUSED(run); return; #endif } /** Saving Generic Widget Size / Location */ void RshareSettings::saveWidgetInformation(QWidget *widget) { beginGroup("widgetInformation"); beginGroup(widget->objectName()); setValue("size", widget->size()); setValue("pos", widget->pos()); endGroup(); endGroup(); } void RshareSettings::saveWidgetInformation(QMainWindow *widget, QToolBar *toolBar) { beginGroup("widgetInformation"); beginGroup(widget->objectName()); setValue("toolBarArea", widget->toolBarArea(toolBar)); endGroup(); endGroup(); saveWidgetInformation(widget); } void RshareSettings::loadWidgetInformation(QWidget *widget) { beginGroup("widgetInformation"); beginGroup(widget->objectName()); widget->resize(value("size", widget->size()).toSize()); widget->move(value("pos", QPoint(200, 200)).toPoint()); endGroup(); endGroup(); } void RshareSettings::loadWidgetInformation(QMainWindow *widget, QToolBar *toolBar) { beginGroup("widgetInformation"); beginGroup(widget->objectName()); widget->addToolBar((Qt::ToolBarArea) value("toolBarArea", Qt::TopToolBarArea).toInt(), toolBar); endGroup(); endGroup(); loadWidgetInformation(widget); } /* Messages */ bool RshareSettings::getMsgSetToReadOnActivate () { return valueFromGroup("MessageDialog", "SetMsgToReadOnActivate", true).toBool(); } void RshareSettings::setMsgSetToReadOnActivate (bool bValue) { setValueToGroup("MessageDialog", "SetMsgToReadOnActivate", bValue); }