/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Artur Wiebe * * wibix@gmx.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <QLayout> #include <QDebug> #include "board.h" #include "common.h" #include "pdn.h" #include "echeckers.h" #include "rcheckers.h" /* #include "newgamedlg.h" #include "player.h" #include "humanplayer.h" #include "computerplayer.h" */ myBoard::myBoard(QWidget* parent) : QFrame(parent) { /* * board & info */ setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box|QFrame::Plain); for(int i=0; i<64; i++) m_fields[i] = new Field(this, i); QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(this); grid->setSpacing(0); grid->setMargin(0); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { for(int k=0; k<4; k++) { grid->addWidget(m_fields[i*8+k+32], i*2, k*2 ); grid->addWidget(m_fields[i*8+k ], i*2, k*2+1); grid->addWidget(m_fields[i*8+k+4 ], i*2+1,k*2 ); grid->addWidget(m_fields[i*8+k+36], i*2+1,k*2+1); } } for(int i=0; i<32; i++) connect(m_fields[i], SIGNAL(click(int)), this, SIGNAL(fieldClicked(int))); /* * game init */ m_game = 0; xpmPat1 = 0; xpmPat2 = 0; xpmFrame= 0; xpmManBlack = 0; xpmManWhite = 0; xpmKingBlack= 0; xpmKingWhite= 0; } myBoard::~myBoard() { if(m_game) delete m_game; } void myBoard::setTheme(const QString& path, bool set_white) { // delete them later. QPixmap* p1 = xpmManWhite; QPixmap* p2 = xpmManBlack; QPixmap* p3 = xpmKingWhite; QPixmap* p4 = xpmKingBlack; QPixmap* p5 = xpmPat1; QPixmap* p6 = xpmPat2; QPixmap* p7 = xpmFrame; if(path == DEFAULT_THEME) { // just in case no themes installed. xpmPat1 = new QPixmap(":/icons/theme/tile1.png"); xpmPat2 = new QPixmap(":/icons/theme/tile2.png"); xpmFrame= new QPixmap(":/icons/theme/frame.png"); xpmManBlack = new QPixmap(":/icons/theme/manblack.png"); xpmManWhite = new QPixmap(":/icons/theme/manwhite.png"); xpmKingBlack= new QPixmap(":/icons/theme/kingblack.png"); xpmKingWhite= new QPixmap(":/icons/theme/kingwhite.png"); } else { xpmPat1 = new QPixmap(path+"/"THEME_TILE1); xpmPat2 = new QPixmap(path+"/"THEME_TILE2); xpmFrame= new QPixmap(path+"/"THEME_FRAME); xpmManBlack = new QPixmap(path+"/"THEME_MANBLACK); xpmManWhite = new QPixmap(path+"/"THEME_MANWHITE); xpmKingBlack = new QPixmap(path+"/"THEME_KINGBLACK); xpmKingWhite = new QPixmap(path+"/"THEME_KINGWHITE); } setColorWhite(set_white); for(int i=0; i<32; i++) m_fields[i]->setPattern(xpmPat2); for(int i=32; i<64; i++) m_fields[i]->setPattern(xpmPat1); for(int i=0; i<32; i++) m_fields[i]->setFrame(xpmFrame); setFixedSize(xpmMan1->width()*8 + 2*frameWidth(), xpmMan1->height()*8 + 2*frameWidth()); if(m_game) do_draw(); // now delete. if(p1) delete p1; if(p2) delete p2; if(p3) delete p3; if(p4) delete p4; if(p5) delete p5; if(p6) delete p6; if(p7) delete p7; } void myBoard::reset() { int new_board[32]; for(int i=0; i<12; i++) new_board[i]=MAN2; for(int i=12; i<20; i++) new_board[i]=FREE; for(int i=20; i<32; i++) new_board[i]=MAN1; // reset frames. for(int i=0; i<32; i++) m_fields[i]->showFrame(false); if(m_game) m_game->setup(new_board); do_draw(); } void myBoard::adjustNotation(bool bottom_is_white) { if(!m_game) return; QString notation = (m_game->type()==ENGLISH ? ENOTATION : QString(RNOTATION).toUpper()); if(bottom_is_white) { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) m_fields[i]->setLabel(notation.mid(i*2,2).trimmed()); } else { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) m_fields[i]->setLabel(notation.mid(62-i*2,2).trimmed()); } } void myBoard::do_draw() { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { switch(m_game->item(i)) { case MAN1: m_fields[i]->setPicture(xpmMan1); break; case MAN2: m_fields[i]->setPicture(xpmMan2); break; case KING1: m_fields[i]->setPicture(xpmKing1); break; case KING2: m_fields[i]->setPicture(xpmKing2); break; default: m_fields[i]->setPicture(NULL); } } } void myBoard::setColorWhite(bool b) { if(b) { xpmMan1 = xpmManWhite; xpmMan2 = xpmManBlack; xpmKing1= xpmKingWhite; xpmKing2= xpmKingBlack; } else { xpmMan1 = xpmManBlack; xpmMan2 = xpmManWhite; xpmKing1= xpmKingBlack; xpmKing2= xpmKingWhite; } } void myBoard::setNotation(bool s, bool above) { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) m_fields[i]->showLabel(s, above); } /* void myBoard::do_move(const QString& move) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; if(!m_current->isHuman()) { add_log(myBoard::Warning, tr("It's not your turn.")); return; } int from_num, to_num; if(extract_move(move, &from_num, &to_num)) { slot_click(from_num); slot_click(to_num); } else add_log(myBoard::Warning, tr("Syntax error. Usage: /from-to")); } */ bool myBoard::convert_move(const QString& move_orig, int* from_num, int* to_num) { QString move = move_orig.toUpper().replace('X', '-'); QString from; QString to; int sect = move.count('-'); *from_num = *to_num = -1; from = move.section('-', 0, 0); to = move.section('-', sect, sect); if(from!=QString::null && to!=QString::null) { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { if(m_fields[i]->label()==from) *from_num = m_fields[i]->number(); if(m_fields[i]->label()==to) *to_num = m_fields[i]->number(); } if(*from_num>=0 && *to_num>=0) return true; } return false; } void myBoard::setNotationFont(const QFont& f) { setFont(f); for(int i=0; i<32; i++) m_fields[i]->fontUpdate(); } void myBoard::setGame(int rules) { if(m_game) delete m_game; if(rules==ENGLISH) { m_game = new ECheckers(); } else { m_game = new RCheckers(); } reset(); } void myBoard::selectField(int field_num, bool is_on) { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { if(i==field_num) m_fields[i]->showFrame(is_on); else m_fields[i]->showFrame(false); } } QString myBoard::doMove(int from_num, int to_num, bool white_player) { bool bottom_player = (white_player && (xpmMan1==xpmManWhite)) || (!white_player && (xpmMan1==xpmManBlack)); int from_pos = from_num; int to_pos = to_num; if(!bottom_player) { from_pos = 31-from_pos; to_pos = 31-to_pos; m_game->fromString(m_game->toString(true)); } if(!m_game->go1(from_pos, to_pos)) { return QString::null; /* qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << from_pos << "," << to_pos << " could not move."; */ } if(!bottom_player) { m_game->fromString(m_game->toString(true)); } do_draw(); return QString("%1?%3") .arg(m_fields[from_num]->label()) .arg(m_fields[to_num]->label()); } bool myBoard::doMove(const QString& move, bool white_player) { int from_pos, to_pos; if(convert_move(move, &from_pos, &to_pos)) { doMove(from_pos, to_pos, white_player); return true; } return false; } void myBoard::doFreeMove(int from, int to) { int old_to = m_game->item(to); int old_from = m_game->item(from); m_game->setItem(to, old_from); m_game->setItem(from, old_to); do_draw(); }