/* * libretroshare/src/services/p3dsdv.h * * Network-Wide Routing Service. * * Copyright 2011 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include //#include "serialiser/rsdsdvitems.h" #include "services/p3dsdv.h" #include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h" #include "util/rsrandom.h" #include /**** * #define DEBUG_DSDV 1 ****/ #define DEBUG_DSDV 1 /* DEFINE INTERFACE POINTER! */ RsDsdv *rsDsdv = NULL; /***** * Routing Services are provided for any service or peer that wants to access / receive info * over the internal network. * * This is going to be based loosely on Ben's Algorithm... * Each Service / Peer is identified by a HASH. * This HASH is disguised by a temporary ANON-CHUNK. * DSDVID = Sha1(ANONCHUNK + HASH). * * Each peer can advertise as many Services as they want. * The Anon-chunk should be rotated regularly to hide it well. * period to be defined. * * * Once this Routing table has been established, Routes can be created - in a similar manner to turtle paths. * (Send Path request (Path Id + Origin + Destination))... path is established. * * Then we can do Onion Routing etc, on top of this. * ****/ p3Dsdv::p3Dsdv(p3ServiceControl *sc) :p3Service(), /* p3Config(CONFIG_TYPE_DSDV), */ mDsdvMtx("p3Dsdv"), mServiceCtrl(sc) { addSerialType(new RsDsdvSerialiser()); mSentTablesTime = 0; mSentIncrementTime = 0; } const std::string DSDV_APP_NAME = "dsdv"; const uint16_t DSDV_APP_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t DSDV_APP_MINOR_VERSION = 0; const uint16_t DSDV_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t DSDV_MIN_MINOR_VERSION = 0; RsServiceInfo p3Dsdv::getServiceInfo() { return RsServiceInfo(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_DSDV, DSDV_APP_NAME, DSDV_APP_MAJOR_VERSION, DSDV_APP_MINOR_VERSION, DSDV_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION, DSDV_MIN_MINOR_VERSION); } int p3Dsdv::tick() { processIncoming(); sendTables(); return 0; } int p3Dsdv::status() { return 1; } #define DSDV_BROADCAST_PERIOD (60*10) // 10 Minutes. #define DSDV_MIN_INCREMENT_PERIOD 5 #define DSDV_DISCARD_PERIOD (DSDV_BROADCAST_PERIOD * 2) int p3Dsdv::sendTables() { time_t now = time(NULL); time_t tt, it; bool updateRequired = false; { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ tt = mSentTablesTime; it = mSentIncrementTime; updateRequired = mSignificantChanges; } if (now - tt > DSDV_BROADCAST_PERIOD) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::sendTables() Broadcast Time"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif selectStableRoutes(); clearOldRoutes(); generateRoutingTables(false); printDsdvTable(std::cerr); RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ mSentTablesTime = now; mSentIncrementTime = now; return true ; } /* otherwise send incremental changes */ if ((updateRequired) && (now - it > DSDV_MIN_INCREMENT_PERIOD)) { selectStableRoutes(); generateRoutingTables(true); RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ mSentIncrementTime = now; } return true; } #define RSDSDV_SEQ_INCREMENT 2 void p3Dsdv::advanceLocalSequenceNumbers() { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ time_t now = time(NULL); std::map::iterator it; for(it = mTable.begin(); it != mTable.end(); it++) { RsDsdvTableEntry &v = (it->second); if (v.mOwnSource) { v.mStableRoute.mSequence += RSDSDV_SEQ_INCREMENT; v.mStableRoute.mReceived = now; } } } void p3Dsdv::clearSignificantChangesFlags() { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mTable.begin(); it != mTable.end(); it++) { RsDsdvTableEntry &v = (it->second); if (v.mFlags & RSDSDV_FLAGS_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE) { v.mFlags &= ~RSDSDV_FLAGS_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE; } } mSignificantChanges = false; } int p3Dsdv::generateRoutingTables(bool incremental) { /* we ping our peers */ /* who is online? */ std::set idList; mServiceCtrl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType, idList); #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::generateRoutingTables(" << incremental << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (!incremental) { /* now clear significant flag */ advanceLocalSequenceNumbers(); } /* prepare packets */ std::set::iterator it; for(it = idList.begin(); it != idList.end(); it++) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::generateRoutingTables() For: " << *it; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif generateRoutingTable(*it, incremental); } /* now clear significant flag */ clearSignificantChangesFlags(); return 1; } int p3Dsdv::generateRoutingTable(const RsPeerId &peerId, bool incremental) { RsDsdvRouteItem *dsdv = new RsDsdvRouteItem(); dsdv->PeerId(peerId); RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mTable.begin(); it != mTable.end(); it++) { RsDsdvTableEntry &v = (it->second); /* discard/ignore criterion */ if (!v.mIsStable) { continue; } if (v.mStableRoute.mDistance >= RSDSDV_MAX_DISTANCE) { continue; } if (incremental) { if (v.mFlags & RSDSDV_FLAGS_SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE) { // Done elsewhere. //v.mFlags &= ~SIGNIFICANT_CHANGE; } else { /* ignore non-significant changes */ continue; } } RsTlvDsdvEntry entry; entry.endPoint.idType = v.mDest.mIdType; entry.endPoint.anonChunk = v.mDest.mAnonChunk; entry.endPoint.serviceId = v.mDest.mHash; entry.sequence = v.mStableRoute.mSequence; entry.distance = v.mStableRoute.mDistance; //dsdv->routes.entries.push_back(entry); dsdv->routes.mList.push_back(entry); //if (dsdv->routes.entries.size() > RSDSDV_MAX_ROUTE_TABLE) if (dsdv->routes.mList.size() > RSDSDV_MAX_ROUTE_TABLE) { sendItem(dsdv); dsdv = new RsDsdvRouteItem(); dsdv->PeerId(peerId); } } sendItem(dsdv); return 1; } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ int p3Dsdv::processIncoming() { /* for each packet - pass to specific handler */ RsItem *item = NULL; while(NULL != (item = recvItem())) { switch(item->PacketSubType()) { default: break; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_DSDV_ROUTE: { handleDSDV((RsDsdvRouteItem *) item); } break; } /* clean up */ delete item; } return true ; } int p3Dsdv::handleDSDV(RsDsdvRouteItem *dsdv) { /* iterate over the entries */ RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ time_t now = time(NULL); #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::handleDSDV() Received Pkt from: " << dsdv->PeerId(); std::cerr << std::endl; //dsdv->print(std::cerr); //std::cerr << std::endl; #endif std::list::iterator it; //for(it = dsdv->routes.entries.begin(); it != dsdv->routes.entries.end(); it++) for(it = dsdv->routes.mList.begin(); it != dsdv->routes.mList.end(); it++) { /* check for existing */ RsTlvDsdvEntry &entry = *it; uint32_t realDistance = entry.distance + 1; // metric. /* find the entry */ std::map::iterator tit; tit = mTable.find(entry.endPoint.serviceId); if (tit == mTable.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::handleDSDV() Adding Entry for New ServiceId: "; std::cerr << entry.endPoint.serviceId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* new entry! */ RsDsdvTableEntry v; v.mDest.mIdType = entry.endPoint.idType; v.mDest.mAnonChunk = entry.endPoint.anonChunk; v.mDest.mHash = entry.endPoint.serviceId; /* add as a possible route */ RsDsdvRoute newRoute; newRoute.mNextHop = dsdv->PeerId(); newRoute.mReceived = now; newRoute.mSequence = entry.sequence; newRoute.mDistance = realDistance; newRoute.mValidSince = now; v.mAllRoutes[dsdv->PeerId()] = newRoute; v.mIsStable = false; v.mFlags = RSDSDV_FLAGS_NEW_ROUTE; v.mOwnSource = false; v.mMatched = false; // store in table. mTable[v.mDest.mHash] = v; } else { RsDsdvTableEntry &v = tit->second; if (v.mOwnSource) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::handleDSDV() Ignoring OwnSource Entry:"; std::cerr << entry.endPoint.serviceId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif continue; // Ignore if we are source. } /* look for this in mAllRoutes */ std::map::iterator rit; rit = v.mAllRoutes.find(dsdv->PeerId()); if (rit == v.mAllRoutes.end()) { /* add a new entry in */ RsDsdvRoute newRoute; newRoute.mNextHop = dsdv->PeerId(); newRoute.mReceived = now; newRoute.mSequence = entry.sequence; newRoute.mDistance = realDistance; newRoute.mValidSince = now; v.mAllRoutes[dsdv->PeerId()] = newRoute; /* if we've just added it in - can't be stable one */ #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::handleDSDV() Adding NewRoute Entry:"; std::cerr << entry.endPoint.serviceId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else { if (rit->second.mSequence >= entry.sequence) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::handleDSDV() Ignoring OLDSEQ Entry:"; std::cerr << entry.endPoint.serviceId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* ignore same/old sequence number??? */ continue; } #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::handleDSDV() Updating Entry:"; std::cerr << entry.endPoint.serviceId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* update seq,dist,etc */ if (rit->second.mSequence + 2 < entry.sequence) { /* skipped a sequence number - reset timer */ rit->second.mValidSince = now; } //rit->second.mNextHop; // unchanged. rit->second.mReceived = now; rit->second.mSequence = entry.sequence; rit->second.mDistance = realDistance; /* if consistent route... maintain */ if ((v.mIsStable) && (rit->second.mNextHop == v.mStableRoute.mNextHop)) { v.mStableRoute = rit->second; } else { /* otherwise we need to wait - see if we get new update */ } } } } return 1; } int p3Dsdv::selectStableRoutes() { /* iterate over the entries */ RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ time_t now = time(NULL); #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::selectStableRoutes()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* find the entry */ std::map::iterator tit; for(tit = mTable.begin(); tit != mTable.end(); tit++) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::selectStableRoutes() For Entry: "; std::cerr << tit->second; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (tit->second.mOwnSource) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::selectStableRoutes() OwnSource... Ignoring"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif continue; // Ignore if we are source. } std::map::iterator rit; uint32_t newest = 0; RsPeerId newestId; uint32_t closest = RSDSDV_MAX_DISTANCE + 1; RsPeerId closestId; time_t closestAge = 0; /* find newest sequence number */ for(rit = tit->second.mAllRoutes.begin(); rit != tit->second.mAllRoutes.end(); rit++) { if ((now - rit->second.mReceived <= DSDV_DISCARD_PERIOD) && (rit->second.mSequence >= newest)) { newest = rit->second.mSequence; newestId = rit->first; /* also becomes default for closest (later) */ closest = rit->second.mDistance; closestId = rit->first; closestAge = now - rit->second.mValidSince; } } if (closest >= RSDSDV_MAX_DISTANCE + 1) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\tNo Suitable Route"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif tit->second.mIsStable = false; continue; } uint32_t currseq = newest - (newest % 2); // remove 'kill'=ODD Seq. #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\t Newest Seq: " << newest << " from: " << newestId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* find closest distance - with valid seq & max valid time */ for(rit = tit->second.mAllRoutes.begin(); rit != tit->second.mAllRoutes.end(); rit++) { /* Maximum difference in Sequence number is 2*DISTANCE * Otherwise it must be old. */ if (rit->second.mSequence + rit->second.mDistance * 2 < currseq) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\t\tIgnoring OLD SEQ Entry: " << rit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif continue; // ignore. } /* if we haven't received an update in ages - old */ if (now - rit->second.mReceived > DSDV_DISCARD_PERIOD) { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\t\tIgnoring OLD TIME Entry: " << rit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif continue; // ignore. } if (rit->second.mDistance < closest) { closest = rit->second.mDistance; closestId = rit->first; closestAge = now - rit->second.mValidSince; #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\t\tUpdating to Closer Entry: " << rit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else if ((rit->second.mDistance == closest) && (closestAge < now - rit->second.mValidSince)) { /* have a more stable (older) one */ closest = rit->second.mDistance; closestId = rit->first; closestAge = now - rit->second.mValidSince; #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\t\tUpdating to Stabler Entry: " << rit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\t\tIgnoring Distant Entry: " << rit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } tit->second.mIsStable = true; rit = tit->second.mAllRoutes.find(closestId); tit->second.mStableRoute = rit->second; tit->second.mFlags &= ~RSDSDV_FLAGS_NEW_ROUTE; #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "\tStable Route: " << tit->second.mStableRoute; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } return 1; } int p3Dsdv::clearOldRoutes() { /* iterate over the entries */ RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::clearOldRoutes()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* find the entry */ std::map::iterator it, it2; for(it = mTable.begin(); it != mTable.end(); it++) { if (it->second.mOwnSource) { continue; } if (it->second.mIsStable) { continue; } if (it->second.mFlags & RSDSDV_FLAGS_NEW_ROUTE) { continue; } /* backstep iterator for loop, and delete original */ it2 = it; it--; #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::clearOldRoutes() Deleting OLD ServiceId: " << it2->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mTable.erase(it2); } return 1; } /*************** pqiMonitor callback ***********************/ void p3Dsdv::statusChange(const std::list &plist) { std::list::const_iterator it; for(it = plist.begin(); it != plist.end(); it++) { /* only care about disconnected / not friends cases */ if ( 1 ) { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ } } } int p3Dsdv::addTestService() { RsDsdvId testId; int rndhash1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH / 4]; int rndhash2[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH / 4]; std::string realHash; std::string seedHash; int i; for(i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH / 4; i++) { rndhash1[i] = RSRandom::random_u32(); rndhash2[i] = RSRandom::random_u32(); } for(int i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) { rs_sprintf_append(realHash, "%02x", (uint32_t) ((uint8_t *) rndhash1)[i]); rs_sprintf_append(seedHash, "%02x", (uint32_t) ((uint8_t *) rndhash2)[i]); } uint8_t sha_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; memset(sha_hash,0,SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH*sizeof(uint8_t)) ; SHA_CTX *sha_ctx = new SHA_CTX; SHA1_Init(sha_ctx); SHA1_Update(sha_ctx, realHash.c_str(), realHash.length()); SHA1_Update(sha_ctx, seedHash.c_str(), seedHash.length()); SHA1_Final(sha_hash, sha_ctx); delete sha_ctx; for(int i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) { rs_sprintf_append(testId.mHash, "%02x", (uint32_t) (sha_hash)[i]); } testId.mIdType = RSDSDV_IDTYPE_TEST; testId.mAnonChunk = seedHash; addDsdvId(&testId, realHash); return 1; } int p3Dsdv::addDsdvId(RsDsdvId *id, std::string realHash) { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::addDsdvId() ID: " << *id << " RealHash: " << realHash; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif time_t now = time(NULL); /* check for duplicate */ std::map::iterator it; it = mTable.find(id->mHash); if (it != mTable.end()) { /* error */ std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::addDsdvId() ERROR Duplicate ID"; std::cerr << std::endl; return 0; } /* new entry! */ RsDsdvTableEntry v; v.mDest = *id; v.mStableRoute.mNextHop = mServiceCtrl->getOwnId(); v.mStableRoute.mReceived = now; v.mStableRoute.mValidSince = now; v.mStableRoute.mSequence = 0; v.mStableRoute.mDistance = 0; v.mIsStable = true; v.mFlags = RSDSDV_FLAGS_OWN_SERVICE; v.mOwnSource = true; v.mMatched = true; v.mMatchedHash = realHash; // store in table. mTable[v.mDest.mHash] = v; return 1; } int p3Dsdv::dropDsdvId(RsDsdvId *id) { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ #ifdef DEBUG_DSDV std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::dropDsdvId() ID: " << *id; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* This should send out an infinity packet... and flag for deletion */ std::map::iterator it; it = mTable.find(id->mHash); if (it == mTable.end()) { /* error */ std::cerr << "p3Dsdv::addDsdvId() ERROR Unknown ID"; std::cerr << std::endl; return 0; } mTable.erase(it); return 1; } int p3Dsdv::printDsdvTable(std::ostream &out) { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ /* iterate over the entries */ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mTable.begin(); it != mTable.end(); it++) { RsDsdvTableEntry &v = it->second; out << v; out << std::endl; } return 1; } /*****************************************/ uint32_t p3Dsdv::getLocalServices(std::list &hashes) { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ /* iterate over the entries */ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mTable.begin(); it != mTable.end(); it++) { if (it->second.mOwnSource) { hashes.push_back(it->first); } } return 1; } uint32_t p3Dsdv::getAllServices(std::list &hashes) { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ /* iterate over the entries */ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mTable.begin(); it != mTable.end(); it++) { hashes.push_back(it->first); } return 1; } int p3Dsdv::getDsdvEntry(const std::string &hash, RsDsdvTableEntry &entry) { RsStackMutex stack(mDsdvMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/ /* iterate over the entries */ std::map::iterator it; it = mTable.find(hash); if (it == mTable.end()) { return 0; } entry = it->second; return 1; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RsDsdvId &id) { out << "[Type: " << id.mIdType << " AMZ: " << id.mAnonChunk << " THASH: " << id.mHash; out << "]"; return out; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RsDsdvRoute &route) { time_t now = time(NULL); out << "< Seq: " << route.mSequence << " Dist: " << route.mDistance; out << " NextHop: " << route.mNextHop; out << " recvd: " << now-route.mReceived; out << " validSince: " << now-route.mValidSince; out << " >"; return out; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RsDsdvTableEntry &entry) { out << "DSDV Route for: " << entry.mDest << std::endl; if (entry.mIsStable) { out << "\tStable: " << entry.mStableRoute << std::endl; } else { out << "\tNo Stable Route" << std::endl; } out << "\tOwnSource: " << entry.mOwnSource; out << " Flags: " << entry.mFlags; if (entry.mMatched) { out << " Matched: " << entry.mMatchedHash; } else { out << " Non Matched"; } out << std::endl; if (entry.mAllRoutes.size() > 0) { out << "\tAll Routes:" << std::endl; } std::map::const_iterator it; for(it = entry.mAllRoutes.begin(); it != entry.mAllRoutes.end(); it++) { out << "\t\t" << it->second << std::endl; } return out; }